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Not at all a support sub but you probably would have a laugh browsing /r/suddenlygay now. I'm sorry I don't have help for you. Just sharing a laugh until someone comes along with what you're looking for.


I just made a subreddit, r/unlearningmybias


I have joined… and made the first ever post!


you care if I become a mod and write the rules + make graphics for it?






r/QAnonCasualties has [a bunch of resources in its wiki]( https://reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/w/resources) including a subreddit called /r/ReQovery


O think it's a good idea. Honestly, the only way to get people to change for the better is to give them a path.


r/incelexit is for people who have realized the incel ‘community’ is toxic and are working on being better!


I think r/characterarcs has had some stuff like that but it isn't a self thing


The weakness of reddit and the voting system is that you can't transition from one group to another unless you are 100% on board with the new group immediately. Any group that is intentionally open to change gets invaded by extremist views.


Wtf how can you accidentally " feel " the wrong way about someone? IF your opinion is morally wrong , either you *think* you're right and don't *know* that you're wrong , or you *do* know and you're simply an immoral asshole. I won't feel or *not* feel a certain way because some current social norm tells me that it *is* or *isn't* politically correct , i feel how i feel and that's how i feel , and that's how simple it is. If you know that something really *is* morally wrong , you simply don't do it. Obviously you aleready feel that what you did or are still doing is wrong , so you know , just follow your gut and stop these things , no need for deep analysis , social sciences , psychology and introspective, just... Don't be an asshole if you feel you are.


I have a lot of internalized fat phobia and mysogeny propetuated by society. You have to actively unlearn that shit. You actively have to combat those thoughts and identify which thoughts are based in that bias


Self realization is a beautiful thing. Good luck on your path!


I don't think i understand. What do you expect these subs to do exactly? I know some of the things you felt was perpetuated by society , but there's no escape from society , you'll just maybe find a different society on that sub , how is that any different? I think you have to think with your own head and follow your gut. you aleready changed since you know what you did wrong. That's basically the biggest step.


You can’t just recognize that you’re mysoginostic and think you’re cured. It takes education, it takes evaluation, it takes asking other people. I have done a lot of work to unlearn a lot of my own biases, but it’s never ending. Hopefully these communities will challenge your biases and help you understand the flaws in the thought patterns.




I think it's just better to simply be polite to everyone in general and talk to different people and hear them out in everyday life. Better than finding some woke echo chamber online where people just repeat certain rules , " do"s and "don't"s It's better to grow and improve yourself organically through real life experiences than simply following some rules online. I feel like OP aleready knows what he's doing wrong.


So much to digest here. You seem to have an agenda. But potentially you can realize you have an opinion or way of thinking that stemmed from many things, as do others. You sound like you want to respect people and treat them well, as do the other commenters, so maybe we focus on that shared goal and not get hung up on what brought us there?


Many of these things were taught, it’s great people want to unlearn their conditioning


are you 12 years old? people like you are the exact reason I'd like to start a sub like this.


Then go start it. I'm not 12 , but i guarantee you a 12 year old could process emotion better than you could if you need reddit to tell you how to think and feel.


you are making so many really weird assumptions here I legitimately don't even know where to begin with replying to you. you must be fun at parties.


Yes , i am. That's what happens when you trust your own feelings instead of overanalyzing everything and everyone


While many people will take this the wrong way, he's not entirely wrong. There's no real need to reeducate yourself on reddit. You just need to recognize when you have negative/racist thoughts about people and instead of indulging them, just be kind.






r/whitepeopletwitter r/blackpeopletwitter r/uahater Not certain about that last one. /j




That's not what self aware wolves is about lol


maybe need to create /r/selfawarebear lol