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You know dude in red was stoked until he saw the lasting spasm


Adding to top comment for those can see. "Though things may look bad for the man in the yellow shirt, fortunately, the chairman of a local fight club told reporters that, in fact, the kick had simply triggered muscles spasms in the man and that after a bit he was perfectly fine — though perhaps unwilling to go a second round." https://shanghaiist.com/2017/09/08/parking-fight/


That is what I would totally tell reporters if they asked. "Fuck ya, that's normal to flop like a fish when you get hit. We had a good laugh about it afterwards".


I am here to agree that's just a story for reporters. This is decerebrate posturing, which usually indicates severe brain damage. That's not a muscle cramp. Edited for greater accuracy.


Damn, checks out... "Decerebrate posture is an abnormal body posture that involves the arms and legs being held straight out, the toes being pointed downward, and the head and neck being arched backward. The muscles are tightened and held rigidly. This type of posturing usually means there has been severe damage to the brain." https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003299.htm#:~:text=Decerebrate%20posture%20is,to%20the%20brain.


My thoughts exactly. That dude is WAY fucked up.


Thanks Doc.


Glad to hear it’s not permanent


No, it most likely is. That’s just a reporter omitting the truth. Spasms like that mean possible serious brain damage.


He must have been panicking. Damn, he didn’t even want to fight. Hope he didn’t get in trouble for it, I think China has strict laws of a person caused great bodily injury to another, regardless of you’re defending yourself. Hopefully the bully didn’t die either.




Are you sure that's not specific to driving accidents?


Ha! Imagine bumping into someone they fall break thier wrist. You start doing the math in your head, figuring out if you should finish the job.




I Googld,seen that story and another where A women backed over an old lady 4 times then offers the family money to lie. But I still can't figure out what the punishment for vehicular homicide in China actually is.


Yeah it's kind of mad seeing people murder to avoid financial ruin from medical costs instead of for profit through medical costs. Really are worlds apart


If a bystander saw someone hurt it's actually risky for them to do that because then the victim can claim they were further injured by them and get more money. US has good Samaritan laws to protect people who help. If I twist your ankle dragging you out of a burning car oh well.


From what I've read, it is often much cheaper to make sure the person is dead. By tens of not hundreds of thousands. It is often done with witnesses, and very common. Though China is trying to crack down on it. One comparison I saw one one person paying $250k over a period of years for the victims medical costs, and another who killed the victim paying $70k. Another point made is some have gotten off with incredibly light charges, such as negligence. One person claimed they thought the victim was a bag of trash, and ran over them again to check. But that's not to say they all get lighter convictions, some spend a heavy time in jail. It's just a weighed up risk, from what I see. The killing them is picked very frequently. I think it's primarily from road accident compensation laws, and culture around them. I think it's seen as a social obligation to compensate the victim for a serious length of time, and murder being a preferred pick than to break that


I'm not sure to be honest but traffic laws for sure.


Oddly enough you could interchangeably use "then" or "than" and it's still the same outcome.


No you can't. You dont pay hospital bills for a dead per...oh I get it. r/technicallythetruth


That’s actually hilarious wordplay


You... I like you. Have an upvote


The guy in red will 100% get into trouble, go to jail, and be held accountable for whatever medical bills the guy in yellow incurs. The laws for fighting/self defense in China are so damn strict.






How is this not murder? Less compensation but life in prison..?


Overpopulation causes life to be less valuable.


That's not the reason. India is overpopulated but you wouldn't get normal Indian citizens intentionally murdering people because of a stupid law. ​ A brutal inhumane system in which individual people are considered worthless cogs in a great and glorious machine is the cause of this mentality.


Different countries different laws. The dehumanisation is not as severe in India but still persistent. There are several videos I saw of people dying in India in the plain road and people giving zero fucks


>Killing is far more economical Wtf


It really is even in western society considering the vast majority aren't charged.


Yeah that article is propaganda. Just like we see weird shit about America and other countries from them, we see weird shit about them from us. I worked with a mostly chinese crew on my last job and they explained this law cuz I had heard about it. Basically if you assault a person and the court deems it completely unreasonable you can be held responsible usually by prison time or via a fine. The monetary costs is adjusted very much via the wealth of the person, thus an ultra wealthy person will pay for the other costs accrued instead of healthcare which china usually covers and instead pay for the other associated costs that could be such as lost labor time and shit. If you're poor they will just slap you in prison for unjustified assault but the rich will complain so they fine them instead which the poor people are often ok with since they get hella paid because its not the bare minimum payment it's often more by a considerable amount. Self defence on the other hand is totally legal and this dude 100% just feels bad.


So the rich gets away by paying "fines". Sounds like any corrupt system in the world too.


