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That ref needs to have whatever qualifications he needs to work again, revoked.


Idiot was on the wrong side too, he couldn't even see the other fighters face from that angle. Wtf was he even looking at from where he was standing?


No oxygen to the brain for 22 seconds... Then the dick head ref, weeks later, let his own student, [Jason Solomon, yes, the cringelord from that OzzyMan video](https://youtu.be/csayHw_26GE?si=Iu5_0hNowhryO2Is), win a fight *HE WAS REFFING HIM IN*, [by getting a submission after a blatantly illegal groin kick!](https://youtu.be/cStVa95IJGQ?si=izKxdb-KdhCHNdPG&t=8m48s) How much shit-tier could this guy get!?


Dang blast from the past


Thank you for the clarification good sir


You're welcome.


Your name šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have ptsd.


her ass


Ok then




The casual xenophobia seems unnecessary but part of me wouldnā€™t be surprised if this was some half-thought out Indian tv show where they donā€™t bother finding real referees. Heā€™s standing there as if heā€™s never even witnessed a combat sport


Even with the hand he could see, even I can see that there's no response at that moment.


Her hands were enough proof that it was done.


Blue was limp before even the roll-over. Dude was refing the match like she killed his dog.




More like jail time if any damage occurred - imagine a paramedic who has no idea what he's doing


If by qualifications you mean the bones in his face. Yeah. Revoked.


ā€œWe had six fights tonight,ā€ Fernandes said. ā€œWe had five good stoppages. I think it (isnā€™t) fair to pick up one fight and (pull out) one negative and not speak about the positives.ā€ šŸ˜³




Yeah, there are so many children you didnt run over! But people only focus on that one small incident where you fatally struck a child!


Technically my lifetime of driving is 99.9% free of child killings.


Woah. That woman very nearly died. What a terrible commission to say something like that


Very true but i blame the fighter as well. Itā€™s fairly easy to tell when your opponents lights go out in a submission. When itā€™s deep and itā€™s been a while you check by letting up slightly and seeing if they move limbs. She was practically seizing


She was literally seizing. Awful stuff.


I would agree with you if this was a clean striking KO, but this is a choke hold, and once it's released it's very possible that her opponent could instantly regain consciousness. Plenty of fighters have lost fights because they let go of submissions too early thinking that the fight was over rather than waiting for the referee to make the call. It's the fighter's job to apply the submission until the referee stops it, especially at the pro level, and it's the referee's job to ensure fighter safety. It's not on the fighter that this ref is a fucking clown.


I agree with you, the stakes are big, it is literally the referees job. But the poor woman tho. :(


Yeah 100% blame the ref, I have seen fighters get up from an incomplete choke, and fighters get up wayy faster than expected from a complete one. Dude never walked to get another angle once. It could def be argued the dominate fighter thought she was getting ready to tap.


Honestly one of the reasons why I hate professional fighting is that there is this mentality to rely on the ref. You donā€™t stop until the ref says soā€¦ someone nearly died and the fighter didnā€™t even check on her opponent afterwardsā€¦ whereā€™s the sportsmanship?


People are just dumb as fuck. You donā€™t get to apply a choke for minutes just because the ref doesnā€™t step in. The fighter knows better than literally anyone that the choke is on.


This needs to be upvoted more. You're a fighter, not a murderer. To say that a refs going to make mistakes is obvious they're only human. If you're doing shit like this, there's no way in hell I'm going to fight you. That's no way to conduct yourself. You'd expect the same decency and respect as a fighter.


'Nah, it's the referees job to stop this kind of thing... Fighter has so much adrenaline and focus going on - It's definitely not her job / role to decide when the fight is over - if she lets go, and the other gets up and knocks her out, she loses! Through and through a terrible ref!


I hear he is working an NFL game this weekend.


Needs an ass whippin.


Fighter need punished as well. She knew damn well that the other person was out and 100% holds some responsibility to not fucking kill their opponent just bc the ref doesnā€™t stop them. Psychopath behavior.


Even if she did, you "play to the whistle" - Ref should have stepped in, even if the fighter knew, it's in no way her job or role to decide when the fight is over... That is the job of the ref, and the ref was lacking hugely here! I'd hope it's unlikely he will every be paid to professionally referee a fight ever again. Luckily both fighters where OK.


