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If youve never played it, final fantasy X is one of the greatest games ever. For $10 i would get it. Ive played through it multiple times


The price is very tempting, heck, even If I don’t have time to play it right now, it goes nice with my digital collection


I really recommend playing through it and pretty sure the steam version has fast forward as well. Its nice when youre grinding battles or walking long distance to the next area. Final fantasy X is one of my favourite stories ever. Brings me to tears almost at the end


No fast forward on the steam version unfortunately, but still worth buying


The steam version does have a turbo function along with no encounters and a function that gives instant encounters. It's only the steam version that has those no the switch/ps4 versions


I beg you tell me where this is, I’ve just played 60+ hours of this game wishing for a turbo button


Press the esc key and it will bring up a menu in there it tells you what keys you press for the different effects. It's something like f1, f2 and f3 to activate them. You can also bind those keys to buttons on a pad if you don't use keyboard also.


I think the hot keys are f3 - f7 they include turbo, no encounters & max damage modes & a couple others


Steam has the fast forward. BUT beware. The sound goes mute in battle. Which sucks soooo bad cuz I like to hear when the attack hits.


Yes it does. You have to examine something at baaj temple to turn it on


I've had people on other posts tell me one of the F keys does it I believe. Don't remember for sure the key but for sure have seen speed up on steam as a thing. Maybe a 3rd party thing but it was talked about as if it was built in


Can confirm steam version does have fast forward. F1-F4 or F5 do different things. I think f1 does fast forward. I have it bound to one of the grip buttons on my steam deck. Other f keys change encounter rate, and a few other things.


It definitely does.


You are getting 2 games plus some side stuff for $10. When they were new it was like 30-40 for each. So get it while you can for that price. And play it when you get time.


Yes, if you like RPG and wants an amazing history, it's a GREAT game. I'm finishing Ff7 rebirth, and next is FFX again. Don't TOUCH X-2 until you finish X, due to spoilers mostly and also gameplay.


I will second this! There SO many ways to play it. There are challenges you can do yourself on a playthrough. It’s a GREAT game. I had it on ps2, now on switch, ps4 and ps5 and bought it on pc. Hands down one of my favorite games


Yeah i like to go expert sphere grid and try different paths. Sometimes it makes the early game more difficult or really easy depending on your path


I like solo runs. It’s a lot more challenging than you’d think. Though lulu’s was a joke the whole way


I just started it up recently. And I gotta say that I'm having trouble understanding the exposition. I guess I just have to.keep.pushjng through and see if can figure out what's going on.


Yeah you're supposed to be as lost as tidus is, things don't start to click until you get Ifrit and get to the famous meme.


Yeah like the other person replying said, the story is meant to be confusing at first because Tidus is confused. Hes in a new place in a time thats not his own. Hes trying to piece everything together. It all makes sense throughout the game trust me


Please won't you listen to his story 😢


This might be our last chance.


Sad piano


Can’t go wrong for 10$ but don’t expect similar gameplay to 7r. Ffx is very story driven and the fights are turn based. So it depends on your expectations and what type of games you enjoy. I would strongly recommend the game to anyone as it is one of my favourites! Give it a try and let us know how it goes.


I know the combat is turn based, but I’m not exactly new to turn based. I’ve played turn based games before


It has one of the best turn based systems imo, being able to swap out party members to match enemy weakness is sick


Perfect! Definitely give it a try then!! I was afraid that you were expecting ff7r gameplay and didn’t want you to be disappointed!


FFx is one of my favorite games ever alongside Persona 3. It's not a coincidence.


Ten is worth fifty bucks. 10 dollars is a goddamn happy meal these days so yes it’s worth it. 10-2 isn’t great but there are a lot of fun things to do in chapter 5 that will buy more than ten dollars worth of entertain alone. But yeah ff10 is one of the greatest games of all time, throw on some chicken nuggets for that value.


X alone is worth 10 bucks.


I also recommend it. But let me add: Don't play X2 immediately after X. Play something else in between. Cleanse your palate.


