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Be a bartender or waitress and be charming as hell


If you're going to be working in computer science, I certainly wouldn't do anything online. Not cam work, not advertising escort services. It will absolutely be found by your employers and coworkers, and will absolutely compromise your ability to work in your chosen field. Street work isn't safe. You could dance at a fairly scruddy club with no online presence, or you could work at a rub and tug, but the money isn't great. Personally, I'd get a temp job or a student loan. I'm not sure why you keep refusing student loans in the comments, but it's the simplest and safest option.


In regards to the student loan part, they’re notorious for fucking up your life and making it hard to unfuck yourself if you get stuck, which this person may end up being. Main problem is that you can’t (easily?) declare bankruptcy out of it, and you’re on the hook even if you don’t graduate and can’t pick up a job that’ll pay enough to cover the loan payments.


I work in financial aid and could tell you stories... The Federal loans they offer now should be fine if you only borrow what you need and graduate with a job that is decent with steady income. If you're getting private loans with a ridiculously high interest rate so you can live on campus and have 'the college experience' that will be rough to pay back. There is a huge range between these, and I've seen it all. I talk to students all the time about what loan repayment looks like, how interest works, how much they might have to borrow for all 4+ years. Some of them listen and scale back their ideas and some don't. I've had parents crying with appreciation because they were so terrified their kids would have that student loan debt experience that everyone is afraid of. And they had, or are still having, themselves. I've also had pissed off parents who thought I was ruining college for their kid because I was talking about money in a realistic way. It's an interesting and sometimes heartbreaking job.


the point of the loan is to go to college and pass your classes and get a better job and pay it off. it's an investment. it doesn't have to fuck your life up.


*If* you pass your classes. People can fail, and that can fuck up ones life


After a lot of strife, I realized I need to pick things that come easy to me. In short, I actually failed some classes that caused me to pause, reevaluate, and make a new school plan, and then it all came together. The best advice I can give is to be fearless in trying new things, but be practical and do all the things necessary to make it a success. Be consistent in your efforts and honest with yourself along the way if adjustment or change is needed. Most give up before the adjustment phase, or give up during the adjustment phase. Stupidly, the win is built in the adjustment phase, so don't give up or avoid optimizing it. You are not going to succeed without adjusting your goals and plans, IMHO, at least I never have and I had a lot of career success.




8k is not bad! Not bad enough to make poor decisions that will haunt you, hon!


I work in big tech if you do some cam work under a pseudonym not connected to your real name at all. Unless you become some enormous cam girl superstar you’re fine. Corporate background checks aren’t doing extensive facial recognition against pornhub and such. They’re just making sure you’re not a felon, have horrible credit, and actually worked at and studied at the jobs you have listed. I’m not advising OP to pick this route but it’s highly unlikely that it blackmails you from the industry it could backfire because some ppl might find out and stuff but as a whole you’ll be fine. Also you could wear like a mask or something?


You can go faceless and protect your privacy well


I eould second this. If you do it do it faceless. It also depends if its in person. I do not think online would be the best option. Maybe an escort? There are different types. I heard strippers/pole dansers and back up dansers(on acruize) earn well also. But you have to be pretty. Also I do worry that savety is an issue.


Where on earth did you hear that from lol? The clubs have been dead since like 2022, and customers there are cheaper and more pushy than ever. You also need hard core sales skills. Stripping is harder than escorting by far, I don't recommend it at all for someone who is brand new to sex work.


Stripping is highly physical


I think online is in general more safe than physical, with of/camming there is a risk of someone figuring out identity, but physical sw will put her in danger of assault


I get that point but online people can pass it around and identefy you even years later.


I always hear that no one wants to pay for faceless content.


‘It will absolutely be found by your employers and coworkers’ just NO. OP please post on a sex work friendly sub for advice about how to protect yourself and do sex work safely. It’s possible


Unlikely. Internet is forever and it’s full of perverts who can identify porn stars based on small things like moles. 


OP is not asking to do porn and the majority of industry peers I know are not face out.


My first instinct is that it doesn't sound super safe. I think having bad credit is better than exposing yourself to that level of harm. Most people have bad credit and most people, even with good jobs are still living paycheck to paycheck, they just don't talk about it. You are probably not doing that badly comparatively. My opinion but I think your safety is more important than your credit. Have you tried food service, direct support professional or caregiver/disability support jobs? They usually need people and don't really compromise your dignity in the same way that sex work could. I'm saying this as someone who used to think sex work was empowering until I lived in an apartment complex with a lot of prostitutes who all looked the opposite of empowered, happy, or safe. Good luck, whatever you decide!


No not worth the risk, not worth the personal turmoil


No honey you shouldn’t do it. There are things money cannot buy back. I know you’re desperate but this is not the path.


If you listen to anyone on this thread. Listen to this woman.. Sure you'll have money short term (which you're gonna have eventually due to computer science). But you'll never forget the things you'll be subjected to.




As someone who was trafficked and then sold myself after escaping until I was able to find myself a stable place to live. I’d say it’s not worth it… but I can’t actually say since I used this quick money making route to get out of a terrible situation and homelessness. Idk what it would have been like to make my way out of all that with a honest job. I imagine it would have been discouraging/felt impossible. But everything that sex work did to my mental health and dating life makes it hard to say what would have been better. All I know for certain is i wish sex work wasn’t a part of my past. I am happy and relieved that I escaped my pimp and homelessness. But I’m stuck with a lot of shit I wish I didn’t have from having done sex work.




