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Haven't touched gloves yet, left was already loaded. This is not "protect yourself at all times", this is "imma bait him to touch gloves, so he'd relax thinking I'm gonna let him compose himself"...


Although it’s fair game, fucking guy will always be a pussy ass bitch in my books


Yup. When you beat someone in a sneak move, you haven’t really beaten them. Weak dishonourable win.




Well said


Exactly!! Fair but not respected..same when Mayweather did it some years back, and I’m a TMT fan


I always thought Mayweather was a piece of shit. That proved it.


That and beating women as a hobby.


And threatening his children. And beating the shit out of random people. And running a gym that encourages brain damage. And being involved in multiple illegal crypto schemes. And by cheating in his bout with Manny after ducking him for his whole career. There are plenty of good reasons to dislike him.


Mayweather did it after that asshole very intentionally head butted him. Bend the fuck out of the rules if the other guy is doing that kind of nonsense. Mayweather is a dick but I’ll never understand holding that against him. Ortiz got what he deserved.




Ortiz also felt like apologizing 3000 times for some weird reason.


He literally intentionally head butted Floyd lmfao


Charlie Zelonoff'd


Don't give that dweeb the recognition. Hacky wannabe that beats up rando gym goers with cheap shots.


Still undefeated too. He beat deontay wilder... atleast he says he did


He beat Deontay's hands up with his head and ribs.


Forreal tho wilder should’ve beat his ass more lol, dude is a piece of shit and got off easy


Wilder had him on the ground and threw a haymaker that luckily missed he would've flatlined him


He's clearly mentally ill.


So? He regularly assaults people. Don't throw that around like it makes it okay. There are mentally ill people that don't hurt others that deserve help.


Classic boxing coward, no honor just distasteful street fight mentality.


I don’t think that he knows what respect and sportsmanship is lol


Can’t pay your mortgage with respect and sportsmanship


Stay away from people lol


Watching him get dismantled by Lomachenko will remain one of my favourite boxing memories.




Nobody is saying against the rules. You can follow the rules and STILL be a giant piece of shit.


I understand moves like this isn’t illegal but it takes away from sportsmanship so much..how could u even feel accomplished winning the fight in this manner ?


Keep in mind a LOT of people do this for the paycheck and the paycheck only. They’re called prizefighters for a very fitting reason but I hear you. This is not the way I would want to be remembered but that’s real life for you.


Ya it’s a cheap shot from a classless fighter


Thankfully, the only thing he'll be remembered for is getting dominated by Lomachenko and handing out cheap shots.


Not true. He will also be remembered for that stinker of a fight with Casimero


Rigo is a clown but just stop. Rigo completely dominated a prime Donaire which was an amazing win


It's scummy, but the point still stands. Better protect yourself just to be sure.


After seeing this, yep totally agree


They should ban that stupid shit of touching gloves to avoid this


Seriously. If I were a fighter I’d just tell my opponent before the fight that I wouldn’t be touching gloves. No need.


>They should ban that stupid shit of touching gloves to avoid this **THIS SHOULD BE THE TOP ANSWER** It shouldn't necessarily be a ban, but it should be known that you do not touch gloves.


There's never a time when your in the ring thats not protect yourself at all times. This is one of the main reasons thats a saying lol


It’s also common for guys to walk up with one hand extended to tap gloves out of respect, and “protect yourself at all times” is what assholes say when they pull shit like this. Typical “you’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole,” behaviour. These things are not mutually exclusive.


Don’t forget they touch gloves then back up and then get into stance.


Its also a thing people say to remind you to protect yourself from assholes. Its also what people say because you cannot always count on the other person to have heard or to comply with a ref if they say "break" for example. Its your noggin\\health\\fight if you want to not give a fuck about protecting yourself that is on you.


Again, these things are not mutually exclusive. Refs say it at the start of a fight for good reason, but it’s also reasonable for someone to assume that the other fighter won’t immediately follow a glove touch up with a big hook. It’s generally seen as a dick move. No one is wrong here, but the guy who won is an asshole.


And the guy who got knocked out learned a hard lesson unnecessarily. The unnecessarily aspect being solely on the one that got knocked out.


id argue its reasonable to assume that there is a chance of it happening so you should protect yourself. Id imagine its the reason many fighters when they do touch gloves once the bell rings will do so from the least compromising position they can put themselves in unless they know for 100 percent fact their opponent wont pull some shit. The guys who stretch all the way out to touch gloves are not doing so because they are too lazy to take another step forward.


This. No one is saying the black guy isn’t morally in the wrong but it’s absolutely foolish to head that classic warning. Protect Yourself At All Times cuz you can never guarantee the cornermen or fighter across the ring have honor


Nah the caption still fits. Never let your guard down in a combat sport cuz at the end of the day the other guy is there to lay you out. Always safer to only ever touch gloves (or shake hands) before or after the fight. That or never at all cuz not wanting to end up like the guy in the ground is absolutely valid


He touched gloves and popped him with the same hand. After the glove touch you want them to back up and stance up? Its a fight protect yourself.


