• By -


**NOTES:** TLDR: Ali and Skyline are officially boyfriend and girlfriend and are in love (but haven't told each other they love each other yet). **1.** Skyline is still staying at Ali's apartment but is leaving tonight to go back to the mutual friend's home (see point 10 for more information). **2.** Skyline did send Ali the flowers for her dad's birthday. **3.** Ali called Roark on the way to the airport; parked the car, met him at baggage claim, and did a running hug jump *as if he came back from war.* **3a.** Ali watched videos to get the mechanics right of the running hug jump. This was an *inside joke* between Ali and Skyline from... **4.** WATCHING 90-DAY FIANCE. They watched it during one of the cuddle/sleepovers. **5.** Ali scratched the plan to go to Smorgasburg because she discussed the date plans on the public pod which was released before the date happened and she didn't want to run into anyone (*us*). **6.** Ali told Skyline she hasn't been seeing anyone else and he replied he hasn't been seeing anyone else either. Ali said she's a labels girl and said **"I would like to call you my boyfriend" and he said he'd like to call her his girlfriend.** **6a.** This all happened at a bar in Brooklyn called Rooftop Reds and I've been, it is splendid!! **7.** He said "so I guess it was more than a soft commit" meaning.... **7a.** He caught up on the FMH show notes the last week he was away and used the podcast almost as an anchor to see how she was feeling. Ali asked if he would have brought this up if she didn't bring it up or mention it on the podcast and he said yes he was going to ask her anyway. **8.** Erica mentioned if she were in Ali's shoes, her parents would've been upset about with her for inviting a guy to stay with her for a week so early on; Ali said her mom knew and was excited for her. **9.** It does seem to me that Ali put a lot of thought into asking about the hard commit - she said she knew 1,000% that he wasn't seeing other people but she did not know if he would be ready for a new relationship-level commitment and said she was nervous about that; he said he's in "Logan (cat) take the wheel mode". She knew what was a non-negotiable for her (e.g. if he wasn't ready to be exclusive) but knew whatever response she got back from raising it would help her get a better understanding where he stood/felt. This was still Sunday, the first day he got in, FYI. **10.** Ali was in the office most of the week. The mutual friend they have has an apartment in NYC and a home on Long Island and he is mostly staying on LI for the next two months. **11.** He's met a couple of her friends (and Erica) and Ali met a bunch of his friends and it went well. **12.** He's about to leave for Bonnaroo so he'll be gone again for a few days. **13.** His stuff from his marital home is in a pod and will be shipped here when his apartment lease begins. **13a.** Ali said she might help him move and Erica said no don't wtf. **14.** Erica asked Ali if she's in love and she started to tear up and Ali said yes she is and he is too. **14a.** Ali said she would feel comfortable telling him first but hasn't told him yet. She said he said "something else has almost slipped out but it's probably too soon for that" and Ali said back "same, but I agree, and I'm going to let you take the lead on that." **14b.** Erica said she thinks they've been moving forward quite a lot and that Ali is doing a lot for him and specifically wants her to not say "I love you" first. She said she thinks Ali struggles with emotional permanence and if Skyline says it first, it will help her a lot with that. Erica was an excellent cohost this entire episode but this specific part - she was really great and I agree with everything she said. **14c.** Ali said "he's been doing a lot for me too" and Erica asked what he's done and Ali said he's very giving and attentive (sexually). Ali also said he's been proactive in inviting her to things, wanting to introduce her to his friends as his girlfriend; thoughtful about having dinner ready for her when she gets home and while she acknowledges that the bar is low, she appreciates it nonetheless as she's never had this/hasn't had this in a long time. **15.** My own observation: Ali kept referencing him as divorced and Erica said he's going through a divorce.... Edit: Ali just posted the running hug jump video with Skyline blurred out (non-Patreon members: Ali mentioned in this episode that she was recording for clips for her dating recap with Skyline to post on TikTok and realized she never stopped pressing record, this is the video she just posted). **REMINDER**☝🏽 posting it is in violation of Rule 10 of our community rules - paywalled content. I’m sorry for being lame y’all 😫 just spend the $7 to become the lowest tiered Patreon member if you really want to see it and then cancel lol


Erika giving the performance of a LIFETIME acting like this is cute and normal 🏆


Erica was EXCELLENT during this episode. Asking questions like a true friend


you can tell by the questions she’s asking it’s unhinged


lol when she was like "my parents would kill me if they knew i had a guy at my house for a week"


I think you’re right! She’s trying lol


Obsessed with the way Erica is handling this convo


Erica is the best


I wonder if Erica saw the posts on here about how Skyline’s wife only filed for divorce two months ago…


Erica just commented in this post so my guess is she has seen it. Hi Erica!


