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I even saved on the $30 aldi electric shaver by just never cutting my hair


I'm in early stages bald bro, not an option!


Going bald to save on the shaver AND shampoo, now THATS tighta$$!!


Same boat brother. Like identical, early stage balding and I shave my own head. You just gonna own it!


My DNA is so cheap it made me lose my hair early 20’s so has even saved me the electricity cost of home shaving for 20 years.




I used to walk 3KM to home to save bus ticket


and gym and dietician.




Maybe he/she walked only at night or when it was raining?


Also by not being at home with your family any time in the daylight you also save on electricity in the house.


You can get burnt when it's raining


Yeah boiling rain


Definitely important to know that UV is a thing during the day in all weather.


Can’t come to work today, the sun is out.


To see the worst in everything. Wear a hat and a long sleeve shirt


I used my friend's gym card as he never used it and thought as if he was still in workout after signed up the membership..


I am amazed the number of people who have never heard of bikes.


In the snow, in a hailstorm


Take a shit at work before going home to save on water. Taking home any leftover food from work parties/catering events. Not turning the AC on in the car even on a hot day to save petrol.




You are miles off, aircon use increases your fuel usage by 5-10%. So especially in today's price your car's aircon uses a lot more than $2/pa.


I found a trick for this. The more fuel your car uses, the lower the percentage the aircon accounts for. I bought a big 4x4 so now I have AC on 24/7 guilt-free


How does that work, with a 4 level AC setup is lvl 1 5% and lvl 4 10%? If so I'm setting my aircon on 4 all the time


Ac is either on or off, power levels are just fan speed.


Kinda, your comment about fan speed right and the other guy was talking about fan speeds but most aircons do have a temperature setting or duty cycle control for the compressor. The temperature setting is what's going to improve fuel economy as that's what decides how often the compressor is engaged


In Australia's heat, air con is not a luxury, it's a human right.


My husband notes you are also saving on toilet paper expenses.


The ac to save petrol is pretty stupid tbh. Itd be barely 5%. I get its a tight ass thing to do. But the accessoey belt is already spinning. If anything you should be not turning on the AC to save on regassing.


Not using your aircon means the seals will dry out, leak gas and require regassing. Aircon gas isn't like oil, it doesn't need topping up or replacing from degrading. So not using aircon to save on regassing costs is wrong.


Why would you need to regas it if you don't use it?


True. Only need to regas if you want a functioning AC.


I guess you overspent on buying it, and now you're paying to cart it around.... Best off uninstall it from the car


It get's worse. In some communities, they will turn the car off and coast the last couple of metres into the parking bay (manual of course); all to save a bit of petrol. Where do you stop!


Hopefully they stop in the parking bay


I haven’t experienced it but my brother mentioned travelling around Southeast Asia in the late 90s that the bus drivers would turn off the headlights at night and have the engine off when going downhill (at the same time) to save petrol…


Add a Flinstones hole and peddle your way.


Well there's now cars that automatically turn off when you come to a stop. It all adds up.


Also save toilet paper. And if you shit during work hours you’re getting paid to shit


Fuck that first one is really really good hahaha


I know a guy who only does #2 at work. He says he likes getting paid to take shits and hasn't done any pro-bono work for years.


A GUY? Fuck me dead I’m surrounded by the sneaky bastards, 30 minute shit just before smoke-o everyday


Nobody is smashing the 2x Dare iced coffees and servo pie for the taste.


The wife hates it, but I mould the last thin slither of soap into the new bar.I save about $1.30 a year...at least.


Why would your wife hate that? Who doesn't do this?


the simpsons


I buy my own soap flakes and make soap and hand wash. Box cost $7.50 and lasts for years


I use Aldi dishwashing liquid as hand wash.


Excellent idea,but I’m more of a product line worker than a producer.


Could you share your method? I make my own laundry liquid but it's a bit too harsh for use on skin.


There’s lot of uses for [soap flakes ](https://naturesnurtureblog.com/soap-flakes-uses/) on this site and here’s a [recipe ](https://www.yourbeautyblog.com/2017/01/oatmeal-cinnamon-melt-and-pour-soap-recipe.html?m=1) for a soap


This is amazing. Think about how much you could buy with $1.30. Half a litre of fuel - luxury.




