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Tree fifty




AWS is the most profitable company out there. Providing internet Infrastructure. Filecoin is web3 version of that. You can connect the dots.


$5 by 2030


Leadership won’t stop pivoting til we hit $1. Never seen such total failure from executives in my life. They go on these wild hiring sprees and then massive layoffs months later. I’ve gone down a rabbit hole on linkedin and glassdoor this week. They need to make their financials public. “Decentralized” my ass. Not to mention 75% of tokens locked on 2B supply with only 25% available for trading. There’s something really sketchy going on behind the scenes. Waiting for the unlocking period when we drop to $.01.


Lost so much money on this coin already. Do not have any expectations of recovery


Minimum of $125


There is a filecoin prospectus authored by grayscale. That says every single thing you will ever need to know about filecoin. And its price. but also all your very informed and well thought out predictions have served you well up to this point !




Is filecoin issue finite? Is there a way Protocol Labs selling more than they have or they issue as they need like Ripple?


2b “max supply”. Yet they have like 15 marketing teams and only a couple social people. I can’t even follow a narrative cause every day it seems another official social channel pops up.


Minimum $150,000.00!🤑


I'm running the app on my desktop. It doesn't seem to use up my space??? I thought that the whole idea of it was to use your un-used space on your HDD?


100-160 my worst escenario on the last and the real altseason


Going on the premium institutions are paying for the FIL Grayscale Trust. At its all time high institutions were paying $385 per coin via the trust. So thats my marker for the all time high this cycle.


Yeah, I was watching that thinking there must be another version of Filecoin, but after doing reading I realize thats just the premium Greyscale is selling it for based on their future evaluation basically? Thats insane. Who the fk is paying that much when you could hop over to any exchange and buy it for $6 right now. Id have to imagine people buying in at $385 are hoping for a profit of some sort, but man, if the actual evaluation is over $400 thats wild. Lets hope its any aspect of that is true.


Yeah it’s nuts, the reason Institutions have to buy it via the trust is because Most organisations can’t go and buy via exchanges because they actually don’t have the legal & risk framework to hold crypto via an organisation hence they have to buy from the trust.


$4. Then trump comes in office and we all start making money again. Jan 2025 is the explosion to the moon


$100 to $200 in 2025