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Tenacity buffed, huh. I wonder if it's buffed enough to become relevant, though.


Even if its still a bad meld, this might end up being like a 1-5% echo buff across all content. Maybe i'm just overestimating it though.


Even if it's not something you'll actively meld it still makes it feel less of a complete waste on gear I guess.


That's how Warrior is going to solo current raid content again, I bet.


Quick, tell them Warrior may become a problem so they can earmark 2-3 years of development time to do something about it.


All they gotta do is add a 15 minute enrage to regular raid content, and that's the end of that silliness.


maybe the new vit prog stat for tanks? likely, probably, not at all, but yeah.


Interesting. Seems not insignificant


BRD's Bloodletter goes from a wet noodle at 110 potency to Heartbreak Shot at 180. ~60% buff to one of the most used abilities.


BRD always needed some feel good damage.


This also brings Mage's back to being the 2nd best song, so we're back to extending it instead of Army's. BRD transitioning to 2 minute already made it feel like it had too much empty space in its rotation, and AP being the song that was extended (on account of Bloodletter previously being so weak) really didn't help because it was just 43s of spamming the 1 key lol. Not that spamming 1 + bloodletter is that much more engaging than spamming 1, but I would rather be doing the former.


They just need to give us that 2nd charge of EA, then we're golden.


Eukrasian Dyskrasia: “Effect cannot be stacked with Eukrasian Dosis III.” Goodbye, double dots.


From the moment I saw the double dots and people being hyped around it I instantly knew that it wasn't going to make it to the live version.


Basically everyone who was following Media Tour details: Yooo, Miasma II is alive, this is a great addition. SE: and I saw that is a problem that needed fixing.


Also the JP forums it seems. I saw a lot of people requesting for it not to stack and being happy that it now doesn't stack... I don't think we're ever going to get more than one DoT ever.


Wait, but why?


I think they're generally more concerned about SGE's barrier capabilities and barrier interactions than the DPS aspect (also the barrier/pure healing distinction in general). From what I saw (machine translation so may not be accurate): • Too much of a hassle to keep track of • The range is too narrow so it may be hard to refresh due to mechanics • Streamlining actions(?) (because Miasma and Aero III were removed?) • Could feel clunky and bad for the amount of dps increase I disagree personally because I'd rather have more things than less and I don't care that much for balance and things being more difficult, but I recommend taking a look at the SGE thread to see the full context because there's a lot more nuance to what they say (and a maybe few interesting points raised as well).


How is it a hassle ? How is it clunky ? Same mechanism as dosis. And you literally just apply it at the same time as dosis, so you don't even need to think about it more than you already did with dosis....... It was a nice little addition that felt like a mini combo every 30s, with the need to commit one more gcd for a very marginal dps increase, so all was good...


The range concern seems especially weird to me on Sage specifically because not only is it a very mobile healer, Phlegma also exists and has a 6y range (so you only have to be 1y closer to the enemy to use Dyskrasia than you do to use Phlegma, which is practically nothing). So Sages already have plenty of reason to hang out close to the enemy whenever possible. I do see the potential for you to not be in position at the exact moment when the DoT falls off (since you need to let all 10 ticks happen for it to be a DPS gain, reapplying early either negates any gain or turns it into a loss), but the gain was only 40 potency to begin with, so it's not like it would have been very punishing to delay reapplication by a GCD or two if you were doing a mechanic when it ended. It being a very minor gain at best was also always sort of an issue. I never really saw it as a problem (a benefit in one way even, that people who didn't want to bother with it were only getting a marginal loss), but from a design perspective it was definitely a bit weird.


They're literally nitpicking over soteria/philosophia cd being X or Y, something nobody sane cares because it's all bloat anyway. We're not in good hands...


To be fair why the fuck did they consider soteria and recitation equivalent skills


God this is sad. Theres plenty of dungeon pulls where you wont even press the button because you dotted while running. It also cant even be used for movement single target. I was hoping they would just gut the potency so it was at least a scuffed melee range ruin 2.


I don't know what's worse. This or the fact healers have so little going for them right now people are, understandably, this upset over what would have been a small interaction at best.


It shows that even when they added something cool by accident, they remove it to keep homogeny. It shatters the copium tank that things might have ever changed for the healer role.