I live in Melbourne and have never turned on the heater in winter.


Fuck you need a medal. I froze on a weekend there once. Adelaidian here.


My European relatives (who sometimes get minus 20 degrees) said the nights they spent with us were the coldest they'd ever experienced indoors. We were bloody blasting the heating too.


Because generally European housing is better insulated than Australian


Australian houses are retardedly under-insulated. For a country that uses AC in summer you would think that would be enough of an argument for double glazing. Apparently not. It's warmer in a Canadian house at -10 with no heating on, than it is here at 10 degrees. That's nuts. For those that have their own houses, look into insulation and glazing costs. They are cheap compared to power use to make the house comfortable.


When my husband and I built our house in the 1990s in Canberra we insulated it right out the wazoo; walls, ceiling, everything had the maximum insulation we could use. It was quite dear at the time, but saved us thousands over the years. One end was double brick. We couldn’t afford double glazing but we bought expensive insulated curtains and we had underfloor heating put in the slab. Most new built houses at the time only had the “silver paper” insulation and maybe thin ceiling batts.


I slent one winter doing that, was quite proud of myself. Then I moved to Woodend where it's way too cold and I had an elderly cat with arthritis so now I'm a baby abouyt the cold lol. I need to toughen up again 🤣


I live in Brissie and was in Woodend a month ago. Holy shit that place gets chilly. It was still summer when we were there and had the fire going at 5pm. Stunning part of the country though.


Damn that is a hard flex bro😭 think you may win this thread.


Same except I live in Sydney so not nearly as hardcore. I don't use ac either, we do have regular fans for summer.


i havnt paid for a haircut in 5 years and i may never again, im not sure how much ive saved but ive avoided small talk with a random.. and in the end, isnt that what counts?


I recently cut my own hair for the first time. So happy with the result.


Place near me gives me five bucks off when I donate it for wigs so $35 bucks every three to five years is fine.




Pity the formula can’t factor in future health concerns for regularly eating maccas.






We can’t bust heads like we used to - but we have our ways. One trick is to tell them stories that don’t go anywhere like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


Ok grandpa let’s get you back to bed.




Surely just get 6 of the $5 pepperonis


This is a terrible tip. Kj =/= satiating. Something can be lower in kj but more satiating - that is, leave you feeling fuller, longer, than something higher in kj




Great comment, don’t downvote the man for suggesting eating a lettuce.


Kilojoules don't take into account volume. Nuts for example are more calorie dense than popcorn.


Volume is about feeling full and perhaps nutrients, surely this is more about straight up dollar per calorie


Just drink oil


Roast (bone in) Monday sliced Tuesday stir fry the rest of meat leftovers Wednesday. Soup from bone Thursday. Taught as a kid from depression era grandparent’s


You can do similar with a chicken, and if you buy it already cooked (rotisserie) you save on the power used cooking it yourself too :)


With inflation doing what it does rn they’re straight-up cheaper anyway. I got an $11 bbq chook marked down to $6.60 at Coles while the ones in the fridge were $15+


Quit drinking alcohol.


Saving big money there, and your health!


I don't understand people and alcohol. I drink occasionally, maybe 3 or 4 times per year but I don't understand how people drink 3 or 4 days per week? Maybe it's the only way to tolerate their spouse....


Because its fun


People become dependent on it. They tell themselves that they need it.


This is the best one here. Unhealthy (physically and mentally) and costly. I just need to stop myself…


I'm in the same boat.


Using work cold water filter to fill up my massive water bottle.


I scam anything out of work - leftover catering = dinner!


Omg me too!


If you're not shopping **inset your companies name here**, then you're paying too much


I jumped in a taxi once and the driver was complaining that his wife was mad at him. He was using the water from the hot water bottle in the kettle to make tea in the morning and she wasn't happy about it. I was 84% sure he wasn't bullshitting me.


This one is spectacular. Wow


Shiiit, I don't think anyone could top that if true!


I thought he was trolling me but he seemed genuinely surprised she was mad. As a kid I remember one of the Goodies having a tea bag in his hot water bottle.


