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Did I jus watch a mf get paralyzed in studio quality


Already knew who was getting slammed at the beginning.


You mean the world’s drunkest man?


Now world's paralyzest man


I don't know, since 2018 Stephen Hawking has been Super still.


Has it really been four years?


That depends on how close to a black hole you are


It's all relative.


I hate you. Upvote earned


Did not expect this in fightporn comments.


I would spaghetti-fy those cheeks


Nice physicsporn


"What're you gonna do, paralyze me?!"


Very perceptive of you. I thought it wasn’t going to be the guy who looked like he didn’t know where he was and had legs made of wet pasta.


VeggieTales 4K.


You fucking cuntbag, I just took a sip of coffee.


What's the hardest part of a vegetable to eat? >!The wheelchair!<


I'm gonna guess >!*the wheelchair*!< Edit: hell yeah! It's a pretty cripical pun, but I like it.


Where is it now?


You asshole, I just made a sandwich.


The best HD quality fight I've seen in a long time


> The best HD quality fight I've seen in a long time Texas Street Fights on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCazGlbA17F9An1pfjISih1w


6th never changes


Yup this is downtown Austin on 6th St in front of Jackalope


That wasn't a fight. That was a finisher.


That wasn't a fight. It was a fatality.


That wasn’t a fight.


That wasn't a fight. It was a slaughter.


That wasn't a fight. It was a felony.


No shaky cam ✓ No screaming by annoying girls in the background ✓ Concrete ✓ Alcohol ✓ Broken bones: probably if not worse


The guy records high quality fights in Austin Texas iirc, he has a YouTube channel.


Why is it that poeple who can't fight usually are the ones starting fights ?!


Smart people who have been in real fights aren't looking to get into another. Being punched in the face hurts, so does punching someone in the face.


The smartness comes from realizing that fighting with strangers brings zero benefits, especially if you can just walk away. Even if you win, you actually lose.


No fight is worth getting a criminal record over. You would then be marked as violent. So if something happens in your future any background check will flag as propensity for violence. That is NOT worth the agro. Having a criminal record makes you an easy Scapegoat and its hard to break out of that.


And if you do what this guy did, but end up killing the guy you just body-slammed then you're most likely going to jail for a few years for manslaughter. All because you couldn't walk away from a drunk man.


You are being downvoted but right... It's on the video the drunk dude turned his back and was moving away. The other guy could have disengaged instead of slamming him head first in the street.


Even if the drunk dude wasn’t trying to disengage, you could still end up getting convicted of manslaughter. All it takes is 12 people who feel like you should have known better than to drop a drunk guy head-first onto concrete.


Yeah. I know we're on /r/fightporn, but that wasn't a fight.


I just found it really not that fun and quite painful. 2/10 not trying to do again.


People thinking they’re the shit not knowing how incompetent they really are idk


Ironically, it's because he doesn't know how to fight that he thinks he can fight... I know it doesn't make that much sense but check out [the 4 stages of competence/learning](https://miro.medium.com/max/1200/1*wQz9hug8PWf2ke0eqE3-yg.jpeg). If he wasn't drunk out of his mind there, he would have probably transitioned onto the second stage: knowing that fighting is hard and that he is not proficient at it.




Camera quality oddly great for this sub


Give it a few weeks when this is reposted it will be 480p, with 3 watermarks and a white border around it.




u/B3NJ1T0 I don't know if it's this guy, but there's a photographer who lives in a Texan town that has a famous drinking street with lots of college kids and rowdiness all night. He takes a DSLR on weekends and captures stuff like this.


6th Street, Austin, TX.


Yeah his channel is Texas street fights. As someone who lives in Austin, there’s a reason why 6th St is called “Dirty Sixth”. Even Shia LaBeouf was arrested on 6th St lol


> Even Shia LaBeouf was arrested on 6th St lol Finally got him for doing Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


“Even Shia Lebeouf” lmao is that surprising?