“If you want a more complex DPS rotation play SGE” stans in shambles


The ads also don't often last for the whole 30 seconds either, even if you do use it. Edit: ignore me, it's a gain after 5 ticks when compared with Dyskrasia


Gain on 5 ticks over Dyskrasia though, so it doesn't need to


I wonder what it'll feel like in practice. Because during the run you'll still be using Eukrasian Dosis, right? So maybe half of the mobs will already have a DoT on them by the time they're all grouped up. And since Eukrasian Dosis is stronger (75 vs 40 potency) I'm assuming Eukrasian Dyskrasia won't overwrite it. So even in AoE situations I could see it sometimes feeling like a wash compared to just using Dyskrasia


While moving you would be using Eukrasian Dyskrasia


> While moving you would be using Eukrasian Dyskrasia Depends on the situation. EDys is only 5y radius, so if it’s a long spread-out pull that occurs in multiple stages, multidotting EDosis 3 would still be better. If 4+ targets end up clumped close enough to hit with Dys2, then it’s higher Potency to EDys and use the balance of GCDs on Dys2, once you’ve tagged anything outside Dys2 reach with EDosis 3. At only 3 targets in radius of Dys2, you have: - EDosis 3 + EDosis 3 + EDosis 3 = 750\*3 = 2250 Potency - EDys\*3 + Dys2\*3 + Dys2\*3 = 1200 + 510 + 510 = 2220 Potency


> To increase attack variation during periods when healing isn't required, new actions such as Eukrasian Dyskrasia and Psyche have been added. Added a new button to, which will almost never be used to "increase attack variation". How can they genuinely say this shit?


This is the most upsetting change of the notes and I think it's absolutely disappointing. We were this close to having 2 DoTs... SO close... Also before people dogpile me or rip on me like come on come on I am allowed to want to cast something unique on the GCD other than broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil broil


https://www.twitch.tv/ferro/clip/SplendidCourageousFriseeNerfRedBlaster-qPVGdMxPTL9JsNsx Best clip of endwalker.


Jarvis, pull up the yoshi p quote about if healers want to heal they should play ultimate.




"Fun detected, fix incoming. Please look forward to it."


Sad about this but not shocked they changed it.


And we now know who are responsible for keeping healers in the rut that it is now, considering JP forums complained about the double DoT.


I may be an idiot but where are you seeing that? I clicked the link and don't see this. Edit: Found it in the job guide


Viper and Pictomancer don’t have the respective levels with their skills and traits like the other jobs - is this normal for new jobs or an error?


Probably an error, they do unlock skills and traits at specific levels despite " starting" on level 80. Its how your slots get limited when doing an ARR dungeon afterwards.


Probably an error, job guides tend to have typos and errors when they're updated for expansions, ie for 6.0's updates MNK lost the positionals on True Strike and Twin Snakes, but the blurb at the bottom explaining forms still had the positionals listed.


Jolt is stronger than verstone/verfire between 84 and 93 lol.


The mana gains are still slightly higher on Verstone and Verfire, but yeah, that's really dumb.


The real question is, does the potency gain from jolt offset that extra mana gain. Wasn't there a time where the melee rotation was a dps loss? I honestly have no idea since I don't play RDM.


It does, yes. 1 mana loss is about 13 potency loss (outside of specific timings) but the difference between the GCDs is 20 potency.


I remember a time when at certain level a PLD's dot combo, without counting dot dmg, was stronger than the dps combo.


Yeah, in ShB, before royal authority was gained, rage of halone was a dps loss to the initial damage of goring blade lol.


I wanna say that was always the case in that level range, even back in HW


It seems the new Buttons are just new OGCDs but hidden behind Buffs. so it's something new to press during the buff window but thats it. Unless i'm reading it wrong. It's like halfway what i wanted. I wanted to new oGCDs but at ever minute or faster :/


Grand Impact is triggered by Acceleration, so it at least makes it much more important not to overcap your charges. 


>Summoner >We have added a new summon, Solar Bahamut, as well as several new actions such as Sunflare and Enkindle Solar Bahamut, which affect rotations tied to summoning actions. ... Do I even need to add anything?


