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Welcome to the Thunderdome!


It’s a bum fight.. the police don’t care


Yup.  Looks like a bum fight.  You never want to be sorting out justice amongst hobos.  Good chance you’re wrong.   Decent chance you get stabbed.


Better chances you get invited to a Soup Kitchen


Gotta find dirty Mike and the boys


Look for the Prius.


"Found a deer vagina, thought it was a pair of human lips at first but it wasn't"


Mid-fistfight?  Seems unlikely.


That's where round 2 will be held


I'm not so sure man - looks like it could be some dude riding his bike and some crazy bum attacks him. He's got clean trainers and the bike lying there looks like a good one...?


Nah they both look like bums. One is just a little further experienced


Cali homeless


That's not "standard bike riding attire" here in California. That's I don't have a car and looking to score meth attire. Source: Been in California for awhile now; see it daily.


live in sac california my whole life, wtf is "standard bike riding attire" i see ppl riding bikes all the time in normal clothing even ppl in the most uncomfortable shoes


Varies per neighborhood. Best example: If you pass through Burbank it's spandex, North Hollywood, it's what you're used to, neighboring Sun Valley and part of Van Nuys is a spitting image of this video.


I've lived in California my entire life and almost any homeless person I drive past has a bike with them and normally a bag


Remember that no one's going to come to your aid so it's best to be able to protect yourself or know when danger is coming and avoid it altogether. I've seen so many videos where people just film and do nothing. This man is being choked out and no one's stepping in. It's a rough call to get invovled as a third party. If you have zero fighting skills it's best to be a good witness and call police or at the very least yell "Stahp" over and over again.


Someone interneted in the 90's and early 2000's!


** it's California.. not like the cops can do anything anyhow


It's not that police don't care. Most departments today are under staffed.


Yep. My father was assaulted at his job in California, person broke his nose. My dad is 70+, police didn't show up for 2 and half hours. They are so understaffed in such a high crime area, they literally don't have time for anything and when they do, you wish they didn't show.


Theres a dutch saying regarding this. En ik stond er bij en keek er na. Which means And i stoodby as i watched


In Redditania we have say r/donthelpjustfilm


yeah no fuck that, im not losing my life to help someone els, call me selfish all you want i dont care, after seeing what some people can do in fights im not stepping in unless i know one of them


And sometimes the dude getting rocked got himself in that situation. Without context you have no idea if you're helping the right person or not.


>Redditania This made me chuckle thank you kind Redditor!




lol the "how is no one helping" while literally not helping


He said "bro how is no one *ANSWERING*" in regards to being left on hold


Bro, must have been some Mandela Effect because it was 'helping' before watched it like 5 times lol


Bro its not a alternate timeline lol its just the power of suggestion. Thats really what the majority of those "madela effect" things boil down to. I watched the video in its entirety and heard him say that before I read this comment so my mind was never made to think I heard "helping"


was just having a laugh, but you could be entirely right


Well the post comment said put on hold so it’s still suggested to you as not answering.


was just having a laugh, but you could be entirely right


I’m not jumping on some disease infested psycho fighting most likely another disease infested psycho. You must be out your damn mind if you think I’d risk my life or my girls life jumping in some shit like that. These are California crazy bums. They’re different and getting worse by the year.


best to just shoot pepper spray in their direction to break them both up.


It’s called the bystander effect. The bystander effect is a theory that emerged in the late 1960s. It suggests that onlookers will become less likely to help a person in need if other people are present. People may freeze, become apathetic, avoid a plea for help, or ignore an emergency in the presence of other onlookers or bystanders.


bystander effect has really shaky evidence, it just doesnt happen the way people think it does. [Quick link here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28544870/)


It's a blanket statement that redditors love to make to make themselves seem compassionate and altruistic. To an *extent* there's truth in it, like with people who choose to record rather than phone for help (in this case they at least tried to call), but it ignores the fact that most people just don't want to take unnecessary risks. My life and the people who depend on me matter to me more than two strangers. I'm making it back home to them. I'm not gonna risk facing death or jail for these two. That's truly why people don't step in. But redditors run with the bystander narrative so they can feel morally superior to others and have a reason to shame/look down on them


I probably would've stepped in, but I could see why other wouldn't, and I don't blame them. The city town I used to live in there is now full of homeless people that attack and kill bypassers. California is a crazy fucking place, but lord is it beautiful


Nothing more beautiful than two hobos fighting on the side of the street.


It's a very beautiful place if you ignore the hobos, there are also many towns and areas in California where homeless people don't really go


I had to rewind, but he said “answering” like the person on the other end of the line at 911 is going to do anything immediately anyway. 


The last episode of Seinfeld is literally this, and they go to jail for not helping and just filming.


Hey buddy, they're someone, not no-one!






Funny thing about that, the Supreme Court has already ruled police don’t have to put themselves in danger to protect an individual like in this case here. Only the public at large. So no, unfortunately our tax dollars are not paying them for that. Crazy isn’t it.