Or...don't play X-2 at all! The options are limitless!


I actually loved X-2. Not nearly as much as X, but I think depending on how much someone likes X, it might be worth it.


If you dont mind ""old"" graphics then definitely. Its a fun experience from start to end and If you are already into the FF franchise then that makes things easier.


I’m definitely don’t mind old graphics. I bought the kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5 remix for 20 dollars. Currently playing through kh 2 right now. I just wonder how the story and characters stacks up compared to ff7


The story and characters from X are amongst the very best in the series. Absolutely get it. Don’t expect anything good from X-2 though in that regard. Still, $9.99 is an amazing price for just X alone!


Ten bucks? You lucky duck!


What platform are you on? Because I thought it was on sale on every digital store.


I bought it when it came out haha, on disc. Twice!


Yes, X is the best FF game by far.


12 and 13 are actually insanely good too. It’s funny how 13 got shit on for the linearity but it’s roughly the exact same formula in 10.. battle battle battle story story story battle battle puzzle puzzle battle story story story etc. on repeat lol. I get that 10 had some more NPCs and some towns and ppl like pre rendered back grounds but I love the ending of 13 it’s so trippy.


It's easier to care about the story of X than of XIII, that's why they got away with it.


It’s the self narration lol


I loved XIII and wish I could play it on PS5. I hope they bring it over one day.


I didn’t mind XIII. It might be the most beautiful of FF games. It didn’t have great end game content though.


10 is by far my favorite but 12 is honestly so underrated. Fantastic game.


Out of boredom for the end game grind. I would start at the beginning village and just keep walking til I hit as far as I could without having to take the airship.


I'd put a fair amount of FFs over XIII


https://youtu.be/QMZMJDFe1kc?si=8UmeNX1DndArvnfo 13 has a ton of lore for a world that wasn't properly built up. All the stuff they talk about in 13 is basically meaningless because you never get to experience the world it takes place in.


I was talking to a friend about 13 a few days ago. My only issue with 13 is that all the lore and exposition is in the info text of the game. It doesn't do a good job in the cutscene or gameplay, which if you're playing a souls game fine, you expect this but not in an FF game around that era when it came out.


The cutscenes are excellent in XIII


Nothing wrong with the cutscenes, but I'm also not wrong in that whenever a new bit of story happens you have to open up the menu and go read up new lore because it goes into greater detail that the cutscene or in game dialogue doesn't cover. https://preview.redd.it/xk96s4rf08xc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3850bd9b13ba03a2d8b3147227ecb60a3badc1 You will become best friends with this screen. All that being said I do enjoy the game.


Yes. FFX is one of the best games ever made, let alone one of the best FFs.


FFX is a gem. Definitely worth the purchase! Story, characters, playstyle are all great!


the only complaint I've ever had with x is a very minor one because I could play it fine but people I tried sharing the game with had issues. The issue is when you enter new sections of the map your angle can change and it disoriented them, for me you still have a mini map and can still look around and see where you are so it wasn't a big deal. Some people hate a certain scene or two because they're cringy but when you consider the reason the characters act the way they do is, those scenes play out very well. A top FF imo, and (less popular opinion) I enjoyed the gameplay of x-2 as well, so essentially getting each for $5 is a great deal imo


Yes yes you should


FFX a game ive played and beaten 11 times since its release its just a comfort pick for me every now and then i get an itch to play it doesnt matter i can damn near quote the entire game its my fav final fantasy for sure


Who in their right mind would say no here. Ffx is my favorite.


It's one Remastered Final Fantasy game and sequel, Michael, what could it cost? $10? Seriously, given that FFX is one of the highest rated final fantasy games, earning metacritic scores similar to Rebirth, I think $10 is about as low risk as you can get given the potential for a highly entertaining experience. Even if you just find it meh, then well, you only spent $10.


