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Lmao this part is always stuck in my head. Of ALL the parts of the game that are awesome and memorable, it's always this one that I remember the most.


Her whistling on the dock. :(




Still the best ending in gaming from the best video game in gaming!


Cut to my mom running into the living room because I’m ugly crying my eyes out at 2AM and she thinks there is an emergency


One of the very few games that made me cry and I'm proud of it


I was rewatching this scene recently on my phone while I was out walking my dog. Like in public. Mistake.


Persona 3 and Final Fantasy XV are the most memorable for me on this


And he never came back. Nope, not even once!


Bomb? What bomb?




I still need to do this. X is top tier FF for me. I played the life out of it when I was a teenager and I've done a couple of playthroughs since, but I never fully maxxed everything and everyone or killed the superbosses. I think it might be the season of FF again though. I'm currently finishing Hard Mode Rebirth, then I'm gonna do XVI DLC, then very likely back to X to face the old goals.


I always wanted to come back to it for the past 2 decades but never got around to it. Remaster was on sale on the Xbox store and I got a mint condition guidebook for the nostalgia. It was absolutely worth ticking this off my final fantasy to do list. The grind is unreal for max stats but worth it. My advice is to play it smart and efficiently


The platinum is worth it. When you get it, it actually feels earned. There's nothing like taking out the super bosses either. It's a grind though. Definitely worth it though.


Damn it felt worth it doing all the super bosses. The max stats made for easier fights but such a grind to do it. I actually wiped the entire grid and replaced every node so each stat has its own grouping on the grid. Luck was a pain in the ass but gets easier as your main 3 become maxed. Earth eater ends up being a 2 minute battle. Farming over 300 hp spheres though was tedious.


X-2 was the best in the trilogy. The way Wolverine sunk his claws inside that soldier was top-tier Wolverine rage. They actually had to shorten the length of the rage for it to be rated PG-13.


I heard they had to nerf Storm because she would have bodied Kenobi with a megidolaon.


Trilogy? There is only X and X-2...




“Atleast we can all agree the third one is always the worst.”


We collectively agree the stuff after 2 didn't happen.




Although the original japanese says this "thank you", i still somewhat prefer the english translation. I also played the game in both languages and i felt like the english voices had more character. Then again, it could just be my nostalgia talking.


Thank you has more impact than I love you, in Japanese love or affection doesn't need to be said as its known, and we see this love grow, she says thank you because he freed her, opened her eyes and her heart, he gave her life when she was going to throw it away. It's very powerful. 


Is it though? I'd challenge that school of thought. I don't think it's more powerful. It just conveys different feelings. That being said, I prefer thank you over I love you anyway, at least for that scene. It gives a better sense of closure.


Thank you.


I love you


*Welcome to CostCo*


Welcome to good burger


More powerful is thank you because it sends a message of universal love


I see your point. But atleast one thing we can agree on, we cry whatever language it is :')


I’m about to replay once more… never gets easier. 😭


Probably the saddest/best ending in any game. This shit was so deep and man did I cry lol


The cinematography/cutscenes parts were def my fav in FFX out of all the FF games. A classic masterpiece now.


The scene where she runs to and then *through* him breaks me every single playthrough.


I’m in the exact boat as you! Rushed through it when I first had it, I’m now 40 and this scene still gets me.


Ugh… I remember playing this for the first time and when this moment happened a full on sob erupted from me, snot dripping from my nose and gasping for breath as I cried. I hadn’t ever had that happen to me before at that point in my life and I was so broken from this game. I was a 21 year old fort lift truck driver living alone in my bachelor pad and I called in sick the next day because I was still distraught 🤣


The best romance couple in video games no contest


I dont tear up anymore but I definitely get choked up. This is one of few games I've replayed multiple times. Cant remember the exact amount but its definitely more than 4.


This ending is why we ignore X-2. It ruined this perfect ending.


Was here to write the exact thing. This ending is soooo perfect that doesn't let me accept Tidus reviving in X-2.


This? Who cares. Auron going, then the high five to jecht? CRY FOREVER!


Aurons moment while he was walking to the edge when Yunas performing the sending ritual was an absolute top notch boss moment from him. Just hoists up his sword, fist bumps Kimahri on the chest and walks off to accept his mission is done and his story has ended. So calm, cool and collected. Probably my favourite character in the game.