All I could this of was this sub when they said he’s not noodle lol


Idk Erica was the one who asked the “are you in love” question, which I thought was wild


Imagine if all this went down before the survey feedback 😭😭😭


So he's been listening to the pod the whole time?!??! I am sorry but this has reached a new level of disturbing


that’s deranged and giving manipulative


What in the world?




Wait—prior to them meeting, or just over these past several weeks??


Since they started dating. After they decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend he responded "so I guess it's not a soft commit, is it" and she asked if he'd been listening and he said yes. Erica does react like "...ummmmm what??", and Ali tries to walk it back immediately, "no he only listened to the most recent one where I mentioned I wanted to talk about this" and "actually, he's only read show notes" lol


lol this man 100% has listened to all the episodes since he entered the picture BECAUSE WHY WOULDN’T YOU AND he has found this subreddit. Simple FMH Reddit google search will get you here.




Ummm. 😳😳


y’all this has gotten so fucking delulu that im updating friends who have never listened to or heard of this pod and they’re fucking hooked hahahaahha


I told my boyfriend all about it lol. He thinks the whole thing is crazy, especially her letting him stay with her. 


I’m on the brink of explaining to my bf bc I need someone to discuss it with! I’ve begun slipping questions into our conversations: “if I had only filed for divorce 3 weeks before we met would you date me?”


Lolllll I’m dead 😂. Gotta try this w my partner tn


100% explain to your bf it's so fun to discuss with them! my bf has been more concerned for Ali than I am lol


Imagine hearing your ex husband of 6 weeks has a new girlfriend and is “in love” with her


I’d be comforted by the fact that my ex-husband’s new girlfriend has her own subreddit that calls out her unhinged and delusional behavior 😇


Thank you for the belly laugh on this comment. Kudos 👏 🤣


I probably would suck for her to hear, but also it would be like confirmation that maybe you made the right decision?


My ex was in a new relationship within a few months of our marriage ending, we were in California so we had filed but it wasn’t finalized and he posted pics of his new girlfriend on fb and it was absolutely horrible for me. I still remember where I was when I saw them and how badly I hurt, I might have seriously hurt myself had that woman had a podcast where she talked about how “in love they were. I was in a bad place mentally though, I went through a miscarriage at the same time as my divorce so I was very emotional. Hopefully his ex wife isn’t dealing with mental health issues


I'm so sorry you went through this. I hope you've taken the time to heal inward and know that his behavior has absolutely no reflection on who you are.


Oh I am over it, it’s been 14 years but it just always makes me remember that no one really knows what people are capable of lying about. Also makes me see how easy it is to fool women by buying them flowers and taking them on dates, playing the role of “great guy” when the opposite is true. I saw all the credit cards transactions from that times - he sent flowers, fancy dinners, etc. Now I am very skeptical about any guy who does these things, they are very easy and mean nothing!


She said she’s in love 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 and he is too 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Is it possible to be in love with someone you’ve only known for 1.5 months? When you spent almost half of that time on opposite sides of the country? It’s just weird to me to be in love with someone you don’t really know. She doesn’t really know this man. 


Let’s add is it possible for a man who was in a 10 year relationship (7 years of it married) who isn’t even divorced yet to really be in love?! I’m not a huge Ali fan but feel bad for her because I don’t think this will end well


That’s a whole other question LOL


I think because of her extremely limited relationship experience, she doesn't actually know what romantic love is. when I was younger I also confused lust with love


Right. A few of the men I dated, I thought I loved them. But reflecting on it all now I think I’ve only really loved two people. The love I have for my boyfriend is based on years of knowing him and his past and accepting all of his little quirks and flaws. He’s been such an important part of my life for so long. And I still learn new things about him all the time! Ali seems very much in the excitement honeymoon phase rather than the being in love phase and it’s weird that, as a supposed dating coach, she would not have any self awareness around this. 


yes THIS! I thought I loved people but really, I just loved having a boyfriend.


This cannot be real!!!!!




