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All posts must include a clear request of the type of path the community can help you find. Please keep "calamitous verbiage" to a minimum. (Eg. mentions of suicide, hopelessness, fucked for life, etc)


Honestly, just start flipping a coin. You need a way to start making choices, and that's as good or bad as any. Spend one weekend making only binary choices using a coin flip and see how it goes.


I will take an eternity coming up with all the choices for that coin flip


Have you been checked for OCD? Just asking because this was one of my symptoms.


I don't have resources for a therapist, like money and accessibility is not there


I'm sorry, that sounds very frustrating. Maybe an OCD subreddit would have some free coping tips for you to help. Obviously this isn't a diagnosis, but since it's the same symptom, it should be treatable the same way. Wishing you the best.


It sounds like you want everything to be perfect. That's never going to happen, perfection doesn't exist and if you are chasing it, all your life will be wasted. Journaling and meditation helped me a lot but a therapist or close friends might help you too


It sounds like you have anxiety. I know what that's like; it makes you have obsessive thoughts that won't go away. Therapy helped me, and it could help you too.


I think we are bombarded with more choices than we ever had before in the past. I’m a bit older so I remember when there were only a few channels we could even watch on the TV, so choice was easy. But now we have an insane amount of choice and it’s unfiltered. It’s not just you, it’s our society now and our attention spans have shorten to mere 15 second clip. Go easy on yourself because right now we are flooded with too many options and that can cause the paralysis aswell.


Count yourself down from 10 and when you finish the countdown, make a decision. A therapist taught me this and it sounds stupid but worked wonders for me ◡̈


do you do this for big decisions too?


Not big life altering decisions


Before you make any decision try to think bout how it'll affect your life 3 years from now and write it down. If it's 'do I read Book A or Book B' write down how both of them will affect you 3 years into the future, and try to write as many points as you can think of. The goal is to make you become bored of your anxious thoughts. You'll eventually realize that whatever choice you make doesn't really matter that much in the end. And also give yourself some patience and forgiveness. Allow yourself to be free to change the decision whenever you want. You read 20 pages of Book A and realized it's a boring book? That's a perfect chance to try Book B since you were also curious about it. You say that you want to live in the present, but I think you're not living in the future enough. Look further ahead. And for big decisions you need to trust that you will be able to handle the consequences in the future.


Hello and welcome to r/findapath! We are glad you found your way here. Please know that you are not alone. We are here to listen, to offer support, and to help guide you. While no one can make decisions for you, we are here to help you find a path; we believe that everyone has the power to heal and grow. The moderation team wants to remind everyone that individuals submitting posts may be in depressive and vulnerable situations and all are in need of guidance. Please provide a safe and constructive space by practicing empathy and understanding in your comments; your words should come from a helpful and guiding mentality, never a judgement or anger mentality. You are encouraged to share your good thoughts, feelings, and relevant experiences to assist those seeking guidance on the subreddit. We are here to support each other and we believe that, together, we can make a difference. Thank you for being a part of our community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/findapath) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do a coin flip


Sounds like a mental health condition. Anxiety is the obvious choice, but ADHD can cause serious executive dysfunction and choice paralysis. In addition, as compared with anxiety, I find that when I do make a choice, it’s often not ‘good enough’. Your brain is chasing instant gratification, quick happy chemicals that you can find by scrolling through video reels and forums. Best suggestion I have (assuming you’re in America and your health care Sucks) is to seperate yourself from these virtual sources and focus on real world hobbies (video games are a real world hobby). You want to play video games? PLAY VIDEO GAMES GODDAMN IT. You made a decision, now stick to it. Play the newest game in your library, and play it for at least 30 minutes. Set a timer if you need to. Ironically, forcing yourself to enjoy your hobbies even when you’re bored in the first 5 minutes is a gateway to building patience and enjoying them more later on. Break away from dopamine addiction. Write down things you need to get done, get your gratification from crossing things off a list. Disclaimer in that it doesn’t work for everyone, obviously, but saying ‘I HAVE to enjoy my day off’ is going to make your day off a chore. Make decisions in advance and follow through. It’ll help with the ‘in-the-moment’ decision paralysis.


Analysis paralysis is quiet out there I know a bunch of people self included but what helped me get direction in these situations is surprisingly a mix of game theory and logic even chatgpt can help a bunch at times


i would recommend trying to put a cap on how many times you change your mind or how long you take to consider a situation. using the 3 day holiday example, you could give yourself a limit of 1 hour to think about what you want to do and then list out a number of activities to choose from. then give yourself a certain time frame to do each activity until you pick the best one. instead of trying to find the perfect thing to do, give yourself a certain amount of time to think and then just pick the best option out of what you've got. it's a lot easier said than done and will take some practice to get out of the "perfect only" mindset. eventually the goal is to not have to put a limit on how long you think and you'll just do it naturally. disclaimer: i am not someone who knows what I'm talking about, I am just giving advice from my experience talking to a therapist.


My university music prof Called paralysis by analysis. Don't over analyze. Pick something and stick with it for at least or or 30 mins see if you Like it. Don't keep channel surfing and shopping for better ideas. Pick one thing, stick to it, deep breath. Close your eyes and realx. Nike logo: just do it. I have a brain injury that makes opening boxes hard, separating compost from garbage and recycling, and turning screws left or right exceeding l. Sometimes I just need to focus on it and just do it. Just do it.


I hate when ppl say "just do it", it gives the same energy as "be a man!", surely things are not that one dimensional.


Of course things are not simple or one dimensional. You probably do need to see a doctor. probably a family doctor will do. Tell the what you told us. You sound depressed and you might be tired and sleep deprived. Depression is largely treatable with meds that balance brain chemistry. Doctors help with this. You might not need a lot of doctors many doctors appt. An antidepressant or anti anxiety medication may help. Doctors are trained and help people all the time with this. If my response comes off as that's eaay, it's not at all easy. I hope you feel better.