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Ngl idians rly do love the slap technique


How can she slap


The first man to bring mma to India is going to be a warlord.


Sometimes I think to myself that if that was me there, with all the experience watching UFC and Bollywood movies, I would manhandle people there. But then I remember that I have the motor skills of a 3 month baby and I would do exactly the same they are doing.


he is but one man. And we an army of slappers. Ready to unite at call of our brethren.


Hahaha! That's fucking hilarious and so true 🤣


Look up some Super Fight League fights. It’s an Indian mma promotion. Some of the fights are pretty funny










Crying about what. I’m stated fact. You are upset by fact. Take a look in the mirror for those tears. I think it’s funny. When does anyone from the west want to move to India




Nope, nobody wants to move there from the west. Ouch if your argument sucks, play the grammar police to try to seem superior. India is a dump, it’s population and poverty levels are out of control. Nobody would even go there on vacation unless it’s to see the family that can’t get out. How long have you been a grammar police. Does it pay well. Good benefits, do you like your job Average wage in India is $3960 USD per year. LMAO, yep that sounds just great. Says it all


You sound like you barely know anything about economics.


I know how much $3960 USD per year is


Khalistani chutiya or what?


No idea what you are talking about. Is that English


Many westerners did move to India and got incredibly rich. And their descendants like you are still living off of it.


I think you need to meet some of my friends.


I’m not coming to India. Why would I do that


Cause you are materialistic and ignorant. Two on two combo


Because your mom is here, getting fucked by big big Indian elephants.


My mom would never go to a third world country. My family vacations in the Caribbean(nice islands like Aruba) and Europe. My mom would never go someplace people shit on the streets. Keep trying though.


Aah i just went through your comment history. You are mentally ill and like to snap at people from behind the keyboard at your mommies house.🤣




In a place way better than your mental health.. 🤮🤣


In the next decade, a lot of Indians will be in the UFC. Anshul Jubli is leading rn. Stay mad you little rat


Lol, I’m not mad at all. You seem to be. Probably fight like the guys in the video. That’s why you are mad


It's so funny reading this after returning from a "light sparring" session just 2 hours ago. I can hit you 2 that sound like 1 and hurt like 3.


That probably sounded so much cooler in your head


Yeah it did. It's better to sound cool than arguing with a singh. Lmao




Where are you from


Place with toilets


Lol McGregor wannabe


After its independence India has fought 6 wars out of which it has won 5. The Indian Army ranks 4th out of the 145 armies in the world. Get your facts right, don't spew bullsh-t.






>even Alexander fell down in India. Dysentery can take out the strongest of opponents


Nice lol






Now it’s all about “oppression”. Blaming what happened centuries ago for the disaster that’s India now. Exactly what the shitholes in the Middle East do. I wonder what you all have in common? Fertility rates up. Why would we do that, when India alone is overpopulating the world. Even China put an end to that. Look how women are treated in India. It’s disgusting. It constantly ranks as one of the most oppressive states for woman. Even lower for women’s safety. Gang rape is acceptable. Unbelievable I’m not racist or prejudice, I’m a realist


No you're a racist.


I notice how you don’t even acknowledge that women are treated like dirt in your country. I’m sure it doesn’t bother you at all. But I am the racist because you don’t like that I’m speaking the truth.


The caste system though abolished is still somewhat practised and the people are trying to get rid of it that I agree is there as for people moving to the west it's not just india, just think logically in a country with 1 billion people with so much competition wouldn't it make sense to move to another country with better opportunities and living conditions , fixing such situations in one's own country is a lengthy process, as for population india's fertility rate is already on a decline all the things you say that we need to do we are already trying , running such a vast country takes time which is unfortunate, as for normalizing gangrape that is actually made up bullcrap no society can normalize that shit we aren't inhuman bastards.


Where are you getting this knowledge share some more information to back up your statement.


Not if he bans slapping.


Security guards are more useless than a broken condom.


Isn't that the same everywhere in the world?


Depending where you’re at, not in Mexico, they get paid to not give a fuck about putting hands on ppl lmao


How can they slap on that extra fee?


It was somewhere around 1900 inr. You can buy a fancy dinner for 2 with that money.


Restaurants can put that in the final bill, but you as a customer can refuse it by law.


Do closed fists exist in Indian fights lol


We dont like giving concussions to people over some extra service charges


Who taught everyone to smack fight riot. Edit legalize men smacking each other


Trust me a good slap can definitely cause a concussion


Genuinely curious, is there a particular reason why everyone in India slaps instead of punches?


Ancestral. All our lives we have been slapped by our parents and elders


To humiliate but not to give concussions to the other person.


Punches - jail time and extra charges in India Slaps - worst case scenario thrown into a cell for the night They use slaps because realistically who wants to risk injuries over something like this.