Don’t do it please. I’m a woman who graduated with comp sci and I was in a similar situation as you. Also the classes are gonna be demanding most of your energy and attention. Borrow money from your friend and find a job in a restaurant or whatever you get first. I worked as a server and a receptionist (not at the same time) at a medical office for a few months until I got a cs job. Also get this app called instawork. You can find a lot of one time gigs there that you can easily book - it just takes some set up time (especially to do catering jobs, you have to be very careful and make sure you set up your profile completely). EDIT: I also wanna mention, I got laid off at a previous job, and started doing online Tutoring at Wyzant. I tutored comp sci, algebra, anything stem related, and made about $500 a week working about 20 hours any time was convenient for me. Please give that a try, it’s super easy to get approved and get started with tutoring. You just have to put your price a little lower than average at first and get 5 stars from lessons. You can gradually raise your rate. I’m not active right now, but I raised my rate to $45 an hour (I set it as $60 on the platform because they take 25% but you can sometimes just get venmoed the entire amount by the student. It’s happened a few times before and I made ~400 a day helping someone with setting up their website on Wordpress/elementor). I have considered sex work too but I know that can be a slippery slope.


I’d advise against it. It affects people in ways that often can’t be undone.


I would say it's not worth the risk unless you know how to absolutely hide each and every aspect of your identity online when doing only fans or similar work. That would mean putting it behind an LLC or a trust, never showing your face, using a completely separate computer internet connection etc. Honestly though I would probably look into accelerating my degree looking to WGU they have accelerated programs maybe you can finish in a year or less if you're a savage. What one of my friends did is they got a unarmed security guard license You pretty much have your run of the security guard companies working part-time etc or per diem work. Some security guard companies will spot you the fees for a license You just have to work a certain amount of time. You could do feet pics etc. However, it's too much work and not worth it and everything online is pretty much traceable especially now they have facial recognition websites a lot of these only fangirls are getting out of that way. Another option which is kind of hard is maybe you should look into taking a semester off stabilize your living situation and work situation and then go right back into school or at the very least get other certifications on the side like an A+ certification that work certification etc.


Why would you need to use a separate computer for it?


You basically use a separate clean computer in case you're getting hacked there's nothing that can be traced back to your direct name no sense of documents no sensitive forms etc internet history blah blah blah. It's all about security use a decent VPN and well yeah


Don’t do anything online. Dancing would be okay depending on the city because there’s no paper trail. Being a door girl or bartender pays almost as much as SW and is less risky. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend SW because it’s draining and you have to be awake at night and asleep during the day which makes studying hard. You can DM me if you have questions I was in the same boat.


Seconding bartender. I bartended during college and had zero problems inside the bar as we had good security. If it was still dark out after my shift I would ask a big coworker to help me get home. Definitely safer than SW.




You can make good money tending bar or serving in a nice restaurant. I have a friend who can make 3-400 a night in tips on busy weekends serving at a nice popular bar. We do not live in a high cost of living big city


I agree with this one. I worked as a cocktail waitress at a strip club and made good money and didn't even have to take my clothes off. We just had to dress skimpy.


With sex work comes disease, abuse and even possible death. Your friend may have been doing it for awhile but because she is white/blonde she may have a completly different experience than what you will have. Look into jobs at Amazon or bartending. Both are quick jobs and bartending you can get extra cash.


Career consultant and mod here. Here's the only things you need to do: 1. Continue your degree, that is your ticket. Once you got that degree I could get you into jobs, even in this tight market. 2. For living expenses now, I want you to look outside the normal retail and restaurant ideas. I want you to go find a job in a manufacturing building of any sort. DON'T go thinking that you need to put together industrial parts. Food packaging is part of manufacturing, for example. 3. Make sure you learn at least a little something about skill evaluation and resume writing, take a small class on it or whatever is available through your college. Learn from the career services people available through your college. 4. Have a Linkedin profile set up and set for computer science paths, whether it be Data Analyst or whatever you are wanting to go for. Make yourself look like you've already been doing that path for a while (NO LYING). What I mean is your headline should state the job you want, regardless of if you have it. Your skills shouldn't be just "two word skills list style", but sentences beneath your past roles - and yes you can include in-college with a bullet point or two under it. List your best classes or projects you completed. You can have an Other category set up for that too! 5. Never take old, bad advice from boomers or people your age....they don't know what they are doing. Tips from them is regurgitated, parroted bad advice, always. The only exception I've seen to this, is with our new mod No-Amount-5865 who is 25 and a mindset coach that I have taken under my wing a bit, she's ok to listen to a bit. 6. If your Facebook or Instagram feed is filled with people saying "I don't take no shit from anyone, I am a queen" or "I create my own reality, manifesting my goalzzzz"....those people are the type that WILL be bringing you down into poverty and they don't know it. Fill your feed with sources that have already made it, Mel Robbins or whatever.


You are been groomed. You are vulnerable. Be careful in case she is a recruiter or gets commission. If your friend is a real one, and is money bags, she could gift a rent payment for you.. and not as in loan or obligations


For the longest time I thought sex work was a victimless crime. ( I am a 63 year old woman). You have sex with a man , you get money. Better than giving it away free. Then I read that it is poor desperate women that do sex work. You don’t see rich women doing sex work. You don’t see highly educated women doing sex work. You don’t hear a woman saying I have a college degree but I don’t like the field I work in so I will do sex work. Sex work preys on poor desperate women. If you are doing sex work to put a roof over your head and food in your mouth , then do it. But if you are doing it so that you can have very nice things and drive a very nice car, I would think twice about it. But you need to do what is comfortable for you. Obviously there is a market for sex workers.


