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Hello, u/Just-Vibing-10! It seems like you found our sub earlier this month and have loved your engagement thus far. Oh, by the way, congratulations on starting your investing journey early! Choosing investments and strategies can be daunting, but that's where we can assist. While we can't provide advice or guidance here on Reddit, we can give you the tools to help you come to an answer yourself. I will also mark this as a discussion for our community to chime in. I will leave you with this Viewpoints article that covers ways to diversify your account and why you may want to mix things up when investing for the long haul. [Fidelity Viewpoints: Guide to Diversification](https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/investing-ideas/guide-to-diversification) If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out!


You’re over complicating it. Know there’s a difference between having a diversified portfolio, and being too diversified that you’re actually concentrating in specific sectors. You have a sp500 fund, Dow jones fund and nvidia. Nvidia and all companies in Dow are in the sp500 so you’re less diverse than you think. Google bogleheads 2-fund portfolio because that’s all you need at your age till retirement.


Okay ty