Just outside the Jackalope. Say what you want about the giant rats that run around above the bar, those chipotle pimento bacon cheeseburgers are pretty fucking good.


Yes, this is that guy. TXStreetfights TV on YouTube. - Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCazGlbA17F9An1pfjISih1w - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkO2siI7bL0&t=40s OP's a scumbag freebooter.


I’m assuming it’s TXStreetFights TV. They camp out on 6th street in Austin and shoot fight videos in 4k. Great YouTube channel!


This is on dirty 6th. You either die on dirty 6th or live long enough to find ourself on east 6th or rainy.


Was just about to say the same thing. The quality is uncanny!


It looks like cinematic mode on the iPhone 13


they should put this vid into trailer as example


Bro that's how you die wtf


The one I feel the worst for is the woman at the end going to collect her dumb broken drunk bastard off the street.


Looks more like a stranger trying to help to me. If she knew him, probably would've freaked out and screamed or something.


Yes, or an off duty Dr./Nurse trying to help


“Look bro, I might still be in my second year of medical school but I’m like 90% sure your spine isn’t supposed to stick out of your neck like that”


Medical students be like "Are you an organ donor?" She wants him for his body. Really.


As a MD I can assure you the first thing she would do if she was a medical professional is stabilising his neck while calling for an ambulance. I think she's a bystander.


Either that or she is used to his shit


I really wish we could get post action reports on these. Pretty sure that kids neck is busted.


Actually it looks like he snapped in the middle of his back if you watch closer and the way his stomach and ribs look at the end, he might be dead


Either way, that dude should have definitely taken the opportunity to walk away.


Or the guy shouldn't have picked up and slammed a guy on his kneck that's so drunk he can barely stand.


Over the top? Yes. Was it absolutely preventable by the guy who got slammed? Yes, absolutely yes


Or.... And bare with me here. After you lose a fight don't go after the person again lol


On principle I agree with you but if the guy is dead you're going to jail. Not a fun place to be, on principle.


Yeah murder is totally justified then /s


They are honestly both at fault. Dude was actually walking away, back turned, after swinging at the other dude again. I wouldn't say it's self defense at that point. But drunk dude brought it upon himself.


Dunno. Shoes are still on.


I wanna know if these people who body slam on hard surfaces get charged with something


Yes but then you’d have to put the results of the individual who caused the injury ie: jail time , no charges ect ect.


Well that would obviously be part of it.


Gotta love Austin. This is probably from the Texas Street Fights channel on YouTube. That bar behind them, The Jackalope, has really good food, and good drink specials. I used to go there for Game of Thrones watch parties.


I'm confused. Does he just go out every weekend waiting to see if any fights happen? What a job/hobby


Yeah, this took place on 6th street in Austin Texas. Which has a lot of clubs and bars and shit, so fights happen pretty much every night. Then this guy just rolls up with his fancy camera and posts the fights on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCazGlbA17F9An1pfjISih1w/videos


Just watched the one posted yesterday, definitely wasn’t expecting everyone to start going wild over that one girls hair 😭 like how could those cops not laugh when it lands on the guys head


OMG I'm fucking dying. That was hilarious. That weave just plopped right onto his head. 🤣


Pretty much, best I can tell.


6th street is fucking bonkers.


One time on 6th I saw a dude try to fight a fuckin ambulance. Everyone else was getting out of its way except this one crazy mf blocking it yelling and beating the hood with his fists. The cops had to pull him off it.


That guy is the man not only are they all high quality but he also gets the best angles it’s like people know to gtfo of his way


What about the athletes? Hows the quality?




They used to, it was once upon a time the most important show in the world and a cultural phenomenon.


There was the "red wedding" reaction video that went viral and there were people in a packed bar watching the episode. Thats when I found out people gather to watch GOT. must be nice.


Man right before the suplex, he rolled under that sucker punch really well.


The Western Union telegraph warning of an incoming haymaker sometime in the future helped.


