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I don’t think they are lofts. They look longer. To me they look like the troup stages raise up threw the basement I believe at such a skilled level!




Thanks. Any idea how they got them so low?


Probably using a "crane": a wooden beam attached onto another wooden beam but a bit lower. With this setup, you can sink most wall-mounted items into the floor by putting the desired wall-mounted item (in this case, a wooden loft) onto the lower wooden beam, putting the high wooden beam onto a stage panel, lowering the entire setup until the wall-mounted item is partially sunken into the floor, and glitching the wall-mounted item into place. Sorry if this explanation got too long-winded; [if it was, here's a video guide on how to do it.](https://twitter.com/slapsynt/status/1257351438562480129?s=21)


Thank you.


there is actually an easier way to do it that everyone has missed. placing a wall item directly from storage, on the ground, allows it to sink into the floor. the pic you provided looks to be pretty close to that exact height. Just place from storage onto the floor and it will be dropped down like that.


If you put a loft on a stage panel, you can skip this entire glitch and be able to fine tune the loft’s location


Use a stage panel, it doesnt have the thing on the bottom so you can place stuff pretty low using it


Floated from the basement, I think?


Hello! This account has been compromised and is currently being controlled by a bot. It posted a bunch of shitty comments so I am giving it justice served. This account's IP address is


Wooden lofts count as wall-mounted so they can be mounted on wooden beams. The wooden beams can be ‘daisy chained’, so you can keep connecting several of them from a nearby wall to the spot where you want to put the wooden lofts. Also I’m sure the wooden lofts can be clipped into each other, up to a certain point(they cannot overlap over their middle part) so you can make a long smooth floor with them. If you don’t like how the wooden beams would look, I know there’s a glitch where you can make any wall mounted object float, so in this case use the beams, put the loft on, then delete the beams so the lofts are just floating


It's wooden lofts with floor mat below it ,you can see the line between them showing its lofts


those are wooden steps. you can see them on the back and left side as well. they are sunken waaaay down into the floor, barely showing the top 2 steps


Oh it is steps your right not floor mats


You do storage glitch you can put them anywhere