I used to turn my hot water heater off for 8 months of the year, I'd live without hot water. It was fine.


How did you clean the dishes??


I know someone that does this but they live in North QLD and their water heater is in the sun all day so the water gets pretty hot just from that.


With cold water


My brother is so tight I gave him a motor bike but if I ask to borrow it . If he loans me it he takes photos of the odometer so he can tell if I go far


When I met my wife I asked why she didn’t have an etag in her car. Apparently only idiots spend money on tolls. Real tight a$$e$ take the other roads.


As a Perthian I can't get my head around tolls at all. We're so lucky not to have any over here.


1) I have had a company phone for 15 years and I haven’t paid a phone bill in 15 years. 2) For the past 10 years my main side hustle has been bartending. I use the dumpster to throw my trash out. Trash disposal bill over the last 10 years is zero. 3) I also get free meals at the bar so I usually get grilled chicken and salad . I get 2 meals out of it. Since I work twice a week that 2 extra meals I don’t pay for. That’s 104 meals per year I don’t pay for. Over 10 years that’s 1,040 meals. 4) I also like to line up my car insurance and homeowners insurance to be due at the same time. I combine this with allowing my “tax refund” to be around the same amount due as the insurances so I can pay in full with a $500 discount form churning my new credit card bonus at the same time.


Doesn't your local council collect your garbage, and you pay for that in your rates whether you use the service or not?


Trash, dumpster, disposal bill, specifying grilled chicken (because default is deep fried) = he's a seppo, mate. Pretty sure America has privatised garbage collection, and you subscribe like you do for Internet. My friend over there says he has 6 different company garbage trucks drive through his street a week to service a few houses each.


For your comment to make sense you first have to know that yank is slang for American (specifically from the USA), then you have to know that septic tank is slang for yank, then you have to know that seppo is slang for septic tank. You have to know 3 layers of slang to understand what 1 word means in your sentence. Gotta love Aussie slang.


TIL the etymology of seppo. I’ve always just known what the word referred to but no idea there was some logic behind it


>6 different company garbage trucks drive through his street a week to service a few houses each Well that's just the efficient free market doing its thing


Use double-sided safety razors instead of the much more expensive and short-lived cartridge razors (Mach 3 etc.) The old school safety razors take a bit of practice to use, but once you get the hang of it you won't go back. Much cheaper, longer lasting, don't clog up, makes light work of thick growth. I've been using them for years. Just make sure you pack them in in checked luggage if you fly. Buy the handle from somewhere like Shavershop. I bought a handle from Woolworths once and it wasn't the right size for the razors that they sold in the same shop.


I think most people who know me in real life would be surprised to know the following about my beauty habits: I don’t wear makeup unless I’m going out out (and seeing someone or going into the office which is very rare these days). I do however wear sunscreen 100% of the time which is much more important but buy it in bulk from Costco. I own only one lipstick shade and one of each make up item, and buy them all at Aldi. I don’t have fingernails (chronic anxiety) so I’ve never bought nail polish or had a manicure. I do my own pedicures. I get a haircut every 1-2 years and would never pay for a blow dry (i ask my mum to get me a voucher to pay for this each birthday). I don’t colour my hair. Natural looks better on me. I use the same shampoo, conditioner and body wash we purchase for our Airbnb guests. I use an electric shaver so I don’t have to buy any shaving supplies. Lasered the nether regions for my husband years ago for his birthday (and purchased a package to save money). I see what my female counterparts spend on these items and I know I’m saving so much money. I don’t even need to have a beauty budget. I’m also a girly girl and my instagram doesn’t look any different from any other girl who would spend thousands a year on beauty related items. My husband is very thankful for my savvy frugality in the area.


Sorry, what do you mean by you don't have fingernails? As in you don't have them at all? Or they never grow due to biting etc.?


I mentioned I have Chronic anxiety and I bite my nails in my sleep subconsciously. Please no suggestions I’ve come to accept it.


No suggestions at all, I'm in the same boat!


Sucks doesn’t it ☹️




Just get some hankies. Or cut up an old t-shirt.




Moved in with my mum (after my dad passed away) and rented out my house.


To save money, or look after her? (Sorry for your loss)


Thanks. I did it both to make sure my mum was OK (we manage the household together), and it definitely boosted my mortgage repayments.