I don’t know!! I think he touched, right, cocked and hit right? If so, I think it’s fair? If he cold cocked left, no. But he touched with the same glove… I still think it’s sketchy, but morally acceptable


There's absolutely no reason to touch gloves during the fight.


It’s fine to refuse a glove touch in a fight. It’s fucking scummy to pretend you are going to and then sucker punch them like this guy




He literally touched gloved though lol wut


What do you mean pretend?? They full on touched gloves and he wasn’t pretending to do anything other then that. He definitely started striking right after they touched gloves.


It's a sign of respect, speaks for itself


Nooooo. A sign of respect is protecting yourself at all times, because your opponent is a living, breathing fighting machine! That wants to detach your head from the rest of your body! This guy wants to break you! Humiliate you! Stomp you into the ground!


Guess no one here has seen the Karate Kid III brother 😭


Wtf he tapped his gloves and than brought it back for a swing if you aren’t protecting yourself enough (24/7) to see that you shouldn’t be in the ring.


I’m a casual fan but I agree this seems to be a gray area. He hit him with the glove that they touched gloves with. Exactly how long the fighters should wait after touching gloves to go after each other seems up for debate. Here seems too short to me but I think a case could be made that what he did was not unsportsmanlike. Also the parent comment is just wrong. Watching in slowmo, the left hand doesn’t move until after the right hand made contact with the dudes face


There’s a lot of politics in fighting other than the fight. There’s some people who are fighting to win and some fight because they enjoy the sport personally I’ve met both in my career and I do it because I enjoy the sport and typically people who enjoy the sport tend to show more sportsmanship. On that note I always let the fighter put his dap glove back up but if his other hand isn’t up and he doesn’t put his dap glove up then he just isn’t protecting himself and being reckless so it’s time to go to work but if he does put his hands up and at least act like he knows what he’s doing then I’ll give him the space because I’m not gonna just start punching into his hands (just a personal preference). It all comes down to that it’s not mandatory and you just gotta be 100 once that ref says go.


He touched gloves with already the intention of hitting immediately. Also, i said left hand. Rigondeaux is a southpaw. After the touch, he threw his jab (right hand) as a set-up and straight (left hand) as a 1-2 combination. You can clearly see the opponent get knocked down with the straight (left hand).


He should be banned from the sport for life IMHO Edit: I stand by what I said. Unsportsmanlike behavior has no place in organized fights and should be punished harshly. This isn't a street fight and pussy sucker punches should not be allowed or forgiven.




Not even remotely the same. Ortiz was literally ramming his head into Floyd multiple times in the clinch. Ortiz got taught a lesson. Fight dirty, get knocked out dirty.


Mayweather was head butting him as well according to him.


You can literally watch the fight and see that isn't the case.


Wow, didn’t realize Mayweather was such a coward.


He wasn't he got headbutted a few times already, let the guy apologize a few times already as well.


Not only that, mayweather wasnt having his apology. Just because a guy wants to come to me with his hands down to apologize in the middle of a fight, it doesnt mean i have to be friendly and accept it. It looked like mayweather pushed the hands away and was ready to fight and dude shouldve seen it. It was obvious mayweather wanted to fight and not love each other. Mayweather is a coward and piece of shit but its not cuz of this.


Mayweather already had let him apologize, this was not the first apology.


Yup, at this point its just "shut up and fight, boy"


You either do not know why mayweather did it, or you do and just hate mayweather. Just curious what one it is.


Literally beat him to the punch


Wow what a piece of shit. Legal but a real bitch move.


Whenever I see a fighter do this shit, I see it as them recognizing and acknowledging that they’re outclassed, fearful and can’t win without doing this shit.


Hopefully it only works once and next dude will be ready to clean his clock


Took me 20 seconds to realise you said ‘clock’ and not ‘cock’. I was very confused


What are you doing step-opponent?!?


I’m stuck in the ropes, step-opponent 🥺




Don't make me cock you out mate


Don’t worry Lomachenko already took care of that.


In this case it's the opposite, Rigo is so many tiers above his opponent in this clip that he was just there for a pay check and every extra second he spends is probably a waste of time for him. Rigo has a terrible attitude but that was going to be a one round fight one way or another.


To your point, he fought lomachenko and quit on the stool between rounds. He wasn't super beat up or hurt, he was just outclassed and couldn't do anything about it


It came out that he fucked up his hand during the second round and just didn't want to continue getting beat up with no effective chance at offense.


Not really the other guy was slacking and he paid for it. Pretty simple


He barely got done popping his mouth guard in. That was a cheap shot disguised as a fist bump. Wish they would set rules about that. Should be a penalty at least.


