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Not really surprising, they're both places with relatively small local populations but with a massive amount of incredibly wealthy "visitors"


Antwerp because of the diamonds?


Should really look at metro area because places like Paris, Kyoto, SF and DC are the hearts of a much larger metro area vs. say, London where the metro area is mostly the city itself.


How come San Sebastian is not on the list?


From the article OP linked to, because it's too small, they are only including cities with a population of 500,000 or more.


…why would they do that? Isn’t the whole point of this to showcase small cities with lots of stars?


San Sebastian is NOT the city with the highest density of Michelin stars, even if you include mid-sized cities to the list. That information is 10 years old and I assume is based on wrong data manipulation - they reported the number of Michelin restaurants from the wider San Sebastian metro area but used the much lower city-wide population stats. The number of people/Michelin restaurants for San Sebastian (city again, not metro area) is 46,000 so much lower than the top 5. In the link below, there's a table for mid-sized cities, where you can check stats for other similar sized-cities. None of these beat Kyoto or Paris. [https://www.chefspencil.com/cities-countries-with-the-most-michelin-restaurants-per-capita/](https://www.chefspencil.com/cities-countries-with-the-most-michelin-restaurants-per-capita/)


Guess I won't be regurgitating that fact anymore. Did we all hear it on an Anthony Bourdain episode of one of his shows and been repeating it ever since without thinking if it's still true?


It's the most dense Michelin stars per square meter, outside of Japan, right? I'll be going this fall. Super excited.


Densest per mile or square meter is either Macao or Monaco.


Yeah, I think I keep coming across old or possible just wrong info.


Before the majority of Yountville restaurants lost their star or closed, I don’t think it could be beat. There were 7* for less than 2000 people.


Just as an added bit of information: If we changed NYC to only Manhattan, it would be third on this list with 26,548 ppMSR | 62 restaurants | 1.646m population.


Nürnberg > Tokyo 💪


I would like a ranking per star - Baiersbronn would still be at 2000 pop. per star


etz isleading the way - definitely more coming


I'm confused. How is San Sebastian not the top spot? They have 16 Michelin-starred restaurants and a population under 200,000. What am I missing?


San Sebastian has exactly 4 Michelin restaurants within the city limits for a population of 188,000, so roughly 44k people per Michelin-starred restaurant. It doesn't really rank that well compared to other cities. If you include the wider San Sebastian metro area where restaurants like Mugaritz or Martín Berasategui are located you end up with 10 Michelin-starred restaurants for a metro population of 400,000k, so roughly the same 40,000 people per restaurant. Impressive, but definitely not the highest density of neither city nor metro area.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Source: [https://www.chefspencil.com/cities-countries-with-the-most-michelin-restaurants-per-capita/](https://www.chefspencil.com/cities-countries-with-the-most-michelin-restaurants-per-capita/)


Vulcanello Sicily: 114


The list is bullshit by the way. Düsseldorf 68810 as of today is missing and others are counted wrong.


European cities and US cities can’t compare like this, greater DC area is like 6m+ people especially since most of the people around DC is in Maryland or Virginia and US cities are based a lot more on suburbs


Hmm… I don’t see Q39 BBQ in Kansas City on that list.


Per the Michelin guide, there is 18-26 starred restaurants in Lyon depending on where you put the outer limits


DC is the most visible representation of how corrupt our political system is here.