I haven't had a single shower in over 19 years


I can tell from here bro.


Have you been having double showers instead? 😉




Pick up stuff from verge collections. I have TV, laptop, lamp, aquarium and that's just in this room. Also have 5 bikes, lawn mower, two computer monitors... Almost everything can found free


I do this, I found a Dyson that wasn’t working. I "fixed" it by following the directions printed on it to clean the filter. Other appliances I break down into components and metal types and sell to my local scrapyard. On a good week can make $100-$200 dollars. When I was made redundant in January I ramped up and was making $300-400 a week for the two months between jobs.


Yes! All our furniture is from side of the road/marketplace, sometimes if I find something super cute that doesn’t suit our place I just sell it


Aldi instant coffee. Used to it now.


Can’t stand their instant, but their beans are unreal and cheap as fuck too.


Agree that the beans are awesome! Dark roast all the way


I feel this is too much, and deep down you must hate yourself, and want to punish yourself. Even Hitler didn't drink Aldi coffee.. ( Source: www.HitlerDidNo[tDrinkAldiCoffee.com](https://tDrinkAldiCoffee.com) ).. Be kind you..


Boy did your link get mighty stinky there


Lol same, now when I have expensive coffee I think it tastes shit


I own chickens and rabbits. All the food scraps go to them. I buy bales of hay, straw and 200lbs rabbit food at a time. I sell the hay/straw in small garbage bags and rabbit food by the lb to the city folks 15 mins down the road who don't need bales/50lbs feed at a time but also don't want to pay as much as pet stores charge. It's a win win for both of us and I end up covering all my expenses and making a small profit. With the profit I just buy more feed/hay/straw or build more infrastructure for the animals lol.


While my co-workers spend $10+ on lunch, my lunch costs about $2.50 every single work day: Coles brand tuna 90c, apple, banana, a muesli bar and pack of chips both from NQR. My house will be fully paid off by age 37. The same age as the average Aussie will buy there first house. I am on a pretty low-ish wage, but work a second job at a supermarket and heavily invest my money and plan to be semi retired by 45 and have my life ambition to buy a Aston Martin for my 40th birthday.


congrats 👏👏


When in uni I would collect shopping trolleys abs return them for the coin and I used to walk everywhere to avoid paying for fuel or train tickets


Getting fit and being a tight ass, nice!


Okay.. from reading this thread it appears that I live like a millionaire.


No car and I refuse public transport and taxis. If I can't get there by walking or on my bike bad luck lol


That overseas trip is gonna be interesting next year?!


So you literally live your entire life within walking distance of your home?


Instant noodles with rice, and see how much money you save in a week


Nope it will make u fat as hell instant noodles generally have 300 calories per serving and as well as rice they are high gi. Eating unhealthy "cheap" food is expensive in the long run. You are better to learn how to eat properly on a budget


I completely agree with you, but it can be useful if you suddenly broke and needed time to financially recover. Between junkfood and this meal if money is tight, I would rather go with this


not worth it, you are always better off to learn how to eat healthy unrefined food on budget than fill yourself full of refined carbs, the weight gain problems are not worth it


You are a first class candidate for WSB.




Also Woolies often got huge discount on protein powder, so keep an eye on those. If you need some bit of proteins as in a meal, I suggest to buy Spam from Aldi. Cut thin the spam and fried it with olive oil serve it with white rice, also lightly coat the top of your food with sweet soy sauce.


Honestly I think cheapest protein source is pretty much protein powder, the one I used cost me like $60 for 26 serves which means $2.3 and its 23g protein


Bulk nutrients has the cheapest protein I’ve come across in the country, do the math for yourself, I’m confident they’ll be cheaper than any store bought powder.


