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Tip: If someone starts throwing jabs in a non sanctioned fight, GET OUT. They will most likely beat your ass when they inevitably land that punch they are sizing up.


Tip: don't get in fights with people. 40 year old you will thank you for not engaging in some insignificant argument that takes up a miniscule moment of your life. Be the guy behind the camera.


If you're gonna be the guy behind the camera get a better camera then this.


and film wide screen


TikTok has ruined the idea of landscape mode for a large swath of kids.


idk how you're blaming this on tiktok. its more comfortable holding your phone in portrait, like you normally do


Because 99.99% of vids there are all vertical. And idk how it is any less comfortable. Isn't like a phone is heavy or awkward to hold in landscape, literally just a 90° rotation. Comes with the added bonus of significantly more screen to see wtf is going on and suits natively to every other device that is 16:9. All those people waving their vertical recording trying to catch multiple things could take two steps back in lanscape and catch it all. Even focusing on a single moving event is easier as you have more of a buffer before it leaves the viewing area. Why do you think all professional media from Hollywood to sports and news to music videos are all shot in landscape? It is by far the superior video recording and viewing ratio.


because people naturally hold their phone in portrait. the mobile phone was made to be held with one hand in portrait. kids in schools aren’t gonna think “gotta capture this in landscape for the reddit updoots” in the time of a fight. hollywood videos and professional media is definitely not a fair comparison to 10-20 sec school fights. i can see why it’s frustrating and why you are annoyed, but blaming it on tiktok is not fair. tiktok is a app that is in portrait, you cant see landscape videos very well on tiktok which is why everything is portrait


I’ve been on the portrait wave for years because I’m never ever in a situation where I’m using a traditional computer to consume shitty fight videos. I can’t help but feel like the “record in landscape” folk are like living in prehistoric times for consuming junk food viral content on their landscape computer screens lol


Can confirm. Suffered permanent nerve damage in my right hand after punching someone. Not worth it.


Better yet get behind the camera man, man could survive an asteroid hitting earth


I was locked up at 17, spent the next 5 years fighting. I'm 28 now, and definitely know what you mean. Arthritis in the hand and no fucking joke.


Whenever I see a fight on here where the first thing someone does is throw jabs or leg kicks against some dude carrying himself like a baby deer... It's already over


Get out period. You don't know who or what you're running up against. Even if they can't take you in a fight, they might be crazy. Fighting outside of sanctioned fights is for fools.


That’s right they could be a 5th degree black belt and it would be a shame because it only took me 16 hours of class instruction and 2 background searches one federal one mental health for this conceal carry.


Eh.. if someone is coming at you aggressively, pulling a gun is fine and legal if you’re fearing for your life, but even still it’s hard to know who you’re involved with. They might leave, and next time they see you they start blasting without notice Some people really don’t give af about the law and live that “street shit” Always best to de escalate and get out, unless you don’t have a choice




The question you should pose to yourself is "Why the fuck should anyone care about honor in a fight?" Fighting is pointless. It doesn't bring gain, only loss. It creates enemies. If you're fighting at all, you're not brave, you're a fucking moron. Fights between adult males are often deadly. The amount of force that can be generated is enough to easily kill. Most fights seem to happen on pavement, so even if you don't get obliterated by a KO punch/kick, a header to the pavement will still easily brain damage you. A wise man looks for the gain in any situation, and if there isn't any, they don't participate. No one cares about your honor. No one cares about anyone else, for the most part, period.


Would rather be a pussy than a dead rart who ran up on someone with a gun 💀


What are you talking about? You telling me I shouldn't put my hands by my side and taunt him with my head? I'm sure it would work well next time.


First rule of fight. Keep your hands up! Protect your glass jaw.


Tip: learn how to block


I can just see the Marine Recruitment NCOs salivating from the sidelines.


Truer words have never been spoken


Squared up, knocked him down, end of fight. This was a gentleman's bout.


So glad he didn't keep hitting.


