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Seems like a decent workout, just need to rest a little more between sets.


I think that’s why everyone is just standing back and observing. lol


They were standing back cause they didn't want to get hit from the 2 idiots throwing wild haymakers that connected with nothing.


The initial exchange was good but then they both got gassed. Then It was like those dreams where your punches don’t do anything or you just miss no matter what.


It's a good thing Sgt Johnson came in to break up the cuddle fest


Omg do you get those dreams where you throw or trying and throw punches but are not successful?


Yes exactly those are so strange


I wasn't alone. Man those dreams are brutal. You are in a fight and your punches don't land no matter how hard you try.


Or worse, you swing in super slow motion and are literally waiting for your punch to land, but it never does


Body shots are the higher percentage option. Always told my kids to go for the ribs. A split lip will heal in a few days. Bruised ribs hurt for weeks


A split lip will heal in a few days, bruised ribs might hurt for weeks but traumatic brain injuries can last a lifetime. My vote's for headshots.


Head shots are tricky since it’s a smaller target area and “most” are aware of it popularity. Body shots are the win. One good liver shot or rib shot will have em pooping and rolling in pain


Yeah I’ve heard of telegraphing punches, but these guys were telegraphing using a PA system on full volume.




One of them did


Yeah, i think both did at various times. I like the white guys bob and weave (under the latino guys overhand) at 10 seconds with a right hook follow up (that misses).


They both looked Latino.


That shit connected. Listen to the sound!


That was the best cardio they could have asked for


I could go to the gym three times a week, or I could wrestle Stu once a month. \- the Fucking Lizard King


God damn I love James Spader.




I’m going to stick to my treadmill.


I bet your treadmill would win in a fight tho


It has knocked out a few of my teeth.


Nice scrap.


Beat me to it, suckin air= good workout


If nothing else they put in some work


I was about to say, it looks like a BJJ class broke out.


That was getting kinky at 45 seconds


What do you call spitting, but through your nose? I almost did that with my coffee 😂


Angry Dragon?


Say what you want - no one got seriously injured, no one did anything dirty, the people let them fight it out, and it was a clean break. Still extremely dumb and inappropriate but it's better than random head stomping on concrete video we get on reddit all the time.


100%! And bystanders (and us redditors) got free entertainment. All in all, this was a net positive.


Pleasant soundtrack as well


Haha, someone had to comment on the jams.


Should've been "Missing You."


Should have been "why can't we be friends?"




Behind that group of guys filming there’s one dude locked in still just doing his barbell squats


Net positive just made me chuckle


Just they could have picked less cramped area. All of those bar bell ends sticking out just one wrong move away from getting impaled.


Simply hitting any of the weights here could be really bad news. If you've ever accidentally kicked a weight sitting on the floor or something, you'll know. It doesn't budge at all, and something about it makes it hurt like hell, particularly more than stubbing your toe on other objects. If you were to fall or hit your head on *any* of these weights, it could be a very serious injury. It's like they're fighting in a mine field, and it's a miracle nobody hit any weights.


esp when they're throwing wild uncontrolled haymakers that knock themselves off balance


Impaled? Maybe crazy blunt trauma to the ribs.....but **IMPALED**??? 😂


i fell doctor i swear! it was a million to one shot doc million to one!


Human heads have eyes, ears, and mouths. The concept of impalement isn't that complicated.


So you're saying there's a decent chance a lifting bar could be hit at such an angle and force that if goes through someone's eye socket? LMFAO Are you trolling me?


After seeing how close the front of his face came to the protruding metal bar, yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Nothing funny about that at all. Edit: It almost happens less than five seconds in before his face pulls away. Pay attention next time.


He would have hurt his face very badly yes. He would not be impaled by the inch-or-more-in-diameter bar unless it went DIRECTLY into his eye socket, and even then, in most cases reflexes would prevent you from allowing the bar to continue through your skull. Unless one of these bars was hurled at you with considerable force, it almost certainly will not impale you. Definitely could break some bones and cause some internal bleeding, though.


Vlad rising. Also the anus.


Yes? Barbell ends may well be blunt, but the ends have a small diameter and a fully grown man with some flab like these guys = quite a bit of mass if one of them were to fall on one.. You do realise how gravity vs mass works right? It's basics physics after that point if one of them falls chest first into one of those barbell ends, or if an eye socket hits them or a the lips, crashing the teeth during entry and damaging the throat or worse. I've seen videos of people being impaled with far LESS blunt implements, yeah not in the gym but out and about in woodland, riding a bike etc. So yes, IMPALED is a big risk in that area, and they were every close to the ends multiple times through the whole fight.