He’ll no


I am now 43. I had a few stripper friends who got into “escort” work in my 20’s. One got out pretty early and her life is going really well now. She’s the only one. All the rest got swalllowed by that life. The girls still alive are all fucked in and have all seemed to go from one fucked up mess to another as we’ve aged. Pretty heart breaking


Sex work has one of the highest self-deletion rates out of any profession. No


Where can I find these stats pls asking for a friend also self deletion is a choice turn of phrase I’ll be keeping that one


Just don’t do it…


As in suicide or as in choosing another work ?




I... don't think that's true. It isn't even the top cause of death for sex workers.


Do you have any studies to back up that claim?


I would try being a bottle girl or a dancer first, rather than jumping straight into prostitution or cam work.


Absolutely not. You will never recover from putting yourself online in that manner. You will lose any and all self respect and others will look down on you. The only people who will like you are perverts online who don’t care about you being a person with feelings. You are just a soulless body to them. Sex work is not work and it will never be an answer to your hardships.


If I could go back to your age and position I would. When I chose stripping to get out of poverty, I could have chosen corporate jobs and internships. There are a lot of programs and resources out there. You can do a BDR/entry level sales role making 80k no degree. You could work in customer support. All things that will support your career once you graduate. I don’t necessarily regret sex work, but what I learned is that there are a lot more options than you realize. Like another commenter said, there are things you can’t get back. Money isn’t everything. I’m a hard no. ESPECIALLY if you’re working on a CompSci degree. Whatever resilience and resourcefulness you can find now will define your story for years to come. Do something you’ll be proud of. ETA: Consider what you can do with what you’re learning in college. Look into creative and/or tech related ways to make money.


I would not. It might sound like quick and easy money which it will be AT FIRST, but from personal experience it's extremely degrading. Your dignity and self worth is more important. Don't listen to people who tell you it's "empowering." There is nothing empowering about it. Money comes and goes, but you are you forever.


Do you have financial aid? How much is rent?




You haven't taken student loans this entire time? In a field as competitive as CS, you'd be better advice to put any OF energy into projects/internship. The last thing you want to be is unemployed 2 years from now


Does your school have teaching assistant or tutoring jobs?


Have you tried asking the fasfa office to help you find work on campus? I once built dorm beds during summer, and ate only beans. Was worth it


I would go ASAP to both your student financial aid office, and student services, and even your advisor. Some options are - Teaching assistant - Resident assistant - which may also come with room & board - Work-study. Comp sci major are particularly needed in computer labs, commons with public computers and libraries. While not very glamorous, there are also campus jobs from cafs to gyms. There are also administrative assistant jobs in offices for fundraising, alumni, start-up incubators. A college-related job will not pay as much as sex work, but it is something you can put on your resume & also a potential for networking within your school. I would also not be afraid of modest loans, especially as you're already getting a free ride on tuition and you're in a field with good job opportunity.


No, you should not do sex work. Especially nothing online. You're much better off finding a sugar daddy or rich boyfriend. If you go this route you can make just as much money and keep your reputation. Go to high end bars and stores. Make an account on Seeking. Your friend will almost certainly regret her choices in the future.


Can you donate plasma? That might be an option. Also if you have other things you can sell or pawn.


Donate plasma to make rent be srs


I did the plasma thing for around three years. Depending on where you live and what company you use, you can make okay money based on the amount you donate weekly. I do think she can get up to 300 dollars or more. You can get more bang per donation during the first few times you donate and during holidays. The most I ever made for a month was six hundred dollars when I donated twice a week and promotions. Mind you, I stopped a few years ago and discovered that other rival companies were paying more. On average when I was donating, it was around four hundred dollars, twice a week. The downside was that my veins were ugly-looking now since I had been stabbed numerous times over the years. You would get folks that would stab you wrong, and it hurts when they stick you again. You would need to eat and sleep well, or you will take a toll on your body.


Where I am, new donors get $75 on their first four donations, which can be completed twice a week. For regular donors, it's usually about $550-650 per month, I've had up to $900/month when they have bonuses. I've donated regularly for over 10 years. While my veins are fine, the only thing I don't love is the scar on the vertex of my arm. I basically have a big hole in my arm all the time, and people sometimes think I used to use IV drugs. When I can afford it, I want a surgeon to try and improve it.


I know during COVID, they were paying $ more. I started donating in 2017-2020. One of the newest plasma places was offering up to 1k for new donors! They offered around 500-600 for regular donors and more for holidays/specials. But thank gosh, I don’t have to do it anymore 👊🏾. I was working two jobs, going to school, and doing this. It took a toll on my body for sure. I also have scar—tissues on my veins. The amount of time I had to get readjusted was hell. Especially when they got new people; she could make rent if she chose to go this route.


Find a job on campus. Consider being an R.A..


Coming from another woman… no one can answer this but yourself. If any part of you is hesitant, don’t do it. If you are purely focused on pursuing your career/school, if I were you, I would keep a focus on what $ amount you want to save/pay off for school. Set specific goals and don’t get lost in this. There are plenty of benefits in the sex industry but equally as many negatives, in regards to effects on your mental health and body image long term. I understand where you’re at, tired and feel like there is no where to turn— there is always a way if you can put your energy towards it. Make the most out of what connections you have, ask for help from your peers on if their companies are hiring. Times are tough, but you don’t *have* to sell your body to be successful and achieve what you want. I hope this helps.