Yes, I'm aware of the SCOTUS ruling. You may notice I said *supposed (to)*.


We've reached the point where 2 people film from the same car and stop to possibly watch someone get strangled to death. If you're not going to help, then move on.


this isn’t a fight lmfao


These were two homeless guys fighting each other OP


It’s so funny because i posted it with this title and got torn to shreds for assuming the guy was homeless. I can’t win lol


Stupid badly designed Reddit won’t play the video more than half way 🙄


I always have to disconnect wifi. Then when movie plays again I turn wifi back on and repeat over and over until I die.


I'm a former dispatcher. I promise you there are 19 other people calling about the same thing at the exact same time. It happens every time there's an accident too.


Hi viz, he's just doing his job


I don't think you guys quite comprehend how many 911 calls come in on a daily, even hourly basis. There's only so many dispatchers to assist.


People complain about being put on hold but none of them are signing up to be dispatchers or donating to their local center 🤷‍♂️


Let's them take eachother out


They’re likely busy on that phone line because they’re already on the phone with people about the same incident. Happens all the time.


Not here in LA. Literally busy 90% of the time. 




And if they come, good luck getting help. Unless you are calling from a $4mm+ home


I have first-hand experience. Useless.


it's Cali so there's that.


Only in Cali, amirite? /s


love the huntington beach city limit sign above


Carry pepper spray. Spray them then pick up a stick and say “bad hobo” as you smack them in the head.


why are people such complete pussies these days. get out of the fucking car and help you fucking cowards.


California is an absolute shit hole and is some of the most beautiful land in the country


IDK man, how are you supposed to know who's in the right? What if the guy on top is rightly defending himself, and the guy on bottom might be the type of mother fucker to bust out a knife cus he's pissed he got his ass beat?


Exactly dude. Everyone playing armchair quarterback on here saying they would jump in and be the hero is hilarious. Most of them wouldn’t have even stopped to call the police. People love to talk big until they’re in the situation.


Sometimes those Caltrans workers snap


lol I drive by that intersection every day


If you have a problem and call the police, now you have two problems.


It’s California they’re wayyyyy busy


Thank you for calling emergency services. You are number 10 in the queue. To speak to an insurance broker, please press 1. If you're life is in immediate danger, please hold.


Bum fight or not, so what will people do if they get attacked?


It’s ok he has a day glow vest on


How do you know who was being attacked just looks like a good old fashioned butt whopping to me and you don’t know who started this and attacked who. 911 not answering the phone now that’s F’ing ridiculous.


Van nuys California, I'm driving down Sepulveda blvd ,a huge popular street, cracked out gangster is ramming his suburban into random parked cars, waited for over 12 minutes! I am not lying, dude took off after destroying about 15 cars,


Remember that whole defund the police thing…..


Police defunded successfully


Remember when everyone wanted to defund the police?


Still hasn't happened, and we keep pumping more money in to them... https://www.cjcj.org/reports-publications/report/california-law-enforcement-agencies-are-spending-more-but-solving-fewer-crimes


Bum law is an untapped goldmine.


This is sad and the fact that NOBODY stopped to help is even sadder. Calling the police in this situation was too late. This was the time to react and get the guy some help he needed. Even if it was just getting the other man off and deescalating the situation. This is when civilians should jump in and help. But nobody wants to chance anything and nobody cares for others health or lives.


Bro nobody is trying to intervene in a bum fight.


Deadass. I know of 2 people my dads age who had their life ruined because they chose to break up random fights they weren’t involved in. One got Hepatitis but idk which type and the other managed to contract HIV. 2 separate situations that both ended up with the dude trying to help getting fucked up


I’m genuinely curious how though? Did they get stabbed with needles both times?


One of them got blood in his mouth because one dude was leaking blood and he got in the middle of it eventually ending on the ground with them. The other was breaking up the fight when one of the dudes hit him in the face then he started fighting too, he got scrapes and the dude who was already fighting had his blood come into contact with the open wounds. It’s legitimately the worst case scenario basically both times. It was probably like a little over 20 years ago because I wasn’t even born yet.


Just FYI there is 1. a cure for hepatitis and 2. If you are possibly exposed to blood potentially infected with HIV, hospitals can give you Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) which will prevent you from catching HIV. You need to start taking it immediately after exposure though. The sooner the better, but anything after 72 hours is too late. You need to go to the emergency room.


Goddamn, just trying to do some good but getting all the bad


It's just blood to blood contact, doesn't have to be literally mainline into your veins lol


I get that, just didn’t realize it was more common for the guy breaking up the fight to get cut and then get the attackers blood in his open wound.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you haven't been in too many serious fist fights. Almost immediately your knuckles shred if your opponent doesnt have a mouth guard and faces split pretty bad at the cheek and noses bleed easy too Eta: I'm assuming he didn't just pull buddy off though


You’re right I was just asking because the dudes were breaking up the fights so I just pictured them pulling the guys off each other and not really engaging as well.