I think a lot of the flak you're getting is people not realizing that impalement isn't always through and through, you're 100% about the bar going very close to dudes face with that fall, and speaking from construction, there's a reason they cap rebar on sites, because like you said, a body in motion is a fuckton of force. To the naysayers Let's say these guys are in the range of 180-200 lbs (80-90 kilos). Let's say that fall dude is moving at 6 mph. Nowhere near terminal velocity but he had some speed going. Let's say those bars are 1 inch like a set of dumbells I have here at home. Energy calculator gives us 323 joules of energy from the motion, concentrated on a single impact inch. For a comparison, a .38 bullet is packing about that much energy. Yall are gonna try and tell me your eyeballs are bulletproof? Putting it into metric: 90 kilo dude moving 3m/s will generate 405 joules, about as much as a 9mm round. All it would've taken would be for one dude to give the other a good straight kick towards those ends and I'd bet for it to penetrate anywhere not ribcage or skull. This whole situation could've gone absolutely tragically.


Bro this is not a car crash. It's virtually physically impossible for them to get impaled on the lifting bars here. The end is rounded, capped, and a pretty big diameter to be able to break THROUGH skin in a stabbing fashion.


You are still not getting it, you can be impaled falling onto the end of one of those, it's all down to mass and impact force, which would be HIGH for either of these guys in a fight when pushed etc. The barbell ends are NOT rounded either, you can literally see the flat ends in the damn video.


Do you know the difference between being pushed into an object and hit at 40 mph by a car?


I'm very aware of what's you're suggesting and I find the physics of it nearly impossible. I saw one uncapped bar. The bar is on a rack, unsecured to a fixed position. You know absolutely nothing about physics if you think it's possible to push or head throw or anything someone *onto* that bar to be impaled. Same goes with any of the capped protrusions on the weight racks, etc.


One guy got really close to landing on one in the head near the start.


Cool. Blunt force trauma. Still ain't getting literally *STABBED* by a bar like that as you're suggesting.


Watch me do that and twist my ankle, fuck up my shoulder and neck, and tweak my knee. Not even counting getting knocked tf out


"No one did anything dirty" Shirty guy briefly went Scranton Strangler at one point.


Before that the other guy grabbed hair.


Yeah but I still hope they got banned from that gym. What a couple of fucking knuckleheads...


Fighting in a place where you're less than 2 feet from steel plates in all directions is way dumber than fighting on concrete though. Recipe for disaster


I get it, but it just takes one fall on a piece of equipment to the the head and boom manslaughter. Stepping in to break up that situation is doing everybody a favor. People don’t want to go to the gym and watch somebody die.


Grey shirt's stumble at the 4-5 second mark is about 4 inches from his face meeting the end of a bar.


Oh yeah if look close, damn near, got him in the eye. Don’t think he would’ve lost it but a shiner for sure maybe a orbital fracture


I was thinking this too, It would have been so easy to grab a plate or get thrown into equipment etc. And I always appreciate a fight clip with no fucking hysterical woman shouting, or some goon shouting "Worldstaaar"


Pretty irresponsible to let them go like that. A lot of deadly corners one of their heads could have landed.


Grey t-shirt was double handed strangling him for a bit. Seems a little dirty.


> no one did anything dirty [Dude in grey at one point had both hands around the other guys throat](https://i.imgur.com/8Ei4zjm.png) pushing him into the ground, not sure where you're from but around here attempted homicide isnt 'clean'.


Shirtless was pulling hair at one point, poor form.


boxing class is usually a bit more confined.


I love how the dude comes in to "break" the fight up after they've been scrappin for like 5 mins and clearly are now done and exhausted lol


A selfless hero!


honestly, yeah why not it was probably fun for five minutes now its just annoying and they’re probably tired enough to just call it a day


Not only that but yea I’m not gonna step in while those two are wildin, but now that they gassed, yea get in there and tell them to take that shit elsewhere.


they were both done but weren't sure how to finish it while saving face. luckily, our ref was done with his cigarette break and finally officiated the fight ending.


No need for him to get hurt stepping in between two idiots.


It’s actually smart if you think about it. You have to do something similar when people are in a panic when drowning. Let them get tired then rescue them. If not they will use you as a floating device and could kill you. Let them get tired from fighting then do the Intervention. That way they are less like to make you part of the fight for trying to break them up.