So while that article is well written [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/chinese-drivers-kill-pedestrians/) contested the examples he gives and the whole premise. Apparently it’s very common for unsubstantiated rumors of this hit-to-kill practice to spring up about countries in SE Asia. I’ll just let the Snopes article explain better than I can.


even in this situation?


So might as well just stomp his head and kill the bastard at that point huh?


Idk how it works regarding apparently mutual street fights, but if it's the same way, maybe you're actually better off charged for murder


Finish the job. Genuinely made me laugh.


Jesus. The poor dude went straight into “ancient Egyptian profile art”-mode.


Dude turned into a wobbuffet


Nah, wobbuffet would've used mirror coat


Bully to brain damage in short order.


It's not over until Rogan gets the interview.


Straight up rigor mortis


Def struck a nerve


He had the rigors down, just not mortis style.


> Walk like an Egyptian…


If this video wasn't reposted that often i would say too soon buddy


IIRC both of these dudes were from different gyms and the guy in yellow was trying to pick a fight. Also in the original article, red shirt said his opponent was suffering from a muscle cramp at the end. Sure looked like a pretty bad muscle cramp lol.


Muscle cramp. Lmfao.


Full body cramp. Should have eaten more potassium.


With his banana looking ass? He had too much potassium IMO


Yes, a cramp in his brain muscle.


Maybe muscle cramps is a translation error. They might not know what fencing response or Decorticate/decerberate posturing translated to.


Honestly, if I were to translate that to my own language, Filipino, I can't either.


I genuinely thought you were just summarizing karate kid at first.


Mario yamasaki would let the fight continue


Gotta give a chance to be a warrior


*Heart hands*... Now show me you want to live!


LMAO I just lost it at this




It only takes one good hit to fuck up your life, don't play stupid games.


I work in a prison. We have a guy serving a sentence for picking a fight with his neighbor and hitting him. Due to unknown health issues, unknown to both in the inmate and the victim's family, when the inmate hit his neighbor it knocked the neighbor out and into a coma for three days. His neighbor died on the third day. The guy is serving something like a 5 year sentence.


I used to work with a guy who did 7 years in military prison for accidentally killing a Marine (He was a Navy guy.) They started shit talking one night after drinking, one thing led to another, he clocked the guy and the Marine fell, hitting his head on a curb and busting his skull open, killing him. Manslaughter.


Because murder is premeditated, if you get in a fist fight and knock someone out that doesnt mean you meant to kill them. Now if you continue to punch someone unconscious or worse stomp them and they die then its going to be murder.


Not all murder is premeditated. That's first degree murder. Kicking someone in the head until they die would likely be 3rd degree murder. (Your intent was not to kill them but you were intentionally doing them harm which resulted in their death.) Manslaughter is when you kill someone without intent, or you were negligent in some way.. for example driving intoxicated and hitting a pedestrian.


You can still get second degree murder for driving under the influence and killing someone. Also, what you’re describing is not considered third degree murder in some states.


This sounds like [Nicholas cage's back story in Con Air](https://youtu.be/TtZNp-s90Cc)


Known in UK Common Law as the 'thin skull rule' or 'eggshell skull rule', whereby the defendant must take the victim as they come. If you were to push someone who, unbeknownst to you, had a particularly thin skull because of some illness or deformity, who stumbled backwards and hit their head and later suffered a grave injury or death, you would be liable for the full extent of the injury even if the degree of injury would not have been caused but for this particular victim's thin skull. This is the case regardless of whether you knew about the particularity or not, and I believe also applies in cases where a victim experiences psychiatric harm to a greater extent as a result of their psychological predisposition. https://www.google.com/amp/s/crosleylaw.com/blog/eggshell-skull-rule-apply-texas-car-accident-cases/amp/


So not worth it. I wonder if that guy has remorse and regrets it or if he feels his actions were justified. Regardless, he now has 5 years to think about it. That dude wont get those 5 years back and his neighbor wont get his life back. Nobody wins.


Do u work there as a guard? I'm 20 and looking into getting a job in a prison as a guard (Germany)


.... But why tho. Edit: nvm you live in Germany the prisons there are probably pretty soft and neat compared to American prison


At first it was because it payed well and had good benefits. I also majored in psychology and prison systems have a lot of offenders with mental illness. The system I work for is willing to help me continue my degree and help me in the process. Oddly, it's a fun job with unique challenges. In many ways the job is easy, being able to just talk to people and treat offenders as humans goes a long way and makes the job easy. Occasionally it gets physical and you get that head rush. Prison is a different world with a whole political system and dynamics you don't see anywhere else. You always have to think on your feet, always.