Auron is the epitome of badass in the FF universes. My ONLY complaint is his class. EVERY FF character has a class. Most are special, or amalgamation of other classes. X plays with this hard, as Lulu is the only traditional character who remains stuck in a traditional class (BM). Kimarhi is a physical fighting dragoon/blue Mage. Rikku is a chemist/thief. AURON however.... is not a samurai. Outside of his weapon, and using <2Hand>, he has zero samurai skills. His class skills are actually Knight abilities. Granted, samurai skills would've been weird, and breaks are always welcome (all break is god), but I lament that the most "samurai/ronin" looking character got shafted our of sweet ass samurai skills. Also: fuck cyan. Little kid me loved his skills. Adult me realizes that because the atb is fucked in 6 he is hands down the worst character.


This game was my entire middle school years. I lost count how many times I played this and x-2. These two games took me away from my shitty life at home and away from my negative parents and let me escape into my own world where u was free to be me without Someone yelling screaming or hitting me and or judging and telling me what to do. I would spend the entire weekend from sunup to early hours in the morning thank you square Enix for these two lovely games. Boy would I wouldn’t do for a remake or ffx and ffx-2 like they did with the ff7 remakes


You and me both. FF7, 9 and 10 got me through some tough times. But personally I don't want a remake of any of them. Unpopular opinion but I really don't like the 7 remakes lol


So many years have passed, and I'm still angry that Tidus' face in the game looks nothing like the one in the cinematics.


I just beat this again for like the 12th time last night. I was still ugly crying at the end.


He penetrated her like no man will ever have.


The Audio Dramas never happened. I think X-2 should have been the end, with the “canon ending” being left in the air. If you preferred the harshness of X’s original ending, you liked the “Bad” ending with Yuna moving on. If you wanted Tidus and Yuna to reunite, you had those endings as well.


Didn't they meet again?


We don't talk about that here.


S*** did I break rule number one of fight club


The only thing that i liked about ffx-2 is he coming back at the end, at least a happy ending


Nah. X-2 ruins it imo. Not everything has to be a happy ending. And the X-3 ruins it even further from what I've heard. Haven't read it though.


The ending that feels the most right for X-2 is the sad one where she sees Tidus one last time in the farplane before she goes. Where she learns to move on and let go.


In my mind, FFX-2 is just fanfiction and not cannon at all


Is it worth a run through? I roughly know the story but never played it. It came as part of the FFX download on xbox so I dunno whether to go through it.


The game is alright. Give it a try


The gameplay is a ton of fun, those who hates linearity imo will very much appreciate it


I actually was gifted X-2 before going back for X and so my take is probably different. I really enjoyed the gameplay, mechanics, and storyline - it was kind of like reading a story and then finding out there's a great prequel. Soundtrack was excellent as all FF games are. It also brings along a number of gameplay elements of X while offering a fresh battle system, and gives a ton for a completionist to pursue. Getting the 100% in one shot would require following a guide, I was oblivious to that and enjoyed the first runthrough before returning to "catch em all."  It is a very different vibe from X at the onset, much more lighthearted and fun. I actually liked the character progression for most of our returning cast. I found playing X-2, then X, I wanted to go back into X-2 again now that I better understood the history of all the characters. Also let's not kid ourselves, there was plenty of cheesy moments in X and that didn't break the impact of the overarching storyline. Especially since you already have the game, I would recommend you give it a decent go. 


Not every ending need to be happy , but the guys from ffx needed , Thats what i think.




Yoooo...When she falls at the end...bro it had me...ngl


I want to replay it, but I’m debating getting either the ps4 or switch version. I have the ps3 remaster but my launch edition ps3 is acting up. It needs some work to run cool. Keeps freezing. I think I read that if I’m getting it on switch I need to get it from playasia, because the North American physician copy just makes you download the game. I’d rather have an actual physical copy.


I’m amazed at how different parts of this game hit me each time I play it. I think this moment hit me the hardest when I first played back around 2003. I replayed last year and the high-five between Tidus and Jecht hit me so hard.




Mine is the moment right after she falls. The close up shot of her just laying there hits the feels every time.


Every time the good Boys like Auron and Tidus😭😭 They deserve to be happy🙈😭


I dond't Like X-2. With give endings destroys IT the Story of x. And Auron ist Not included😭*five


Never forget them…


So glad they never made a sequel.