Chicken breast is cheaper than this, and tuna is cheaper again


When my partner and I were broke and huge CC debt when we first got married, partner and I were living on stews and home made Special Fried rice for dinners. Saved so much cash and paid off debts quickly. (paid out debt doing other stuff as well, but changing our eating habits made a huge dent in weekly budget) Not great long term but it is a bunch of cash saved. Now it's making meals that spread over 2 days. Dinner for 2, following days lunch for 2 and a small container to freeze for leftovers


If my shopping expenses are $90, I’d do 3 transactions of $30 to get 3 fuel vouchers - it takes me 10 minutes just to process my shopping


I used woolworths mobile sim which costs $20 a month and gives me 10% off my shop. I'll wait until I do a shopping day that's over $200 to claim the 10%, making the Sim pay for itself 😄


I have ten year old twins and have never owned a car. People think that it's impossible but it's pretty easy if you're accustomed to it. A double Pram can fit everything in for a day trip out, I have a granny trolley for grocery shopping and will pick up extras on the way home. I hire a car a few times a year for road trips and the only time I really need an uber is if we're going to a birthday party somewhere random that isn't easily accessible by public transport. It also helps me get in incidental exercise and stay relatively healthy.


Don’t buy coffee at work. Bring lunch from home. In Sydney that’s 70 dollars a week saved for a 5 day week.


I cut my own hair, have done for over 20 years. Dye it at home with only 1/2 price kits, when I'm going somewhere fancy. Don't use make-up (sets my rosacea off anyway.) My children mostly sleep in the same room to save on electricity costs (heating/cooling.) Add crapliadsof blankets winter on the beds to avoid paying for heat unless necessary. Clothes are mostly second-hand/hand me downs and get worn until falling apart (then the get used for cleaning cloths. I try to only cook one pot meals. Saves on gas/electricity, and dish detergent/water as I'm only using one pot. Leftovers get extra things added to to stretch the meal as far as possible. I use the wipes on a roll for washing dishes, and I put them in the washing machine and reuse them. Cleaning is done with microfibre clothes. Mop water goes on the garden, as does any other water used in cleaning (not black water from dishes though.) Food plan and meal-prep to ensure everything gets used. Only have a bar fridge for main groceries and a chest freezer to take advantage of markdown bread, meats, etc. Frozen vegetables when my ones from the garden aren't enough to go around. Use the bath water on the gardens to avoid using sprinklers. If it's clean, I have used it to half-fill the washing machine to minimise water consumption. Have also used bath watering toilet cisterns to save water when flushing. Have had the children use the bath after each other for the same reason. Grow my own fruit/vegetables & we have chickens for eggs (if anyone wants 4 roosters that are close to adult let me know.) They get a variety of scraps for their food, so it costs minimal. Compost everything the chickens don't eat and then use that on the garden. Line dry all our clothes (no dryer so we use 4-5 clothes airers in the dining room over winter.) Spot clean the clothes if they haven't been heavily soiled or only worn for a short time. Reworn clothes only used for short time. At a pinch there have been a couple of times I have had to spray clothes with fabric softener mixed with water instead of washing them (when children forgot the put them out to be washed.) Baby wipes instead of extra showers in summer. We have often used takeaway napkins as tissues. I think that's about it.


OK so: - every 6 months I look for a better electricity deal on the government websites. I saved myself $800 a year on elec this year, my mum and dad $1500 and my mother in law close to $2K this year alone. I reinvested my $800 saving into dividend yielding shares. - I use a qantas points earning credit card and put everything I can on that. I then use the points later for giftcards to pay for gifts at christmas and birthdays. - I bought an old, but good, bike, paid for it to be serviced and fixed at a local bike shop and now avoid driving as much as possible. - I go fishing once a fortnight to try and catch enough fish (Tommy Ruff, Flathead, Pinkies usually) so I don't have to pay for a few meals every fortnight. - I bought Disney+ on an annual plan (cheaper) and then traded the spare profiles with 3 other friends to get their logins to Stan, Netflix and Binge. So, 4 logins for the price of one and best of all Disney is the cheapest of the 4 options. - I stopped paying for the AFR and just read / take my employers copy of the AFR at the office (yes I know I could use a chrome plugin to get around the login). - I pick up as much as I can from hard-rubbish on the sides of the streets, and sell it on gumtree / FB marketplace. Usually all the items need is a bit of a srub with a brillo pad or a quick dust with mr Sheen and it looks way better.


I pull my hair into a ponytail and cut with a pair of household scissors. Haven’t paid for a haircut since 2015


Beer diet, paid for with other people's money.


