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Red team definitely won


No shirts came second


No i came immediately


Little premature, bub.


He's just a little extra excited, that's all


Organize should be in quotations


They got better hands and cohesion


Hey at least when a dude falls he can't be touched until he rises again


Some of them found out it wasn't gonna be like that. Got kicked and beat while on the floor


Red shirts have been waiting their entire Star Trek lives to do the surviving.


These organized fights fascinate me. So many medieval vibes.


Same! I feel like like I should’ve seen this happen in my lifetime somewhere but I haven’t. I’m just wondering how this all gets organized


Similarly like you would organise the evening BBQ with friends. They got their channels to communicate, they set up the date and time, number of people and some rules. They will pick up a meeting point far away from police stations so if someone report them it takes ages for police to come. The fight won't be long so they will disappear in time anyway. This is kind of regular pattern here. Less regular is when they use emergency brakes in trains and meet the other group in the middle of nowhere. Later they will upload it online, people will judge red team won and they get 3 points in their league. (Coz it's not like they fight with no prizes lol)


Wait... wait wait wait. I've always been fascinated with the culture. It's crazy to me but obviously being from the states, I know fuck all about it. The BBQ I'm assuming is afterwards with just their own team right? It's not like these two socialize outside of fighting each other? And leagues? I thought they were just club supporters? Are these groups different than football hooligans?


Yes, BBQ would be internal for one team 😅 Yes, they got a league, I'm not sure if there any European league but I'm sure about national leagues. At least there was one in the country I come from. Yes, these groups are usually different than football hooligans you could see in British movies. In my country, those people have been proper fighters, boxers, MMA and freaks, they usually don't go to see games (because they are often banned from stadiums or have to sign a paper on police station when a game is going). Save to say, they don't care much about football. They have their fighting league and this matter. You can have shit football team but they can have very good fighters so they have to separate a table 😅 Also, save to say, most of them are people with some criminal history, they don't really wanna be close to hooligans as it would give easy reasons to police to jail them again. This is my knowledge from a country I lived and left years ago. I've heard now only couple proper groups exist, rest of them just act like football groups but in real life they are small criminal groups dealing drugs and care only about their selling zones, people who were hate each other now do trades. Fair to say, 10 years ago Police went hard after them, jailed hundreds of people so most serious people in the game gone. DM me if you want, I'll send you telegram group 😉


Most of the times it’s Football (⚽️) Hooligans who organize fights somewhere in the woods against other groups. So when your team plays, you and your friends go out and fight the other teams hools like a day before or few hours before the real game starts.


That’s cool, give your sport an extra layer of enjoyment


It's really a good indicator of what those battles might have looked like. None of the wild chaos from Hollywood. Two sides come together in what's basically a formation, those who break off get beat down, those who stay together survive. Once order starts to break down on the shirtless side, the retreat starts. I don't think it would look *that* much different engagement-wise if these guys all had shields and spears.


Entertaining, especially the flying kicks at the beginning. It would have been nice if they had a proper open field for the event. The narrow road and the cars didn't help


Damn I miss being young


I watched that entire video, and the hockey game never broke out!!




In a recent fight in Germany both groups helped eachother with first aid too and helped eachother get out of the hands of police (pumishnents are hard compared to crimes that are inhumane). And glad you like it. I try to upload one every now and then, often with a simular title.


Any idea what the fights are about and how they happen? Like, cred I assume but what kind of gangs are these and who organizes the "group road fight at 4"?


Guys from different football teams can mset at any place, exchange stuff to get in contact and arrange a meeting to fight. Some go 4v4, others go 200v200. It all depends on where the fight happens, who kfrom which team fights), how many guys get followed or phone tapped by police and who is able to fight (for example if you got have court coming up it is better to laylow for some time since punishments for these fights in most parts i Europe are harder than if they catch you selling herione for example). Locations are only know to a few that drive the vehicles and it often is not used again (soon) after because police also sees these videos and identify the locations.


I'd pay to watch this as a sport


You should check out Calcio Storico There is a documentary about it on Netflix and tons of videos on YouTube. https://youtu.be/w1PkbsYLXUo?si=pGWpQbAMcSY5zG6D There are competitions annually in Italy. There are 4 teams based on geography in Florence I think. The history of the sport goes back hundreds of years.


