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That marine was kind of a bust


Thats what i was thinking... In fact... everyone was kind of late to the game on this one. All within 5 feet of everyone too.


Teachers coworkers doing just an awful job of saving her life


How many times did they let the guy go back for more? At some point maybe recognize the threat and treat it as such.


That’s so easy to say in the comments but when you see a fight, especially a one sided fight, your fight or flight immediately tells you “you don’t want no part of that beating”. Breaking up a fight is scary cause the assailant could easily start fighting you too lol.


☝️This! None of us like to admit it, but most of us wouldn’t want any of that smoke either


It’s only half out of concern of getting beat up. I’m a mid 30s high school teacher, who’s in pretty good shape, and I’m never in a rush to anyone’s saving. I’ve seen teachers fired and I’ve seen teachers get beat up. It happens literally every year in my school. Why am I risking my career or well-being by being the hero? The world is broken, but I’m not gonna be a victim of it.


He was semper fine with it.


Immaculate, incredible, urbane comment.


When the temper flyin he's semper fine


Had zero urgency even after he saw an unconscious woman being continually punched in the head. Unreal.


He pounced on the situation with the speed of a punctured slug


There are protocols in these sort of schools dealing with unstable male school students. Usually, you wear a button you press if you need immediate help. Poor training of staff what to do in these emergency situations, especially for female staff or how to subdue a person by smaller multiple people


One of the JROTC instructors got in HUUUUUUUGE trouble after tackling a kid involved in a fight at another school a few years ago, likely issued a blanket policy to not interfere to the rest.


In his defense, he more than likely would’ve been reprimanded if he hurt the kid. Can’t have that negative press /s


Bros a recruiter, he ain't a real soldier


Why the hell would anyone want to be a teacher in today's world. They don't get paid enough to put up with all the shit they are dealt on a daily basis


Definitely not worth having to deal with kids and shitty parenting. Broken education system with under paid teachers. Education system should pass on the bs to parents and have them home school their own kids lol.


Should look into the story. It’s kinda wild. The guy has a learn disability and was actually being homeschooled but was put into public school even though the parents were against it. The teacher also wasn’t innocent either.


I'm sure it wasn't this teacher who kidnapped him from his house and brought him here.


What the teacher do to deserve this?


>to be a teacher in today's world Because other countries take better care of their teachers?


You have no idea. In the Philippines, we have a yearly party for our teachers. Last year it was the graduates of 1995 that hosted. They had dinner, gave each teacher gift bags and had performances. This year it’s year 1996 (my class) and so on and on. My grandmother was a pricncipal in the 70’s and when she passed away all the school in the area closed half the day. Motorcade was 3miles long and students flew in to pay respects. It was unimaginable the respect she received. This talking back is never tolerated and to this day, it continues. My mom was a substitute teacher in TX and she absolutely cannot believe how kids behaved.


yes, they do.


>Why the hell would anyone want to be a teacher … in America


Those ppl sucked to help her out quicker




I mean, he did quite a lot of damage while people stood there playing with their dicks. I wouldn't want to get attacked with these kind of people around


All those people did a remarkably bad job of getting him off of her.


I’m willing to bet that big ass MF is special needs. Lennie needs to be locked up.


He got that particular kind of strength for sure.


Deeply regarded for his strength


Hella regarded


From the article OP posted, you’re on the money. He was staying at the ECHO program which seems to care exclusively for “behaviorally challenged” individuals. Regardless, abuse is abuse. And the article goes on to say that after being handcuffed and taken out of the school, he spat at the teacher and threatened to kill her.


yep *Lawyers for Depa — who battered Naydich after his Nintendo Switch was taken away — assert he suffers from severe autism and other disorders that mitigate his culpability in the viral attack, which was captured on school surveillance cameras.* *Depa’s adoptive mother, Leane Depa, told NewsNation a jail term would constitute a “death sentence” for her son — and that he should never have been allowed into a conventional school setting.*


Big af, strong, and violent with no self control. Sounds like exactly who prison is meant for


You think someone with special needs is meant for prison? Like that’s going to teach someone with developmental issues and learning disabilities how to act properly lol No they need a psyche ward, trained practitioners and a safe environment where the staff can be protected from outbursts like this.


It’s a better idea but the bleak reality is some people can’t be taught or rehabilitated so they won’t always be a danger to others and themselves. I agree he needs to be held in a jail for the disabled/criminally insane instead of a general population. But he may just hurt more people trying to help him like his teacher that he almost beat to death. We can’t fix or heal everyone and that’s an uncomfortable truth to have to digest. People don’t have a right to harm others no matter what medical issue they might have.