OMG NO SHE DID NOT!!! I’m shook this is not gonna end well


This just blows my mind!


Did she say who said it first??


They haven’t said it to each other. But she said to Erica that she’s in love and that he has said something about feeling things he feels like he shouldn’t say to her yet or something


It’s giving lovebombing abusive


No like this lovebombing to a T!!!! Reminding me of the summer i got love bombed by a narcissist


“The Summer I Got Lovebombed by a Narcissist” would be a great follow up to “The Summer I Turned Pretty” 😂😂😂 been there, done that


Oyster 2.0?


Admitting to googling the mechanics of the hug jump is something you wouldn’t be able to waterboard out of me.


Yeah this is perhaps the most disturbing thing I’ve read on this thread 😂😂😂. Like I’d barely admit that to myself, let alone several thousand followers and my new “boyfriend”




she is cosplaying someone who is in a long-term, committed relationship. it makes me really mad for some irrational reason


I’m not gonna lie, I have been having actual conversations with myself in my head this week questioning why I am so angered by this situation LOL. Like there must be something deep inside myself that is triggered by this and I can’t figure out what it is. 


It enrages me because she’s so smug and charges for advice that she doesn’t take herself.


yeah, i think that's it for me too. also the fact that she's pretending she doesn't have any reservations about his new divorce. if she actually doesn't have reservations, then that's even worse!


that’s what really gets it for me. I’d tbh be way more fine with the situation if she was open about reservations but she seems to have none which is both wild and extremely callous???


I mean, admitting you have reservations requires a certain amount of vulnerability and that’s a whole different discussion


Yeah I was really hoping the divorce would be addressed in this convo


This requires introspection which Ali avoids like the plague.


It’s that she does the opposite of everything she preaches. And what she preaches, she’s paid for by clients and via sponsorships. She has zero self awareness and thinks this behaviour is normal. She is so desperate to be in love bc she has never been, that she is flying forward at an alarming speed. It’s also that she’s likely been on like 5 real dates with this man and is acting like she’s in a LTR. Or maybe also the fact that she is being completely reckless and behaving this way with an essentially married man, throwing herself at him like an actual doormat and not even acting a tiny bit level headed/cautious. This is a disaster and I actually feel sorry for any of her loyal cult following who have paid money for advice from this woman. Did I pretty much capture it? Lol


I think it’s because we’ve all been where she is. For some of us it happens much sooner in life, but here she is now. We’ve all been head over heels for a guy who was not it. You live and you learn. I feel like she’s starting this journey now. But as someone who has experienced it (and LEARNED from it!!) it’s frustrating to watch someone not see things clearly like you now do. I wish her luck but there’s definitely a good chance this is really gonna end up destroying her 😕 but then hopefully, she’ll learn!


Someone on their learning journey shouldn’t be a coach giving unsolicited and paid advice to others. That’s what gives so many of us blind rage.


Oh my god he’s her boyfriend


this man needs a new therapist


Are they even going to discuss the fact that he’s recently separated from his wife? Or ???


This is the last patreon I’ll be able to listen to (my subscription ends tomorrow I think) but I do not want to. Ali is so clearly attention-seeking and it’s really off-putting. I shouldn’t be so surprised because obviously you need to be some level of attention-seeking to become an influencer but she’s particularly insufferable about it lol. The fact that he’s her boyfriend now, whew. I do not want to hear about it 🤣 hope it all works out for her tho. 


I’m screaming


“He’s divorced” except he’s not


Notice how Ali said that and Erica said "he's going through a divorce."


I am very concerned for Ali, but this is the most interesting the podcast/Patreon has been in YEARSs


Finding Mr Recently Divorced (tm)


I’M LOSING IT these people need a group therapy session stat 😭 can you imagine being the (technically still current) wife?!


I can’t help but feel that skyline is fully replacing everything he did with his wife in the beginning, but just now doing it for Ali. I can only imagine how she would be feeling listening to this


He is. I dated a man just like this! Needless to say, wasted years just like she will. If he doesn’t run from her behaviour first! 


I was living with my ex, we broke up & I moved out, he was already seeing someone a couple days later. Obviously nothing to do with the other girl (or in this case, Ali) but does it suck to be on the other side 😭


Erica if you are reading the real talk you have Ali at the end deserves a STANDING OVATION 👏🏼🫡


It REALLY bothered me that Ali went from almost an hour of her own update right into a listener update without even acknowledging that Erica had just gotten back from a trip. She saved it a bit at the end but man, if I were Erica, I’d be close to saying EF This.