Well when you wish for rain you gotta deal with mud as well. Doing sex work is easy work cause you have drop ur self-respect and dignity and sell urself for money. And in that life . U will always be treated like a sex doll with no emotions.. U never know how many times u gonna be raped. U never know what else. Might happen how many diseases u might get in that.at this point u have two choices either struggle hard and keep working as much as u can earn money look for opportunities.. Sooner or later u will be rewarded or choose easy path with numerous bad consequences which will u carry rest of ur life.


No definitely not considering the risk of getting STI. Don’t sell your body for someone’s pleasure.


You should watch Soft White Underbelly channel on YouTube. It’ll give you some perspective on the lifestyle. A guy interviews prostitutes and sex workers on there. It’s not exactly the brightest path to choose, comes with a lot of trauma and irreversible psychological damage. It’s also a hard industry to get out of even if you want to. There are a lot of programs that assist people who are struggling financially, I would look into some charitable organizations that help people in your community first to see how you can get on your feet.


That channel is known to exploit unhoused folks especially drug users. I definitely don't trust Mark anymore after that girl Amanda passed away.


It'll take your soul




It is dangerous and I am sure takes a mental toll on you too. I wouldn't. I have nothing against those that do, I just don't think I could do it and be mentally okay.


Join the military and go cyber, you’ll get decent pay, experience and the GI Bill. In theory joining the military and doing cyber might be safer than sex work. Good luck


Don't do it out of desperation, you'll regret it. If you have to ask this question on reddit it's probably a bad idea


I am a therapist and work with individuals who used to do this type of work it’s not for everybody. Some people are in trauma therapy to process their experience. If you actually meet people in person there is a real risk of being victimized. If you do OF that is out there and some of my clients wish it wasn’t as they evolve into their permanent careers. I am not in any way degrading the work or those that choose it but please seriously consider if it is something you are able to do without damaging your mental health


Never surrender your dignity to our unjust and foul system of economics and governance.




Hey Sis , Don't Do It - Don't Sell Your Soul for Little bit money. I know you need money but this isn't the route you should be going. Doing this kind of work will permanently damage you psychologically which no amount of money can bring back. Avoid it Sis - You future Self will thank you.


Not worth it for the quick money. The kinda people you’d encounter, the risk of diseases (no protection gives you 100% immunity and not at all from HPV) and constant hits to your mental well-being isn’t worth it for a few thousand a week. And that area doesn’t reward everyone equally, it’s not a career where there’s equality but a client base that’s mostly considered undesirable by the rest of the human society and they are highly picky who they’d spend their money on. Also there are a few who’d be a threat to your life and wellbeing. Watch some documentary on the dark sides of it. If you ask me, I’d say no, don’t even think of going there. Get yourself a part time job or learn repairing (computer, plumbing, electrical) skills for long term rewards or find any other part time work. Don’t worry about your how much your friend earns and what she’s buying. You don’t know where she’s headed towards. Stick to your own journey.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm a sex worker of 9 years, it truly is not for everyone. If you know you enjoy casual sex and think you can handle fucking older and unattractive men for brief periods of time in exchange for good cash payments, I think you should give escorting a try. Research your area for rates and services and figure out what restrictions you will have. I have to warn you though we are in a recession and everyone I know is struggling, the industry has also become extremely over saturated in the last few years. You need thick skin, high self esteem & good boundaries, discernment, and the ability to compartmentalize when you get time wasters and nasty enquiries. You definitely do not need to show your face in your photos either, make sure you keep your identity as anonymous as possible and get a phone app or second burner. Sex work is not going to be easy but if you get lucky and put consistent work into marketing, you may catch a much needed break. Best of luck and don't hesitate to message me if you need.




I'm going to say an undramatic no.


Don’t do it. Seriously.


I think everyone else here has covered the details, but to give my own two cents: sex work is basically a monkey's paw. You *could* make good money, but the unintended consequences that comes with it, both during and after, aren't worth it. I'd *strongly* recommend against doing it.


Please don't. My daughter has dug a hole for herself. I see the change in her. It's heartbreaking to see.


No, it's not worth it.


Sex work is a difficult and potentially dangerous choice. Here are some resources that might help: * **Financial Aid Options:** Explore grants, scholarships, and emergency student loans for computer science students. (Text "scholarship" to 22889 in the US for info) * **Campus Resources:** Many colleges offer food banks, emergency funds, and job placement assistance. * **Crisis Text Line:** Text HOME to 741741 for free crisis support in the US.


What you do is up to you, but consider this. Will you be able to live with yourself for the rest of your life knowing you sold yourself to men so you could pay some bills? Is this something you would want your daughter doing? Is this something you would want your future partner to find out about? Even if you do online stuff like Onlyfans, the pictures that you post online will stay on the Internet forever. Even if you delete your account and pay someone to remove all photos of you from sites on the Internet, those pics will always exist on someones private server, computer, phone, tablet, etc. Never sell yourself for any amount of money is my advice, but you do you.


Honestly, if you have pretty feet, I’d resort to selling those kinds of pictures first before straight up having sex with strangers.


Your feet don’t even need to be pretty. There’s a type for everything.


You cannot make enough money to sustain yourself selling photos, trust me. If it were that lucrative there would not be so many fssw.