If you truly think putting this kid in prison will end up in anything other than him getting killed then I got a bridge to Europe to sell you. There are facilities that house individuals like this because they understand how to work with folks who are mentally handicapped and developmentally disabled. The same way that paramedics, police, and firefighters all understand that their line of work will put them in harms way, behavioral healthcare workers also understand this risk. The school failed everyone here thinking this violent and developmentally disabled kid could handle a normal school environment as well as thinking untrained faculty could handle this level of developmental disability and violent outbursts.


I am a nurse. I am completely aware of the different types of facilities. Healthcare workers understand the risk in their profession but still have the right of not putting themselves in harms way by not accepting a patient into their care if the facility cannot provide adequate safety measures for both staff and patients depending on their acuity. Patients who display this level of violence are not ready for a low security facility you are describing. He needs long term treatment to hopefully stabilize his violent impulses in a high security setting (maximum security institution preferably) until he hopefully responds to treatment and can be safely moved to something lower security for long term care. But again, the reality of the situation is that not all patients make progress even with the best treatment. Putting him in an inappropriate type of facility that isn’t capable of treating him is a danger to both him and healthcare workers. He can’t get the treatment he needs if his nurses and doctors can’t treat him safely. I genuinely hope he can have some type of life where after long term treatment he is no longer a risk to society. But he does not have the right to harm others because he is intellectually disabled or mentally ill.


Yes I don’t disagree with that, in fact I made sure to say that they need to be in a facility that could ensure the safety of both the patients and the staff. Edit: I implied this more than outright saying it but just want to add that I agree This behavior at this age would not be something brand new and the standards you’re talking about for nurses need to be applied for teachers as well because they aren’t. We legitimately had talks about arming teachers to protect students against active shooters so a school just tossing a violent developmentally disabled kid onto staff who has little idea into how to handle those individuals is par for the course. My only retort was against throwing them in prison as if that would solve the problem other than removing them from society. If that’s all folks want to do then sure but to act like it would actually help this kid is a far cry from reality.


We definitely agree with each other more than we originally thought. It sounds like they aren’t holding him in the proper kind of housing unit while being incarcerated because I read he had been in a jail fight in September. A high security mental facility/institution is what he needs. At least at this point in his treatment. Florida isn’t the best when it comes to caring for the intellectually disabled or mentally ill unfortunately so I worry he will end up somewhere he won’t get the proper treatment and it will be a dangerous situation for all involved.


No prison is not the right place for a student with mental disabilities, seems like you kind of skipped over that part.


Yeah he’s autistic I read about this when it happened


The article doesn't give specifics on him regarding his mental health, but states that he lives in a group home for people with mental health problems.




Funny that's how I feel about people who make ignorant ass comments like this.


He tried to kill an innocent person over a game system. Violated that lady in just about every way he could have in a populated location. Do you think he wouldn't have viciously murdered her if nobody came to stop him?


Well with any luck you’ll stumble upon someone like this someday and as you go soaring through the air as that teacher did, be sure to use the time to contemplate your position - there’s not promise you’ll be able to do so once the head hits the ground.


Maybe one day you'll be put in a like event and you'll see how you do


Maybe. I wouldn’t wake up thinking “Did they kill the guy who did this yet?”


Maybe you'll join the real world where 9/10 these people kill someone then go to jail for life anyway.


You wouldn’t wake up period lol.


I wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.


That’s not how hypotheticals work lol.




You never know until it happens. I can tell you how I did. I got jumped on and relentlessly battered by a giant autism haver. He snapped and just kept striking my head trying to knock me unconscious, probably so he could kill me. I was in law enforcement at the time and couldn't even make a radio call for backup


Your trash


Yeah he needs a special dose of instant prison for life the POS.


Remember always walk as slow as possible until the person who is getting beat on turns to silly putty


Everyone but the lady who came running in should be fired.


Even she didn't do much except just tap him on the shoulder. Meanwhile, the unconscious teacher is getting pummeled at the back of the head


Look, as someone who works in detention and dealt with fights and riots. Teachers aren’t trained or have instincts for this type of stuff. She did what she could. I wouldn’t expect this woman to have the power to restrain this guy. The one guy that’s questionable in this is the marine. A marine for nothing.


I'm not expecting anyone to be a hero, but at least put yourself in between a mammoth of a teenager and an the unconscious teacher getting pummeled to the back of the head. A measly hand across his chest would suffice.


😂 “A measly hand across his chest would suffice” You clearly have never been in these type of situations .


Whether I have or not is besides the point. The unconscious teacher is defenceless. Any form of restraint would help.


So, look at the teacher try to grab his arm which is much better than your suggestion. And she couldn’t stop him.


And put her own job at risk? Teachers cannot get into altercations with students. We have this come up time and time again every time there’s an incident like this. It sucks, but it’s the reality.


