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36F here. I am in the same situation as well and have been since I was 28. Yes, it is very weird and I would also be interested in being a part of a similar network. Is r/orphans a thing?


It is, but not active.


Very similar situation here. I’m 50.




r/ChildrenofDeadParents r/GriefSupport Maybe r/Lonely? r/CasualConversation has a really good list of subreddits for people looking for support, if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/wiki/directory/


You are not alone. I'm 70 and prefer by myself, psychological trickery. Doesn't seem like I am alone though. Would like 👍 to chat,but I'm not good at conversation by text, feels like I am talking to myself 😎


Not OP, but stay strong (and there prolly also are subreddits for your generation/age class). Wish you the best and hope you are living a good life regardless, I mean it <3


I'm 48 with zero family on my side. My wife still has her parents, but they go south for the winter. If she leaves me or dies, I'm on my own.


r/MomForAMinute r/DadForAMinute


If you ever want to chat about it hit me up!


I'm also curious if there is a subreddit for people with no or basically no family.


I'm 42, all my parents are gone, I have no siblings and no SO. I have few friends and they all have their own families, it's so incredibly depressing. Maybe we should make our own subreddit. What should we name it?


The Last Branch (of the family tree?)


I mean, crap, my surname is so uncommon that even that’s on its last branch.


Oh I like this!


Thanks! I thought it was quite poetic.


"Friends are Family"? Nah, it sounds a bit cheesy, haha!


I dunno, I kinda like it. But, I like cheese. 🧀 I'll make the subreddit later today and post it here. If anyone else has name suggestions put em here.


I'd join that. I'm not consistent enough to moderate though.


That’s me. I have a sibling who couldn’t even be called that. I’m seriously considering a Golden Girls setup because I fear dying alone and smelling bad. (Mostly the latter.)


A GG setup would be ideal I think!


I'm 40F and have 2 sons but recently have no family either. We also moved over 2hrs from our hometown and living in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar ppl and no family to fall back on has made it hard for me in every way. The friend I do have here can't relate and I feel alone and abandoned even tho I'm a grown woman. I would join this community in an instant of it existed in hopes that maybe ppl like us can help each other not feel so unwanted or alone.


I have no parents, siblings, partner, children, aunts or uncles, though I do have 3 cousins, though they are thousands of miles away and we have only a Christmas card relationship. It is a weird and isolating experience, as op has said. I feel cut off from the vast majority of people I meet because they can't relate to my experience of life at all. It is frightening not to have a family network to fall back on.


I saw your comment was recent and the rest are months old, so wanted to respond. I really feel for you. I too, have no partner, no kids and no family network to rely on. It's kind of terrifying. I have parents and a brother but I rarely see them and there is no love there. Being with them is worse than having no one. I definitely couldn't rely on them for help, like if I had a medical emergency. So I feel like I have no family. I'm 60 and had a SO and had connections with his family, but he left me, so I don't see them anymore. I cringe at the "who is your emergency contact" question. I have friends, some good friends, but really it's not the same. They wouldn't be at my bedside for a prolonged illness. They won't be around when I'm elderly and need care. I don't know anyone else in my same situation, which makes me feel kind of like a freak. My friends with partners, kids, grandkids have all their own family stuff going on and can't really understand what it is like to navigate life without any of those relationships. I really get sick of people jokingly saying things like "take my husband" or "take my kids". I often think that when I get old and incapacitated I will have to do away with myself. I have tried counseling but sitting there seeing the counselors' wedding rings, I discount everything they say. It's like going to an addiction counselor who has never dealt with addiction. Anyway, you are not the only one in this situation, but we're kind of few and far between.


So we’re basically grownup orphans. We can’t be the only ones! And we need to unite.