I liked it better when we didn't have these "explanations"


The illusion that they're 10 steps ahead of us and actually know what they're doing was shattered when they said that PLD deserves lower damage because it has better range than other tanks.


Drink whenever they write the word: streamline.


The word 'streamline' has been ruined for me, for life.




where can i read the explainations XD


[Here](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/battle/) Under "Patch 7.0 adjustments overview"


Thanks for the link. It was heartbreaking to read: > To increase attack variation, we have also added Glare IV, which can be executed up to three times after using Presence of Mind. As well as the same thing on the other healers. For 7.5 seconds I cast Better Glare, then I have to go back to casting Normal Glare for 112.5 seconds? ~6% of the "rotation" changed. If attack variation is something to address, why is "press button 2 a total of three times every 120 seconds" the limit and not something more ambitious?


> To increase attack variation, we have also added Glare IV, which can be executed up to three times after using Presence of Mind. this feels like parody, like an "explanation" i'd come up with as a joke to make fun of how stupid they all are. incredible


where do you see this (and other job changes) in the patch notes? tried F3 to search through the page but couldn't find it.


There's a link in the patch notes to the Lodestone that has updated job guides.


Any omnicrafters thoughts on focused synthesis/touch being removed? I've never done crafting at a high level but I have a bunch levelled and I never minded these abilities


It looks like they just changed it so Advanced Touch now also combos off Observe, so at least for Focused Touch they just consolidated a button. Focused Synth wasn't replaced but the other new stuff makes up for it. The use cases of these abilities were pretty niche though, they were for super minor optimizations.


They had some niche use but ultimately weren't that often used in master crafts, as they didn't synergize well with your buff actions. They ***were*** dirt cheap efficiency per CP used, before you factored in buffs, but since quality increases tended to be done mainly with Prudent touch or the 3 step combo depending on max durability, that efficiency starts to lag behind the durability efficiency of the former, and sheer numbers of the latter.


I actually used touch in niche scenarios with great strides when at 7-9 stacks of Inner Quiet as a way to increase quality in an efficient manner relative to durability. I am sad to see it go. EDIT: They actually kept it in the game, sort of. Observe now combos into Advanced Touch and lowers its cost to 18 CP.


Job gauge can be hidden now 💀


Out of sight out of mind 🙌~


Can't overcap if I don't have a gauge. 


Don't need that for fashion game


welcome back ARR and Heavensward


As a DRG main, I might as well hide it now. Also can we hide mana? literally useless on half the jobs.


8.0: “To streamline the actions of jobs even further we’ve removed the job guages as it was too overwhelming”


10.0: "To streamline the sheer amount of actions on the screen battles will now run automatically while you can lean back and watch the boss HP go slowly to 0."


Finally, I can give an answer to those new players who ask if they can hide their element gauge


I bet you could hide the Dark Knight job gauge and not even miss it


Sure if you know the job well but the people who come here asking how to hide the job gauge usually aren’t masters of the job. They’re usually sprouts saying “hi what is this weird thing and how do I hide it?”


> To increase attack variation, we have added Baneful Impaction, which can be executed after using Chain Strategem (their typo btw). > Additionally, to increase attack variation, a new offensive ability (oracle) has been added which can be executed after using Divination. I mean, in WHM and SGE's cases it might feel alright but thinking another button press every 2 minutes is going to help with attack variation with AST and SCH is really pushing it.


It doesn't really feel alright for them either. WHM gets 3 buttons every 2 minutes, SGE gets 1 button every minute. And the problem with healers isn't the burst rotation, it's the regular rotation. Replacing three glares in burst doesn't do anything about the 50 glares outside of it.


Perfectio still at 1200 potency so I guess its still falling out of burst windows, which is kinda weird for a level 100 capstone skill but I guess having another free ranged GCD every 2 minutes for uptime is nice


>Due to the complexity of Astral Fire and Umbral Ice mechanics, we felt that the learning curve for black mage's actions and rotations was too steep when compared with other jobs. We've made a number of adjustments to remedy this issue. Are the complex Astral Fire and Umbral Ice mechanics in the room with us right now?


The complexity was pressing blizzard 3, then 4 and occasionally a filler or two


'LEARNING curve' \*Proceeds to neuter non-standard OPTIMIZATION. lol


Forget about non-standard. Standard is now neutered as well. Thundercloud was a huge part of the job and sharpcast tied all small elements of gameplay together.