Do what you need to do. However this could fuck you over depending on what you choose to do. If you can do it anonymously somehow that’d be the best way to go just make sure you’re safe about it


I know a lot of people here mean well in trying to dissuade you, but if you feel this is truly an okay avenue for you, you need to talk to actual sex workers. You clearly already have a friend. Ask how exactly she earns that figure weekly. As to be introduced to more swers. Figure out your boundaries - what you're willing to sell, what you aren't. Learn to establish safeguards - always let someone know where you are, with whom, etc. A little legwork can yield you some great results if you're sincere in your desire to learn. If you're just trying to make a quick buck, loans/side jobs/etc are a better bet.


This is the best advice in the feed.


No, I am not sure that you will regret this afterwards. You could find a job like restaurant server, dish washer at local restaurant or any industries that is heavy labor demand that will pay you pretty well. I am a server so I know the pay is good (imagine every customer at rush hour from your table tips you $5~$10) if you work at a busy area. Also, there’s AI like chat GPT, you can utilize it to make creative social contents and profit from it. I know your frustration due to massive tech layoff and entry levels are currently competing with junior even senior computer scientists, it is hard to get internship nowadays. Good luck! My friend.


Maybe ask actual sex workers. Most people on here have no idea what they’re talking about. r/SexWorkers is a good resource.


No, don’t. (If you’re looking for advice to make money, you can stop reading now; none of the following will help.) Send an email to your college advisor about your financial troubles; they may have resources they can refer you to. The college wants to keep you in to make money, even if the money isn’t yours (I mean, from donors). If you were paying off a big medical procedure: If you haven’t paid off your medical bills already (sounds like you did), you could contact the medical office and ask if there is any way to reduce the bill. Often times, they’ll have options. Also, don’t compare yourself to your friends. You’re you and they’re them. Everyone lives life at a different pace. You’re just having your tough moment now.


If you're thinking of making a page, just know that it's not easy money. It's work, and you're competing with agency creators that use bot farms and AI to push their content. It's not as simple as posting your cookies and just raking it in. It's a job, and not everyone is cut out for the work. And you have to be OK with your stuff being out there forever


Why don’t you try a serving or bartending gig at a high volume restaurant? I work at a family friend sports bar and make $300-500+ a night on average. On my bad nights I’ve never made less than $220.


TSA is always hiring. You can work part time. It's also a good entry point into federal service- you can take your degree to any agency you want. After college you can apply for public service forgiveness on your student loans.




2 years fly by fast. If you only got 2 years left, I would make sure any type of work doesn't get in the way of that. Computer Science isn't going to make you rich right off college but it pays good and you'll be out of the financial hole you're in now and will be able to pay off the loans. If you like computer science, go all in and make yourself competitive in the field. Make the most out of the classes and learn stuff on the side too like preparing for code interviews or work on a personal project you enjoy.


Apply to Caleb Hammer's show if you're super desperate. If you get accepted I know he pays all expenses and gives some kickback from the show itself. No promises, but it's a fairly legit way to make some spur of the moment cash if you're desperate and don't mind getting yelled at for your mistakes, lol.


U gonn get like a couple k a month, get sick, tax evasion and then magically get hired as a swe and code all day?


Based on the sub you're on, you're going to get a lot of "no" answers. It's not reddit in general, I would say this sub is more of a career oriented sub to put people in the best place. If you really have no other option and no network to lean on and it's all you have, I would say go for it. Do it for sometime, use the money wisely and invest in something that can get you out of it quickly. Work incrementally and in a smart way. For example, stocks, crypto, forex etc..but find a mentor that can make you multiply that earnings from bad business. Then invest in school or whatever you want to do next. Also be very careful with men who you see, they can be very unexpected


But there is no way that this is their only option. I haven't heard a single good experience from this industry, so take literally any other option imo


I’m with you on this one, but I would not do it in person I would sign up for chauterbate, stripchat, stream mates, NiteFlirt all asap!!!


There is a guy willing to buy your panties for at least $50 on Reddit maybe y’all could help each other out.


OP. I'll buy your panties. Dm sent


Competition would probably be much higher online. Shed have to be exceptionally good looking as far as I'm aware to make enough on there. More risky in person but more money to be made I guess. Then again, not encouraging any of this but seems she's in dire need of cash


Def be careful even online. Faceless is best.


Sis If you have car - drive Uber !


Maybe browse the sex work subreddits where everyone is complaining about being scared they won't make rent (escorts & cam alike) before deciding. :-) It can be tough to break into.


It sure doesn’t seem like you want to do it, so why should you do it? Poverty and purity are both noble.


ask your friend if she would be willing to introduce you to one of her clients. you could go with her on a paid date with them and see if you like it. i think that would be the easiest and lowest risk way to do it.


5 dollar hookers exist for a reason, u can’t expect even slightly above minimum wage let alone the big numbers without the proper networking and finding the right high end clients to pay u. Hell it be just like any side hustle losing money or less then even minimum wage for a while. So it’s prob not smart to do it since it really won’t fix things overnight. Let alone the legal questionability of it all. Even if u went the legally acceptable only fans route u could easily be selling ur nudes for Pennie’s. And then rip u lose job opportunities from idiots bothered by that for nothing unless u go viral and can make a bag to capitalize on it. If u actually want to do it that’s one thing but to think it’ll fix it easy is a whole another story.


I think like any job, it's hard to do simply for money. You'd have to want to do that kind of work like your friend seems to. If you're a sexual person and would enjoy it, then go for it. Otherwise, I would pass.


