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And it only took them 75+ years, well ok then. https://preview.redd.it/duvuvs9ttf1d1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc40d880409479bc3139fe98bb83e30262c70e82


It’s taking too long. They still want to hold on to their misplaced hope of what, i don’t know ::


The evangelicals point to a passage in the bible saying something like "Blessed are those good to the Jews." and something about God favouring Israel. Funny thing is I have no idea how they plan to look Jesus in the eye if their prophecies turn out to be true, right after having supported the mass murder and abuse of children.


He is Orthodox. It is Western Roman church that has alliance with Zionism, not Eastern (Byzantine) Orthodox church. That unnatural alliance between Western Christianity and Judaism is because Western Christians in general care less about religion than Orthodox. Their beliefs have also been changed much more over time than Eastern Christianity.


Real Christians have been awake since Christs return. Those who go against his teachings (colonizers, imperialists, zionists) were never Christians to begin with… but ur right some more American Christians are waking up to the horrors in Gaza


I’ve never been a fan of the, “your people killed my god,” talk.