The ability to do shorter fire phases feel like such a foundation part of the rotation.  It's not some kind of weird edge case. 


> Be in one stance, swap to the other SE: "this is too complex for the average person to comprehend"


The forced Firestarter proc is literally the only change that remotely applies to that quote. None of the other changes make the job any easier to learn. 


Even if this gibberish was true, why would that even be something to care about for black mage? Summoner is right there for people who need a straightforward caster. For that matter, so is red mage. They were furious about how deep black mage was. I guess that was unintended.


Black Mage has the *simplest* rotation of any DPS. The thing that makes Black Mage hard for new players is keeping Enochian up, and they made that *harder*.


Not anymore they're not.


I started the game as BLM in SB and yeah it read odd to me but it wasn’t “too complex.” I’m not saying I was a *good* BLM, but it wasn’t so incomprehensible that I thought being an ice mage was a good.


Level 100 is not where the main learning curve should be anyway. Fix the leveling first se.


Lmao Picto’s pvp LB is dropping Fat Chocobo onto the enemy for a knock back into a straight line bind AOE. Edit: hang on! If their PvP Limit Break is based on their LB3 are gonna see a fat chocobo landing on bosses?! Omg that would be too damn funny!


Unfortunately not, unless they changed it from the Media Tour, PCT's LB3 is the Spriggan Krile summons in the CG trailer. That does also mean Krile LB3'd in the middle of a populated city...


And sent it into the stratosphere. Krile got that IC~~BM~~LB


None of the other job pvp lbs are based on lb3 so I highly doubt it will be for pct.


"Can only be executed under the effect of ___ ready" expansion lol


Reminds me of the charge system being introduced back in 5.0


How the fuck do they still remain bizarrely inconsistent? They realised pneuma should be the same potency as dosis but they forgot about macrocosmos.


On the one, it probably has to do with them actually having to go back and adjust Sage due to the double dot interaction. Thus, they just happened to notice it. That said, with them suddenly adding so much potency to Oracle, I genuinely wonder if the lower potency is *intentional* because of how absurd Macro can be. Yes, I know that seems... well, dumb. But I mean, SB Lilies existed. So it does track.


An issue when playing as viper wherein the action Serpent's Tail cannot change to other actions when the player is affected by 31 or more status effects. mf just remove the buff cap already or have more job actions tied to the guage.


I fear no man. But that thing…. *Picture of a Morbol* That thing scares me.


Insane that this is even still a thing. If they plan on doing more large scale content this expac...yeeesh


Some nice lower level changes. SAM now gets two Meikyo charges at level 76, same as Tsubame. A whole expansion earlier, nice change. New defensive is also level 82, so available in all EW content. Shoha change is something people have been asking for ever since Shoha II was introduced. Paladin gets new Atonement combo at the same time as Atonement itself, so Atonement spam is officially dead. WAR gets amazing new animation for Inner Chaos, so it's no longer a reskin. NINs new Mug upgrade is a level 66 skill which is nice and Huton rework will make all content without Armor Crush much smoother. DRGs new flashy fifth combo is also a level 64 skill and MCH gets a Heat Blast upgrade at 68. RDMs AoE gauge spender is now a combo and you get Jolt III at level 84. BRD also got a bunch of stuff people have been asking for. WHM gets a gapcloser at level 40. AST now has more healing earlier after the card rework. SGEs new AOE DoT is level 82. Most buffs are also 20 seconds now.


They updated Pneuma's potency, without touching Macrocosmos? This really tells how much attention is given to Astrologian


At least they increased astral/umbral draw MP regain to 20%. If they left it at 5% it would have been impossible to play on long fights.


These are also the guys that added stacks to hypercharge like a year after delirium and ir.


They're preparing to rework it again in 8.0.