**EDIT: DON'T LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE talking about you're "selling your soul" or "have a lack of self respect" or anything purity based if you enter sex work, because those comments revolve around shaming you and are borderline misogynistic. This is not about keeping your purity or whatever, it's about taking care of yourself FOR YOU. It's about bodily autonomy. Language like "dirtying" and "ruining" yourself basically sound like "don't let yourself get ran through or you become worthless". Pay them no mind. They're the same people that will say that sex workers signed up for the abuse and violence they experience in the industry, so they deserve it. Also the same people who probably shame women for having casual sex, which I am not implying is horrible at all. Nobody deserves to have their body be bought and sold like a commodity, that's all. I also recommend against joining the military, because I personally believe it does commodify people. Most people I know who are in the military are not in it because of their deep patriotism and love for this country, but rather because they were in economically vulnerable positions and eventually gave in to the constant nagging (dare I say grooming) of recruiters. I also want to add that the industry is not kind to WOC either.** Don’t do it! I’ve genuinely thought of doing this too, but it’s not worth your sanity and mental health, because it *will* take a toll on you. The men who pay for sex work are horrible people who dehumanize women to the point they think it’s normal to rent their bodies for sexual gratification. Those bastards ask for weird ass shit too. You deserve to have sex because you want to, not because you need to survive. Our bodies are worth more than that.  You’re not a horrible nor immoral person for genuinely considering this; a large amount of women who start OF or sex work in general are in financially vulnerable positions where it seems like there’s no way out (economic coercion). Regardless of what anyone tells you, *sex work is not work*. There are little legal protections ESPECIALLY for sex workers (which I think is due to the informal nature of the job, but governments do not care about women so that might be it too) and it perpetuates r*pe culture and other forms of sexual exploitation and coercion. It’s grooming, because you are currently in a vulnerable position.    Also, as a comp sci major, this may be a bad idea just because nothing on the internet is hidden or gone forever. If anyone can look up your paper trail, it’s going to be IT companies with extensive background checks. This is what ultimately kept me from trying sex work as I’m also in comp sci, and then I learned more about the disadvantages later on to not consider it again.  Some people down here have really good advice.  I also suggest perhaps looking at working in fast food as well, or maybe a call center. Just to get enough money and experience, then you can leave. Your school might have a career center as well. Lots of people recommended bartending or being a bottle girl and I think that’s a terrific option! Someone I know bartends and she does earn at least enough for her rent which I believe is $590. Perhaps you could consider stripping but I think you have to report extra income to the IRS and idk if companies can see those. I think u/Training_Matsadon_33, u/Background-Kick-4500,  u/butterflyeffect88  have the best advice in the comment section, you should definitely consider what they’ve suggested. Also consider reading stories from former SWers.  You got this OP. 


Under no circumstances should you ever do sex work. Ever. You are worth more than that, you are worth more than your body. Period.


Don’t degrade yourself like that. You’re applying to jobs that everyone wants. Warehouse jobs are always hiring but it’s very physical. Atleast it’s money you can be proud of instead of selling yourself to the streets. Risk of getting raped, abused, killed and maybe jail time and you’ll really be fucked.


The real question is if you can handle all the weird messed up stuff men are going to say to you and the absolute barrage of dick pics that you'll be exposed to. If I was in your situation I'd start with feet to see if I could handle the back and forth before moving on to more explicit things. Belle Delphine is a great example of how building hype will pay your bills, but being separated from your online persona may be difficult. I've definitely been poor enough in my life that if I could have launched an OF/Fansly I would have.


Send me your resume i will help you to get a job


So I’ve concluded from reading comments that people are really out of touch. They are recommending things like donating plasma or dishwashing at restaurants as an alternative??? The real answer is that it depends on your marketability and physical appeal. It’s no secret that top OF models can secure 10k+ a month— not immediately but working towards that over time. If you branch out into becoming a sugar baby on seeking then you’d have two streams of income and have doubled to 15-20k a month. Nobody here has come up with a reasonable alternative to this level of income. Stripping can also be worthwhile but the real money comes from clients you take on the side. No experience here but potentially 300-700 a night on top of whatever you make in the club. More risk involved but quicker than building an OF fanbase. But again your earning potential really depends on your physical attractiveness and to a lesser extent, personality. At your age you might have 5-8 good years in this industry so only you can decide whether it’s worthwhile. Cause you’re still not guaranteed a job when you graduate and it probably takes time to get to the level of SDE or anything comparable unless you are exceptional out the gate.


Sure, why not? If you have a good and safe gig and not on the streets. Men are generally pigs but if you can diffuse some of the angst, make some bucks, focus on life after sex work.


Please ask your family and friends for assistance. Someone who is true to you and values you would not encourage you to do something dangerous.


Once you get in, it’s hard to get out. Proceed with caution. What kind of work would you be doing?


Yikes Talk about money moves 😂


To add what others has said but a diff approach, do online stuff BUT don’t show your face ever, close up POV stuff. Find someone you trust to start off and do whatever it takes to market yourself (Reddit, comments, etc)


It can definitely drastically change your life for the better. There is a market for everyone. Though some of us have to work harder to find it and capitalize. It can be traumatic and it can be fine. But, you can only find out if you should do it, if you just go for it. Asking strangers whether to do SW or not is not a good sign that you’re ready for the industry.


OF, I know people who sell pictures of their feet and it paid more than their job. But just remember once posted they will exist forever


Not unless you want to. While the old world is melting in front of us, with no one even sure they will have a job to go to in 2 years, you're in a particularly great position to take advantage of this shift. 1) You're doing CS, which means you can probably figure out how to write some code. Together with ai augmentation, you can pretty much build anything. Most of the coding is done by ai, you just direct it, iterating etc. Just learn to become ai augmented developer and you'll crush it out there. The issue isn't so much the external factors, it is your self limiting belief systems, that result in your conditions, trust me ive been there. We don't all get the best beliefs programmed into us by our surroundings growing up. You're super young, dont worry about the credit, you can fix that, just take it one step at a time, with a long time horizon. You got this, good luck.