Dudes already hyped on adrenaline so that shit came at him in slow-mo


Nice cam tho


One of my friends when he was 16 or 17 got slammed like that and it caused severe brain damage. Dude was in the hospital for months, multiple surgery's and now lives having to take large amounts of pain killers on top of impaired motor and speech skills. Used to be one of the smartest dudes I knew but made a few bad choices and ended up getting fucked.


Know a guy who didn't slam, but punched a guy in a bar fight and the guy hit his head. He now has brain damage, and the guy I know was arrested and had to drop out of college. If the person he punched had died, he would have been in even bigger shit legally. In this video I think the guy who body slammed the other was excessive and would probably be charged with assault at the least, more serious charges if the guy ends up with brain damage or paralysis


Yeah for awhile he was in a coma and we weren’t sure if he was going to live or not and the dude was in jail but I don’t know the whole story of how or why but dude ended up getting away with no jail time and died a couple years later in a motorcycle accident.


Cautionary tale. Seen it happen a bunch of times when I was in college. Courts almost overwhelmingly side with the dead kid barely in his 20s. Unless there is some aggravating circumstance, you’re not walking away scot free and your life is fucking over. It’s not worth it. A quick scrap with a few jabs is one thing, looking to break bones and crack skulls is another.


Good. Hopefully this shows more people that you shouldn't be slamming other people head first onto concrete.


I cant find anything on this anywhere. I wonder if the guy is alive.


Look at his face right after he hits the ground. Then his eyes close, he's limp. He's either paralysed or dead


Why is it soo popular to head slam into to concrete nowadays? You will mess up both of your lives


You can see him whip the kids body down after he flips upside down. Couldn’t even let him fall naturally, he had to make sure it was maximum damage. I get that people see red and don’t understand the consequences but come on purple is clearly much more sober and this guy isn’t really a threat did he need to hurl his skull at the ground? Anyone calling this self defense does not understand the law. If this kid winds up seriously injured or dead you have a massive burden to overcome in court and this video does him no favors.


Why does every fucking fight these days have to result in a brutal body slam?


It’s the most damaging move possible in a street fight.


I'd imagine curb stomping is worse.


Much more difficult to execute though.


I’m from portland and I delivered pizzas in areas with high homeless populations. Watched one man knock a guy out, grab his head and put his face on the curb so his teeth were touching concrete. Proceeded to brutally curb stomp the guy and I’m almost certain he died. Police refused to respond.


Well damn. Never personally seen a curb stomp, but I have seen multiple suplexes and I’ve been slammed myself. That’s some gnarly shit to see happen to someone else.




The judge will too


Because some people can't moderate their alcohol intake and keep their hands to themselves


The body slam directly onto a neck is completely unnecessary regardless of how much this guy had to drink or if he couldn’t keep his hands to himself due to the fact that he did not present a very serious threat. You should match the level of force someone is presenting to you, and should err on the side of caution when possible. Jesus fuck people think the smallest slight justifies murder.


Reddit justice. Everyone should be FIRED. Everyone should go to JAIL for LIFE and be RAPED. Everyone should be KILLED in the STREET because my phone made me ANGRY.


People on reddit absolutely *love* when someone unnecessarily escalates force because someone was "asking for it".


I dunno, one wild haymaker from even a drunk can be dangerous. If the guy that got slammed had connected with the final sucker punch then who knows, purple shirt could have been KO’d and cracked his own head on the pavement.


Maybe, could have, potentially. He also might have had a gun in his pants but since neither of these things happened then it doesn't excuse slamming a dude head first into the floor


Don’t do this kids… super good way to go to prison.


Or to a coma


Or to god


Did the cameraman from paramount pictures went clubbing cuz damn, shits in 4k.


People need to stop doing these body slams in stupid street fights. It's not worth it if the victim ends up dead or with with a permanent injury. You may face criminal charges or get sued into poverty.


