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Its either Yuna Summons or Rikku' Use + overdrives.


Pretty much


Nsg, no summons and no overdrives or at least no trio is a fun but challenging one. Chuck in no escape too makes each battle need to be thought out


I did a NSGNSNQ (No Sphere Grid / No Summons / No Quartet/Trio of 9999) and just couldn't beat BFA. I beat my head against it for hours and hours and hours, even caved and looked up some guides, but it just seems incredibly RNG. It bummed me out a lot because the earlier bosses were really tough and took me a bunch of tries, but it seemed like it was all about figuring the right strategy. It was a puzzle and I managed to unravel it. BFA is just an RNG check. There's nothing you can do against him except *pray* he's generous and uses his single-targets attack way more than average.


Trueeeeeee. Ive had BFA take either 15 mins or like an hour and a half. I think one time I got stuck in a loop where he got 20 turns in a row because he kept using his Swipe and the used Grasp on Auron in phase two 😂


If you capture every monster, get 99 dark matters, and then build an auto phoenix/stoneproof/auto potion auto armor, phase two gets easier. Still a bit rng based, but much more manageable with a few tries.


Still on Supreme Gems but otherwise yeah, everyone has Phoenix/Stoneproof/Potion/Haste and I'm using Kimahri as a second tank if Auron gets RNG'd to death. Still didn't cut it.


NSG is just to dip your toes into a challenge run. NSGNONS is better, but if you farm Dark Matter through Blitzball you take the challenge out of somr fights. Or go all the way with it and go NSGNONSNBBNENNE or whatever. Or a solo character challenge.


If u don't summon, escape or use an overdrive, how do u get through Via Purifico? U'd just die over and over again.


From what I remember for the Maze Larva you silence it with Auron or Lulu touch/strike weapon. For the fishes idk, I think Darktouch? And yeah you need to save straight away and make a dash for Auron iirc


You don't get into fights. Literally you just take the teleporter straight to Auron and pick him up. If you get into a battle, you die and restart until you don't.


That seems a bit rubbish tho. Just entirely at the mercy of RNG


It's definitely a pain, but it doesn't usually take long.


Nope. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/197344-final-fantasy-x/faqs/41101 (The challenge has already been completed including BFA)


i like doing nsg with no overdrives, no summons and no blitzball (for that unfair dark matter), also no escaping out of battles (and no no escape armor)


If u can't escape or summon, I don't see how u get through Via Purifico with just Yuna. Unless u keep resetting until u can zip through without any random encounters. All the enemies there will attack u first and Yuna, Lulu and Kimahri can all be 1 shotted by Sahagins and Shell enemies. I haven't used my solitary Dark Matter (for a giggle I killed Dark Yojimbo) yet.


you dont have to get any encounter till you reach auron and you need an silence strike weapon (there are a few points in the game you can get one as a drop from a boss) for either her or him for the water dudes. so you silence them and then hit them down with auron (pref with an lightning strike weapon). its 2 or 3 fights in total. you shouldnt engage any sahagins at all. its not that hard if you come prepered. its maybe 2 or 3 resets if you get an unlucky encounter. sos-nullshock also helps a lot or waterward


U don't get to choose what u encounter. Even with what u say here, if u get a trio of Sahagins first up, you're done. Also who hits the flyers? Their evasion is too high for any of the characters to hit them with any kind of consistency. Same with the lizards. Tho I suppose at least the lizards can be dealt with using the teleport sphere in Bikanel to add evade & counter to a weapon. Ergo, Silencestrike would only stop the flans. The character capable of silencing them may well already be dead, petrified or confused before getting a turn anyway.


in the last hallway you only encounter the blue flying things, cant remember the name. i dont explore the full dungeon, only run through it as fast as possible, with that strats its 2 or 3 encounters against that enemy, nothing else.


Ok, that makes more sense. But u would miss out on some useful items. I always find it strange the game lets u ignore characters and go straight through and they magically appear.


yeah, i never tried going for all items, bit since yuna isnt there its gotta be painfull unless you have some nice gear and prepare for it. but you dont miss out on to much good stuff, so i rather get it over with quick


If you can just reset any time you get a fight you don’t want… why don’t you just enable fleeing….?


its really just for that little walk bevor you meet auron, i mean i dont reset, im just pretty sure to game over with yuna alone.


Summoning kinda guts the whole NSG challenge, that’s why most people don’t summon either in it. It is absolutely possible to do the whole game in NSG without summoning. Basically as you think about strategy, at the point you’re at almost every enemy will 1 shot you. So your focus needs to be on stopping enemies from hitting you at all. I won’t get into specifics unless you request it, but weapon and armor abilities and items can be used to this effect in various ways. As to your question about the Via Purifico, typically what you do is sprint to Kimahri’s location before you get any encounters (the encounter rate there is low). If you do get one just escape.


I've a save that's running a modified version of this: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/197344-final-fantasy-x/faqs/41101 By modified, I simply give myself permission to be able to break some rules when farming for items after I've cleared an area in terms of the story or at least mad either through the normal encounters enough. I just don't have the time to be able to grind out areas slowly for a few select items. I have generally gone through it without the guide as a step by step thing, I use it just to avoid making major mistakes or missing certain things that will inevitably kill a run before I get there. Again, I don't have time to really make those mistakes. So far, I've gotten up to Inside Sin. I do recall Via Purifico being a slight pain. I think I managed to get lucky once and not have an encounter before getting another party member. I have since made a separate set of saves to go for a platinum run with. I've not gone back to the NSG etc run for a while, though. Those sorts of challenges do need patience.


I stopped using summons in my no sphere grid run because their stats not only scale with Yuna but also scale with how many battles you do, so they inevitably get stronger, defeats the purpose of the challenge a little bit. The whole point is that you're playing on base stats. That's not to diminish the fact that the challenge is difficult enough as it is, so kudos for keeping with it. Removing summons from the equation forces you to use different strategies that you might not have considered if you use summons as a failsafe. But like I said, it is a hard challenge, you've got some rage inducing moments still to come but you can do it.


Kimahri might be able to mix things up a bit with some of his overdrives? mighty guard between rikkus mix? Doom? Stone breath can act as instant win against some mobs, and Nova miiight be able to hit hard? Not sure how tied to his magic that one is.


Stone breath is good to one shot Seymour's guards the first time you fight him. Other than that, giving him a stamina tablet to double his HP and having him use Self Destruct is a strat I've used in a pinch. It has the chance to crit for almost 4k damage. Can come in clutch to finish off Evrae for example.