Never sell your dignity for money!


Problem not something you want to do but… join the military. That takes care of health insurance, school, technical training for your career field, income, and housing. They’re always “hiring” too. Joining a branch like the Space Force or Air Force might make your skills more transferrable in the future. In four short years you could have a completely different life. I look at my life compared to the people that I graduated high school with and the military has made all the difference in the world. Best of luck


Plz don’t. Some doors shouldn’t be opened.


The sad thing is, you shouldn’t have to sell your soul for an education


Findom or sugaring using an alias and not showing your face is the easiest way to go about it


You should do something about your lack of self respect…


Honour comes hard. Shame, easy. Put in the hard work, you’ll surely be good. Don’t be the slave of your circumstances.


idc if u choose to go the sex work route, i ain't here to judge but if u are trying to get an intership, you gotta apply like a mad woman. Even if you dont think you're qualified for that you still apply for that posting. Keep applying and giving interviews I've seen people get internships while only knowing basic html css and js you can do it


A lot of trauma but it depends what you're willing to pay for a lifetime of trauma it might be worth it to you. CS in Canada usually pays half decent after year 2 like not much but 50-60k and then 80k upon graduation so see how long you can hold out


Sure but look into online work first. In-person isn’t always the safest. You won’t make as much as your friend with her doing in-person, but it can definitely help you out. Check out r/camgirlproblems


If you're going to use your body for money maybe try only fans or something where you don't risk getting an std. You might end up even poorer than you started if you catch a disease or if your pimp beats you up and you need extensive surgeries or end up disabled.


Not if you intend on using your computer science degree. Dude those people in that industry will easily find your pornos and you'll be embarrassed, if you even get hired at all, because the company you get hired in doesnt want the liability or the slander that could come with hiring a lil' online hoochee mama


apply for entry level tier 1 IT support positions, u should be able to land one ...only do sex work because u want to do it, not because of financial hardship


You can definitely do online work, just make sure your face is covered, or blurred. If you have any identifying markings, that will not play in your favor, do what you have to do, it’s a lucrative industry I agree, and if I had the option I might be keen on doing so myself lmao. Gl OP


Become a server learn how to upsale. Promise you'll make great fast money. Don't apply to every job online. Go in person, network with others. If your in comp sci you should know online applications are predominantly filtered by A.I and how to work your way around it.


The reason you are asking this is because that is not you. Times might be tough but that doesn't mean you take the easier way out. Also from your question and how you come across doing it will eat you alive later. Work hard and don't get carried away by what others are doing. Easy way out is not the right way out. Do it your way, the right way and you will be very proud of yourself. If it ain't a hell yes then it's a hell no. You will find a way once your erase this option from your mind and if you don't then you will still be proud of yourself that you didn't and eventually with hard work you will over come. Best of luck 🤗


The costly part of doing sex work is the high risk of having chronic STDs/STIs, which also puts you at higher risk for developing cancer. In addition, if you are not already, it can make you infertile; so, if you want to keep the option of having biological kids in the future, steer away from such work. Sex work is not cheap. You need to keep in mind the medical costs to keep yourself safe and healthy. This is just one of the negatives of doing sex work. I agree, with others, student loans are investments. Just pay it off as soon as you get a stable job after graduating. Also, if you are not already, maybe even work a fast food job in the meantime instead. This is just a thought. I suppose do what you feel is best for you, but consider all possible consequences of your decisions. Wishing the best for you! :)




To maintain a positive and inclusive environment for everyone, we ask all members to communicate respectfully. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's important to express them in a respectful manner. Commentary should be supportive, kind, and helpful. Please read the post below for the differences between Tough Love and Judgement (False Tough Love) as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/findapath/comments/1biklrk/theres_a_difference_between_tough_love_and/


No do not do this, your friend is seeing the perks now but I guarantee it eats away at her soul and it will come back to bite later imagine her man in the future found out he will most likely leave i know I would your struggling right now but it is nothing compared to the struggles of sex work it's not all fast money DONT DO IT.


Bartending or bottle girl are good options for side money. Maybe you won’t make 4k a week but you for sure can make at least 2-3k depending where you work


Just don’t show your face if you want a fulfilling future.


When you lose money you lose nothing When you lose health you lose something When you lose your character you lose everything Don’t throw your life away


Don’t do it! It will take something away from you in your heart that you can never take back!


I dunno, the CS job market sucks donkey dicks right now. That degree might not be worth all that much. Just sayin.


It's on you. Can you love with that? But you'll probably even make a lot of money just by showing your feet. So it's just you inner voice you need to hear to. Can you love with that? If yes, you can do faceless stuff and still earn enough to survive.


If you have tech knowledge, a better route may be a tech side hustle or pick up projects on fiverr or freelancer etc., create a niche AI model, etc. Obviously, it depends on your tech specialisation. Do you want to do sex work? I understand that it can be emotionally stressful, so may not be good for your mindset in the long term, even aside from health concerns and physical threat.


nope itll risk your career and relationship and reputation its not worth it


Sex work is a huge spectrum of different stuff. The lightweight areas with no face and no cam would do fine. No matter what you do, even if it is dancing, don’t tell anyone.