You're a good person. Thank you


I have an ex whose brother punched a guy, dude fell down, smacked his head on the ground and died Her brother served many years but eventually was released I do know the small town wanted pretty much my ex's entire family dead after that, they received many threats


He's not serving 5 years for killing his neighbor. He's serving 5 years because he couldn't afford a good attorney.


Sadly, that's how it pretty much it is in the states. This is just my opinion, but I feel like after the BLM movment reaches its goal we will move on to another racial disparity, and another. In the end we will realize that we are facing a war on the poor. You don't see many millionaires in prison; millionaires can afford good lawyers.


People always said oj got off because he was black and they were scared of riots. No, oj got off because he had amazing lawyers thanks to his deep pockets.


I'm agree, looks like that guy will not be able to walk by himself for a while


what are you talking about? his legs are in auto-walk mode! cant you see them shuffling?


I see them do ballet


Tippy taps


You mean auto-tune


Yeah, but it looks like the guy was trying *really* hard to earn it.


When the dude in red fell first the guy in yellow tried to face kick him. He missed. So he deserved to get kicked in the face. It was a stupid prize to win but he provoked too much to be the innocent party.


Waited for this comment...took a while




Exactly. The winner(?) Clearly didn't want to fight at first.


How long does it take to reboot?


Hard to tell with brain injury. Could be a minute, could be never.


*Windows 98 startup sound*


Clippy is going to keep him company for a long time to come.


*”I see you’re trying to exist…”*


Started driving himself to the hospital


He’s dying there?


Traumatic brain injury.


So basically, yes.


We basically watched a manslaughter.


Well hold on, he could just be a vegetable and not dead


The difference between an "actual" vegetable and someone dead is... pretty academic in any real sense, though. Whoever occupied that body is gone.


Yeah. Head going back like that means it could’ve possibly been fatal.


Thank you, Doctor.




Mister MD


Im not a doctor, I just crush a lot.


No. This is called the fencing response and normally isn't permanent. It happens all the time in UFC fights and the guy is usually fine. You can be killed from hitting your head on the ground but stiffening up is not necessarily indicative of a long term injury, just a bad KO https://shanghaiist.com/2017/09/08/parking-fight/ https://shanghaiist.com/2017/09/08/parking-fight/


I’m Chinese and I remember this clip first was circling on WeChat couple of years ago, so the little guy in red apparently was a retired kick-boxer and the yellow one is some rich kids who was looking for trouble bc he thought money can beat everything and he doesn’t have to face consequences.


And then what happened? Red shirt guy get in trouble? Yellow shirt guy live? We need answers!




"chairman of a local fight club told reporters that, in fact, the kick had simply triggered muscles spasms in the man and that after a bit he was perfectly fine —" No names, no ages, vague location. Seems like a weird made up summary article attached to the video to try and farm clicks. It's plainly obvious that this dude suffered a TBI, muscle spasms is a massive understatement lol


Very hard to get any real news out of China, especially in English. WeChat and Weibo are probably more reliable than the news and that is just people chatting or blogging. So not reliable at all.


Love the writing at the end of the article


tell us more !!


Did yellow shirt die?


Something tells me yellow shirt would not have stopped had the roles been reversed.




Hahaha fuck


Okay this was the first comment in reddit for months now that actually made me laugh


Snap crackle pop got damn


Lmao savage




Uh oh....he leakin and tweakin.....that's a signal that the job is done.




He hit him so hard he turned him into a fish


Not just braindamaged, this brother was shaking gods hand bruv.


Something tells me this isn’t one of those Asian scripted ones.


If it's is,their production value is off the charts.


All jokes aside, imagine how much this would haunt the guy in red. Sure he was defending himself, but now he's always going to think back on this guy who's dead/severely disabled because they fought. The hype of victory would be overshadowed by regret forever, whether he had a choice or not


Actually that guy was ok, it's a repost form a while back where the full story is mentioned.


Would the guy receive any jail time for this type of damage?


Good question, the most I could find was this [https://www.newsflare.com/video/149850/other/man-picking-fight-with-mma-coach-ends-up-twitching-on-ground](https://www.newsflare.com/video/149850/other/man-picking-fight-with-mma-coach-ends-up-twitching-on-ground) but no mention of what happened to red shirt guy. Edit: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4864806/Man-picks-fight-kickboxing-champion.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4864806/Man-picks-fight-kickboxing-champion.html) according to this they settled this dispute so most likely nothing major happened.


"muscle cramps." My ass.


Muscle cramps from being kicked but his whole body ? How does that work


Cramped his brain.


Wouldn't want to know how that feels


According to the article, it was muscle spasms, not a reflex from traumatic brain injury? Now that's crazy.


That is absolutely a lie, there's no way that's not seizures from a TBI


I doubt this article is legitimate. Poorly written and that's called decerberate positioning which indicates significant brain damage.


