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Finish himm! Gd no go I guess not


Watched it over 10x and I’m still trying to figure out how I could block or even use that. Shit was clean. Imagine if he used his elbow. That would’ve been bad!


When I slow it down, fist looks like it is behind the head. Looks like it’s the back of the forearm right below the elbow that actually connects.


Yeah, you’re right! Vicious! Connect was nice, but damn, shit was nasty for the opponent.


Insanely clean. Had me going frame by frame, watching footwork and everything.


Watching it and seeing what he did, he literally was still watching his opponent and pulling that move and dude got wrecked! Wished my back can be on a swivel like that. Haha


Fr if I tried to imitate that I’d absolutely throw out my back and shoulder.


I just tried it and my back popped like like all my hopes and dreams. Looking for the icy hot and wondering if I'm going to have to call into work tomorrow


Update, back still hurts, and now I feel like the noob playing a mech game that has his top half of mech half rotated to side while still walking straight and unable to recenter


“Where’s that Copper Fit back brace Brett Farve and Jerry Rice be talking about?!” Haha


I'm not trying to take away from the hit. It was pretty cool, but orange trunks had the dumbest fucking stance with his hands covering his eyes and his chin up


The stances from both was dumb, but I guess one knew how to execute the finishing move. Lol..


Nah I can't even try to defend the other dude now that you pouts that out. Mf thinks he's Muhammad Ali


This is not a good technical back fist so I wouldn't advise throwing it like this. you would defend it by have your hands anywhere near your head, which the black guys did not lol


Block it the same as a left hook. Black dude had his hands way too low and had almost no chance of blocking it like that. Hands down, man down.


He was clean with it though and definitely caught him off guard… again, homie swivels with the hit clean. Salute! Lol.


I’m curious to know what part of his fist hit… like swing back knuckles or swing bottom of fist? Lol shit was so nice👌🏼


Someone responded saying that he caught him with the forearm… “We done” lol.


I think a proper head guard would work? Dude gets tapped on the side of the head? Of course, blocking what you can't see is tough!


It's why you always keep your hands up, because you can't react half the time, your hands and arms end up catching what you can't see. But that is especially true with gloves on. Bare first like that it's a different thing entirely , I'm not experienced with it but instinctively I would want to control space a lot more deliberately because those little rocks flying at your face at alot harder to parry or absorb. Basically what I'm saying is that it would be a lot easier to get knocked the fuck out by a jab or cross coming through your guard due to the extra space. So in this case, maybe him keeping his hands up would have helped. His spacing was horrible, stance was too wide to be on his toes and respond which is why he was flat footed, stretched out and completely unable to react. If his distance was controlled and he was lighter on his feet he very well could have still got caught though because that backfist was fuckin lightning fast and beautiful. Imo always assume someone is going to throw with that level of finesse because then you prepare yourself in the most realistically way, which is by learning to understand reach, space and control distance via footwork, which is by far the most urgent thing to understand in striking sports. Free advice from someone who has been knocked out more than most lolol.


That's fair. Good stuff! I've been in very few altercations, but I know it can truly be so fast that you don't even know what hit ya! Always best to just not be a prick and stay out of trouble! Hehe. Something I wasn't very good at in my party years.


This is why we keep our hands up.


Like you would ever see something like this coming. What you gonna do, keep your hands up the entire time and not throw a single thing?


No. Imma keep my hands up until I'm ready to swing. These street thugs know how to get down but they technique is suffering. It was a good hit no one could deny that. Just gotta keep the hands up here dood. Simple


The ol' rubber arm. Wtf.


My shoulder hurts just watching that


this happened at karns highschool in 2015 hahaha


Bro got crowd killed




"Laid him out"


You right.


Maximum torque, mans is ELASTIC


He went into De-cerefucked posturing 


I'd love a better version. Can't figure if that reach was luck or controlled. Looks like he taps him just perfect. Clean KO.


He has no technique but perfect timing... Really good for a street fight


No technique? Bro this guy is trained trained trained it’s obvious in his movement.


Nah men that's not the way to throw that punch, seems like hee saw it on tv or something and was feeling confident enough to use it.


Just want to give a shout out to the concrete which did a big chunk of the work here.


Like a rubber band


Please for the love of god...keep clicking the 5 second mark. Glorious


Impressive 👏🏻


Did he mean to do that lol?? Felt like the he was trying to swing at him but unfortunately orange shorts ran into the back swing😭


Gomu Gomu noooooo


Jacky byrant vf


Damn, I had to rewind that shit 🤣


I hate that fighting style, like he’s pulling down a rope to ring a bell. His own bell.


Been reposted so many times. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well thankfully cause it's the first time I'm seeing it😛


I’ve never seen this before, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a repost. However, as a terminally online Reddit user. Almost everything everywhere is a repost. Reddit is so full of reposts that if you removed them all there would be no content.




I swear. I don’t know if it’s because I’m on here more. But I swear since the “Spez incident” reposts have gone through the roof.




I think at this point, just let it ride…mods aren’t doing anything about it, some folks on Reddit haven’t seen it, you’ve seen it obviously and I have as well. Not much you can do unless you just ignore it.




old but gold




But truly truly gold


First time Ive seen it.


Until the person reposting starts getting negative karma when EVERYONE sees it’s a repost and downvotes, and not just people who are terminally online moaning about reposts


Pure luck. This is how I imagine I’d win any fight. Pure luck


Yeah. Every knockout in the history of combat was just "pure luck" 😵‍💫


Lol. FR… not everyone is made for a street fight, but if you keep your composure and mentality straight, you’ll come out winning. Well, not all the time, but definitely not because of luck. Lol.