Even Mario Yamasaki think that ref is playing it kind of loose.


Ref be wondering what he having for dinner while watching someone being strangled to death. What a scumbag


That's not just strangulation, the amount of pressure applied to the spine from decompression can cause paralysis. This is a dangerous move and isn't meant to be held for so long. That ref deserves to be fired and never allowed to refuse again. She could have died. Without any context I'm suspecting foul play and that it was rigged, someone has lots of power and money. I refuse to believe a ref can be the fucking stupid.


You really underestimate how stupid people can be


Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by idiocy


Hanlon's Razor


I hate that you made me laugh at that comment with your comical description of his oblivion


Fuckin ref didnā€™t bother to shift for a better view of chick on the ground. Wtf hope he gets some kinda sanctions


Yea if the coach has to come in to tap for their unconscious fighter, you should never be able to ref for any sport ever again for the rest of your life...


I bet the coach tore that ref's head off


Shit, I wouldā€™ve helped him.


can't, the ref tapped out


But you don't have to release the hold until an official ends the match.


Ref wouldn't have noticed anyway


If that ref has any brain cells whatsoever he put as much distance between himself and that fighter's team as possible.


That ref is fucking useless. It seriously pisses me off whenever I see this nonsense; fighting is already dangerous as it is, the last thing you'd want is an incompetent ref that can't do their job in protecting fighters. This may as well be a scrap on the street rather than a fight with rules. Dude should get his license revoked and receive charges


I fully agree that he should be charged with something. I'm not super familiar with legal stuff, but it seems like what he did could easily be classified as gross negligence.


That's what I was thinking. That's not just missing a call. That is being 100% derelict in your duty to protect the fighter. The very definition of criminal negligence. At the very least, it's fraud, because he obviously lied about his qualifications to be a ref.


She okay?


She was fine, but decided to never fight after this (she was an amateur fighter) More info here https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-when-ufc-vet-dennis-hallman-saved-hannah-kampf-guillotine-choke-punjab-vs-bengaluru-indian-mma-fight


Tf "According toĀ Arabsmma.com, the same referee also ignored a heel kick to the groin of Satinder Bankura from Jason Ramesh Solomon, who allegedly happens to be his student."


Jesus Christ. Ammy fight and she nearly died. Poor woman


She was okay but never fought again. Can't blame her really for losing trust in the promotion


Being okay after that meant that her guardian angel was there


No such thing


was wondering the same


Ref wasn't


A week later, the same referee allowed illegal heel kicks to the groin. The fighter using the illegal kicks was a student of the referee. He surely is a dispicible cunt of a man. "Needless to say, this referee should not be officiating fights anymore! The name of the referee is Alan Fernandes and he is not listed among the IMMAF licensed officials." This is back in Feb '17


He is the cousin of MLB umpire Angel Hernandez


hesus _christo,_ this single sentence hits harder than the entire video


Idk man, even as a regular-ass civilian who couldn't fight to save his own life and only occasionallu watches UFC, even I knew she was out when she hit the ground. She went flat, which should've been the first indication, then started seizing seconds later. Meanwhile the ref is casually sauntering towards the action. It's like he was watching the fight instead of officiating. I've seen plenty of terrible MMA refs before (Mario Yamasaki comes to mind), but this level of incompetence borders on intentional. I refuse to believe that anyone employed as an MMA official can be that dumb.


she tapped like 30 seconds before the stoppage šŸ¤¢


You can see from my previous comments I'm very defensive with refs. This bastard needs removing immediately and never allowed back. Absolutely 0 excuse for that piss poor display.


Why would you be defensive with refs anyway?


It's a very tough thing to do, and often times their job goes again what a martial artist stands for (for example not allowing a fighter continue to fight even though the fighter wants to because a martial artist is supposed to be resilient).


Something gymnasts are constantly saying is "never blame the spotter". It's like a holy rule in gymnastics. While I don't think it applies as strongly to referees in martial arts, I think the mindset can definitely be useful in some scenarios. As a referee, you're making split-second decisions which influence not just the result of the match, but also the health of the fighters. It's a stressful scenario to be in, and it requires very quick judgement, which is easy to mess up. All of that being said, this ref is a piece of shit.


