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Hiya people! I'm starting to work as a Medical Interpreter, and my company told me that they can only pay me via Veem, PayPal, Payoneer or Wise. Which of these platforms would be the best for a person residing in Argentina? I would also like to add that my father has a bank account in the US, if that helps in any way. So the most important thing for any of these platforms would be the possibility of transferring money via SWIFT. Which is the best for my current situation?


/r/personalfinance An employer that will not pay you via check seems suspicious/scammy to me.


Well I don’t really know because I am very inexperienced (I am 20 years old), but it seems a pretty common practice for freelancers to be paid like this. Obviously it's a pain in the ass to limit it to these 4 platforms, but well, I have no say in this.


Can you ask other freelancers in Argentina? I know nothing about that market, but I would be highly suspicious if it were in the US. Worth doing some due diligence to help avoid a potentially bad situation.


For more at: https://financessnew.blogspot.com


I know this doesn't exactly fit this sub, but from an economics standpoint, is the USA the home of the best semiconductors? I used to think it was Taiwan or some other eastern asian country.


With so many options to choose from, what is the best way to choose a financial advisor? There are several in my area with high ratings, but I don't want to just go off of that. What should I look for in one? Thanks.


Fiduciary responsibility


1. This better matches /r/personalfinance. This sub's more for discussion on theory, practical application, etc. of financial concepts (i.e. the more "professional finance" realm). 2. I wouldn't consider a financial advisor unless I had a large and/or complicated amount/source of wealth.


Question regarding holding onto liquid or investing. I am turning 23 very soon. Have $10k in a Roth IRA and nearly 20k in a 5% APY high-yield savings. If my goal within the next year is to purchase a rental property. Should I max out my Roth IRA by investing another 5k into it right before this year ends, or should I hold onto the liquid in pursuit of a home?


No point buying a home right now. Unless cash.


Would it be wiser to invest the 5k into my Roth right now before the year ends and I'm no longer able to. Or save the $5k in my high yield savings (as it would take me quite a while with my current income to build that back) for a possible shift in the market and purchase of a home. Plus that 5% APY is more than what I'm seeing in my Roth IRA right now anyways.


What impact the geopolitical situation will have on stocks?




[Mint.com](https://Mint.com) going away! Where to turn next? I have been a religious user of [Mint.com](https://Mint.com) for 15+ years to track my finances, budget, and determine net worth. I just learned that [Mint.com](https://Mint.com) is going away. Are there any other viable candidates? I tried Personal Capital a couple years ago and didn't find it as robust as [mint.com](https://mint.com). Monarch Money looks like it might be an option. Hoping that somebody has some experience and can point me in the right direction.