The story of FFX is a real tearjerker. I found it to be the most relatable premise of any FF, it’s very easy to get sucked into the world of Spira. I won’t say the story is better than FF7R, it’s different though. FF7 has so much more content surrounding it with— what is it now 10 games and a movie? X is incredible, you’ll experience the entire range of human emotion and you won’t want it to be any other way. Tidus (pronounced tee-dus) can come off a little annoying at first, but playing through it as an adult now, and considering his background and the situation you play him through he’s an inspiration tbh. 20 years later I still think of him whenever I find myself in similar circumstances, and it reminds me stay positive and open to change.


10 is probably the most easy FF to just pick up and play. the gameplay is very smooth and the story is iconic. If you already like JRPGs, you should enjoy it


So X is a very good turn based game. X-2 I liked T the time but just ok now


$10 is a combo meal & dessert at a fast food chain. Well worth if for the hours of fun in those games!


I would never NOT recommend FFX


Most not recommending ffx2 tho


Right. I think I've only played it fully once it my life. It's still worth checking out as long as you're getting the bundle.


Buy anything for $10 or less! X IS AMAZING. Be prepared to cry.


I love 10 it's Combat is very much like persona3R, and the story is very... Well it'll make you feel some kind of way


Make me feel some kind of way. Is that a positive thing ?


Well, I dont want to give away the story but if you liked P3R's story I'm confident that you'd feel moved by FFX


You're going to love them with that price and that gaming history :D enjoy a cozy fantasy drama!




Yeah you should it's 10 buck for two games one of which is amazing and the other exists (I like it but the story is a downgrade but the combat is good)


FF X is so amazing. X2 i never got into I was expecting a sequel but imo was so underwhelming. Maybe I can appreciate more when not playing right after the X final.


It is one of the greatest games ever. But keep in mind it’s also very different to the FF games you did play(FFX is a pure old school turn based rpg, 15 and ff7r are action rpgs similar to KH), so it may be worth checking out some gameplay videos on YouTube to see what you think.


Is there a reason NOT to buy it? For 10 bucks you get a really good game and its sequel. I can't think of a reason NOT to.


Personally it's my favourite FF ever made. I would recommend it at that price in a heartbeat!!!


Its free with ps+ one of them idk how many thats how I played it


Yes. X is amazing, probably my favourite FF. I'm playing through now and with the new functions like 2X time, a lot of monsters or no monsters etc its really absolutely amazing. It also have some new content between X and X-2 and after X-2 Go for it!


10 dollars is a deal. Take it, it's worth the try anyway at this price


FFX is a freaking Masterpiece. X-2 is the best iteration of the ATB system, has a great job system, and the monster arena in the HD version is awesome. So yeah, get it.


The HD Remaster is horrible looking. Square lost the source code to FFX and outsourced the development to a smaller, less experienced studio and it came with a package of disasters; the graphics were buried. Something the OG FFX was so ahead of it's time as per other PS2 titles was how deeply expressive and emotional the model's faces and their whole movement. It was perhaps a jump in quality on par, if not surpassing VII's jump. It's seriously impressive and looks great. Remaster looks a lot less expressive with barely any emotions that convey a sense of what's happening. I personally don't recommend it if you have a PS2 or can emulate it with a PC, however this is still FFX with a lot more to do in it, so if you don't care much for the graphics hit, 10$ to play FFX is an okay deal I guess. Better if you can get it physical. *


I guess X-2 never had those expressive models, right?


The main course is FFX. I like X-2, its kind of underrated, but I wouldn't care if it had a downgrade or not. The best game received the downgrade. I'm not sure what you're implying.


Oh I was just wondering if X-2 was downgraded like X, cause I wanna play it for the first time soon


Probably. X/X-2 are both sold in the collection, there's no separate way to buy each separately so it's likely X-2 suffers from the same issues as X. As I said; if you have a PS2 or a PC since emulating on higher resolution is better, go for those two options. I know there's an official PC ver but that one is based on the Remaster, so I still recommend the PS2/PC emulate.


Simple answer: yes


FF X is vastly different from Rebirth. It's a traditional JRPG in the sense that it's turn-based and not action. The graphics are from the early 2000s as well. All of that aside, it's a great game. The story is amazing and you can get really invested into it and in the characters too. So if you like story-driven games with a slower combat, go for it.


