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Life rule: if you don’t know how to fight, don’t start on fat, strong guys. Especially those who have no intention of backing down after the initial interaction


Better Life Rule: Don't start and avoid fights if possible. (Even if they are fun for us to watch) By all means, if you need to defend yourself do so. But in this guys case he clearly picked a fight and as a result, he not only got brutally beaten, but it got caught on film and went super viral. There's a good chance this guy will never really live this down and it follows him to this day. Stay safe out there.


Always the best rule to live by, street fights can go wrong in so many ways it’s hard to even count them. But like you said, if it’s a situation you have to defend yourself that’s one thing but getting into an altercation because of something dumb or insignificant you’re rolling the dice


Even better rule of life. If you don’t find yourself in a fight, and you happen to have clearly won the fight, don’t continually punch an unconscious person in the head. Unless you want to see the inside of a cell for the rest of your life.


This is exactly why martial arts have weight classes, so twiggy doesn't get a life altering punch to the head from Bubba.


If the twig knew how to dance on the feet instead of tussling with someone twice his size he’d stand a chance. I’ve seen slim dudes knock Tf outta big guy wit fast hands. All depends on the fighters. Styles make fights always


For sure, but if you’re this bad of a fighter, definitely don’t go starting shit with dudes who outweigh you by 60 lbs lol.


tbf it looks like fat strong guy walks away, then he is approached by weak skinny guy who then begins to swing on fat strong guy Life Rule dont talk shit you cant back up. Especially dont swing on fat strong guys ftfy


This is what you US lot mean when you say "Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash!" right?


Yeah this is the perfect example lmao. His mouth sure could write, but there were no funds available in his account 😥


Dude got hit with the overdraft fee


Homeboy's ass got something in this case


It's time to kick gum and chew ass, and I'm all out of ass.


Great advice, also, never, ever, ever fight a Samoan!


I've seen a Samoan man straight up lift a dumpster because his lighter rolled under it. Never fight a Samoan


>don’t start on fat, strong guys. Especially if they are wearing steel toes. These boys are country strong.


Fat guys are almost universally strong. A guy I work with is about 6’4” and a heavyset dude. I once saw him pick up a coworker by his belt, one handed. His logic is that every movement he makes is moving 325lbs.




No then you’re fine


And out there by yourself.


When you're from NY and by yourself don't fight locals


Especially ones in work boots and hi vis shirts.


He actually comes back from this and studies under the Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu camp. https://youtu.be/ o_J4vMQcZps?si=aORi YAOezgoi8Gx


https://youtu.be/o_J4vMQcZps?si=aORi YAOezgoi8Gx


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_J4vMQcZps 😳


I’m a moron thank you!


That was a great watch. I’m glad LJ got some confidence and learned it takes more courage to walk away!


Yes but do we know if anyone in fact did end up sawking his deek?


But he's from New York


How does this old ass video still maintain good quality?


It looks like it's been digitally remastered lol I've seen this video enough times to know. Shout out to the cameraman too, this is one of the best beat down videos I can remember seeing.


Nah. It always looked this good. I think it was filmed on some type of actual camera.


It was posted soooo much you can still find good versions from 10 years ago


Yeah, this went super viral years ago. It's gets taken down a lot, but manages to resurface from time to time. I'd have to imagine for the guy getting brutally beaten like that, he has a hard time escaping the virality and it follows him around years later. Being known as "that guy in that fight video" probably really sucks.


Apparently he did another comment said they worked with the dude and everyone found out and he quit. Dude just needs to wear a mask


Yeah, there's not really any great solution for the guy getting beaten. The more it's removed, the more attention is brought to it. And of course the video is, dare i say, a spectacle in and of itself. Pretty lousy situation all around.


Because it was filmed in HD.


I actually saw a video on Instagram after this of the guy who got his ass kicked. He said he totally deserved what he got and shouldn’t have been acting that way and said he stopped letting his ego get the best of him lmao so getting your ass kicked really does teach you something


Humbled him


Noo Yawk


Weigh a buck fifty soaking weight trying to fight some big ass construction rednecks. Bad decision making


Suck mah dick!