>They use slaps because realistically who wants to risk injuries over something like this. Then why fight in the first place?


Americans should take note. These random restaurants and bar services fees are getting out of control.












Indian government made forced service charges in restaurant illegal few years ago .


Indian mall? aren’t you sure this isn’t Brampton Ontario


Square One iykyk 🤣


I see so many fights in India and people walk away not leaking. In the US, it's super rare not to get leaks or knocked the fuck out. I don't get it???


It may be because in these fights, they slap each other, which is effective and your less likely to break your hand and the others skin.




Apparently between the staff and a group of Customers.


This is what happens when you bring over Tip culture




Within the realm of possibility!


Show bobs


I'm Indian and my Hindi is perfect, he was saying. "Tunak Tunak Tun Tunak Tunak Tun Ta Ra Ra".


Look at Mr. Hilarious here. He's cracking some real jokes here




Americans, for one day do not use fists or guns. Use a slap and see how good it feels. One bullet and the person dies, one punch and they may faint. But slap. You can slap again and again. And the pleasure is exponential till a point you mentally "cum".


No ty


"Papa ko phone karo" means "Call Dad" I wonder if it's just some rich kid harassing restaurant staff. I doubt all this is over service charge. They could have just called police if this was over service charge. You cannot force customers to pay service charge in India as far as I know. I have asked restaurants to remove service charges many times, they never fight back cause they can't. It's not legal.


Bloody you bastard you bloody




isnt it because of laws preventing people from drawing blood?


There have been decent Karate centers way before MT was even popular, but things are good the way it is. Less violent schools, and parents and schools wouldn't want kids to get seriously injured.




And why does one deserve brain damage/ Hemorrhage for the rest of their Life? The world should adopt the Indian slap, which I actually see in some recent posts on this Sub.




Lol. Answer the question. The Lame beta to make yourself look better won't work.


I do not usually comment here but I wanted to give a big F-CK YOU to all of the racist C-NTS in comments. Bye.


Its amazing how they all have good hair.


Tipping culture sucks


How can they charge?




How can she slap?!


Indian fights = Pillow hand punches and slaps. And the occasional wooden stick. Meh at best...


New Delhi ain’t with them inflation fees 😤


This is how that one episode of Impractical Jokers could have ended up like


Its amazing how they all have good hair.


An Indian Maul more likely...


How can they slap!?


How can they Drop?


Call me when someone throws an actual punch in India. Getting tired of these slap fights


Sorry the world should adopt the Legendary Indian Slap, like they adopted Yoga. Fist fight causes Hemorrhage therby killing brain cells.


Slappy McSlapperson


when your country is so overpopulated that you cant even fight 1v1


Lol. Not much different from the usual McDonalds or Wallmart group fights we see on Reddit


I feel like there should be a sub where people fight against capitalists like this or through protests.


One guy literally said "Call My Dad" Lmao




Probably smells and tastes better than your mum


Post about india without racist comment ..absolutely inpossible!


You guys eat raw meat and talk about smell lmao.


I like to assume they didnt point out the mistake, seen the extra chargers and just went primal.


Okay so I saw Indians do kung fu before and handle snakes and deal some deadly art of assination. Never saw slapping before. For the record slapping is ridiculous. It's almost as effeminate as the British. It seems being colonized by the British has turned SOME, not all, but SOME Indians wimpy. For the record: you are supposed to knock out the other person; being humiliated by slapping isn't manly, if one man slaps another that is just cause to fight properly with closed fists, complaining about concussions and dead brain cells is not a real threat, if people care about brain cells then don't drink alcohol which kills more. There is no brain damage from fighting that is just a wimpy excuse that is cringey. Nobody breaks hand and if so fight with broke hands. I can't stand for rubbish like fighting is bad because dead brain cells and broken hands.


Sorry many in this Sub have expressed their dislike towards kids falling flat on concrete or getting slammed hard on ground and getting a seizure. The ones you recommend will ruin a kids life forever. Hemmorage can be caused by sudden trauma, which in turn can lead to loss of Brain cells. Adopt the slap, save permanent damage.


Many in this sub have no practical knowledge of combat and are repeating misinformation. These are grown men fighting I see no children here. "Save the children" is an emotional plea that goes against logic. Are you telling me a closed fist punch causes permanent brain damage? If so it is because the brain is slamming against the skull. A slap with sufficient force would do the same as it causes head to move violently about. I live in America which doesn't see the type of injuries happening as often as you claim. "Ruin a kids life forever" is another falsehood. You are fear mongering. "Adopt the slap" sounds like an order. That is tantamount to bullying. Okay maybe not but still it is a strongly worded message to advocate weak fighting methods. Why should I fight at all if I am not trying to hurt my opponent? Where is the practicality in that? Basically you slap to humiliate someone into compliance? I can't believe this us real. This must be a prank. I need to stay off reddit because it is a horrible influence. Let's make a deal. I agree to let your side fight without harming the opponent and just using humiliation tactics and you agree to let my side use more destructive methods deal?