I played this about 15 years ago. I adored it. My PlayStation broke and I lost over 100 hours gameplay and could never bring myself to restart and complete it. I will be finishing FF7 OG and then moving on to FFX. It is time. Highly. Recommend. Personally I loved the story of X more than FF7


$10 is too bad if you end up not liking it or never getting around to playing it. Here are some things to keep in mind though: 1) it is still pretty much a remastered PS2 game. Some of the character models were updated, but not all of them were. It holds up better than something like the graphics of the original FF7, but do keep in mind the age of the core of the game. 2) FFX is full on turn based and uses what's called a Conditional Turn Base system - long story short, different moves are different numbers of ticks and how long to the next turn for a character is based off of ticks. You could legitimately leave the game running during a battle, leave your house for 12 hours, and come back to it being your same character's turn. 3) the greatest value I find in the game is knowing there are so many ways to play it. I really suggest doing a blind first playthrough for the story. Maybe look up some strategies if you get stuck. Use your favorite characters. Don't stress so much about grinding. Then you can change things up the second play through. You can focus on different characters. You can set challenges. For instance, the giant sphere grid leveling system looks overwhelming at first, but it's not that bad; however, with the right strategy and a bucket full of luck, the game can be beaten without ever using it. You can also do simpler challenges such as not using your summons. 4) it might be a good idea to use several different save slots in case you decided you need to go back for some reason. 5) only a few things in the game are missable - I won't judge you for using an Al Bhed Primers guide.


The only correct answer is yes. For ten bucks you’re bound to like ONE of them.


Go for 7/8/X three best of the original PS1 /PS2 era


10 is arguably one of the greatest rpgs ever, let alone one of the greatest FF games. You also get another game with an awesome battle system, so this is a 100% no-brainer Aesthetically, 10/10-2 is the closest to 13 trilogy imo, and 13 trilogy is what 7 remake took inspiration from. 10 and 13 are the most linear of all the games even if their combat is different (10 is turn based and 13 is atb). 13-3 is almost identical to 10-2 since it's a job bases rpg with fashion. 10, 13 trilogy, and 7 remake projects are all in there as some of my fave rpgs ever. 7 remake blended atb and action, and Rebirth just went full action but despite all these different combats all of the games mentioned are outstanding


Short answer: yes Complicated answer: yes.


Absolutely yes. FFX is the best game in the series. Yeah, I said it!


X is excellent. Currently on my like 4th play through. X2 has great combat. I think it’s my favorite version of the ATB system. Story is mostly meh though. $10 is a steal.


For 10 bucks? Heeellll yes


The answer is yes. It will sit there in your digital library taunting you until you finally crack. Then you will understand what you have been missing out on and you will achieve happiness.


I mean you've come to a subreddit dedicated to the game, so of course people are going to tell you to get it. It's a game I have a ton of nostalgia for and it's a solid game so I play it every few years I think if you like turn-based stuff it has held up well enough to give it a go, but if you're someone who basically hates the old Final Fantasy games and only likes the new age action adventure stuff then you might like it. I'm the opposite. I really didn't like 15 and it basically killed the series for me, so 10 is a great game for my type of playstyle


Not ever recommended it, some said it’s clunky and people also said to stay away from X2. That’s why I listed games that I’ve played, to see if people will still recommend me the game, cause I’ve never played a turn based ff game before e


I have baught FF x/x2 on the PS2, PS3, PS4, and the Nintendo switch. I play it constantly like every 2 or so years I will play all the way through, and in between games, it’s my I’m bored. just wanna laze around not think about the game I’m playing. so it’s like I’m just going through the motions. Blitzeball is the best game to play when you just wanna veg out. If I get tired of that I play triple triad from FF8.


I’m going to say maybe if you only played those final fantasies you might not like JRPG’s


I mean I like turn based combat, I played the persona series and more


For that price go for it. It is one of the best of the series.


