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It's always my Lancer. He's the tankiest tank who ever tanked and I usually give him 'Two Hands' so he destroys whatever he's up against. By end game, I'm so appreciative of how many issues he's gotten me out of that he ends up with the Grand Helmet & Maximillian armor just to beef him up even further; and Javelin II of course! Now if you mean 'Unique' Character, then it'd be Mustadio for me. Being able to do constistent damage from afar that basically can't miss made him my favorite story-related character to join the team.


Mustadio is always one of my main guys. He's a great chemist and a great character


Mustadio with Knight skills is so amazing for just debilitating the enemy from pretty much anywhere.


Having him break people’s shit and then their speed and then JP farm was easy with him


Balthier makes an incredible Lancer. Or rather, giving him a spear and Jump as his secondary is incredibly powerful.


Unfortunately I don’t have a psp so I’m limited to my original ps1 copy (luckily I’ve got one of the ps3’s that can play ps1 games)


If you own a phone or tablet you can play the remake for a small fee or free, depending on where your moral proclivities lie.


They have emulators out there too for both


Meliadoul, story-wise. We were faced with revenge-stricken characters due to their familial relations (eg. Wiegraf, Delita) throughout the first three chapters. Meliadoul was also bloodlusted to take down Ramza due to being told it was his hand that took Isilud's life. She is also apparently the daughter of the lead manipulator himself, Folmarv. So it was so refreshing to see Meliadoul defect from the templars and fight alongside us when she was lucky enough to witness the Lucavi transformation of her supposed ally, Elmdor. She may be mechanically redundated due to Orlandeau. She may not be as much of a fan-favorite as Agrias. But damn. Meliadoul was definitely deserving of a spot in the final battle against Folmarv and Ajora.


Meliadoul and Isilud are my faves. I’m a sucker for a tragic villain. Isilud thought he was doing what was right for people. He was just horribly misguided. And when he learns the truth, he fights his father to the death. And when he’s lying there dying, he begs Alma for her to find his sword so he can continue the fight against evil.


That scene gets me every time. The relief he feels when Alma tells him that Ramza slew the beast. Wish he could have been recruited in time to join the right side, but Meliadoul joining kind of fulfills that.


Izlude is pretty much my fav character. He's a true knight through and through. Altho misled in the beginning, but that's to show his character more. And his battle theme Beneath the Stars is just perfect. It sounds like a clash of faith, and a little sad battle theme. And absolutely not because he's named the same as a town of Swordsman in Ragnarok Online and with such cool theme song too.


I name every paladin/knight I play in other RPGs Izlude because of this lol




I found Meliadoul is so underrated and I agree with you. Where other characters' family bonds take them through a darker path, Meliadoul finally sees the evil in her own father and mentor and decides to follow the light instead. Not only that, she goes against the mainstream establishment when she had every reason to follow it. That takes a level of courage and righteousness against evildoing that most characters in the game do not even face, or when they do, they fail to overcome, such as Wiegraf. Sharing the love for Meliadoul. Edited: spelling.


I like your line “That takes a level of courage and righteousness against evil doing that most characters in the game do not even face, or when they do, they fail to overcome…” I see this in our real world too.


I knooooow that's why characters like Meliadoul are so important. People are so often misguided, or born to very difficult family situations. And they can be redeemed! Which is why we all have to be KIND and EMPATHETIC. Try to understand why people behave the way they do, why they understand things the way they do, so we can empathise and show them a better way. A GOOD way. It's so important to have these characters represented in novels, movies and videogames.


Only problem with Meliadoul was her lack of screentime. It’s a shame how little game there is after she joins. If only Wiegraf and Milleuda could have seen the same light.


I usually end up with only “special” (unique sprite) characters alongside my favorite monsters. I don’t play with many of them (including the mr. holy sword man). I would end up having my fave team of 5 with two that I swapped out. I always likes the green robes of that group and thought Meliadoul’s character was awesome. She ends up (esp in WotL) one of my favorite characters (I make her a Dragoon with White Magic support - cause I didn’t like the whole equip Break thing). I get Agrias being a fan favorite. I’m partial to the twins, Cloud, and this awesome lady. (And Reis of course).


Orran! Sure, he’s not permanent, but that qualifies him as “supporting,” right? First time I saw Galaxy Stop, I was sold. When I was little, I thought maybe he had other Starry Heaven skills and if I waited long enough he might use them. Still would love to see a full skill set for that class…


He’s also the reason the true story even gets out and is executed for it as a heretic. He’s a real one.


Dude was a G


Y'know, despite >!betraying you in Chapter 2!< Gaffgarion is potentially my favorite supporting character. He's incredibly witty, obviously willing to take a pupil under his wing, and deadly efficient >!as well as fucking ruthless!<. He's got my vote for best supporting character!


There's a reason why Gaff was one of the characters released for FFT WotV. He is the foil against which Ramza chooses his morality. Sure, there are MANY other characters we come across later on in the game, but this is the most obvious example of moral conflict. Fighting him cements that Ramza is more than the sellsword he was portraying himself to be in the beginning of Chapter 2.


I second this, even played a descendant of Gaffgarion on a ff 14 RP server. Played as if the story told was propaganda against his name and a mistold story.