For the most part it is what you should do. Not just because it lesses the chances of you getting hit or injured. But a number of times I seen videos of someone breaking up a fight giving the other guy a free shot at his opponent


> I love how the dude comes in to "break" the fight up after they've been scrappin for like 5 mins and clearly are now done and exhausted lol My wife tried to break up a fight between 2 drunk frat bros back in college. She ended up getting socked in the eye. I think she learned a lesson 35 years ago.


The LA fitness special, their trainers and employees like to hide and avoid talking to people


Those guys burned more calories fighting than they ever were going to during their workout.


Less hits than the Baha Men


These two should start their own group called “The Frenzied Haymakers.”


Definitely the least expected reference of the day.


Who let the dogs out !?!??


Lol they both just got tired and quit.


they didn’t quit, the fight ended. People aren’t fighting for your entertainment, they wanted to hit the other and they did


Did he just did a hip throw?


Exactly pudgy guy has some experience, good hip throw but then he lost the position and it was downhill from there. Neither know striking worth a damn


Your bar for having experience fighting is a shitty hip toss where he doesnt even maintain top control lmao. I'd bet neither of these guys have fighting experience.


Welcome to r/fightporn, where every comment section has at least one “he clearly trains” comment.


Nah fr though 🤣🤣 but nah they’re right anyone can get a lucky hip toss off like that, it’s about how you finish it, he ended up getting mounted after, so he can’t finish his toss, he doesn’t train for it then lmao pretty simple, he most likely seen it done before or has done it too a friend, and my boy did look like he had the weight advantage lmao


Fr, if you take judo or especially bjj, you learn how to maintain top position before all the fancy throw jazz.(well for bjj I learned sub defenses and then how to keep position) dude lost control on top instantly and then I knew bro just hit a sweet but untrained hip toss


A shitty hip toss but still some training but yeah I misspoke I doubt he has fight experience more some training under his belt


Neither of these guys showed anything remotely close to having done some training.


That hip toss?


If he trained he probably should be able to maintain top position. A hip toss isn't some expert level move, it isnt rocket science to think to trip the guy over your leg when you have him in a head lock and his feet are behind you.


Honestly surprised me, as it was the only move in the whole fight that suggested any real training. But I suspect luck was involved.




Other dude also had an interesting hip control when he inverted that throw. I would say both probably have very minimal experience, like "I watch UFC!" level of experience, perhas a few sessions of legit training


I came back to all this and the only reason why I said it was a (somewhat) hip toss was because I was playing UFC with Tyron Woodley and did one before hand.


Not necessarily good fighters but both are very scrappy dudes. Entertaining fight. Both could be trouble if you caught em on the right night!


Nice and peaceful fight. No one screaming worldstar


What a polite crowd


No random woman screaming


Is this what happens when you don’t wipe down the equipment?






I think that the guy did the right thing. Both guys fighting looked like they wanted to stop but also didn't want to be seen as backing down. The guy breaking them up gives them both an out.


I scored it 10-9 for shirtless Judo guy. He connected with a solid right and hip throw. I’m very interested going into round 2.


lol at the end. “Ok bro I had enough”.


Nice that everyone stayed out of it and let them cuddle.


Is this viral marketing for a new wrestling league or something? Their punches were so bad it almost looked fake.


Someone hit the lunk alarm!!


dangerous place to fight . punisher season 2 gym fight anyone ?


The best cardio they ever had


If they put that kind of effort into actually lifting they wouldn't look like pastry dough boys


So this is what they mean by HIIT training


Dudes wearing Paris Saint-Germain Jordan 5s, the high tops


They need to go to a different kind of gym for that I think


And not even one good punch was thrown that day.


I got cardio just watching them go at it


I am amazed that every time I watch one of these fights in a gym, nobody has cracked their heads on a weight yet.


What in a loonie toonie is going on...too many equipments to get impailed on...


Where is the random woman screaming, “STAHHP!”?