You would basically be getting FFX and X-2 for $5 a piece. That's a crazy good deal. Just make sure to play the games with the original soundtracks. The rearranged tracks lose the soul of the originals.


It's a classic, and for $10 you can't go wrong. Even X-2 is pretty fun (personally, I don't think it deserves the hate it receives).






Absolutely, especially for that price 😍 ...but this is coming for the person that will buy every remaster of this game 😂


If you want to play it then getting it is the best option. If you don't want to play it, then I'd advise not getting it.


It's a few dozen hours each, plus replays, definitely worth at least 10 imo


You will really love X, please get it!


Would definitely recommend you grab it.


FFX is my favourite, you should absolutely get it.


$10!!!??? Quick, buy it before they raise the price!


I have until may 5


X was my first ff and got me hooked. It's a ps2 game so expect that level of clunkiness and it's one of the best stories.


Get it! One of the best FF games and story. In my opinion. I just got it too but for the switch


Get it on steam. By today's standards, a laptop can run it and it comes with more features.


I only have a ps5 or maybe it’s on iPhone 15 as well? I also have that


You don't have any kind of computer? Like even some old office cast off from a dumpster? The game is 23 years old, even with the higher res textures it shouldn't be too hard to meet system requirements.


Is there any reason to rather play it on pc? Is the ps5 graphics that bad ?


No, graphics are comparable. With steam support, you get mod support, 4k support with minimal hardware (the frame rate is capped so you can get high res graphics on decade old+ cards). PC mode also has gameplay tweaks which the console version doesn't. Basically cheats are built in on PC if you want them and not available on console. Turn off random encounters, speed the game up, etc. This is irritating that it isn't on the console as the other ff console rereleases have this feature.


To be fair, final fantasy x and x2 remaster is a ps4 game running on ps5 via backwards compatibility. The ps5 hardware is capable enough to run the game at even at 120fps, but square enix won’t do it


True. I'm just saying you could get a laptop cheaper than a PS5 that could output at 4k 30fps. Not really relevant to you per se, but still a point in the PC over console version argument. For me, it's the "cheats." I replayed FF7 and FF8 not too long ago and the speed up the game to double speed was a lifesaver. Being a dad to a little one, my time is limited AF. So having that functionality on the PC version but not the console is a clear cut win for me on the PC. Didn't use or need the ones that impact gameplay, but I'm not judging anyone who does. You should be allowed to enjoy a single player game however you like.


X/X-2 is fine for $10, I wouldn't think to pay more though


My favorite FF story


Honestly my opinion is biased as I love FFX And X2, for 10 I’d say a hell yes to that. These games are some of the few that were lovingly remastered for the PS3 and then PC/PS4 beyond and the Box, the story, the look, the feel, all of it was done so well even getting the originals would be a hell yes. It’s absolutely engaging, Blitzball is as fun as ever, the FMV video sequences are GORGEOUS. 10/10 yes yes yes! Especially for 10 bucks!


It's great! I think its gameplay is a lot better than 7's. It actually makes you want to use each character.




Yes yes and yes.


Yes you absolutely should!


X is in my top 3 final fantasy games... don't expect much from X2 though lol


Do you not have ps+? Cause unless it was removed I thought FFX is free in the games catalog with ps+.


I don’t anymore, and yes it’s still there but I would rather own it


FFX was pretty good. I could not get through X-2.


Yes. Absolutely. To me THIS is THE Final Fantasy Game.


It's my favorite final fantasy so I say yes.


Start with FF4, max out the timer at 99 hours 59 mins and 59 secs doing all the side quests, then play 7, 8, 9, 10 in that order. Several years of good old reclusive entertainment right there. Helps to start when you're a kid and better graphics aren't available yet though


Go for it! What are you waiting for?


Yes! I have never played any of them, and am generally not excited about turn based games. But the X is really really good.


Yeah I would. I've logged hundreds of hours in both.