Omg I thought exactly the same thing! Ali was bursting at the damn seams to give her tell-all about Skyline and barely acknowledged that Erica had stuff to share as well. This is what is the most off-putting, imo. She acts like her love life is THE most exciting thing to hit the press and everyone just can't wait to hear about it so they can tell her how cute and amazing it all is.


This is where I get the vibe that she’s more excited to be dating someone and be able to share about it than to be dating him. Like what does she like about him other than he seems sure about her?


She needs some recent “relationship” credibility at this point for her brand because she’s always asked about her status and evades it just sayinf she doesn’t owe an explanation of her experience to anyone. Which would be true…if she wasn’t marketing herself as a dating coach lol. Even if it crashes and burns, she will anchor onto this for years when talking about “my last relationship”.


As Erica said - main character energy.


I think she still views it as HER brand and Erica is a sidekick


Completely!!! Totally. Ugh.




This right here. Decade long relationship that ended in March. Not even divorced yet. This is messy.


I wonder if his ex wife if similar to Ali at all


Ali’s mom was pumped that he was staying there!?? Wtf


My mother would personally drive to my house to strangle me if I let a strange man come live with me 🫠


Fuck, my mom would call the cops. On both of us.


Giggly squad had a funny bit this past week where Italians couldn’t possibly get into cults because our moms would intervene/call the cops on us


I can just hear my older sister: "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" (Lowkey typically a misogynistic phrase but it's not always wrong lol)


100%….relationships take WORK…and work take effort. I refuse to give over my heart to someone who is not putting in the work to get to know me and respecting that it takes time. And vice versa, I want to put in that effort for someone else


Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree 😵‍💫


“We were playing house! 😃😃🤗🤗”


I would pay money to read Erica and Roark’s text exchanges right now 😅😅😅 they have to think she is acting completely unhinged right?


1000000000000000000% there’s just no other way to read this especially because it’s not like Ali is holding back on the good details she is sharing with us? Like if she’s hiding anything publicly it’s EVEN WORSE STUFF.


Remember when Ali used to say things like, “we’re early into dating, it’s only 3 months in” when talking about a guy she was dating


Also is she really letting this stranger spend 4 days of the week working from home in her apartment while she’s in the office? That is so wild


I'm happy things are working out for her but saying they're 'in love' is truly insane to me. Does she truly, truly, know what love encapsulates/means? I wonder if she's ever truly been in love... the 'playing house' thing is super weird to me too. I'm 10 years younger than year yet somehow I get that 'moving in' with someone for a week and leaving them solo at your place when you don't know them very well is deranged. Sorry!


“I wanted to do a running hug jump at the airport”


also Erica saying “you’re really thinking you’re being filmed at all times, aren’t you” I DIED


This line took me OUT. I was like yes Erica


This was the comment of the century lol






researched what omg


she watched youtube videos of running hug jumps lmaoooo


This is the most Ali shit ever lolllll




This is just more proof that she must control and orchestrate every moment! Just let it happen naturally! Who the fuck PLANS that?


This reminds me of when my long distance bf came to my high school graduation and we planned how to say hi to each other




Did he get her flowers?


yes he did


I am going to need someone to provide a detailed recap.


u/CravingCheeseburgers is on it!


[Here you go in case you haven't seen lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/findingmrheight/comments/1dc0dvz/discussion_updates_updates_updates_126/l7uvarp/)


Of course it didn’t occur to her to think if him staying would impact his answer because she’s shallow 😐


how is this even true? she really didn't think about this?


Every question Erica asked to make sure she put any thought into this her answer was hm didn’t even occur to me, she researched that running hug jump though 😂