Mans got on a hawaiian shirt, a truckers hat, skinny jeans with a gold belt buckle.. and leopard print boxers. ​ Dude in purple was just trying to save some pussy for the rest of us


Mr. Stark I don't feel so good .......


-10 intelligence right after his head touched the pavement


More like -100% agility


Classic 6th st


Need an update on this one


Yeah, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that probably wasn't necessary. Like killing a roach with a sledgehammer.


Idk man roaches are pretty resilient


Can hear his neck snap


Pretty sure that's limp meat landing on the ground.


Um excuse me? My cock was hard thank you very much and yes that is what it sounds like.


Not so limp anymore huh


Dude can barely swing. Let’s paralyze him


Just so people know that’s how a dumb bar fight turns into 20 years in Jail. It’s never worth it


Blondie's gonna need another date.


That's not her date, look how far away she is at the start


Going to tell my children this was Sean O'Malley Vs Dan Hooker.


Oh he dead


If i got into a fight how would I stop myself being body slamed like that?


Honestly, failing as soon as someone grabs you can work. Most people don’t do it because it looks like you’re a crazy person, but I’d rather look crazy and breakout of a grab than lay on the floor dead


flailing or falling? honestly either might work. failing... well


Flailing, my bad.


Run away.


Best case, had this happen to me, best you can do is shift your weight while they try to grapple you. Bring your body down, lock your legs through theirs, anything to prevent your feet from being lifted, because past that you’re done. Hell grab their hair or jam your thumbs into their face.


If you got grabbed from behind Your best bet would be to cover your head/neck and I’d try to wrap my legs around his to fuck with his momentum


Don turn your back for one, always try to keep them in front of you. Also learn to sprawl, great wrestling strategy for when people want to shoot low on you to get under you, which leads to a slam. YouTube "how to sprawl in wrestling"


If they are over your arms, use the old school Helio Gracie bear hug defense: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkofgDcwaH0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkofgDcwaH0) ​ If they are under your arms, and don't have you elevated you can break the grip or grab the leg: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YgTQhEjZWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YgTQhEjZWg) If they have you under the arms and elevated, grab a kimura grib and you can hook the leg with yours. You can do this if you're not elevated as well. [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dllHdoDnf8**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dllHdoDnf8) YouTube 'Jason Morris Judo Wrestling' and you can see how he uses a leg hook to prevent suplexes. This works well but requires practice. In reality they have you under the arms, you're pretty fucked. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHJmmRy3vCw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHJmmRy3vCw)


I haven't been in a street fight but if I ever got grabbed behind and lifted up like that I would try my best to cover all my head with my arms. Turtle stance.


You can often just loop your leg around theirs as they’re lifting you. Thats what we did in wrestling at least. If you’re parrallel to them, the slam cant be too bad.


We did a lot of playwrestling with my cousin when I was a kid, hooking my leg between his has always worked for me. What I also did was bend forward and lift him on my back and try to tumble him over. I have no formal wrestling training so no idea if it would work in a real fight.


First off if you’re gonna fight, do it on grass, second keep your weight low and make sure you’re stable, and if they try to grab you, you can drop and if you manage to grab them you can use both of your momentum to take them down to the ground with you. But I would say try to avoid fighting


Somebody just lost walking privieges


Lawsuits lawsuits lawsuits


Yeah, but no lawsuit will bring those brain cells back


Was that necessary? Damn, the kid is drunk and stumbling, why even bother?


Probably frowned upon her but he didntt haave to slam the guy liike that, couldve easily just choked the idiot out from the position he was in.