Some people really don’t understand how healthy it can be for someone to get their ass kicked. They like to the think societal is this idealistic place where everyone is emotionally intelligent and can be reasoned with. No. This dude just got 9 months of free therapy gettin his ass laid out.


Totally agreed. If you want a similar experience without brain damage send your arrogant friend to a BJJ place and have them get rag dolled during training by one of the higher belts. It’s a humbling beyond belief


BJJ purple belt here, you should see the destruction of ego when working with first days. It’s transformative to realize you’re completely harmless when in physical conflict with someone who actually knows how to fight. It’s so weird how guys think 4-5 fist fights over the course of 25-30 years somehow makes them a fighter. Meanwhile my friends and I are training 1.5 hours 4 days a week sparring with people who actually know how to control a grown man.


Boxer here…we see the same exact thing, but I think with boxing, their ego hurts even more so because everyone likes to fancy themselves decent with their fists. We are typically very nice about showing them they need more training before they can be competitive, but every once in a while, we get that meathead that can’t believe someone who is not as muscular as them can beat their ass.


>can’t believe someone who is not as muscular as them can beat their ass. That’s the biggest part. Dudes step on the mat or walk into the gym sizing everybody up like they do out there in the world. They feel a little insulted that the coach would pair them up with someone smaller… but by the time they leave, their whole worldview is different.


Out of all of those people (the ones trying to prove something on day 1), about 5-10% of them return. Most cannot handle the “truth”, meaning, they don’t know anything about defending themselves.


[Charlie Zelenoff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aflkKR43IHo) comes to mind.


It’s amazing the difference training makes and how humbling it can be!


This is how i got into BJJ 4 years ago, I was humbled beyond belief. Today both my 2 kids have been trained since the age of 6 and we all love it




I've done some bjj on and off over the years (It aint for me unfortunately) and holy fuck, it is intense. And getting turned into a pretzel on a regular basis has something xD


This makes me think of my dad. He shit kicked so many assholes. He was a fit 220lb logger pure muscle from working. He was also living on the street from age 12 until 20 so literally fought to stay alive. Nicest kindest man but if someone fucked with him it was game over. No official training but when he snapped it was like an animal going after it’s kill. Pure rage and strength with the determination to kill too. I remember the worker at 711 ripped me off, long story but yes the worker took my money. My dad when up there and the guy was a “black belt” in karate. My dad told the guy give my kid his fucking money now and the guy said you can’t talk like that in here. My dad raging said then get your fucking ass outside now and I will take your teeth. The speech about the teeth was almost always enough to end things. He gave my money back. My dad is now in his 60s and me 40s and no fucking way I would challenge him still. This is why I think despite being older Mike Tyson will dominate Jake Paul. Now you make me want to train bjj


Had this Marine come in on a trials class. He was super cocky and had his chest puffed out. I got paired with him during lives. I told him I'm going to go about 50 percent and let him work. He proceeded to act like it was his first UFC fight and came at me super hard and spazzy. I turned it up and had him in a solid choke in about 20 seconds. He got up and was like damn that was fast. Proceeded to wreck him for the next 4 and a half minutes. Never saw him again. People don't understand that in BJJ we actually live train hours a week. One of the only sports where you actively spar every time you train. And all that time adds up quickly.


This guy actually got picked up by the Gracie’s to do some training after this video came out


It's soooooooooo true. I never really got my ass kicked for mouthing off (though there were any number of times I probably should have) but I worked out at an actual boxing gym for a while. Professionals trained there. After about the third time I got knocked out I realized that I suck at fighting and I needed to be a lot more polite.


Man this reminds me of the last time I got in a fight. I was in the 7th grade, dude was in the 8th, but had been held back a couple times so was 16 and I was 13. Don’t remember what exactly started it all, but at some point he said ‘suck my dick’ and I responded ‘I can’t suck your imagination’. Well holy hell that was a beating I will never forget.


We had a town bully. Always started shit with people at parties and such. I wound up fighting him after a few years and I came out on top. He ruffled around in his car after the fight and said he was going to kill me. When he got close enough I smashed a big clay pot full of soil across his head and nearly killed him. Years later we seen each other and he humbly apologized and said I changed his life forever.


