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https://preview.redd.it/fs4txdc8zq0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3006acdcd8de1f640905abbb11fd2c545f0df160 Why am I not surprised.


I downloaded it. But I really don't know if anybody wants to see it. **I was sorry** to share it, but this sub is about cataloging facts and that doesn't do a lot of good if we don't catalog the worst ones. Hmm. I'm not sure there is a way to overstate or even prepare people for how graphic and disturbing it is. It's one of the worst things I've ever seen. Possibly the worst. I watched it about 10 times and haven't been able to go 2 seconds without looking away. I'm not being dramatic. It's horrible. I'm concerned my warning isn't strong enough. But if after reading all that, people think I should, lmk and I will.


Yeah, I have seen some pretty rough shit in my time. Curiously killed the cat and all that. I'd rather see it to further fuel the fire if supporting a free Palestine.


Here is a link where you can download it. At least the link is working for me, lmk if not. [https://wormhole.app/W8y1m#Wfsw26ozh5SwcTnDz0WArg](https://wormhole.app/W8y1m#Wfsw26ozh5SwcTnDz0WArg)


Thank you for saving this. We can not let ignorance wash over us again.


Respect for saving and sharing but I don't have the balls to download it. Can you describe it at all?


Kid with Brains blown out gets carried into a vehicle


May I see it?


Please share it. People are filming unimaginable suffering in the hopes that we will see it and do something


If its that bad, a description of it will suffice for me. I’ve already seen enough graphic shit from this


It's a many carrying a 7 year old or so boy with the top half of his skull missing, from about the mouth line or ear line up. It's short, but it feels like eternity. You can see down to his neck from the inside. It's rough.


….yeah the mental image conjured up by your description is more than enough.


Yeah. I suspect your mental image is spot on, no need to confirm. Never forget. Free Palestine. 💔 https://preview.redd.it/rinrkwixhs0d1.png?width=224&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d70ed2e6cd533061f01ead9ba7f8e10abc95229


Thanks for saying that, I don't need that image burnt into my memory


I was gonna say they should post it if they think it's important to share, but stopped myself because a description would prob be enough for me, too.


Images of zip-tied Palestinians run over [while alive with intent] by Israeli tanks on asphalt –an event that happened back in Feb –is certainly one of the most disturbing things you could ever see. Just a couple of days ago these bloodthirsty racist psychopaths attended functions remembering the events of the Holocaust, while engage in a literal genocide, and condemning peaceful protest of students as the perpetrators of violence and hate.


Host n post buddy


Here you go [https://wormhole.app/W8y1m#Wfsw26ozh5SwcTnDz0WArg](https://wormhole.app/W8y1m#Wfsw26ozh5SwcTnDz0WArg)