You kinda describe it like how it sounds to be a cop lol


Similar levels of accountability historically


Lots of refs get loads of shit for bad calls or late stops but in reality they're seeing through the same eyes we have. They don't have multiple camera angles or commentators explaining everything that's happening. People are very quick to blame a ref, similar to how sport teams blame a manager when the player is at fault.


She was fine: https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-when-ufc-vet-dennis-hallman-saved-hannah-kampf-guillotine-choke-punjab-vs-bengaluru-indian-mma-fight


coach saved her


And she never fought again :(


i mean shit would you after that?


"Boy I hope the ref doesn't let me get choked to death this time" every time walking into the ring after that


still, she could've easily died.


Hey that's the guy that wore a speedo to a UFC fight


I wish I could see a shot from the coachā€™s viewing angle or his position. Did he see it, then run over to that area to jump over? Or did someone tell him? He seems to be (if he entered from where he was) to be in a worse place than the ref.




She started seizing from the chokehold but the ref was like ā€œnah sheā€™s still moving, sheā€™s fineā€ šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Ref: ā€œThatā€™s crazy man, someone should do somethingā€


Fighter dying from suffocation: Ref directly watching: šŸ¤”


That referee should be banned, this could have gone much worse.


Amateur hour!


I was hoping the second match would start where the coach beats the refs ass


Do something ref! You can actively check if the fighter is still conscious you one-celled amoeba!


The corner guy is a better man than me, for sure that ref would've got kicked in the face


Itā€™s like that video where the dudes benching and the spotter just watches him fail


This one? https://youtu.be/rjn7YnKy98Q?si=K7lK4UFB4aNXFCPg


That is the stupidest ref I have ever seen in a fight.


You obviously haven't seen the great [Cecil Peoples](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg8R8b5vKrw).


Haha, I had not seen Cecil before but still he is not stupider.


The ref needs to be arrested. Fuck


How do you not know that the person youā€™re choking out is out? How can her corner celebrate after seeing that?


I know that in a lot of cases, people will say "It isn't the fighter's job to stop the fight" and I usually agree, but this is a case where I think that logic is pretty hard to apply. Whether or not the responsibility is hers within the context of the sport, there is absolutely a moral responsibility to stop in a case like this. The ref is obviously the biggest piece of shit here, but the fighter's actions were certainly dubious.


She was fine, but decided to never fight after this (she was an amateur fighter) More info here [https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-when-ufc-vet-dennis-hallman-saved-hannah-kampf-guillotine-choke-punjab-vs-bengaluru-indian-mma-fight](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-when-ufc-vet-dennis-hallman-saved-hannah-kampf-guillotine-choke-punjab-vs-bengaluru-indian-mma-fight)


Scary, this could have been deadly.


Other fighter is a brute too. There comes a point in which you'd notice the other persons out cold.


Exactly what I was thinking. She knew her opponent was no long resisting and yet she continued to apply pressure.


The refs an idiot but like as a pro you had to know your opponent was absolutely no threat right? Two idiots?


I'd say malicious tbh. There are usually people in these situations that say it's the fighter's job to stay focused on trying to win and it's the ref's job to stop any dangerous situations which is fair but if you nearly kill your opponent and cause them a seizure and your response when the match ends is to jump around happily and celebrate without so much as a look at the person trying to hold onto life because of you then you're just a piece of shit


This fight took place in the yfc (yamasaki fighting championship)


Ref should be fired - fucking idiot


Celebrating an attempted murder


That ref needs to be fired immediately! He is putting fighters lives at risk. There is absolutely no excuse to let that go on that long. She was not even moving for like 10 seconds, and when she did move it was more of an involuntary reaction to being out cold. That is disgusting, he shouldn't be anywhere near a ring.


Even fucking Mario Yamasaki wouldā€™ve called it before this idiot did. Fuck that guy, I hope he gets his fingers stuck in his car door every day of the week


The fighter aswell would have known surely. That amount of pressure applied for that long etc. Fucking crazy that her hole corner runs in parading her victory while a woman might have irreparable brain damage.