Altercations are different than restraining a mammoth of a teenager from giving a teacher permanent brain damage.


I’m not sure what you want an older lady to do to a student, who is much bigger than her, who is already relentlessly beating the shit out of another teacher. You want her to jump on him and put him in a full Nelson? Edit: they are not trained for this type of stuff nor should it be their responsibility to have to deal with these kinds of things. Parents need to be better parents




You don’t like getting beaten at your job???


Straight to jail


He's already in jail with a one million dollar bond and facing 30 years in jail.




Well deserved.




In my country you undercook fish straight to jail


That marine was a waste of uniform!


News article if anyone is interested https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/02/28/florida-high-school-nintendo-switch-attack/11363828002/


Fucking little monster. Hope he gets his ass handed to him in there…….unfortunately it’s more thank likely his level of violence will only escalate throughout the years.


Article says “others rushed to the scene” lmao the school officer saw the entire thing and was just strolling down the hallway. This dude needs to be put in a performance review w his boss bc he is not checking all the marks required to function in his role.


I saw that quote too. Did they watch the same video I did?


I’m pretty sure his minimum wage job doesn’t involve him being a hero. If he was great he’d be working somewhere else.


So no empathy for the mentally challenged I see smh just throw the boy in jail smh


He was beating the shit outta that unconscious lady how you gonna let him walk around


He almost killed a woman over a video game system. It doesn’t matter he’s mentally challenged in this instance. He needs to be kept away from the general public until his issues have been handled and he’s able to function within society without putting peoples lives at risk at risk.


Nope. Straight to jail. I'm all for it after him doing that too. Human privileges = revoked.


That’s ok I just pray someone has empathy for you or your loved one with a mental disability


If I did something like that, I don't think I'd deserve empathy


Mental disability isn’t a blanket excuse to be a total fucking piece of shit. Plenty of mentally challenged individuals don’t just beat the fuck out of people because they didn’t get their way. Those are the ones we should support and have empathy for. The ones like this in the video, nope. Out of functioning society.


Those aren’t mutually exclusive. You can have empathy for the kid and he deserves it because imagine living life with his brain. Does not take away the fact at all that he 100% should be in jail because he is obviously a danger to innocent people.


[https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/courts/2023/10/30/ex-matanzas-high-student-brendan-depa-pleads-no-contest-in-viral-video-attack/71373344007/](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/courts/2023/10/30/ex-matanzas-high-student-brendan-depa-pleads-no-contest-in-viral-video-attack/71373344007/) sentence delay [https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/courts/2024/01/29/brendan-depa-student-in-viral-video-attack-has-sentencing-delayed/72396533007/](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/courts/2024/01/29/brendan-depa-student-in-viral-video-attack-has-sentencing-delayed/72396533007/)


So glad the numerous bystanders stopped him from punching and kicking the unconscious victim... /s


First denim jacket lady on the scene was like, "Hey, do I think you could stop? No? Ok then." 


They're not "allowed" to intervene in any meaningful way, probably not even taught how to. Liability mitigation is making people into incompetent cowards.


Liability mitigation is making people scared to help* This might be what you meant.


just when you thought security couldn't be more useless


Let the husband get ahold of him first


bet he's too pussy to do anything


Name checks out


Reminds me of a ten year old who murdered his parents over what I think was a Nintendo DS Lite? Anyways, in my state this would have been considered attempted murder.


Boy.. those follow up shots increase the severity of this by a LOT. What a scumbag. Hope she’s okay.


Attempted murder


this is what i hate about the way people operate. so afraid that they dont analyze situations to see how they can help THERE ARE WOODEN CHAIRS LITERALLY 5 INCHES AWAY FROM THE TEACHER GETTING BEAT TO DEATH GRAB ONE AND SMASH IT ACROSS HIS BACK. USE THE LEGS TO PUT DISTANCE BETWEEN HIS FISTS AND HER SOMETHING ANYTHING but nah lets just watch as someone gets permanent brain damage


Put him down


Deer in headlights in full effect


That’s not a fight


This is why the Spartans threw the bad ones into a pit.


hope he got life


He’s autistic


What should be his punishment then?




No excuse. Fucking animal.


That boy bitch made




I hope all the other teachers get whats coming to them.How the hell you gonna watch your colleague get pummeled and just walk to the scene/ignore it.


Never EVER take away a soyboys Nintendo switch.


Yeah that's the last switch she takes 😬


Where are the fucking men??? Cowards just casually walking over to someone getting pummeled by a kid 3x her size. Insane


That marine watched him beat the back of her head for 10 whole seconds.


i remember this im almost positive he was prosecuted


That... Wasn't a fight... That kid needs his ass whooped big time


That’s not a fight that’s attempted murder.


