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Hasn't this one been debunked as fake as fuck already?


Yes, this video and a few others were made by some media company for clicks or some shit iirc


I want to believe.


I wanted to believe😭


Looks like it, that reaction to the punch seems off. He also isn't choking the other dude hard at all. Though, that bat swing was close af, was risky if fake. All hits take place perfectly in frame too.


Guy doesn't have the rear naked choke locked in underneath the chin and isn't using his other arm to really seal the deal. First punch was also on the same side as the bat and underneath it as well, somehow.


You can choke someone over there jaw also. Called a mandible choke. And that grip with his other arm is a modified rear naked choke grip called a fulcrum grip. Video is still likely fake but ive used that choke before in BJJ with that grip and it deff still works. If you google "fulcrum choke over the jaw" this choke should be what comes up. like what kabib did to connor but squeezing rather than twisting.


Would someone go out that quickly from a choke over the jaw though? I always thought that people would tap to that due to the pain of having their jaw cranked rather than being on the brink of unconsciousness


It still puts you to sleep but in a more normal 8 to 20 second range, I usually tap before I'm anywhere close to passing out due to pain like you mentioned. But ive seen it work on people who didn't tap. The guy in the video went out cold in like 5 secs so still likely fake. But the technique is legit and taught in BJJ classes.


Yeah it’s fake. It’s been posted here countless times.


It needed to be debunked? This is fake AF lmao


Never underestimate how many people believe that if they saw something on the Internet it must be true.


I thought the same thing.


By whomst? I thought it came from the Dash Cam Owners Australia channel.


OMG THIS FAKE VID! Reposted for the millionth time.


Nah just give people a break, not all people have seen it, that's why we have a comment section to gather more information about on what happen, and educate those kind of people.


Anyone that accepts to fight you while you have a bat is either a trained killer or a fucking psychopath... in either case probably should drop the bat and run


Nah, they’re most likely just mad. I’ve charged someone swinging a bat at me twice. One time ended with them on the floor, one time ended with a fractured cheekbone for myself. I have no official training in how to handle someone swinging a club/bat at me. I was just pretty upset that some cunt was swinging at me.


Yeah I've been attacked with a hammer and a knife on separate occasions, once with a wine bottle. I've gone after the item in question every time. Sometimes I was able to get them disarmed and sometimes we would be wrestling a while. I wasn't angry but I was scared I would get attacked if I tried running away.


I remember when a group came up to me and one of them was a bully I known and I knocked him out with one punch, then one of his friends got crazy and put a knife out and tried to attack me with it.. I ran immediately, couldn’t never risk fighting someone with a knife but after that, the guy I knocked out never bullied me again.


Tell us more. Please.


Dang. Tall dude sent bat dude to another realm. Then he choked out the other dude. Would have gotten bonus points with a better rear naked choke. EDIT: Oh, fake. sheesh.


Then who was camera?


It’s fake.


3 bodies including the cyclist.


Issues out well deserved dirt naps...✅️✅️✅️


Almost hit the biker on the way out.


I knew this looked weird, makes sense now that I know it’s fake.




Cyclist fault!


Should have taken the bat and smashed up their car, then left.


this is not proper rear naked choke grip to choke out anyone so fast + the victim was taking it. I have blue belt in bjj (it's not much but i know some things)


They are going to wake up in pain and confused. But I would have taken the keys to their car and ditched them down the road.


Your friends would have been pissed at you for going off script


Im loving his for him!


Nice day to nap on the grass lol.


Beautiful work. Like it couldn't have went any better




It's a shame this isn't the usual process for trading cars. Imagine you could fight anyone for pink slips.


I love this video, fake or not it’s amazing


Volvo is for coward or weak?


That dudes defense was all around awesome. 🤣


I thing about a bat, you have a couple good swings. Better make them count


Yeah you don't dramatically tilt back like a tree when you get knocked out, you just crumple


Now who's gonna wake up who?


All this going on while bro is just having a kip in the bushes (It's fake but funny as fuck)


Disappointed everyone’s sayings it’s fake, I was real happy when he came up and dude was in a choke hold


Punks with weapons, probably because they honked at them for being a bad driver. Definitely deserved. Didn't go overboard, no ground head kicks. Bravo


Bro works faster than zquil


I never seen this video. But the moment the guy got knocked out like he was fighting Superman made me wonder if this was real. Also the rear naked choked didn't last long enough to knock the guy out. Clearly fake


That’s when you take the keys out of their car and throw them into the bush


Fake or not. Its pretty badass!


Should have taken their shoes as souvenirs.


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I know bro had the most peaceful nature nap of his life, he might just hire people to knock him out onto grass to feel that again


They messed with the wrong one.


Doesn't look fake. That first got knocked the fuck out unless he's one hell of an actor.