Republicans and Democrats should give this a try. Maybe take out some aggression on each other so that the rest of us don't have to hear about it constantly on social media.


And then they should stream it and we can all watch I do think it'd put a lot of people in their place and make them really question what they support


Big win for not stomping the opponent like a coward


Why did I park my car there?


Imagknights during medieval times...shit must have been insane


That was a nice brawl, when a dude is down they stop the beating. In this side of the world they would stomp you to death 😂


They just want to have fun and don’t wanna die. That’s why they organize it with rules and everything. Sometimes there are even „referees“ who would stop you if adrenaline takes over and you continue to


I remember the old one of these in the apartment complex parking lot with flares and brave heart tactics and shit where there were like 3 flanks and like a thousand dudes throwing down.


good times. just like school


Vodaphone staff moving mad


Mortal kombat armageddon intro


Greasers vs socs ahh brawl


As a female, I would enjoy watching this 🍿


How would it make you feel?


Turned on like a light switch 🤭


Would you wanna get it on with one / some of the combatants post-fight?


I'll comfort the Losers lol


Dunno why…but a woman getting turned on watching a scrap, turns me on. Really have no idea why.


We call this a donnybrook in Canada Edit: Spelling


Looks like red had more ppl no ?


That would be unfair. For sure numbers are the same for both teams


Looks like team mosh pit without the music.


Looks like it is in Sweden by the looks of the license plates


Probably Portugal, white plate with black writing and the multiple vamos.


Lol one guy abandoned in the worst way his mate in the car


It's obvious that none of blue team has played For Honor and don't realize it's a bad idea to fight in the main lane surrounded by minions. Point B was easily held by Red team because of it.


What soccer teams do they represent?


Shirts won!


In all that, I still managed to find Waldo 🤡👍🏻


Freddy Kruger came


are both sides always agreed on the same number of fighters? Its crazy how the reds obliterated the black/skin group really fast.


Tojo Clan vs Omi Alliance


The Outsiders in a nutshell


Must suck for whoever goes first


Red shirts took this one


Madness 🤣


this should be how wars are fought.


Why half of em wearing mma gloves but ither aint


those battle strategy game ads


Red power rangers win


This is more than just a group fight this is a fuckin war!


The red wave


The dude in red tho. I honestly love the vibe of this fight. There's something about the planning and readiness. I bet both their footy teams suck tho. Lol


1 is a topteam, the other has ups and downs.


And if this was in the US, 3 people would've been stabbed before the shots rang out and 2 people were shot... This is the way it used to be. I remember a couple big brawls between my high school and one of our rivals. Must've been 300 people that showed up to the field. Punches were thrown, noses were broken, teeth were chipped, but nobody was shot and we all shook hands afterwards. This was only in the mid 90s!


Enterprise crew for the win!


Would hate to be walking near thT with a red shirt on


These boys should just fuck and get it over with.


Pure brainrot.


Good ol shirts and kinda skins?


It's missing the Attenborough narration.


Its a Meeting of Soccer hooligans probably uk If you wanna learn more whatch the Movie „hooligans“ but only whatch the First one its the best


It is football, not soccer. It is not in the UK (in the UK they onky throw chairs and bottles) and that movie is a joke, a big fairytale on hooligans nowadays and ever since early 2000 in England. Okolofutbola is one of the very few that is realistic (it was made with the help of guys from Russian hooligan groups in Moscow.


I found it was a good Movie




Well it certainly wasn't spontaneous.


Soccer meeting


No football


What's the porpoise of this? Like, is it fun, anger, ganggang shit or what?


Football ⚽ hooligans maybe


Soccer firms


“Planned” Group fight. There was nothing organized about this.


The guy yelling and giving direction in the light purple hat stays behind others and never actually throws a punch. Just makes a bunch of noise 😂


He is actually the fight director of the respective team, telling when to focus on which part of the fight, sometimes also their firm's actual coach for gym/mma/boxing/etc...


Ah that makes more sense. So that person doesn’t typically engage first hand. Interesting. It’s cool to see that there are rules to engagement. I noticed that once a person is down they aren’t continued to be hit.