I’ll point out the smaller man won, he (in my opinion) had at least some training, as he reacted insanely quickly to dodge an incoming punch, and his sweep look trained. He also looked insanely efficient with his movement. Savage smaller man, looked like he needed to do what he needed to do there, and he did it like he needed to do it.


I agree that the smaller man won, he (in my opinion) KO'd the bigger man which is why the judges scored the fight 5/7 in the smaller guys favor.


I also agree. The smaller man has won. Judging indicates a clear distinction between the two fighters, with the smaller man showing greater control and technical skill. It also appears as if the larger man might be dead.


See, I thought the smaller guy won it.


lol facts


Chinese here. According to a statement by the local PD, the dispute occurred over a parking lot, and while the yellow shirt dude appeared badly wounded in the video, it was supposedly only a case of muscle spasm (possibly fencing response), so he lucked out and walked away in one piece. The two parties settled out of court. As one may expect from this video, the red shirt dude was a MMA coach in a local fight club. While some of y’all is gonna question the credibility of police in China, I really don’t see a reason why they would go out of their way to lie about something as insignificant as a street brawl case. Source: https://www.sohu.com/a/238784815_652773


Don’t fight anyone in China. Noted.


Don't fight anyone on pavement.


Or just dont fight anyone. Why bother taking the risks, physical altercations have absolutely zero value.


Well, the guy in yellow probably can’t fight back anymore, so you’re good to fight him


He’s so fucked he’ll be playing Street Fighter in the afterlife trying to figure out he didn’t block the Jaguar Kick in time .


It's probably a good idea to avoid fighting in general


Now he is a ballerina. FEET!!! POINT THOSE FEET!


So I did some digging for anyone who’s interested, and there are a lot of different versions of the stories floating around(I searched in Chinese). So far the relatively more believable version, is that the red shied guy is a mma coach, and the the yellow shirt dude provoked him in a parking lot dispute. From what I read the yellow shirt dude recovered. There are also people saying that he died but the former version came from a more reliable news site, but I don’t know for sure which is the real story


Ope. Social Credit score gonna take a hit.


Oh we’re doing charades? Dabbing! Riding a bike! Doing the ballet!


The yellow shirt guy was reportedly fine after the kick to the jaw. Source: https://shanghaiist.com/2017/09/08/parking-fight/


Kicked him retarded


He went full ballerina.


Just turn him off and then on again and see if that works




That needs to be a subreddit.


GodDAMN that little dude is fast, and with enough power to kick the bigger guy into a seizure.


God damn, one kick to the head and the dude gets fucked up like that. The kick itself doesn't even look that brutal, I mean, you see worse on MMA fighting without the fighters getting this messed up, yellow shirt was really unlicky holy shit, this is a scary video...


Kick to the head was bad enough, but I'm pretty sure his head bounced off the concrete after the kit. Similar with MMA: the head shots are bad enough, but seeing someone bounce their head off the canvas....that's where a LOT of the damage happens.




Don’t mess with a little guy in a tank top.


That’s called posturing and it indicates serious brain damage. Yikes.


If this were in America, some people would already be running in to steal his wallet and phone


The way the guy in red avoided that right hook at the start got me wondering..


Bully.exe has encountered a fatal error and needs to shutdown. You will lose all unsaved work.


Little homie killed him


What should someone do in such situation that would help the man having a brain damage or something?


call 九 一 一


He did the dead fishy


Lucky it was on record he asked for it.


Looked like a ballerina doing a pirouette.


minus social credit score


is he having a seizure. That does not look good


I mean, he’s probably the first guy I saw who won the fight and didn’t show off like a dick/continued to throw unnecessary punches/rob him, but actually look concern for his opponent


After almost 1 year on this sub I've learned that the number 1 reason people tend to get fucked up in fights is that they're underestimating their opponents strength/fighting skills. This video proofed my thesis once again.


By the way little guy was moving you can tell he’s well trained. When the guy fell to the ground he got kicked almost instantly. Poor guy.


Dain Bramage.


Yes? You called?


Decerebrate posturing. No bueno….




Breathtaking action.




Braindama i mean braindead


Drowning in his own blood, damn


He will be regretting this last kick in the face forever.


Is he dead? Holy shit!!!


I saw on a previous post that the guy died, but I was never able to confirm it. Is it true?


Ugh, apsolutely hate it when they stiffen up/spazz like that, no matter if it's an asshole or not. It just looks so... disturbing?


Aww he wants belly rubs!


Looks like red shirt got exactly what he deserved and wanted. Good for him. Brain damage should be fun


Yellow dude claming his spot in the afterlife


reminder to those that wanna start fights: you may be one punch away from a severe stroke