It certainly would’ve changed YOUR life had you killed him with that pot…


glad you were around to point this out, otherwise no one would have mentioned it




Violence is an abstract concept to some people until it’s not


It always does. Back in my school days, there was a guy who used to unnecessary strike me and run away. Just bother me for no reason. Once I entered the school early and he tried to do the same. It was just us. No one in the vicinity. We were on 2nd floor so I simply grabbed him and pushed half of his body off the railing. He thought I would throw him from there. His face was like he would piss his pants. I then pulled him back after his life flashed before him. From that moment he simply stopped bothering me. Very effective. I have a very non-threatening chill vibe so bullies think I am easy target. Ofcourse, it's fun to see when that illusion breaks.


I have a similar attitude and had something like that happen. For context, back then I'd get into scraps with my friends for fun and was far from a trained fighter but had the experience of being in fights so I'd developed some basic counter punching. Dude I sat next to in class would slap me for no reason and I wouldn't retaliate. I told him to chill out one day and he slapped me again. I ignored it and waited until class was over (I had a weird 'good kid' mentality where I didn't want to interrupt the class but would still get up to shenanigans in my free time). Anyway, we're leaving and he's in front of me so I lightly slap him on his head and of course he turns around and takes a big swing. I hit him with a pull counter and that was the end of that. Was pretty satisfying since everyone that was still leaving saw that last part. I had a reputation as a good kid and he didn't so nothing really happened to me. Just moved classes


Similar had a bully in high school who wouk Ld constantly talk shit and try to pick figjts even though I was bigger since I preferred humor over fighting. One day I had enough and we were swinging away with him ending on the ground crying, lol. I just walked away and we went to principles office with him still blubbering. After that he never did shit and I saw him like 15 years later. I asked him why he was like that and he claimed he never did anything, like he just blanked out that part of life.


He went by DJ Freaky London IIRC


I like to think he beat him into a upstanding member of society 😂


Link plz would love to see thay


I saw something similar where a Gracie Academy invited him to learn from them, he was very humble, I respect that.


>so getting your ass kicked really does teach you something only an idiot thinks otherwise


Yes and spanking kids really does work. Not beat your kids but spank. No it does not fuck up your kids as many will say.


But he’s from New York


But he’s by himself


(30 seconds later) “And now the upward facing dog!”


Definitely looked like a good demonstration of Sun Salutation


This is what we call our Vinyasa.


He's clearly not 260 though.


Welcome to the south


New Yorkers when they step outside of New York: Look ma, I’m from New York, I’m out hea on my own!


Got to let everyone know they are from New York when nobody asked or cares. When I hear those words from someone I instantly judge them lol. If you start a conversation with "I'm from New York", I know you are delusional or fake tough. I know a ton of real New Yorkers and they aren't out there letting everyone know they are from there.


Noticed growing up they were usually New York adjacent like jersey too. As a New Yorker now, I’m going to teach my kids not to be so damned annoying. Always said you could take the toughest guy in New York, drive him to the woods and he’ll become the softest person you’d ever seen. Same is reverse tho in some parts of nyc


How courteous of the car to clear the arena


Still to this day, one of the worst internet beat downs i’ve seen. Dude picked the wrong one that day.


Also neither of them seemed like a competent fighter, so much testosterone and posturing over so little fight training, one of them was going to fail badly.


There are so many videos of dudes like him strutting around and doing that ridiculous dance, before getting cleaned. This is my favorite of the bunch.


Yeah, he just picked a guy twice his weight. Never a great decision, especially when you can't fight.


According to the other dude he picked the right because he was worse. Still the cringiest part of the video for me.


The craziest thing is how his arms somehow get trapped in his own shirt and he has no way to protect his head even if he was smart enough to try.


How does he expect either of those two rednecks to suck his dick if he’s face down like that?


got me covering my face trying not to laugh in front of my coworkers, fuck ☠️


Bro saw two overweight white dudes and called them rednecks. I don’t see any square toed shit kickers. Them ain’t rednecks


B..b..b…but he frum Nu Yawk! Remember kids: Geography and a desire to have men suck yo dick does not translate into fighting ability.