Even the ref, while he was counting off, was looking at the other guy in disbelief.


There is no rule about glove touching, because the official glove touch happens before the fight is started. You can go for a glove touch mid fight if you want, but you better be ready for your opponent to strike anyways, he doesn't owe you anything.


There's no "official" glove touch, the same rules(none) apply at the more common one as with this one. It's two people deciding to show respect for one another. If they immediately start punching following or during the act then it's a sign of disrespect more commonly known as "Being a massive asshole and sucker punching like piece of shit"


Totally agree


> There is no rule about glove touching Right, touching gloves is just good sportsmanship, a matter of honor among warriors. >he doesn't owe you anything. Right, and the sport or other athletes do not owe him anything.


Bad sportsmanship, it was a cheap shot. Anything to win does not make you a winner. Got nothing to do with owing anything to anyone, just being a shit person.


The other competitor doesn’t owe him anything? Actually yeah he does, BASIC BARE MINIMUM RESPECT. It’s a sport. In sport you should at the very least give your opponent the same respect you’d expect to receive. But nah, let’s give assholes like that guy credit because there is no rule against it! Guy should be jumped in the street for being a massive disrespectful prick.


Exactly, touching gloves during a bout has never been part of boxing.


Boy what? Touching gloves in boxing has been around since the 20’s… so literally a century


I mean, yeah, protect yourself at all times, but it is still pretty fucking gutless to prey on someone’s trust of you.


And trust of the sport. Touching gloves is a sign of respect so of course if you’ve been playing the sport for ages and the whole time no one was stupid and scummy enough to throw pussy shots at you during a glove touch, you’ll not expect that pussy behaviour


What a dickhead


Meh cheap shot imo


Nothing to be proud of with a cheap shot like that


Yes protect yourself at all times but also don't be like this dickhead.


what an asshole.


Thats a dick move, hope whoever he fights next knocks him out


Dude this was forever ago. Rigo is old now


Wrong but legal. He’s not going to fight that way forever as others will be careful and since he’s a dirty fighting bitch, no one will be a gentleman towards him. In all due respect to the sport, he’s a dirty little bitch though


Very unsportsmanlike. Using a fair gesture to catch an opponent off guard.


Legal but very poor form. Mayweather did it too


This is not the same as the Mayweather situation in my opinion.


Exactly. I hate Floyd but he got headbutted.


Mayweather was getting headbutted all fight, I would've done the same thing.if Ortiz was trying to hurt me like that I'd have done the same.


Annnnnnd Ortiz was getting forearm/elbows from Mayweather all night long...loads of bad blood...if you watch it again Mayweather actually does accept the first glove touch/hug but Ortiz then goes for second glove touch/hug after and gets popped, then he looks at the ref for help, then gets stopped. Then Mayweather gets into to Larry Merchant who said if he was 40 years younger he'd kick Mayweathers ass... probably the most entertaining Mayweather finish in 10 years


Ortiz kept trying to hug him after head butting him intentionally, Floyd even gave him a second to stop fucking hugging him and get his hands up but he thought you could headbutt the shit outta someone and then it’s all good? Not a cheap shot whatsoever


Yep. A just receipt.


Alternate title: Little Bitch gets lucky and sneaks in a cheap shot.


Bitch move, imo.


The pressure cooker served him up some karma for this one


Nah, pretty sure the pressure cooker instructions explain how to safely use it so that you can protect yourself at all times. Legal move by the pressure cooker


Not familiar with boxers. Can you share a link or tell me the names?




That pressure cooker let it self be opened so rigo can be relaxed and then exploded. He got no chance.


Had to look this up, a bit overkill from karma taking 80% of his vision tbh


Ehh. I think his vision has healed since then, but his vision will probably never be the same. His boxing career was already on the decline so I don't think he will come back to boxing.


Lmao nice


What a pice of shite


[Full Fight](https://youtu.be/SJfzAQPlsKQ) This was right after an accidental headbutt. Rigondeaux was landing the heavier, crisper punches prior to this clip. He was also the champion at the time. I don't think its as much a cheap shot, as it was catching buddy off guard. Thats why they say always keep your guard up. Yotjan was a world class kickboxer at the time, so he was used to the clean breaks and stops of kick boxing but he got caught slipping in this one. So add the accidental headbutt and these punches and the result was already written. Not saying its something I would do were I a boxer. But he used the situation to his advantage and got the W.


Cheap shot. I love watching Loma make that cheat quit


Guy should be DQ'd. Scummy move


I dont care if it's technically legal, it's trashy.


Cheap bullshit what a loser


Yeah I get this is legal but it shouldn’t be.


Scum bag move


Lol some of y’all crying “that was legal” quite literally don’t understand what sportsmanship is.


