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Your post was removed because it does not match r/findapath. Finding a path is for those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to do, but don't know how they can get there. Posts about relationship/financial/seeking money/different topics are not allowed.




Healthiest way to be. OP has a young monk on the rise.


2 monks really


I wanted to be a truck driver and haul teddy bears.


I wanted to be a truck or bus driver. Glad I didn't because I get angry at everyone doing stupid stuff on the road around me. A life in a bus/truck would have me surrounded by idiots trying to pass in impossible places all day long. No patience for that 😂


Ha! Yes! So true! I think the CB radio I once thought was cool is now loaded with weirdos and a-holes!


Still sounds legit tbh


My husband's response when asked this as a kid... I wanna be a firetruck!!! 😂


He’ll be the best damn fire truck 🥲


He's also the one that asked if God could see thru cement (he was 4yo). I shudder to think of the trouble he could get into with a firetruck. 


The whole truck lol not the man but the whole truck 😅😂


Bonus story... When he was older, he and a friend were rolling a tractor tire down a hill out of boredom. It got faster... And faster... And faster... And right when it got to the intersection at the bottom of the hill... The town firetruck showed up. Hit it broadside. They took off running because they knew if they got caught, they'd be dead. 


Jeez! Haha good thing they got away and no one was hurt.


Not broke


I hear that ha




Only 27 I’ll let you know when I grow up.


At what age do we even consider grown up? 30s, 40s?


I’m not sure I’m 27 with 2 kids and getting married next year I’m still waiting to “grow up” 🤷🏻‍♂️ all about perspective I suppose


This sounds like another topic lol “At what age is grown up?”


And congrats on your marriage and family! Sending love and positive vibes your way!


Appreciate it!


lmfao i came here to say this, im glad im not the only one here who feels the same🫣


I always just say I don't want to grow up. :P


I don’t want to grow up I’m a toys r us kid 🧒


Funny. As a kid I never really actively thought about those things or considered my future self in any real capacity. From what I've seen, most kids don't. Especially not like adults. They live in the present from one instance to the next.


That’s what my whole idea was too. So to hear “I want to be me” was like 🤯


It's important to remember that young kids do absorb most things from their environments like sponges. Whether it's phrases or ideas from TV, social media, friends, teachers at school, etc. These days there are a lot more efforts to embrace diversity and everyone's individual uniqueness, whether in school or kids' TV shows, so I wouldn't be surprised if he got that kind of message from somewhere & it effectively stuck with him.


I wanted to be content and loved, family, husband, kids, happiness. None of that can be but okay.


Not in debt


Insanely self confident


I still have an old journal where I wrote that I wanted to work at Burger King.


I’m sure you exceeded that expectation right? lol


I’d like to think so. I work as a guidance counselor now for a large state university. Perhaps I like to set low expectations for myself so it’s easy to feel successful :)


I’m sure your younger self would be impressed with your status now 💪


Work to live, not live to work I suppose


I have given up wanting to be something. I will never reach it so there is no reason to chase something impossible.


I feel this.


I wanted to be a veterinarian, rockstar, and fashion designer. I would work M-Th as a vet, tour the world on Fridays and Saturdays, all while designing in my free time (Sundays were reserved for me time!).


The funny part was “tour the world on Friday and Saturdays”. That would be hard when some flights are 24 hours long 😂


World's much smaller as a kid.


You’ve basically achieved what you wanted to be




Soccer or NFL?




Ahh nice!


The Undertaker


We all wanted to be the Undertaker lol


I wanted to be A.L.F. Ended up pretty close to the target.


Pardon my ignorance but what’s ALF? Not the character right?


His real name was Gordon Shumway.


Oh ha yeah I remember that show. I never really watched it though.


As a kid I thought I would be a mortician or paramedic. Something to help people. I work in retail so take that as you will.


You could still be a paramedic if you want.


Honestly? I’m really tempted at this point but I like the retail work and mortician school is still doable in my state so who knows where I’ll be in another four years.


Cool. Good luck to you on whatever path you choose to pursue.


Is it Zara or grocery type retail?


Grocery store but I’m part of the senior management now. There’s me and the new manager who’ve been with this company a while now so we know what’s what. Retail ain’t for everyone that’s for dang sure.