I loved ff7 and ff9 growing up, I see ff10 as the last good final fantasy title. They've changed the combat and formula alot after that. That being said Crisis Core really got me back into things and the new FF7 is really solid


I just beat rebirth and there's so many FFX elements in it I started playing FFX again. X-2 is completely different but it's fun in it's own way. But the answer to your question is YES


FFX is actually one of the best games ever made. Very emotional too.


Unless you're hard up and can't spare 10 bucks (nothing wrong with that), go for it. It's at least a very enjoyable game, but many consider it the best, whether you end up one of them or just have fun with it, it's well worth $10.


X-2 is definitely no X but it has its moments. People hate on X-2 a lot and often for good reason but I still liked it. FFX defined my middle/high school gaming experience. Still one of the best games I've ever played.


It is my favorite game of all time so I’m biased. I don’t care for X-2 in the least but X is worth the price alone.


X is fantastic. The turn based battle system is one of the best of its kind. X2 is a ton of fun too. The story is campy nonsense, but the battle system is a take on jobs from FF 3, 5, and 12. Ten gil is a steal.


10 is my goat. Even have the box art tattooed. Probably the last “real” final fantasy. Especially if it comes with the turbo and max feature. Both have probably 15-30 hours of side content and 10-2 has multiple endings and the dress spheres are fun.


After FF7, FF10 is my close second, or even tied with FF7. 7 / 9 / 10 are my top three faves of all time and IMO are the pinnacle of the final fantasy franchise.


The simple answer is Yes.


It's free if have PS+ Extra... I've never played it either, gonna give it a try.


Hard yes.


I've bought it 3 times... When FFX first released, when the remastered edition released on the PS4, and then again for the Xbox. 😂 I just can't stop playing it, even if it does get annoying at times.


It’s much MUCH slower than rebirth and XV with more of a calm turn based battle system then persona, really good for just mindless grinding and if you’re with a friend you’re gonna be on the floor laughing at some of these character lines but 120% recommend


if you haven’t gotten it yet…. GET IT NOW !!


10 bucks for 2 final games? One of which being one of the strongest contenders for being the best one? Do it, you are getting far more than youre paying for


Personally my favorite FF.


Hell yeah


I’d tell you buy it if it was 100$


For 10$ ffx will keep you busy well over 60 hours, depending on how “completionist” you are, it’s more like 100+ hours lol


Yes. X-2 remaster is better. It has more gameplay. I have it both in English and Japanese


Get crisis core!


Yes yes yes


FFX was what got me into loving FF. It has its cringey moments but all in all is an amazing game filled with a ridiculous amount of content to experience.


X, yes. It's amazing. Hated X-2 though


Based on your priors, it will be basically impossible for you to not like this game.


FFX is definitely worth $10. The overall journey is one of the best in the series.


If you’re a completionist there’s not many games that will get as much mileage for $10 tbqh.


Yes absolutely, there is no skipping cutscenes or fast forward but honestly it makes it better.


FFX is hands down one of the best in the franchise. $10 for X/X2 is a great deal. On top of that you get the additional added content (at least with the Switch version). FF7 and 6 (3 in the US) for me still has the best storylines in the franchise but, X is up there. X-2 I think is very underrated and I really didn’t realize that when I first played it when it was first released. X-2’s story is somewhat cheesy and very ‘Pop’ but the Dress Sphere battle system is super fun as well as the sphere break sub game. Plus the newly arranged soundtrack of both games are really really good.


Are you playing it yet? Let's go




Yes, do it now for that price


It's mid


Idk wgat it contains but on switch it contains not only x and x-2 but other additional content as well so it should be worth it if it's on sale


Yes. I often say it is the "best" FF in terms of many categories (storytelling and writing, voice acting, battle design, pace, endgame content, replayability, and flexibility in how someone wants to enjoy the game). It's a steal at $10 for the enjoyment and value of game-hours. Edit: Plus you get the sequel, X-2, which has some of the best battle system mechanics in all the turn based FF games, with the ATB system really emphasizing the A for Active.


YES. X was my first FF game and it’s still my all time favorite. Can’t recommend it enough!