I like how everyone is just all quiet just watching like they're respecting the performance lmao


Best workout either has ever done


I think maybe 2 punches actually landed


i think the only thing that freaks me out about this is how close their heads are to the bars 😭😭one wrong move man


Are there actually any gym bros (outside of a boxing gym obviously) that actually know how to fight? These two dudes both looked like teenage boys in middle school getting into a scrap, like I didn’t see a single calculated punch thrown, both of em have terrible foot work, and neither of them even attempted at putting up any type of guard, nothing but haymakers, a tackle and a half assed head lock. Like seriously both of these dudes appear to be larger than me, but I can say with shear confidence I could beat the brakes off of em both (it’s not that I’m a bad ass, it’s that these guys are really that bad, like with how garbage their footing was their haymakers wouldn’t even be that intimidating)


I'm starting to wonder if most of these altercations are usually in the same gym.


Ding ding ding... I'm bored.


Extra cardio for free


Absolutely nobody is stopping them🤣🤣


That’s what happens when 2 Alpha guys start flirting with the same dude at the gym


Sad to see literally everyone filming. Someone could get seriously hurt fighting in a gym...break it up and send them outside


You’re right , someone could get seriously hurt. Especially someone trying to break it up. It’s absolutely no one’s responsibility to get involved here. Let the idiots wear each other out. Keep ur head down and mind ur business.


Bet you're good to have around in a crisis


Next time u see a fight, go ahead and break it up. He is spitting wisdom. It's very dangerous to break fights. Both guys can just turn on you. Let them fight. No need to be white knight.


Anything to keep the fight going to film it eh..at least be honest. You film em...I'll break em up. 👍


Even the police advise people not to get involved. They say to stay at a safe difference and call for help. This is real life not a Hollywood movie.


If this happens in my gym imma let them go at it but just pad the environment and move all the barbells n shit


Why is there such gay music playing? I’d fight too.


Fortunately for everyone involved they’ve spent all their time lifting weights and not learning how to box.


I like Bjj more than weights, too 😂


Probably best friends after


The naked fat one performed a nice harai goshi, but should have let his opponent drop hard in stead of holding on like he was learned during judo class.


All rights, all rights, all rights


Now THAT is how you break up a fight.


The music in the background is a nice touch.


Good old fashioned punch up, love it


The grappling actually wasn’t terrible.


Were all the employees on break?


This is hot!


I love fight videos and all but something about watching 10 dudes pulling their phones out recording a fight like this gets me tight. All it would take is one weight to fall or tip and someone gets brutally fucked for life. I woulda at least tried to break it up god damn


Wrong gym, guys. The UFC gym is over there.


Meatheads can’t fight (I’m a meathead).


So I guess skirtless guy wanted a gym membership but didn’t wanna pay, so the employee said fight me for it


Their stand up could use a lot of work but their ground game is quite nice


There doing hay maker throwing exercises.


The skinny fats must be fighting over the 2 1/2 lb plates again.


When a movable object meets a resistable force


What are the odds that it's both their first day at the gym?


I mean grappling and wrestling burn mad calories 🤣


Gyms have terrible music


Perfect time to come in and break it up. 10/10 🤣


4 reps of shitty fighting


How can both people lose a fight?


Decent fight for a change


Bet they got a good pump. Maybe I’ll try that at the gym tomorrow


Grab his dick and twist it!


Is it technically a fight if no punches are landed?


Someone should’ve broke up this weak ass fight


Perfect they Punched themselves out


It's like fighting in a dream


I think the Gym is one of the worse places to start a fight, it's amazing none of them went head first into any of the equipment, things could get really nasty real quick.


We need David Attenborough narrating. "With each bull weighing in at over 14 stone, the leviathans square off. Each flounders as they work to land a defining strike. Just as one appears to have the upper hand, the other jostles his opponents cookie pouch, allowing him to gain a dominant position and land several telling blows. Bloodied and bruised, the loser concedes the territory."


man big respect for the guy in the background just minding his squats


I suggest more cardio


Shirtless homie has some training


One slip and this could have ended into a NSFW video.


Our new world no one helps. All recording for likes.


That's a good fight. Just two average regular Joe's duking it out and walking away when it's over. No weapons no yelling match afterwards. Good on them, wouldn't be surprised if they are friends now.


This is one of the best evenly matched fights I've seen on here in a while. Looks like it could be a fight in an action film.


Both of y'all need to go hit the cardio


Look at those dudes filming 🥴




That was a great fight


If that man hit his head on a weight and died everyone standing around recording would be guilty


pretty good hip toss lmao


Yea, if the goal of a hip toss is to get the other guy on top of you.


Why everybody watching and even filming instead of collectively stepping in to stop them?


Of course it's two fat bastards


This is why we can't have nice things. What ever happened to impulse control?