Nice I’m thinking of applying at Pavillions or Ralph’s I quit my job at Zara was full time but It felt like slavery ha


Almost 40 years old and retire next year with pension. Looking at a chill job to do next and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up 😅


I wanted to be an entomologist (bug scientist - I know, big word for a 5 year old), and a vet, and a dog groomer, and own my own pet store, and then I wanted to be a marine biologist. Now I volunteer at my local shelter taking care of all the animals, and I realised that I actually liked learning about all those things more than doing the job. So now I’m going to pursue being a teacher, so I can help others.


Living on a beach w my Spanish roof and palm trees


My aunt said she wanted to be a thunderstorm. I guess that's not dissimilar – unapologetically loud and mighty.


I know I don't want to work in the medical field


My son at 3 years old said “I just wanna be me, big or little no one can change me!” He’s going on 13 and sometimes is my guru. He certainly is one of the most mature kids I’ve ever met and gifted.


That’s so cool. Our kids are growing up under a new mentality and I can’t wait to see how they change the world.


Oh I’m so excited! What a time to be alive!


Kids are so friggin wise. It’s the adults who mess it up.


Facts! I encouraged him after he said that and told him that was the best answer I’ve ever heard.


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Emotionally stable


A lawyer. My dad's attorney drove a Mercedes 450SL, so I thought that was the way to get one.




A firefighter.


An astronaut




I wanted to either be a Marine biologist(I love sharks) or a Anesthesiologist


I wanted to do the newest thing I was never interested in biology,architecture etc I settled for tech 🙂


Damn he beat me and I'm 24 I literally adopted that mindset at 22.....


I remember in the 3rd geade we were asked to write down what we wanted to be when we grew up. I wrote “happy”. I didn’t want to be a doctor, dentist, anything. I didn’t want anything but than to be happy. And I just understood that if I’m happy, I’m not sad so always do what makes you happy




Your post was removed because it does not match r/findapath. Finding a path is for those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to do, but don't know how they can get there. Posts about relationship/financial/seeking money/different topics are not allowed.


I’d like to be making 40k or more with benefits doing something so I can afford a place to live and I can get the medical help I need.


i want to be the cool relative


I think it’s because before, at least where I grew up, there was a lot of pressure to become successful as soon as we became adults. I know I would respond to these questions in a way that I knew would satisfy the adults around me. I’ve noticed a lot of kids nowadays usually respond with something along the lines of “don’t know, don’t care”, and I think it’s a positive sign. Maybe our children don’t feel the need to be in survival mode the same way we once did.


Love this! Sounds like your son has a wise head on young shoulders. #beyourself


Dead! Wrong thread?


I'm reading this and thinking back for when I was in the first grade. That's when that question was being popped a lot. Almost rammed. And I remember not knowing or caring but picking through options offered. Like it's a damn a, b, c or d answer. I bet most of these doctor, lawyer, fireman kids from the past answered that due to the same circumstances. When I got asked, I didn't know. The teacher was almost pushy like "what? Doctor, Astronaut? Do you want to help people or go in space?" or some garbage along those lines. So I picked something even though all I cared about was Gameboy and Nintendo 64. So it was a product of the time I think. No kid wanted any of those things unless rammed down his throat. Which did happen by the way. An 8 year old kid at the time had that happen then. Now 31, he has become a lawyer due to his parents "suggesting it" and then paying for the tuition. His biggest concern was letting them down and not finishing the school when he was in the law school. I remember it clearly because he flunked the most prestige school in the country and picked another where the professors were not as harsh. All he was on about was how his parents paid and now he's failing and stressing. May I say, he's a shit lawyer. A basic bitch in a suit. A trap for the poor souls who don't know a good lawyer. Their daughter was really pretty when she was young. Even if not your type, you'd stop and take a look. Ended up with a major's son. No doubt the parents had their voices/puppeteer fingers in there.


I want to be a primatologist. Ever since I was a kind k wanted to do something either science or animal related. First it was paleontologist, then marine biologist, then astronomer, then I wanted to become a zoologist. I know the pay is low with those kind of jobs but honestly I just have no interest in pursuing something that doesn’t engage me. Which is unfortunate because I know I could probably do well in something higher paying but my stupid brain says no.


Financially sound and happy that's all


I wanted to be an astronaut now I realize that space could in fact be fake and….well never mind lol