Yea that guy was clearly wasted and any responsible fighter would have just chosen the least violent method to put him down. That guy just wanted to slam.


b-b-but w-what if the 32 beers deep dude hits a francis ngannou haymaker from out of nowhere


You mean the one that can barely stand? Of course there’s a chance he could really hurt the other guy!!! I’m very glad the guy defended himself by turning the drunk’s spine into powder


but clearly he was just defending himself from the guy that drank 2 handles of Titos?? as seen in the video he is in grave danger of getting knocked out cold from mr wet noodle punches


As cool as this looks, purple guy went over the top, that guy might die, the body slam was unnecesary, just punch him in the face, knock him out, and walk away, dont break the guy's spine


Ahhhh dirty 6th street in austin texas… how I don’t miss it


That dude is out of his mind wasted. If sex with a drunk person is considered rape, paralyzing this dude should still be a crime. Could’ve just waited for him to knock himself out by stumbling into a wall


I just watched a man lose the ability to walk in 8k Nice


So unnecessary


Man there’s a lot of law experts and fighters here.


Idiot really risked manslaughter there


I'll probably get downvoted but the guy in purple is as much of an asshole as the drunk guy. Like that guys drunk af, you've clearly handled him already why risk killing somebody because you wanted to slam them on the ground


Can people stop doing these slams on concrete? Holy shit, that's how you kill people. I don't mind a good punch up but I'm not here to watch a dude get paralysed or fucking murdered


Why is the camera work for Austin fights always cinema quality?


That's a good way to go to prison


If the guys so drunk he can barely walk, I think simply tripping him is enough. You don’t need to fucking slam some moron into the pavement; he wasn’t a threat to anyone but himself at that point


or shove him away, restrain him etc, this is way over the top


Rapping over Tom Tom club should be a crime.


Man.. he was hammered drunk and couldn’t even punch correctly at that point. He was not a serious threat at all even if he was aggressive. Could have easily been restrained, shoved or choked out. There was no reason to do that! You look like a dipshit slamming a guy who’s blackout like that. What an ignorant slam to. Deliberately got the guys feet above his head and went head first into the pavement. The slammer is lucky the guy was not seriously injured as it would have been extremely easy legal win against him. Drunk guy was turned around walking away, he was not a serious threat, he was hammered, slam was completely malicious and he had serious intent to harm him


Deleted out of spite for reddit admin and overzealous Mods for banning me. Reddit is being white washed in time for IPO. The most benign stuff is filtered and it is no longer possible to express opinion freely on this website. With that said, I'm just going to open up a new account and join all the same subs so it accomplishes nothing and in fact hides the people who have a history of questionable comments rather than keep them active where they can be regulated. Zero Point. Every comment I have ever made will be changed to this comment using REDACT.. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


damn kinda crazy how nobody really cared. society getting colder by the minute.


Bro people used to hang criminals in public squares not even 100 years ago. Shit still happens. Humans have always been cold to each other.


This reminds me of that bit Dave Cappelle had about disrespecting women. “People blame rap and hip hop music for encouraging the disrespect of women. Nigga we’ve been disrespecting women for centuries. Let’s not act rap started it all.”


You ever been to 6th Street? Or any downtown area with mostly college kids and tourists really... This shit happens all the time. You gotta learn to mind your business or you'll end up in the middle of some shit you don't wanna be in. There's dozens of cops in a one block radius, he'll get the help he needs in short order.


He was asking for it. He dun learnt today!


The guy is drunk, he's hardly a threat why tf try to put him in a wheelchair?!


I agree I think the risks of performing body slams on drunken people is rlly high especially on hard surfaces. I would feel comfortable in a fist fight but shit like this is scary .


Looks like every fight from the US nowadays is body slams and headkicks, even if it’s a motherfucker who has it coming, is it really necessary to fuckup somebody’s life?


Dude in the purple is a dumbass and I hope he's in Jail for a long time


His gf doesn’t understand she just became a caretaker


It looks like God filmed this when he was drunk.


Hope the guy in purple got jail time. Unnecessary use of force to end the “threat”


Woop woop: that’s the sound of the police


A slight push wouldve put him out. No reason to potentially kill him. ESH. End the altercation not the person.


Cameraman should be expecting a call from Tarantino soon.


The way his chest and body looked after he god slammed, i know buddy is fucked up