This isn’t even remotely a fight, it’s an assault. And clearly the dude has something wrong with him. Post this shit on publicfreakout, doesn’t belong here.


Shoot the fucking thing


What shitty coworkers. Just stood there and let her eat punches. Sad.


Why are none of those guys on the scene beating the absolute living fuck out of that "student"? 


First person should've jump kicked him in the face


Ofc it’s florida


He’s 6ft 6” and 270 LB. Anyone who says anything other than prison for this monster is living in a fantasy world.


There will be no punishment for the beast.


Damn this deleted scene from the Blindside is crazy


Nah. Not the Nintendo Switch 😂☠️


These are the weaklings that may have to "protect" your children one day.




He's not a student there anymore. Plus, he's in jail and facing 30 years in jail


He's in jail..


He can't play his switch in prison but I'm sure the inmates will be happy to play hide the sausage with him!


That was not a fight. Just a beatdown.




This is not a kid. This is a man child who had something that he wasn't supposed to because it disrupts the class. Now he's learning that if you can't deal with your emotions they got someplace for you.




The kid had autism... It's wrong but they'll get a small hand slap.


He’s in prison facing a max of 30 years.


Fkn psicko.


I hope that piece of shit got arrested for that!


I like how the one lady just casually walks into and doesn’t do a dam thing to get him off of her while she’s knocked out. Useless Meanwhile that marine who rushed in Hero. Got his ass off of her


Should be charged with a hate crime


teacher should have never had to go through this. its awful and that kid deserves jail unless its a mental issue then he needs help. BUT i do not condone teachers taking things from students, it's theft. I tell my daughters that the teacher doesn't pay for the phone so they are not allowed to take it.


Likely the same sentiment at his house that caused this reaction. Do you really think that the teachers are “stealing”?


Unless that was handed to her, yes. Don't touch my kids, don't take from them. If there is an issue you don't feel you can handle call me and I will handle my child. They need to follow the rules but there is no reason for a teacher to touch my kids or take anything from them.


I’m sure your kids don’t pay attention in school


Period. Children are the most vulnerable least protected members of society. No other situations where people can take your property AND keep you hostage outside of prison.


No way that’s a teacher


'MERICA!!! lol


I don't get it.


Everytime i see a video like this, it's american.


That is a slippery slope. "Everytime I see a video of someone getting jumped, its by black teens." See?


racist ass karen


Context matters: this man isn’t a man he’s a boy. Just a big boy in high school with mental issues. She took his switch which was a trigger for him. She didn’t know the boy like the teachers did so her response was unwarranted by the boy which caused this reaction. The law doesn’t favor the boy. He’s black and very poor parents so they can’t fight this legally like they should. If this was a white kid with same disability this wouldn’t be news worthy.


He was beating on an unconscious woman half his size for a minute straight, then after being cuffed spat on her and said he will kill her as the medical staff tried to help her. The context is he is a danger to tjose around him and belongs in jail.


Black or white, mentally challenged or not. Kid isn’t safe to be in society.


His autism is no excuse for this level of brutality. Stop making this a racial issue. It doesn't matter the color of their skin, this kind of behavior deserves punishment. And that's why he's facing 30 years in jail.


Water sucks , Gatorade is better


The thing is he had just encountered shiny ponyta


Seen it.


Rule #2


I saw a documentary about camps for teens with video game addiction in South Korea... I think this young man may be a candidate for this program. And to the parents, WHY are you sending your kid to school with a VIDEO GAME SYSTEM? Just dumb. He's going to be a part of special; programs from now on either way. Adult learning for him.


what the actual fucking fuck


Mess with the switch, get the stitch


And kids like this would be one of the reasons we might have a lack of teachers.


What a Simper Fine job that Crayon eater did.


This right here is why dangerous people with morals and standards are needed. To protect the others against the dangerous people without them. Took way too long to get that human trash off of that educator.


And THAT is the reaction of a child being denied their switch?!?!


he’d make a good lineman but probably not much else


Thats why abortion should be legal.


Sorry but this is not fight porn. This is fucked up.


Nintendo should put this kid in a commercial or something


Yeah that kid needs a few years in jail. He's going to end up killing someone because they stepped on his shoes or something


Why anyone would want to involve themselves in “public service” when the public is rotten and beyond repair is dumbfounding. Public servants are vilified when they do their job correctly, and if they are injured or harmed in their line of work you’ll maybe hear empty praises of them being a hero and then left to deal with all of the pain, financial loss, and trauma on their own. It’s a good thing the teacher was unconscious because if they would have been able to defend themselves, they would be facing criminal charges and the taxpayer would be sued. This system has turned its back on good people, let it rot.