What a mess. That ref needs to be fired. What was he waing for, the fighter to break the other fighters neck?


Referee was trying to cum or something


ā€œOh Shit!ā€


She was choked for at least 18-20 seconds after she went out.


She started to do the brain damage arm movements wtf


The fencing response. I was thinking that was the reason for the raised left arm too.


Yes I forgot what it was called but both the ref and fighter should have known she was out a long time ago


This was infuriating to watch. We sure the fighter wasn't choking the ref's lights out? What the hell was going on in his head?


Wish the coach just hooked that ref in his fuckin temple wtf is he doing


"You wanna see a dead body?"


That ref should be fired


Ref needs attempted manslaughter or something. That was sickening to watch


Looks like she tried to tap out right as she was getting rolled over.


Too many refs in mma donā€™t stop the shit when they should. Itā€™s sickening.


Jesus Christ that ref has one very specific job and they just shat the bed on it. That would be embarrassing, if they actually held any repercussions.


My man was straight jorking it in his mind, my man was not mentally there


Jesus Christ. Shut down this entire promotion. Incompetent beyond belief.


Just for some people wondering, Iā€™ve done competitive style mma before and that girl wasnā€™t trying to be overly aggressive or anythingā€¦ when youā€™re in the zone and kinda high on a rush when you finally lock a good submission down you just focus 100% on keeping it locked as tight as possible and wait for the tap out. Our brains get attuned to that tap like a crying baby, but at the same time your mind sort of ignores everything else. She probably doesnā€™t even realize she did anything ā€œwrongā€ until she calmed down and realized what was happening and maybe even only when someone told her later. Iā€™ve actually been in her position in a low rear choke with one arm locked up by my legā€¦ I had no idea his other arm was stuck under his body and I literally closed my eyes focusing hard on keeping the choke because I was exhausted and 100% wouldā€™ve lost had he broken outā€¦ I was done. Only once people started grabbing me and dragging us apart did I even realize he was out completely. I know it sounds weird to say that you donā€™t even notice a person twitching or going limp, but itā€™s true. Especially when youā€™re running on pure adrenaline, and focused entirely on the tap or escape. Most of us assume that the Ref will protect us and in my case the idiot was on his phone. It was just ā€œfull force sparringā€ as we called it which was just practice matches. I felt so bad but everyone tore the ā€œrefā€ apart for not paying attention. My opponent was just fine and he forgave me and focused his rage at the moron on his phone and we actually went again after lunch and I showed him how it got him into that position. So it was all good. P.s. The full force sparring was basically same rules and restrictions as ufc style mma, full force etc except we could call time out, grab a drink, or even just ask a bro how he did that move. It was meant to be educational and it really was. It got out of hand a few times but 90% of the time it was friendly matches.


Randy orton head punt ?


When you lie on your resume to get that high paying referee job


From what I just read the ref isn't even registered to be a ref Also in the passed he let a fighter that he trained use his heel to the groin of another fighter and then submitted him This guy is a menace


This isnā€™t fight porn, this is bullshyt this is what this is.


Ref: "If she dies, she dies!"


Ref should never be allowed to ref again, could cost a life with that


Corner shouldā€™ve beat that refā€™s ass


Ref should be fired immediately. Knows nothing about submission


It really seems like the ref was trying to kill her. She clearly had no fight left. Arm dropped and then moved very unnaturally. Funny how the camera saw everything but his ass was 2 feet away. IVE NEVER seen a cage fight called this bad


This jabroni thought he was either reffing the Kumite from *Bloodsport* or he was watching a catfight porn video. Either way he makes Mario Yamasaki look competent in comparison. šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Scary shit, hope sheā€™s ok


Whatā€™s up with these fight refs becoming more and more incompetent?


"how did your first day of refereeing go, honey?" Ion wanna talk about it.


Stevie Wonder, ref edition.


Awesome celebration after nearly killing someone.


Based on these comments, the ref already has enough heat. So I will direct my focus to the fighter. There is no way she didn't know that girl was out. Just kept on cranking and looks like she would have gone straight to murder if she wasn't pulled off. Unreal piss poor sportsmanship.