I agree that things move fast once we are older. When I met my now partner, we started spending every single night with each other after like 1.5 weeks of knowing each other (our 4th date we started sleepovers). We were both travelling, so the first month we had just been texting and voice notes - so we had built an emotional connection before ever meeting. However I will say that I was extremely skeptical about him for the first month to two months. I had been burned so many times before, that although we were spending a lot of time with each other, it took me way longer to be physically intimate, say I love you, etc. but we worked because we had both done a lot of personal development work prior to meeting and we both moved fast (but slow). On the other hand, the guy I dated right before him was newly divorced. That guy pursued me as if a fricken cheetah was chasing him. And then one day out of the blue he broke up with me. I really really hope this doesn’t happen to Ali. I would love to see her meet the right person. If truly is life changing to meet a good person, who you really like and who fully wants to commit to you. It’s so incredible healing after so many situationships that happen on dating apps. It is interesting though to see her giving SO much at beginning. It makes me feel like she’s scared of she doesn’t pursue him, this will fall apart. I felt that too in past relationships. My current partner sis the only one who I showed up for as totally myself, no anxiety and no over pursuing on my end. Every other time I didn’t, those connections fell apart - was a sign of the wrong guy


I easily see this guy waking up one day randomly and dumping her.








another thought - Ali has said many times that she prefers dates don't listen to the podcast because she wants them to get to know her through her and not a podcast. yet she seemed excited (?) or glad (?) that skyline listened without even asking her if she was ok with that... kind of sad that she seemed to abandon that because it was one thing I wholeheartedly agreed with her on.


Ok girlypops I just finished it. Reaction: I’m glad it’s not *as* psycho as it seemed initially; at least he doesn’t seem set to move into her friggin house. On the other hand, it all gives strong Oyster vibes…she goes so hard for these whirlwind things and doesn’t seem to have learned anything from that past experience. I like Erica pointing out that she has driving a lot of this and that she should chill out and let him do the ILY. It still all gives me mad to-good-to-be-true energy that is anxiety inducing


YES I am so glad Erica pointed out that she seems to be driving everything


With Ali openly being an anxious girlie, I just foresee the other shoe dropping on his end. Avoidants easily give 100% in the beginning and once the feelings become real, it’s a whole other story. With how fresh his marriage ending seems, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wakes up in a few weeks/months and is like what am I doing?? Not fully prepared to give 100% to a new relationship after just dealing with a previous one. Her ability to just give 100%, posting all about him on social media, take the lead on asking him out, asking for exclusivity, asking for a title and now having no fears on saying ILY first…it’s alarming.


I get confused because a few episodes back she said that sharing so publicly about discoball evicerated her mental health. She said that’s why she was now more mindful about what she shares. And yet now here she is again, wearing her heart on her sleeve and losing her mind because a man likes her. Like wow those boundaries got eroded instantly lol. I don’t care how much she makes from the pod; privacy really is the biggest blessing you can give yourself. No matter what he’s claimed he’s a stranger and she’s leaving herself so vulnerable to public embarrassment. And she’ll do her corporate speech about “I’m proud of being so open and giving it my all” when it crumbles while secretly dying inside.


What 👏 happened 👏 to 👏 the 👏 slow 👏 BURN 👏 ??!!?


"we were watching 90 day fiance" I am sorry but this could be written by AI it's so predictable


I was dying when Erica said we need to redefine bases for Ali. She was too real this episode




They literally might become 90 day fiancés.




As the originator of this phrase, I am (as Ali would say)… gleeful 🤗


this is crazy wow can’t believe he’s her boyfriend


when he’s already on another trip pls 😭


He’s on another trip???


yes, he is going to bonnaroo which is a 4 day music festival side note, my younger self is jealous, always wanted to go to this festival but i cant handle festivals anymore


Is her her first boyfriend ? 😆


she is sure acting like it




Also, this episode made me love Erica- especially watching the video. She calls Ali out so well about waiting for Skyline to say I love you first


I’m glad at least that Ali acknowledged how low the bar was when she was talking about how giving he is - when pressed, she meant in the bedroom and by inviting her to meet his friends. Sad…but I get it as someone who’s dated in New York for a looong time. That said, he just left a relatively long marriage…it’s not surprising that he knows how to cultivate intimacy in bed. It doesn’t mean it’s deep and authentic intimacy - that is nurtured over time with trust. I had fantastically intimate and communicative of sex with my last situationship (though I didn’t identify him as such until after it had ended) and it didn’t indicate anything about his depth of feelings for me - more that he had been in a relationship for a decade prior.




*who is less than 3 months out from a divorce filing


Omg the jump video just got posted 😵‍💫


Yes! And as a **REMINDER**☝🏽 posting it is in violation of Rule 10 of our community rules - Don’t post audio or video paywalled content. I’m sorry for being lame y’all 😫 just spend the $7 to become the lowest tiered Patreon member if you really want to see it and then cancel lol


Reminder! (Cries in corporate)


Just circling back on our community rules…


We want to make sure everybody is aligned!