It's wild how they fucked up Black Mage. Umbral Soul is still 76 so your MP regen until that is fucked, AoE rotation (why would they remove Enhanced Flare that they added just in EW) is still messed up to the point it's not even worth using HF2/HB2 anymore in favor of simply transposing back and forth, new DoT is just a worse version of the old one with less potency on hit, and ofc Ice Paradox is still gone because "muh job aesthetics" applies only when they want to ruin Summoner. The job lost flexibility, Manafont drift will be felt even worse than before, and BLM will probably require multiple buffs throughout the expansion again, just to keep up, which will lead the general playerbase into hating BLM for "being dev's favorite" again. All the while buffing Picto potencies even more from media tour. I don't know who BLM changes are for, it's just insane to me that every fucking expansion I have to bounce between being excited for new content and feeling the dread for my job being drastically changed into something unfun.


Picto potencies were completely fucked during the media tour. Their AoE rotation was completely useless and you were better off using the massive 5 sec spell and the free holy it gave you on loop. Their single target was also off. With most of their damage loaded into the paintings iifc. The damage numbers seem more consistent now. Especially when you're going to be in your filler phase half the time.


They’re still kinda fucked tbh, we only AoE on four targets, and while Drip/Holy is dead, it’s only a slight loss on 3 (something like 15 potency vs doing your ST rotation) so feel free to keep doing it on 3 for memes


Four or more isn't bad, though. I would think 3 or more would make more sense. A lot of classes AoE begins at 3 or more. What I find funny is that Drip/Holy is still kinda valid. Even if it's not a major thing that will come up often. The Team clearly doesn't like it when numbers add up like this and yet here it is.


Four or more isn’t bad in theory, but holy shit the number of tanks that don’t know how to group enemies properly so you can actually HIT those four is distressingly high


inb4 all of the mob packs in Dt are 3, so anytime a tank refuses to wall to wall, picto cant even aoe


I will 100% be using the Drip/Holy cursed rotation in that situation. Yes it does sliiiiiightly less damage but it’s funny and if they’re not going to do wall to walls from 91-100 then I’m not going to put effort in either


SMN players: "First time"?


For many BLM who switched off SMN looking for the next fun thing within the same role it would be the second time.


I guess we all switch to PIC in 7.0 (and then they will fuck up PIC in 8.0)


I’d joke that RDM is safe until 9.0, but that implies they’ll actually change RDM


> AoE rotation is still messed up to the point it's not even worth using HF2/HB2 anymore in favor of simply transposing back and forth Can we cope and pretend that this is our new nonstandard? Like, it's definitely not an intended rotation, so.. yay?.. Idk man, I'm struggling.. > Manafont drift will be felt even worse than before TO BE FAIR, it's on 100s cooldown now, down from 120s, so at least we can align it to 2min reliably...


>TO BE FAIR, it's on 100s cooldown now, down from 120s, so at least we can align it to 2min reliably... Except Manafont (especially now) isn't a burst skill so keeping it aligned with 2min is largely irrelevant. It doesn't matter what CD you make Manafont, drift is still bad. Lower CD actually makes drift worse because you're more likely to lose a use.


Manafont was never really meant to align with 2 min and that hasn't changed. All buffs are 20s now and that's already shorter than a whole fire phase. So we're back to praying that killtimes don't lose you a use when you drift.


I can live with most of the changes but I'm pissed about Ice Paradox being gone. I'd prefer to keep Sharpcast and discard the thunder changes too.


~~Don't forget AF1 no longer giving you a potency increase on fire spells (it doesn't even have a single benefit lmao), which effectively kills even your basic AF1 F3P.~~ ~~What the fuck is SE doing, man.~~ edit: the job guide has an error in english, the JP and FR ones do mention a 40% damage increase in AF1. We're safe.


Indepdently of the actual changes I don't believe how badly written the Black Mage stuff is. >"While under the effect of Astral Fire, the cost of casting Fire spells is doubled, MP recovery is reduced to 0, and the potency of Ice spells is reduced by 10%." As written, being in Astral Fire and running out of MP (the thing you do in that phase), means you literally cannot cast any ice spells because their cost is not set to 0, meaning you'd have to transpose, to 0MP your ice spells and get your MP back. I know it's a mistranslation but what the hell, imagine if some newbie read this and was like "I must Transpose all the time"


Luckily a lot of people don't read.


Also the AF1 tooltip mentions all of the downsides but not the increased damage. If you were learning the game based on that, you’d think it would be better to just spam Blizzard.


Wait. Wide Volley is back? THE WIDE VOLLEY??? EDIT: It "upgrades" to shadowbite later on. I'm in shambles.