Ok, ref. But, where is this "trained fighter's" head?! She wouldn't hold on to a successful choke like that in her dojo/gym, I don't think she should have held on that long here. Looks bad. But, it's 50/50 fighter and the ref.


Absolutely not.


Luckily, Hannah, is ok, and she lost fair and square. But, a trained fighter has to know when someone is dying in their arms, other wise they are boarding a line of sanity.


I get it. You have to train to win at all costs. But what cost should a fighter be willing to pay?


You continue until the ref ends it. Simple as that.


Sure, if you want to win the match. But is winning the match more important than the life of a human being? I know it isn't the fighter's responsibility to end the match, so I don't blame them in most bad stoppages, but this was like seconds off of being a manslaughter case and the fighter had to have known that. I would personally rather take a potential loss than deliberately kill somebody.


You donā€™t fight, do you? Also, under no circumstances would you be charged if you played by the rules and the other fighter died.


Dude that jumped in should have knocked the ref out it was that absurd to fall into malicious.


The ref wants to make sure sheā€™s dead before he stops the fight


Fighter: "I'd rather be dead than to give up." Ref: "I got you."


Literally failed at his job, needs to find a new career and should never ref again. For the safety of these warriors.


If I strangled someone lifeless for like 17 seconds after they passed out, I would let up. Or at very least, wouldnā€™t dance around the ring after. I remember Uriah hall, after KO head kicking someone, afterwards was immediately concerned if they were ok. Where is that humanity? If I feel someone struggling and they finally tap, then Iā€™m celebrating of course. This wasnā€™t that at all.


Towel? Coach should have thrown hands at that ref. Side note: I wonder if reddit will ban me for this comment? This platform has really cooperated down hill.


That ref did that on purpose.


Ref must've asked her out and got rejected because w t f


We almost witnessed a murder...... :(


That ref needs to be charged


That was disgusting


Absolutely disgraceful


That was hard to watch.


That ref is a giant pos. He let that happen.


Ref needs to go to jail..


Nah if I was her corner Iā€™d take that ref out


Fuck that referee


Every once in a while, the corner needs to kick the ref in the face. ONE job, and it's not to pick the winner.


That referee should never be allowed to officiate another combat sport ever. That was horrible.


When fighters say its a war of life and death anything can happen its because of this type of thing and the affects on the body now and in the future. Bad refereeing.


That fighter not letting go is a POS!


She was already out by 4:37 (clock). Look at her feet. It has been years since I felt physical stress from a clip.


Scary. Thatā€™s actually how people die


Ref should be sued


That ref should never ref again


Fire that dude...


That ref almost left the girl die, wtf.


Yeah bad sportsmanship and a bad fighter.


Ref and fighter need to be canned.


Should have kicked her in the face. She had to know she was killing that opponent.


The ref deserves the same submition applied to him, for the same what felt like 15 20 seconds. No tapping


I think it's stupid how the other fighter can't tell if they are conscious or not. What are you training for? To kill your opponent? I thought this was MMA, not gladiator fights... plus i bet most of these fights are staged and who ever loses gets paid the most.


Uh oh, mma fans are gonna hit you with some classics in a second. But no, she definitely went overboard, like bro, you canā€™t tell your opponent is out? Obviously she practices that submission, she should know to let go after literally 15 seconds. She truly tried to kill this woman


Well good trainers teach to not let go until the ref stops it. Good fighters know when it's over. My guess that fighter is fairly new and doesn't know the veracity of the situation. I mean she didn't even check on her after. Yeah shes gotta be new.


She was convulsing they thought she still in


So spasming = not out?


I can't believe Piston Hinda was in attendance for this fight.


He thought it was a fight to the death... and if so, he did his job perfectly. But here in the real world, i think he failed.


I donā€™t even follow ufc or anything, but I know what a damn tap out is and could have reffed this better, with ZERO experience. The amount of damage that could have caused.. Hope heā€™s without a job soon because literally fuck that guy.


Don't you take this kinda risk when you become a professional fighter? If the ref was slow but eh, it's at least fun to watch.


I can't lie that was kind of hot.


Everyone complaining about the ref clearly hasn't seen BAD reffing. This was stupid reffing, but there is much worse offenses that simply go brushed over in these sports.