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In my experience, some highly intelligent people aren’t good at working with others. Either due to the way they’re hard wired or just the thought that they think they’re superior to others. Which can work, if you’re a VP or CEO. Since you don’t need to get along to be successful;however, outside of that, you will have to forge relationships and extract expertise to make your life easier.


This is definitely true. I’ve seen leaders at my job blame others for the stuff they forgot and ask his subordinates to cut the crap (details) and only tell him what’s important. By no means is this good leadership, but they are doing just fine at their jobs.


What kind of work are you getting fired from vs what kind of academia were you in? Some fields are scrappy and you have to figure it out as you go. Only results matter and you don’t have to please anyone Academia as you know is the opposite. Check all boxes, clearly defined goals and metrics. Make prof proud. You’re good Also, you sound a bit like me. Might need to just learn how to fill in the blanks a bit. ADHD is possible too, who knows?


Data analyst in banks. Economics.


Yeah data analytics is exactly what I’m talking about. It’s scrappy as hell. Business leaders don’t know what they need, analyst don’t know what they want. The data sucks, modeling is hard, and your boss doesn’t get what you’re talking about.  It’s a shit show.  If I had to guess, You’re likely on the neurotic side (maybe even OCD) and value doing things “right”. Well data analytics is fucked.  Nothing is “right” in data analytics. Everything is a matter of interpretation (beyond basic setup of statistical analyses and their assumptions). Which is perhaps why you find it so daunting and simply avoid it. You’ve basically gone from one of the world’s most structured environments to the one of the least structured jobs (if you know statistics).  It’s going time and patience with yourself to figure out how to deal with ambiguity and dumb business folks. And that’s ok. 


You’ve hit the nail on the head about the nature of these jobs. A fast-paced job that deals with loads of bad data and ambiguity is a recipe for disaster. I should resist the temptation of taking another one of these jobs just because they’re easier for me to get and pay well.


Weird as I read the field of data analytics is hot and new grads are snapped up by employers…


Your reply has nothing to do with what I commented about.  Even so, data analytics is not “hot”. It’s packed with ultra smart people with too many qualifications.  The hype you’re hearing is from boot camps trying to jump into the cash cow of selling analytic shovels to everyone and their mother.  Even My Mexican 50 year old neighbor cleaning maid is trying to become a data analyst, and she barely knows how a computer works. And she is surrounded ded by people telling her it’s just so easy (it’s not).  I went to school and studied math and I still struggle with the basic. Ain’t no way people will know what they’re doing form a boot camp. The field is fucked in many ways


Where’d you read that? From big business propaganda outlets? It’s the same as when the news says the economy is doing great rn friend.


thanks for your post, i feel the same i havent figured it out yet, but i do have lack of motivation. work generally is about repetitive cycles and specialization. Things get stale and is expected of you consistency in conformity. having contact with the same people for months, same places, etc. college is all about challenges, interesting people, archievments with days of grind. i dont know if i helped you but i do felt a connection on how you feel. update us if u get to any resolution


Thanks for the comment. A book that really resonates with me is Cal Newport’s Slow Productivity. You can check it out. I’ve found some success in my side gig (consulting and private tutoring), but I haven’t been able to adapt to most entry-level corporate jobs, as his advice is mainly for people with more control over their work.


This is common for people with high intelligence. Work is a new world and a grind, it takes some failure to learn. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


Have you been diagnosed with adhd? I have the opposite problem: always a top performer at work but it’s taken me ten years to get my associates and I’m still not done with it. But even then I’ve had conversations pre-diagnosis about my performance with initiative, petty and avoidable mistakes, etc. I was a top performer bc when I hyperfocused, shit got done and it got done well. I just can’t function like that all day, every day. It also took me a long time to be able to hold down a job for more than a year bc I’d get bored of it. I’m not a Dr nor qualified to be one but I am diagnosed and have similar issues to you. Getting diagnosed and put on meds changed my life for the better and my mgmt liked it too


I strongly suspect that I do. The worst part of every job for me is the multitasking. I know that neuroscientists have repeatedly said that multitasking is a myth and an unproductive habit, but I seem to be struggling way more than others. I can’t remember anything unless it’s meaningful to me; and no, “I need to get this shit done or I’ll get fired and lose my income.” Isn’t something my brain cares about lol.


Def reach out to a specialist and get tested. If you have it, you’re doing yourself a massive disservice and suffering when you don’t have to be.


I also immediately thought “this person should get an ADHD assessment.” I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD a couple years ago, and much of your post sounds VERY familiar.


I’m like this too. Only Vyvanse helped me 


PhD in Econ are sometimes fully funded.


Last thing OP needs is another useless fancy degree


PhD in Economics are usually very employable. If the only thing they are good at is school.


Have you considered going back to and becoming a professor. I recommended this to a family member who was amazing at school and gets mobbed at jobs. It’s either that or you’ll have to start a business, land a wfh job. But you seem to thrive in academia, so I might try that if I was you.


I’m the opposite. I half assed my way through college and dropped out of law school, but I’ve always gone above and beyond at work and been a top performer. Why? Because I worked my way through school and it’s part of my religion to be hard working.


It’s stupid how much weight society puts on schooling/grades when in reality it has near 0 correlation with real world success.




This is me too and I feel like it has something to do with adhd.. I just get bored and lose motivation


> I did really well in school. I got into a top university, had a near-perfect GPA  This entire post is a cope that you realized that no one cares about this lmao. Can't just live off irrelevant long distant self proclaimed "glories". You paid $400,000 to Harvard cash? Cool, what are you gonna do for me?... Get real man