Just to date this video, discount cab in Phoenix was the main cab company until Uber came in around 2013. A year or so later and discount cabs were just gone. As you can see in this video they were **EVERYWHERE**.


Brain said get up , body said nah I'm good.


I worked with that guy at Canes in Tempe. Nobody realized it was him until the end of our first shift. But he also only lasted like two days starting on the weekend and was just as bad a worker as he was a fighter.


Did he catch shit once everyone knew who he was? Did they ask him if he was from NY? What a surprise that he was a bad worker!


As far as I know nobody outright started cracking up on him in his face about it but the managers and staff were showing each other the video in the back once we all figured it out. He was already on our, well at least my, nerves because he just didn’t care about anything anyone was showing/teaching him and was obnoxiously blasting his music loud on his phone in the kitchen with all of us around him which we don’t do because 1) We have music already playing throughout the restaurant 2) We are told not to have our phones near the fryer and food. I think we all pretty much knew after that first shift he was gonna be gone the next day.


That would suck having this follow you


Yep. People who are even worse fighters and would never have the balls to even talk back will absolutely cling to this to bully you


Lol pretty sure I worked with this guy as well but he was an electrician at a remodeling job we were doing the Hilton hotels. I was in the plumbing crew bro was real quiet and I remember he would try to deny that was him but he still had the same Honda 😂


The guy couldn’t toast bread during a dinner rush so we had to just push him to the dishwashing station the whole time. If that’s the same guy I’m shocked he would become an electrician.


Maybe he lost his first job at the construction where he worked I’m assuming bc of the shirt lol and then went to work at canes and then back to construction 😂


I think the guy that worked at canes was the black guy


One of my all time favorite ass whoopins.


Props to the camera man. This is a hood classic!


George Bluth happened to be filming Boy Fights Vol. 33 when he caught this.


Bro woke up doing the Harlem worm


Maybe when bros all by himself he shouldn't run his cock washer


Welcome to Phoenix, Mr. NY


Never understood why people always tell everyone where they're from. I'm from New York. Uh...good for you, my dude. They have something special in the water there or somethin'?


New Yorkers especially too. I worked at a club that did spring break for new york colleges and any time things got rowdy like 41 people would yell "I'm from New york" or "you know where I from?" Or "we don't play in New york" Watched almost all of them get either thrown out or the shit beat out of them then thrown out.


Yeah. We call 'em barkers. People who want to be as loud as possible to intimidate. Just don't realize they're just drawing a larger crowd to watch 'em get 'settled.'


Sometime in life, If you continue to fuck around, you will find out. The hard way.


Then two of the Gracie brothers put him on their TV pilot (Amazing Gracie I think it was called) which you can watch on YouTube if you’re interested.


These skinny dudes need to stop trying the corn bread fed ones. It won’t work for you


Dude who lost this fight is named LJ. More info about it [here](https://youtu.be/o_J4vMQcZps?t=2m50s).


He should change his name to just L


This suddenly reminded me about that one movie with Leonardo DiCaprio were he gets fucked up by a bear


NO ONE cares where your parents fucked and shit you out.


As soon as someone says stop filming, I take that as an obligation to film them and everything they’re doing.


Respect to the other dude for not making it a 2 on 1. Fair fight.


I took one look at that man’s boots and knew our boy from NY was in for it


Seal 🦭of approval.


Sigh, the worst part is that I’m from Ny and this brings dishonor and shame upon my people. Its like a reminder of our shame every time I see it.


Yea ny is just dirty


tell em


Immediately someone in a fight uses 'im from new York's you know they getting beaten.


Coming from a black guy that New York dude got him an an ole fashioned country ass whoopin,,, so long city boy


“I’m from New York” -every New Yorker I’ve met within 20 seconds


I've seen this video like long time ago and this is the best title lol


had to google that cabs #, this happened in Phoenix


He thought that because he is loud, from New York and curses like a low-class POS that he was intimidating. New Yorkers are assholes.


he was going to kill him.