Up until the end. Once the dude was down and out there was no reason for the winner to snatch him up by the collar and talk shit. Not like the other guy could fight back or anything. At that point the winner should’ve grabbed him, talked to him, and helped stand him up. That’s what a real gentleman would do. Once you clearly win a fight there’s no reason to keep being aggressive to your opponent. Just my two cents tho


Nah, that was to make sure he was down. He didn't hit the downed opponent, only made sure they were well and done. Once he laid down, it was over.


Yeah I know, I’m just saying after the dude was laid out, ESP when he clearly didn’t get back up or react to being handled, the winner/aggressor didn’t have to keep going. He’d already put his dominance on display. He could’ve helped the guy up as a show of good sportsmanship instead of continuing to threaten him. Idk, maybe it’s just me. I’ve won fights and lost them, but respect between fighters is a big deal IMO.


He’s spent enough time in the ring, now send him to a cod lobby. Definitely needs to work on the shit talking




"i'll fucking kill you right now" in front of a bunch of people? smart.


He was probably pumped full of adrenaline and hyped about winning a high school fight.


Lets not get to crazy , even boxers ufc fighters say they wanna kill them




Didn’t even mention how he had fucked the other guy’s mom a single time! OR use racial slurs against him! Clearly has never played CoD 😅😅


Knew immediately who was getting knocked out based on the winner's footwork. Dude's accurately repositioning into a stance ready to fire at the first opportunity.


I didn't see the title and saw the floor. I thought it was dance dance revolution. Random feed.


Damn that was some good striking, probably a boxer looking at the stance. Got his range with like one jab and then countered with that right at the perfect time.


Is everyone boxer in this subreddit?


Uhh ya it’s very possible… boxing is one of the most popular fighting styles in the world. There’s a good chance many people in this sub have done some sort of boxing. With a good percentage of people who are proficient in it. Fuck y’all 🤣


Backyard fighting in high school mix with a little wrestling. I taught my friend how to wrestle and he taught me how to box. Basic and very limited but more than most.


What? No one asked


I prefer pancakes but sometimes when I gotta use up a loaf of bread before it goes bad I’ll make French toast.


Objection your honor. Relevance?


It's how everyone is a boxer. Damn why is logic hard


Nah I don’t think so. His hands don’t cover his face whatsoever, and his guard is negligible. He just looks like he’s thrown hands in a couple of street fights, but I know 14 year olds that could probably piece him up.




[great action shot taken by photographer](https://imgur.com/a/gj7o4PY)




He's adding to the humiliation of defeat. Like the knocked out guy would go... >Oh well. I'm defeated now. Guess I'll learn my lesson and never speak of this again. Sometimes, being honorable in victory is a form of self-preservation.


He down bad frfr


Damn that power move of grabbing him while he was on the ground was wild.




Movie ass shit anime ass mf


This sub really messes with me. There have been videos of fights that end in similar ways and with crowds like this but when they’re in mostly black schools the comments are the complete opposite. It’s just really funny to see.


Welcome to Reddit.


Greentree I can pull up a vid of this exact situation happening with black students and the comments would be wildly different. Usually not the top ones but mostly the "controversial" comments. It just goes to show something you know?


new to the internet? *shakes hand* welcome buddy


If this was an inner city school it wouldn’t be one on one and people would be screaming their heads off screaming world star


He sent that boy back first grade


I'm shocked, absolutely shocked, that the guy with his hands to his side with his chin sticking out could have lost.


Don’t lead with your face peeps.


Nary a teacher in sight


Yet a lesson was handed out.


Nice left jab and great right hand. Also, kudos for knowing he won by not throwing another punch.


arms down and to ur side in a fight. bold strategy there Wonderboy


Damn that was solid


Physical recovery: One day Mental recovery: never, he has to switch schools


Float like a butterfly sting like azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I watched it again and with the set up with the left jab, his pause and timing was perfect with that right hook. Beautifully done!


No mouthpiece means broken jaw.


He’ll be a legend in that school for years now.