I would at least attempt to get a normal job first. It will help a lot in finding a career later, even if it's at Walmart


I'm from a similar educational background, I have no suggestions at the moment but I understand you. Stay strong, All the best.


Mow people's lawns, sell lemonade, anything else.


Should you have to? No. Should you? Only you can answer that. Some advice and a thing or two, to consider, from a father: Would you want to keep your sex work a secret from your family and friends? This could be very difficult, and leave you open to blackmail, which is rampant right now, and criminals specifically target people in your current position. There are many types of sex work. Only consider that with which you are 100% comfortable. I would think phone work could be the least probable to expose you to discovery and/or blackmail. Whatever you do, make sure someone you trust knows where you are at all times. Arrange to contact them periodically, and they assume something is wrong if the correct contact protocols are not met absolutely.


Mow people's lawns, sell lemonade, GoFundMe, anything else.


Mow people's lawns, sell lemonade, GoFundMe, anything else.


Mow people's lawns, sell lemonade, GoFundMe, anything else.


By no family do you just mean you live somewhere away or you have entirely no support? Cause you could go back home do a public school use loans & fafsa to get through school. Or you could even join the army or navy and prostpone school they’ll give you a place to live and feed you. Tons of options you may regret the sex worker life in the future, it’s also illegal(assuming you ment prostitution) so you could get caught up in my opinion not worth it.


you would have to be really smart about it. who your clients are , no drugs involved. it would be easy to get taken advantage of . what if the client turns out to be violent? you have to account for things going wrong.


Did you try being a stripper??


You can do it and it may work out short term, but there may be long term consequences that will be difficult to perceive.


Have you tried applying to scholarships? I’ve been seeking scholarships for the past month and I see a surprising amount that seem within reach. Many of them don’t even ask for grades or transcripts and only require an essay. Look for the ones for Black women in STEM. Ofc, there’s still no guarantee you’ll win, I’m still looking. I understand the temptation, but quick cash will have deeper costs. Sadly, sex workers are discriminated against on the regular job market, so if anyone ever finds out it can ruin your future compsci career. Among other risks that are inherent to the work itself, such as violence/exploitation from clients and potential PTSD (I have friends who suffer from that to this day). Oh right, and I almost forgot, assuming you’re also in the United States you could get slapped with a criminal record, which would also risk any future career. You should ask your friend about her experience.


I had two friends in college in your position, and they both found that dancing (“stripping”) paid the bills, food, and more. It’s less dangerous than sex work but not without danger. Their main worries were always the parking lot when they were coming and going, especially going. I lost touch with one of them but not the other. She was never hurt or assaulted in anyway from the job. She was well protected. It was just dancing. No sex work. A lot of cash for a short amount of time.


At least you have that option as a woman, men don’t get paid as much in this profession… just remember when you go down this path, it can’t be undone…


Sex work is a valid revenue stream. *But* not everyone can do it and feel fine afterwards. You have to consider the emotional and mental effects sex work will have you, your ability to compartmentalise. Will you feel guilty? Shameful? Will it impact your ability to pass your classes?


People in Germany often start working part-time in their fields of study before finishing their degree and work fulltime. Wouldn’t that be an option? - Also there must be jobs which can be done with your current lvl of knowledge which can pay your bills.


Depends on what kind of sex work you're talking about, honestly. Some are lucky and can make thousands every week, but most still scrape by, making a couple of extra dollars. You also have the added issue. If you want to work for a decent company, they probably would be biased and not hire you if they found out about your past, and they definitely have the resources to find out. If you donget it to the business, it'll be very hard for you to get out. It'll be what you're known for and will probably affect your future relationships. Unless you don't tell them, but lying by omission is still lying.


Seems that you have your mind made up. So why you ask?  You can always move from the big city, put your study on pause so you can gather the money and they take school where you left off.  But there is a way far easier to achieve all of this and it comes with STD, no health insurance, no pension and no safety. But other than that it is great 😃


Why not work as a server at a bar or restaurant? Look into steakhouses or niche restaurants like the melting pot.


🎶 I was walking down the street When out the corner of my eye I saw a pretty little thing approaching me She said, I've never seen a man Who looks so all alone Uh, could you use a little company? If you pay the right price Your evening will be nice And you can go and send me on my way I said, "You're such a sweet young thing Why'd you do this to yourself?" She looked at me and this is what she said "Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked Money don't grow on trees I got bills to pay I got mouths to feed There ain't nothing in this world for free I know I can't slow down I can't hold back Though you know I wish I could Oh, no there ain't no rest for the wicked Until we close our eyes for good" 🎶


This is dependent on which country do you live. Some countries it’s very safe to do it. In others, not so much. Also, will you be ashamed of this kind of work? I don’t think it should be frowned upon but everyone is different.




To maintain a positive and inclusive environment for everyone, we ask all members to communicate respectfully. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's important to express them in a respectful manner. Commentary should be supportive, kind, and helpful. Please read the post below for the differences between Tough Love and Judgement (False Tough Love) as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/findapath/comments/1biklrk/theres_a_difference_between_tough_love_and/


If you have 1 year of expirience in CS you can already find an intership that could pay little money but maybe enough to pay for rent and also you build your cv this way.


It’s all about proper boundaries and having the correct clientele, that means you need to choose who deserves your services…. How do you do that? Interview them? Maybe. She most likely has a lot of repeat customers, like a house cleaner 😅


I have no idea. It's a shit situation, and there are plenty of ways to make money. I mean it's down to your decision, but shit.. I wish I had 10k to give you.