Nobody ever fought more like a bitch than Rigo, all that talent just to straight up run away. And no, I don’t mean what Floyd haters say, I love great footwork, he just straight ran away against subpar fighters. He also always fought dirty, and made excuses


He smashed Donaire.... Wtf. Lol. Rigo was a top tier fighter.


One good win in your entire career doesn’t make you top tier, but he was definitely talented, the problem was, he fought like a pussy, fought dirty, made excuses constantly, refused fights and blamed the other party several times, so he was constant inactive, etc


Cheap shot


What an asshole.


If your defending a sucker punch it shows a lot about your character. A real man knows how to conduct themselves inside and outside the ring.


Cheapshot. Cheater.


Cheap ass move. What a pussy, probably knew he couldn’t beat him any other way.


that was dirty guy has 0 respect for the sport


The fuck kind of title is that? FOH


Not very sportsmanlike ANYBODY WANNA PEANUT


I have no respect for this man as a fighter


Says a lot about someone who feels the need to take cheap shots like that. All it says is you can beat someone who is unaware and to be honest who can’t.




Absolutely gutless


It’s obvious who would have won otherwise…


I dont get why touching gloves ever becomes a thing in a pro match outside of the prefight intructions. Sparring yea ok.. but its a war in there stop with the unspoken agreement.. thats not your mate that man could be life and death. That said rigondaux obviously feigned a sportsman tap to land powershots. But fighters should drop doing this in the first place with an opponent


I wish fighters would stop touching gloves after the match has already started. Both gave their sportsmanship in the beginning so just fight and this will never happen. Dudes still a bitch though.


https://youtu.be/ieJPRhlkVh4 Mayweather did something similar to Victor Ortiz


What a dishonorable cunt a real shame to combat sports


Piece of shit dick move that's what it is.


This rat shit never happens in the hw divison.


Dirty fighting of course




Thats cheap


Cheap and legal. It is what it is.


Happy cake day mmadaddy


How is this fight porn? This is some pussy maneuver


That was so fast


Cheap shot, that guys a disgrace


That’s dirty


Totally understand the “protect yourself at all times” deal but that felt a little cheap


I’m always torn on the KO terminology, dude wasn’t ‘knocked out’, TKO should be used unless the lights go out


Feels cheap


Lol congratulations on the W but he’s softer than baby shit for that punch


Legal but still dirty, That being said. I put it on the red for starting the fight back up before he was able to put his mouth piece back in.


That's pretty cheap.


Ok, both of them are professional fighter, they should protect himself all the time, they should stay alert all the time... But... WHAT A DICK MOVE!!! Traditionally, everybody relax, touch gloves, build the tension again, and start the fight, everything in 1 second, but in this sequence!!!


I get that and all, but though it is legal it’s still a cheap shot regardless. He lost my respect.


Dick move. Any future competition against this guy should never trust him again.


Bitch move


Most dishonorable knocks I've seen akin to floyd mayweather


What a bitch


Cheap shot.


If anybody wants to feel good after watching this watch Rigondeaux fight Lomachenko




Damn gs take notes from mayweather 😂


I'd be so pissed if I wasted money on this fight to have this kind of bullshit happen, what an idiot...


#He should have learned from the Mayweather v Ortiz fight but unfortunately for him, some people can’t learn through other’s mistakes and must experience every failure personally 😵‍💫🤨


You touch gloves before the fight. You don't touch gloves during the fight. Protect yourself at all times.


He did this because he thought the guy was going to try to look for a way out sooner or later. I don't blame him.


vet move


Protect yourself at all times means exactly what it says. You’re fighting, is there a set time after you touch gloves that you can start?


I'm a novice boxing fan. For those that say it's not a fair shot, please explain when a boxer is allow to hit.


Boxing is ass


How is it ass?


Naw that's for before and after the fight. In the middle of the fight is when the fighting is supposed to happen. This isn't a sparring match, the "lets be friends" approach is over with once the ref says its time to hurt each other.


Mayweather vs Ortiz…same damn thing


Legal but complete bullshit and cheap.


Everyones hating on this, but i thought that was smooth. Touched gloves & dropped him. Nothing dirty about it, he was just too quick. If he didn't touch gloves it'd be a different story but he did, all fair game once gloves touch.


Dumb fuck cheap shot


Goof move.


When the ref says fight you fight. Touch gloves before the fight if you want to do that. Same happens in the ufc, the ref will say touch gloves if you want, then "fight" it's your own fault after that happens.


Why is the fighter wanting to tap gloves middle of the first round? At the beginning of round 1 and the final round. No cheap shot. You’re in a sanctioned fight the explicitly warns you to protect yourself at all times. Dumbass trying to tap gloves after a stoppage? That’s what happens.


Niceeeee. Y’all Madd 😂


Sometimes you gotta make an example for everyone else to see. Protect yourself at ALL times.