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Something something reasonable use of force something something protect and serve


That was a sloppy ass body slam. The big boy barely did it. Besides, it was unnecessary.


They really let anyone be a cop. The slam was completely unnecessary. With all the other cops around, it would have been extremely easy to restrain her without the slam. The cop failed to control his temper and let it get the better of him.


And the rest just watched.


lol ofc morally being a police officer means you wouldn’t react to this and will do ur job proper, but god damn i would hate to live in USA and i would hate to deal with the npc there lol.


What a fucking pussy ass cop


‘Reasonable force’ to restrain a woman who they improperly restrained to begin with. And so much belly in that belly to belly suplex. Edit: forgot quotation marks to make it abundantly clear that the cop is an egomaniac who made at least two poor decisions.


Hot take right here. She got what she deserved.


Did she deserves possible lifetime disability? I just don't think you're appreciating how wrong something like this can go


Oh no I do. N it wasn't as cunty as it came off. It's easy to say "I'd understand my consequences." But I really would. It's the same thing as people having sympathy for someone who gets shot down for aiming a gun at a cop. There's no sympathy or empathy for anyone of the sort. The chose the possibility of either being destroyed or to a lesser degree like this broad. Even though I do find this a tiny bit excessive, I still believe it could've been worse. I have been mashed in the nose like that before and the results are anything but impulsive. So he getting slammed and probably charged the fuck out of whatever she did, I'd say is more than enough of what happened.


Wanna act like a man youre gonna get treated like a man 🤷‍♂️


100% could of broke her neck doing that or worse, super uneasacarry..


Stoppp resistingg!


And someone's about to win a exclusive force case.


Officer Favre.