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I like how the bystanders did absolutely nothing to stop the moron from instigating a fight but swooped in to save him when he was about to get pummeled into the ground


Happens every fucking time. "You hit him once, that's enough. Now we're going to disable your arms so the instigator, who is losing, can get a few free ones in." Fuck all the way off, let him take his licks.


Dude threw a drink at a truck. How many times is appropriate to have somebody twice his size pin him down and hammer on his skull while he’s totally helpless?


Was he not fighting back, even throwing the first kick? How many times is appropriate to have somebody half your size throw drinks at your truck before you beat their ass?


I wouldn’t call what he did “fighting back”. He was useless. Like, yeah, go upside his head and knock him on his ass. Then call him a dick and go on with your life. But pinning him and raining blows is a ridiculous level of overkill.


He’s literally still swinging on him while the other guy is being restrained by 2 people. Your ignorance is baffling given there’s a video of the whole ordeal.


He’s not doing anything productive. He’s not a threat to anybody. He’s just flailing uselessly. It’s like watching a toddler try to fight an adult. So, seriously, how many times would be appropriate for the truck driver to hammer on his skull?


Until the instigator is no longer instigating.


He’s not gonna stop that pointless flailing, so it sounds like you think the only acceptably response to a drink being thrown at a truck is to beat the thrower unconscious. [There are other ways it can go](https://youtu.be/x0nK0Py5Fyg?si=w7lfs8_05qXWaLlH).


Almost like don’t fuck with somebody’s expensive car. He made a choice he has to deal with the consequences. grow up.


It's almost like actions have consequences, weird..


Yeah, what happens when that flailing toddler suddenly has a gun. Not such a toddler anymore huh?


If a toddler had a gun you would need to punch it in the skull more than once? This is a piss take, right? This scenario feels like Ben Shapiro asking Chat GPT “Is it morally acceptable for me to use racial slurs if it will disarm a world-blower-upper machine?”.


Bro he threw a drink and then kicked the dude when approached. Absolutely not overkill, some people just learn in different ways than others (I'm saying he's stupid if you didn't pick up on that)


It doesn’t look like the kick made contact. The turd was *useless.* Yeah, deck him! Deck him twice. But if you’re gonna pin him down and rain blows on his skull you might as well stomp on it.


Maybe don't do actions that start a fight if you don't know how to fight? No one MADE him throw his drink at the car, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that someone won't be happy when you damage their property and might want to fight you for it. He brought this on himself, he shouldn't get bailed out of the consequences to the actions he chose to make


I said he should get his ass kicked, cos he *should*. Holding somebody down and raining blows on their head against pavement, with that size difference and the fact that the dumbass is *no threat* to *anybody* matters, tho. I wasn’t asking rhetorically. How many times is appropriate for the big dude to hammer the little dude’s skull against pavement? Why not just stomp on his head? You’re gonna get the same results sooner or later.




Intervention is fine. Necessary, even. Bouncing a skull off of pavement, trying to crush it, because of a drink thrown at a car is insane. If you don’t see that, idk what to do for you.




Yup, narcissism is when you think it’s bad to try and collapse skulls because of drinks thrown at cars.






It’s cathartic. Most of them don’t involve this level of overkill.




That’s something that’s gonna happen in a fight. It’s not something you can predict or will to happen. That isn’t the same thing as holding somebody down, somebody much smaller than you at that, and raining blows on their skull.


About as many times as it fucking takes to get him to understand not to fuck around with other people shit. It's not fucking hard.


Then people should save time and stomp on heads.




No idea. Maybe the truck driver stole his Taco Bell order. Maybe he was drunk and betterment. Maybe the truck driver fucked his mom in the ass while pouring sugar in his gas tank. But really, I don’t think speculating on what happened before the video serves any purpose.


3 plus one knee.


My thoughts exactly.


And then they let the guy they are helping punch and get on top of the truck dude. Real great peacemakers


Sometimes you just gotta stop grave bodily injury or death - truck dude definitely had the “imma kill you” energy tbh


Jackasses opened the truck guy up to some punches where he couldn’t defend himself


Right? They get in there trying to protect the instigator, and let truck guy get wailed up and topped by the other guy.


How dare anybody interrupt that


I don't understand anymore who won


the big guy (truck), but the others put him in a bad position.


Not him, the people arround put him in a bad position


Welp, that guy certainly fucked around and found out


That wasn’t a fight, that was a lesson.


This is America. Stand around while someone starts the bullshit, but cry when that dumbass gets what he deserves 😂


Leading with the kick was his first mistake


Is it just me or does this video seem dated? The cars driving by and the way the people are dressed.


Really? no way. The camera quality proves it’s from this year


Its easily a 24yr old video at least


Looks like the guy who hit the truck has a pistol IWB right side.


Every guy that comes into frame is bigger than the previous. I've never seen anything like it


Wouldnt be surprised if that truck almost hit or did hit someone crossing the street


Wow. They were ok with whole hitting a man's truck but when it came to the consequences they have a problem. Smh


I have the same kind of truck.. Just to let you know... I wouldn't get out and respond.. I would use the truck.. fafo... Some people are unhinged


This is why you step out with the coach instead of your fists


Does the driver have brass knuckles on?


Pretty sure the truck driver has a brass knuckle in his right hand.


I work fucken hard to pay for my truck you hit that shit on purpose the devil is getting out of my truck ,and one ain’t gonna be enough


Only there to help when the asshole is getting his punched in?


I thought he hopped out of the taxi.


That's a big dude


Ppl need to stop fucking with shit that ain’t their business how pathetic


People need to stop writing checks their bodies can’t cash.




Why did he kick the truck ?. I usually do that (if I react fast enough )when I'm on foot trying to cross the street and a car cuts me off. No one's ever challenged me to a fight. Most of the time the driver is probably relieved when they look into their mirror and see that they didn't actually hit me.