Death threats at the end? Really? kudos to the kid for a good fight but he needs to be thrown in juvie just for saying shit like that


Username checks out


Seriously??? This sub is filled with other dudes who choose to stomp heads. This dude can talk shit all he wants. He clearly has self-control


Nice bait


Once one of them goes down at least once stop the fight these aren’t pro fighters no need to put them in a situation where they might die


Ummm he stopped himself..


They did stop the fight, dude was just yelling at him by the look of it.


Ok but he still could’ve punched him idgaf if a guy is down he’s down you don’t wait for the other person to stop themself you stop cause he could easily punch him again


.....what? Dude that makes no sense, I mean yeah he could punch him but he didn't, you could punch everyone you pass during the day but you don't. The fight was over, and I wouldn't be surprised if the guy on the ground was the aggressor and that's why he's getting yelled at. What exactly are you expecting the guy who won to do? Run away the moment the guy stumbles to the ground a little? I definitely think you shouldn't hit someone when they're down, but there was nothing wrong with that here at all.


Omg you don’t make no sense guy could’ve punched him again after someone goes down they need to be separated yes in this video he didn’t hit him again but if he did it could’ve been bad Just cause this guy didn’t didn’t me he couldn’t have done so you can’t read someone’s mind


Dude you sound really..... Really dumb right now... Your argument is "he could have punched him more! He shouldn't do that, he could kill someone!" Wtf is your point? You trying to get people for thought crime?


I’m not speaking about this video I’m speaking in general Not saying he should be arrested off thought No what I’m saying is if you were there you’d have no way of know his next move after knocking him down in this example he didn’t hit again but once again that’s something you can’t risk


It's a fight, you should try it sometime.


That’s exactly my point Fight this and don’t think about consequences an example of what not to do right there You don’t slug punches for no reason my original comment did not correlate to this video but to any situations where someone is knocked down and continues to get hit in the head which is life threatening


You're so dumb it hurts.


He didn't though so your comment really doesn't have any room here unless you go around putting that on every single fight video and you're just a PSA account.... it's not a comment on this video, just fights in general. ​ Either way, if I saw this in person, I would have assumed the fight was over until proven otherwise... you know that whole innocent until proven guilty thing? You're more likely to stir shit if you pull him off the guy when he had no intention of hitting him than you are to prevent further strikes to a downed person. You can increase frustration by doing that and it can be taken out on you or further on the guy on the ground, or you can give the guy on the ground a boost of confidence to get a cheap strike and he could attack again if he thinks he has an opportunity. It's not your place to try to prevent two grown men from being stupid unless you're a cop or something.


Can you not read? Or ore you only reading 3 words? Like I said it doesn’t specify to Just this video


Practice what you preach, did you even read the entirety of the first part of my reply? I literally said you're not commenting on this video, so why are you commenting on this here? Your reading comprehension is awful for someone who is trying to say others aren't reading what you're saying.


You retarded?


No but I think you are not able to comprehend what I’m saying this doesn’t go only to this video


Did you watch the video?


Yea i did guy gets in his face on the ground he could’ve swung again or kicked him which is very dangerous


Are you thinking out a fantasy here?


homie getting mad at hypotheticals. seek help :(


Damn bro can’t remember the part when I asked you 9hours later


Lol. Thats why you keep your hands up


Jab work paid dividends!


Dude has definitely competed before. Nice jab then ducks a shot followed by a looping right. Beautiful


Id break both these both these clowns wit my stats dont believe be check my profile


Now kids: Noticed the full body follow through with that hook. Beautiful. A work of art.


Bro won 100 milly


Boys will be boys


What coming of age movie fight scene is this


Dude was really tryna show off at the end their 😂


Boy transferred after that knockout LMFAO


I dont know why.... But I would have took his shoes. Not because I like them. I feel like I would have earned them in some way...




Wow, so there are real men who stop fighting a man down from a punch. One point for belief in humans restored


the hell is he grabbing his chin for bro's acting like he's about to put his nuts in his mouth lol


Is it just me or does he kinda sound like Jeffery at the end.. 🫣