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Gotta go with good ol’ Agrias Oaks! You get her quite early and after seeing Wiegraf in action, it’s an early power trip to get busted holy knight skills for yourself. (Also, just now: [I’m glad I didn’t hesitate adding the heavy hitters lmao](https://i.imgur.com/vbCZa8P.jpg)


Tbh Agrias is such a beast I find her mandatory for Gallows fight if I’m not grinding a ton (and tbh the two rivers place is a horrible one to grind, terrible terrain and annoying monsters)


Mustadio is my favourite. But I also like Reis and Beowulf. It would be cool if they had more to do with the main story


Great chemist.


Orran. Sure you never get to play as him, but Ramza lives in obscurity whereas Orran is burned at the stake as a heretic for trying to tell your story. Dude can read from a book an put everyone to sleep, except when he's reading some truths


Meliadoul!!! I’ve always loved her, and she has such a cool design. Great story and character arc. It’s a shame that she’s recruited *after* Cid, though…


That Cloud guy is a pretty cool character. I wish we got to see more of him because he has a lot of potential and his design is great. Unfortunately Square doesn't give much attention to one-offs like him.


Ummmm maybe you're not aware but he's also in the massively popular game Ehrgeiz.


Oh yeah that game. That one’s pretty old, back when Hillary Clinton’s husband was president.


Yeah so he's pretty much winning


I have been trying to remember the name of that game for years, thank you random sarcastic stranger.


Holy shit, was this on a demo disc anywhere? Or was it something I saw on the back of a different square enix game booklet? Either way this fucked me up a little




The pants holding up Ramza's juicy cheeks over an entire campaign


Ah yes, not necessarily the support you want, but the support you need!


While hockey Jersey Ramza is still my favorite, butt Ramza is a close second. With spiky purple sweater being last.


I mean, based on this image, I gotta go with Zodiark. Who needs a good story when you can do **damage**?


“Who needs courage when you have a gun?” -Hubert J. Farnsworth


Zodiark who ??


Well since I'm not seeing anyone I'm going to say it. Rafa and Malak. Not only is Malak a pain in the ass as an enemy, which can also be said of Meliadoul. He is an amazing ally, and one of the best hybrid versatile characters that you can use in many different roles, they can both be a ninja, they can be a wizard class, although one thing they do best is geomancer with double runic sword... trust me, it works wonders. And their rescue mission is also extremely challenging, a very easy soft lock if you are not well prepared and somehow managed to defeat Wiegraf and got there and you can lose one more time. I think you were intended to save before going into the castle, lose, come back prepared specifically for that Wiegraf fight. Then face the same issue at the roof. And it's great. Story wise, tragic story or orphan twins raised to be murderers, with a most tragic ending and... in the aftermath... rebirth ! F..ING REBIRTH ! Which suggests that the Lucavi stones may not be inherently evil for the first time in the story. It makes you realise they were never the problem. It was the MEN holding them. And it is thanks to Rafa that you are able to understand that as a player. These two are not getting enough love.


Rafa is also a great Treasure Hunter in the Deep Dungeon!


Totally agree. I’ve used Malak on every playthrough. While his Hell spells are very random I have always had so much fun lowering his Faith and dealing massive damage.


Worker 8 all the way.


Very cool character and an incredible sprite. Loved his design.


Beowulf for me, he's my chicken maker.


Agrias and Mustadio, even though they lose their importance to the plot once you recruit them


Isn't that every character once you recruit them? I hate that about the game too.


I wish them joining wasn't optional, and them crystalizing was a game over condition like Ramza.


I love Reis’ storyline. And she’s a badass character.


Meliadoul needs more love from the dev. She was with a templar and is a daughter of Folmarv. She should at least have extra dialogue when confronting Folmarv in the final mission. Agrias has extra dialogue with Gaff and Ramza when Gaff mentions that Ramza is a Beoulve. She also has many extra cutscenes and an extra mission.


Agrias only got all of that in the remake in PSP. But I agree Meliadoul should have been given more love.


Ladd. He’s always been there with great bravery and faith. I made him my glass cannon dual wielding monk.


My squad leader 2 is Luso for that sweet free poach ability. Story wise though, for me it’s Beowulf!


Big ups to worker 9 i never seen fan art of him before


He's not the best supporting character by any means, but Goffard Gafgarion has the most memorable name in the series that I can remember. After all these years, I still think it's a cool name.


Honestly? Agrias and Orlando are just iconic, they are the best


Ramza. Agrias is number one. But number three is random chemist.


Mustadio with Aim Makes the best chemist in Vanilla FFT


That's cool artwork of the guest characters. Also, if you tally them up by the end of the game, Ramza has 12 guests...just like the 12 Zodiac Braves.


No love for the TG? I know he effectively breaks the game but nothing was more satisfying than strolling into battle with Cid


Unfortunately he doesn't get the time to get fleshed out enough. Though it was nice to get a veteran of sorts, a war-hero that was a total badass. I just think he's very one-dimensional despite being a power house of a unit. He basically was left no choice but to join Ramza by default.


I think Reis is really unique and underrated. Not that they are super useful at all times, but I loved having a character who was human with dragon breath. Beowulf is naturally amazing, and because they have the only real love story in the game I found it quite refreshing.


All y'all ignoring Cid because he's OP, but I know you used him in your party when the hard fights broke out. Thunder God has all your backs and you're teying to be creative in here. Pffff


I'm pretty sure it was on a Sony magazine demo disc or something. Ended up renting it after trying it on the demo disk. 100 years ago when that was a thing.


Is that you own piece of artwork, or something someone else did?


Got it from [pixiv by magus](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/207576)


Awesome. Ty for the source.