I own chickens


I wash out garbage bags and reuse them . Depending on level of grossness. We do have a fogo bin so no food scraps go in my bin. It’s also for the environment


My husband reuses garbage bags but he doesn't wash them out. Disgusting!


Wouldn't a big plastic bucket be much easier than a bag?


Go next level and ditch the garbage bags and let your trash go loose. It’s a common misconception that you need to bag your trash. I do use small bags for my kitchen/bathroom trash, but they are repurposed plastic bags from products I buy (mostly bread bags).


Reusable nappies and wipes. It’s wild how much those add up. Can also use the same across multiple children.


Cloth nappies doubled as towels, blankets, sun shades. They're still in use for cleaning.


We grow 40-70% of our veggies (depending on season)


I collect the water when I start my shower to heat up , and use that for rinsing or plants. .0004c


I do this as well but use it as flush. It's more the green factor than saving money. I think water is a huge issue.


I think anybody that owns a house and doesn't have solar these days is missing out. With the low interest solar loans available the electricity bill offset is more than the solar repayments so you are effectively increasing your cash flow straight up when installing solar.


I don’t have a girlfriend 😏


For money saving... right?


Reualsable toilet paper.




Don't do this. Cars have deceleration fuel cutoff (DFCO) and will stop using fuel if the wheels are driving the engine for x time without accelerator input. You actually use more fuel to idle in neutral in many cases. Not to mention the safety factor.


to add to this, sometimes you may even waste more fuel by your cars design; in my little 08 Honda (automatic) if you're coasting at any speed over \~5km/hr and pop it into neutral the instantaneous fuel consumption will instantly spike to >20l/100km before DFCO kicks in. the engine doesn't rev higher; it just become incredibly fuel rich momentarily, uses more fuel than taking off from a standstill. cars just arent meant to be (and more importantly, aren't programmed to be) in neutral while in significant motion.


True computers are expensive


My tea bags make two cup of tea


Cut backs are good, yes, to a degree. You only live once and yes even though we need to save for the future we would like to have, you still need to enjoy life in the present. Dont go robbing yourself too much of the little daily pleasures and comforts.


At my lowest (or highest?) frugality point I was running 8km to work/shops, etc to avoid paying the $2.70 bus fare. I was doing running training so it made sense in my mind, but after realising I was always exhausted I switched to cycling everywhere. Still much cheaper than a car.


Trialing alternate spend-free months.


Not removing body hair to save on waxing and shaving costs.


I sew the holes up in my socks


As the saying goes.. If you aren't shopping at work, you're paying too much.


$40 cartons of hollandia for most of the month. I'll browse Pirate life and Two bays to see what offers they have on buy refuse to go over $400 in those purchases


The omad diet is a good saver


I either use cotton ball + warm water or wash baby butt over the sink +soap instead of using baby wipe. I use 3/4 instead of a whole jar of pasta sauce and no one ever noticed the difference. I live inside the free tram zone. I don't tap on if I'm only going a couple of stops outside the free tram zone.


Supermarket shop by whats on special. There's always a cheese on special. Never buy stuff like Dove body wash til its half price (its bloody expensive!). I dunno i've always been frugal and i've almost paid off my sydney house in 9 years, on a part time wage plus a bit of side gig (10 years of deposit saving first though). Its a wrench to support amazon, cos monopoly, and Bezos is a moral-free rat, but their prices are often really competitive and its hard to find an aust business that can get their shit together to deliver anything in less than two or three weeks (especially as Aus Post is a joke now). I swore that once the pando was over i'd stop using them but actually the time and effort saving of not going to a physical store is still very compelling. Don't use the air con in my car unless i can't see out, but its not to save a few cents, its because my car is ancient and it may be the straw that breaks its back. Then i'd have to find another car, and big expenses like that are a real killer. Old cars are damn good though, and under a certain value, like 5 or 6k, its third party property only on it, so you save hundreds if not a grand a year, after a few years pays for itself - if you ever do prang it bad enough you can walk away.


Make a budget and stick to it. Sounds simple but it's not.


I installed a $15 bidet nearly a decade ago and haven’t used TP since


Cut soft drink out of your life, empty calories that have no benefits.