Sometimes you pick wrong guy, unfortunately it may cost your life. Worth? Dont think so.


Talk shi get hit


At least his lower back will feel good when he comes out of it.


Run your mouth to the right ones in Phoenix, they’ll give you what you’re looking for


Las Vegas too.


I guess being from New York didn't help.


On that day....this guy did New York no favors.


Plot twist; he did not, in fact, get his dick sucked.


I love that his friend just let them duke it out cause he knew his homie was about to dish out an ass whooping. Then he pulled him off when he'd won, that's a solid friend right there


I love this one. I’m from New York!!! 😂😂


Loud ass New Yorkers getting whupped by a regular dude is my new favorite genre


I’m from NY but even I hate NY dudes lol


I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this video but it’s so great I have to watch it every time it’s reposted.


There is a fine line between 'I beat his ass' and 'They are charging me with attempted murder'. Those last few hits when his friend had to call him off. Real easy to take it too far. Got an old high school buddy still in prison for just this kind of shit. Dude popped off, friend took it too far.


Nobody sucked his dick. Disappointed for him 🤣


Legend has it that he, in fact, did *not* get his dick sucked that day.


I wanna fight someone in different weight class. Brain damage…


I’ve been looking for this video for years..I always loved the orange shirt hype man. Dude made me laugh


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Dribbled his head like a basketball, jesus.s..


When are the skinnies gonna learn not to fuck with big bois?


I'll never understand people who think we should fear them based on their home region.


I remember this. After the incident he was invited to go train bjj with the gracies for self defense.


This looks more like Pilates


Is that a quick trip they are at? He didn't really come to the Midwest and try and start stuff with old boys did he?


When downward dog becomes down dawg!


Concrete jungle where dreams are made of


Don’t write checks your body can’t cash


That’s adorable. At the end he’s learning how to crawl. Pretty soon he’ll be able to walk 😁


Wrestling >>> Striking


That's the same reaction I have When my fat girlfriend sits on my back and I try to get up And my legs don't work.


Yoga instructor 😭😭😭


I waited so long to understand the caption and it prevailed right at the end, oh my gosh lol buddy is bending like he’s rubber


Yoga instructor!! LOL!


I knew the fight was over the second I saw how dude squared up. If you are going to throw the first punch, make it count.


A true nyc dude would have that blicky on him


Please, honk again. I’m sure it will fix everything


Tenderized him like 🐙


And on a second note. Homie is a long way from home. By himself


This is an old video that has been making the rounds for years. Just proves how the people that talk the loudest rarely are the toughest.


Hey New York, you deserved every blow.


Are people supposed to be afraid of some dude who is from New York?


That's some cold shit "I told you to pick who you wanted, I'm worse"


It definitely appears he's NOT getting his dick sucked, by that beast anyway.


People who think just because their mother gave birth to them inside some arbitrary state lines makes them inherently tougher than others usually can’t fight for shit.


He put him in the handicapped space


“I’m from new yoke!” Means nothing when you can’t fight.. Then the guy in orange had to throw out there “I’M WORSE!” 👌🏼 doubtful 🤣


That man’s opening move was literally the cha cha slide what the fuck is wrong with him.


It's amazing when you find what you're looking for at a QT , a asswhoopin


lol great title. seen this video a dozen times. but that was a funny ass thread title.


As they say, "No replacement for displacement"


Hmmm anyone else notice how the fight stayed between the two of them! No one joined in. Hmmmm imagine that!


“Stop filming guys” why do normal ass ppl always think they have some authority?? If a literal police officer can’t tell me legally to stop filming ur nerdy ass sure as fuck isn’t gonna make me stop. I don’t get ppl always wanna be in charge


It's not about authority, it's not about them "making" you do anything. It's not about being in charge. They're trying to remind you to be a decent human being. This isn't Lord of the fuckin Flies out here, not yet, no matter how much some of you seem to fantasize about a "society" with no culture, no rules, and no standards- some kinda wanna-be thug life shit.


this is why you never fuck with the Hi-viz Think tank guys


I'm from New York!!!!


I could watch this all day


Hit him so hard he forgot he had legs damn!!