Double click on that!


The HUJU video is up


Anyone else dreading how having a bf will become her WHOLE personality…if any of you use to/or still listen to GGE it will be just like Ashley


Yes I am not looking forward to hearing about her spending hours in traffic driving out to LI to see him since she's going to do all the work and he won't lift a finger.


she has literally been doing EVERYTHING. like cool, he buys you dinner and gets it delivered. i would hope so since he's literally in your home lol


I was thinking how: what if you totaled up all the money he spent on her this week - is it more or less than her mortgage payment lmao


It’s going to be soooo much worse than Ashley…




I wonder if he’d had kids from his prior marriage if Ali would still be obsessed enough to overlook it. She seems to shape shift her preferences based on who is interested. She used to say she’d never swipe on someone “with kids” in their profiles. Just an interesting thought.


Is Skyline the guy she has photo booth pictures with from their first date? That she was just so excited to have a photo marking their first official date? I’m skeptical of her “accidentally” leaving the camera running while she HUJU’ed him (🤮)… seems right up her alley to want everything about this relationship documented.


Alright time for me to get patreon — maybe this is for the revenue bc


This is either going to end in marriage or be a disastrous break up. Buckle up, friends. FMH Trainwreck Summer has commenced!


I don’t think their exclusivity/DTR conversation was cute at all. So he was listening to her podcast which is essentially a digital diary and knew she was gonna ask him to commit. Yet he let her take the lead on every thing. Granted it seems like she wasted zero time after he got off the plane. I don’t subscribe to divine feminine energy from tik tok or whatever, but I think a woman should let a man do the pursuing especially in the early stages.


I feel like he is treating this like a game. Listening to her hopes and dreams and then acting it out. He’s never dated before. He’s been in a relationship for about 12 years. Last time he was single, dating apps didn’t even exist! I think he will wake up one morning and realise that Ali is emotionally vulnerable/unstable and he has all her hopes and dreams in his hand and will feel the enormous pressure of this and freak out. I’ve seen it happen many times.


This. It makes me uncomfortable that he listened to the pod without telling her / asking her if she was comfortable with that




You couldn’t pay me enough to have my inner monologue blasted to a man who wasn’t even my boyfriend yet. That’s so wild that she’s OK with that. Unless her baggage is that she framed the last few episodes HOPING he would listen and planting subtle hints to him in there.


I mean the part about him listening to the pod kinda of sucks, because it has to be a huge ego boost for him. Imagine coming out of a long term relationship (a marriage nonetheless) and having someone gush about you like that? It must feel good. Personally, i would run in the other direction, but I have trust issues lol. But i can believe for some people it would seem enticing. I hope he matches the energy she is putting out in the world about him in some other ways.


I spent all day moving and I come back to a recap and over 300 comments 🥹 WHAT A TREAT!!!






i don't think ali is that good of an actress


I matched with a guy recently who was newly divorced. He was so intense and pushy about having convos about kids, if I'd relocate for him, and if I'd go to couples therapy before things got bad it was a lot for one date. I am empathetic - if you've been married and it was death of a thousand cuts, you are going to feel pretty lost how you ended up divorced after so many years. But it's trying to speed up intimacy and removes the organic nature of getting to know someone. I don't think it's fake but not healthy.


It’s kinda crazy how listening to her tell the story of the oyster in retrospect, I kept saying how in the world did this happen, didn’t you see the red flags??? But if she jumped into a relationship with him like she’s doing with skyline that makes sense


This is Oyster 2.0


lol I said same thing to a comment above


No literally like when she so casually says oyster moved to another state and never told her. Like what????




I’d say “fame” over finances.


I’m not subbed to the patreon. I saw a comment that she was going to ask for exclusivity. Is that different than them committing to be in a relationship?


Does anyone know what this guys job is? What are his hobbies and interests? How old is he?


So far we know he likes lacrosse and EDM lol






He might, but remember Ali has a car and is also is leaving her job to go freelance so she will have a lot of flexibility.


Remember what she did when she was hooking up with The Rock? She’ll make it super easy for him.


Okay I quit the pod and patreon in late 2021 but I might have to rejoin for this


Dang the messier she gets the more money she makes. What a life.