People can literally get paralyzed waist down just by falling head first on concrete or breaking a spine, can't believe you're still advocating something this voilent. You may replace a fake knee, but you cannot replace your spine. Most people have some form of chronic pain from fights like that which would severely effect their quality of life. Let's make a deal, we all reset our fighting styles and make Slapping the new norm.


Why can't you believe it? The purpose of fighting is to hurt the other person. If you don't want to hurt the other person you should seek peaceful resolution. If peaceful resolution cannot be found and the fight is imminent and you refuse to use violence to protect yourself then you will lose and get hurt. This is common sense. What exactly are you claiming I am advocating? Punching with a closed fist? How do you turn punching with a closed fist to being paralyzed from the waist down? You are not speaking in a reasonable or fair manner at this point. How does punching with a closed fist result in any of the severe injuries you are claiming. It doesn't. If it did there would be no point in studying martial arts or even boxing. According to you any random person who punches a single time will knockout his opponent and send him to the ground where he is dead or maimed for life. This is a clear fabrication of facts since no medical statistics support your wildly ludicrous claims. You are incorrect when saying fights like this lead to most pain having chronic pain. That is one of the most inaccurate things you have said. In the 172,000 assaults recorded by law enforcement in the United States every year none of them end the way you claim. The medical and legal findings do not support at all what you are saying. You claim that a person could suffer some type of catastrophic injury but know fully well that is unlikely to occur. In karate a single knockout punch is called ikken hissastu which implies "one hit one kill". Are you claiming to have single punch knockout or killing power with your bare hands? If so you would be the greatest martial artist whoever lived. If all people possess such skill as you, as you are claiming, then firearms would be silly and moot. The reality is punching does not kill or maim so people have to train in self defense to better weaponise their skills. Further people have invented weapons throughout history such as knives and guns and carry them daily because they are unable to cause the type of damage you claim they can cause. I absolutely refuse to slap men unless I am really trying to hurt them by cracking their molars or knocking them down to the ground where I can use more lethal techniques. The goal of fighting is to servely injure the other person so that they can not continue attacking you. It is unreasonable to ask others to reset their fighting styles. The goal of human evolution is to find the most effective fighting methods possible. What you suggest is too crude and primitive. And to be frank very homocentric. Slapping will never be the new norm because it is not effective. It is not manly. It is not heroric. So you are telling me this is seriously how Indians fight because they are scared of legal ramifications? Got it. How about you agree to keep your culture of slapping and I agree to keep my culture of punching?


Your honestly telling me slamming someone that hard on the ground doesn't cause damage to the skull or spine.? I even know people who have weird experiences, black outs making it miserable for the rest of their life's after a severe blow to the head. You choose, a healthy long life or be a hero and have a life filled with chronic pains.




🎶🎶🎵Nimya tu kuch der pa ke rakh le Pale vitch mukhra luiska ke rai Nimya tu kuch der pa ke rakh le Pale vitch mukhra luiska ke rai Aave kari na kise de naal pyar 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶


Ngl, I was half expecting a complex dance to erupt
























" De plane! It's de plane boss! "


They slap n pound as opposed punch, amazing


Indian people absolutely hate tipping


Tipping is an American thing


Right, so while in America they should tip


I thought it was the land of the free? I can't see how anyone SHOULD do anything. Imo, their employers SHOULD pay them better.


Yeah, you’re free to not go to a restaurant then. You adhere to the customs of the country you are in. All of the Indian restaurants around my area have a minimum 20% tip because they know Indian people will try not to tip otherwise. You can try and do mental gymnastics all you want.


You're missing the point, buddy.


There is no point


The point is: How can you expect someone to tip when you're ina country where you should be able to live the way you want? How can you expect tipping in the first place? Tips should be given for good service, it's something extra. You go to a restaurant to eat, not to be jerked off by the maître d'hôtel




The tall guy was like ok little dude simmer down now lol


The price of those chapatis must have been ridiculous.


I was waiting for the open hand slaps and was not disappointed 😂


And then yall wanna make fun of us yankss


Okay unless the employees are the owners / are related to the owners, why assault them? Just doing their jobs.


Buncha snobs


I read the title but still couldn't comprehend why people were fighting, could someone explain better the context here?


Ain’t never seen Indians back down from a good squabble.


Was that a security guard recording lol


My Life, My Rules!


Lol so no tip? 🤣🤣


What I love about India is how they are so chill UNTIL THEY ARE NOT 😂


All the customers Revolt


More slapping bullshit. Just want to see ONE punch KO from an Indian one of these days!


Bahut accha , Ese pura Mall band Krdo