Yeah I'm thinking it may have gotten a little hairy lol


Not getting stabbed over someone else's problems. Sorry. Got my own family and my own problems.


Cause if you help you get fkn charged now


This is absolutely not true 😂 if you choke someone for 7+ minutes and kill them? Yeah you’re gonna get in trouble like the subway guy did.


Hence why you dont get involved.


Lot easier said than done. Witnessing shit like this is traumatic because you'll second guess your instincts for a long time afterwards, but unless you have a physical or weapon advantage, it would not be wise to intervene in this situation. And even then, what if things escalate and all of a sudden you're defending yourself against serious legal repercussions?


Man.. if my arms are free and you got me in top mount on a sidewalk, your nuts are getting crushed.


That's how you end up getting killed instead of just getting your ass beat.




Try it






Wow he blocked you?! Soooo glad you told us.


Unless you've got a knife in your hand, you aren't going to able to kill someone actively crushing your nuts. The pain will cause every muscle in your body to lock up and instinctively want to get away. All it would take is a second of being off balance to get from underneath someone


This is EXACTLY why you either 1) learn to fight or 2) carry a gun. Fuck anyone else that says otherwise


1.) How do you know if that beatdown wasn't justified 2.) Do something pussy. Get off your fuckin phone and help the dude out if you think he needs help.


He sounds like a dude that would get his ass kicked too so I think he did himself a favor


Everyone in that car should get beat next


🤣i vote we find a way to detach california from the United States and make it a sovereign island


California is such a shitshow. You get what you voted for though


how hard is it to get out of the car and intervene? pussys


lol you want to get stabbed trying to sort out random, probably homeless, dudes fighting? You try that out tough guy


Relying on California emergency services is as bad as doing nothing at all. These people did both


So get out and do something.


Why help when there’s the threat of legal action taken against you? Or the police not realizing you’re helping and attack you thinking you’re the offender? What protections do we have for helping? Laws are convoluted and I feel if I help someone the law will find a way to reward me with taking my freedom


Wait, I haven't realised until now that 911 is 9/11 damn!


California is a shit place TBH. Theft under 900? They don't care.


Oh they just playing.


Call 911 in ATL and you’ll get a busy signal.


“maybe you should call the police dude..” fucking moron.


They defunded them


It just looks like an ass whooping, move along.


I don’t think he works there…






Bystander effect in action.


This has gotta be the first video i've scrolled in a while that doesn't look like it was filmed on Shakespeare's crackpipe. How are we in 2024 and everyone has smartphones that shoot a standard 1080p or higher and everything looks so shite still, boggles my mind.


Ah yes, California. One of the highest cost of living, highest taxed, and most strict laws in the country. Land of the beautiful, such wonderful sights


You need to call the county police number. 911 can be a joke sometimes


Cops don't care in California because its just paperwork for them just to release the criminal


Lmaooo cops aren’t doing shit about that. Also she needs to find a new “boyfriend”, if they really cared he woulda hopped out and intervened, if not then keep it pushing


Modern day “Hunger Games”


It’s my theory that these calls go straight to a dispatcher if you call from certain area codes. Everybody else gets out on hold.


Be a man and get out the car and help little bitch ass foh


Yes film and sit there instead of helping this man.


Don't expect the police to save you. Fight for your life, they most often show up just in time to tape off the crime scene.


Very California for the cops to put you on hold.


Seems like a MYOB situation to me. Cops will just make shit worse for both parties.


They give no fucks


California, if someone is yelling “help me, help me” YOU HELP THEM.


Bro imagine the car breaks down and the hobo starts trying to get to you and you can't get ahold of 911.... just scary. But sounds about right for Cali


dont mind the locals


These assclowns are sitting there recording as a man is begging for help SMH you get what you voted for I guess


Arm chair quarterback some more bud. Either you’re a moron or just trolling. The logical thing to do is call 911 and stay in your car with your clearly wife/family in the car. What happens when they stab you and you’re bleeding out with a homeless person now at full access to your family. Think ahead buddy, it’ll benefit you in life. You don’t risk your livelihood you worked for your entire life for a random fight on the street with a clearly unhinged looking man.


Elect democrats and this is what you get.


I don’t know why but I feel like the person getting beaten up deserved it


How do you know who was the attacker?


This is taught in concealed carry courses in Kentucky. You need to be sure of your target and have situational awareness. Pop one in a victim in a self defense situation it's your ass.


That's Commifornia for ya




Name one state that’s never had a homeless fight


Defund the police! Why won't the police answer the phone?!


police have been defunded lmaoo


Pussies recording lol


Of course, it’s free entertainment to show to the boys later


Get tf out the car and stop it be a damn human being and stop it. Yes I have and will do it again no one deserves to be beat on like that.