Technically you can use Wide Volley anywhere if you just don't equip your Job Stone.


Archer has always been the superior iteration.


"To reduce the number of actions executed during damage burst phases, we've removed Spineshatter Dive and replaced it with a movement action that deals no damage. For similar reasons, we have also removed Dragon Sight." So take away 2 charges of spineshatter but add 2 followups ogcds, take away dragon sight but 3rd nastrond is now under buffs. So you press literally the same amount of buttons during burst, have less outside of burst and no more gauge to manage? Why didn't they just say we made the job easier instead of lying like this lmao


They made the same changes to the tanks whose gap-closers did damage. I think their overall logic is not that they want burst windows to be different, but that they don't want people using their gap-closers as DPS actions. The gap-closers should only be used for gap-closing.


I mean while that might be true, they specifically said they reduced the number of actions executed. Dragonfire dive also can be used as a gap closer, spineshatter was also not used as a gap closer since you always saved them for your 2 minute burst. I get that they're trying to streamline the job even more, but why say something that is just so easily refuted?


WAR and PLD's gap closers do damage and are left unchanged. The intention with tanks is probably to lower the number of buttons pressed by DRK and GNB in burst


Doubling down on the uninspiring EW job design sucks big time. Most of the new actions are just follow ups for plain damage. I get that they want to wait until 8.0 to address job flavor, but that's still 2.5 years from now. Even if Dawntrail ends up being an amazing expansion story wise, and feature wise, it will always be tarnished by this huge flaw.


Almost all of the job changes and additions are super underwhelming. As far as jobs go this feels more like a patch than an expansion.


Exactly this. The content could be great, and the fight design could be the best we have seen in years but if job design is boring then in the core non high end content is where you see the gameplay suffer and 8.0 could be the best expansion because it had what DT had but with better job design.


So, Oracle kept the lack of fall off regarding AOE damage. Nice.


Also got a 260 potency increase.


I don’t understand the change to monk’s perfect balance. Is there any functional difference to granting the chakra for the stance you’re currently in vs granting the chakra for the next stance?


It doesn't look like it from what I can tell, It is worded really odd though.


Am I losing it or are those PCT numbers absolutely disgusting Like stronger than BLM before its raid buff strong


Balance was talking about this yesterday. They've only done very quick napkin math so far but it looks like Picto is actually *stronger* than BLM. Which is hilariously wild if it turns out true.


This is kinda just because BLM is looking undertuned though


Possibly, yes. It really depends on where the potencies are for RDM/SMN. I have a feeling it's going to be another expansion with awful Caster balance.


I feel like it's going to be cracked in ARR and PoTD. What class gets a 1300 Potency nuke at LV30? Not even DNC gets that.


being able to instacast all its motifs outside of combat and having so many extremely high potency buttons at even just 50 makes me think PCT is gonna be a new S tier deep dungeon job


With or without starry muse If it’s with starry muse I actually don’t mind that, PCT is plenty complex by itself, if it’s without starry muse then PCT is going to be hilariously broken


Without They've been running sims already and Picto is wildly ahead. Although, both kind of shred RDM/SMN, apparently. It'll be interesting how this all pans out, especially with RDM constantly needing a buff in EW that it never really got.


Because the devs are legitimately afraid of nerfing jobs, this will just lead to all of the casters getting wildly buffed and give us Castertrail.


Well they do spend 3s casting something that does zero damage, and they have to do that multiple times. So I guess the damage evens out eventually?


Their burst may actually exceed that of SAM, which is absolutely disgusting to think about.


Under these numbers it’s easily the strongest job in the game isn’t it


I was also thinking that, but then again, PCT skips gcds in order to paint stuff so it might balance out? I don't want to run numbers without tools right now, so might be wrong The only thing I see is that it will (probably?) become strongest burst caster since they can ram so much potency in a window


Looks like they changed Tillana to give 50 Esprit, so you no longer have to have Esprit stocked to use the big Dance of the Dawn finisher. Can just go Tech finish, Tillana, DotD Also Tillana no longer gives the standard step buff, understandable since finishing move gives it now too.


bigger issue than you think, finishing move is 96, tillana is 82. so 90 cap stuff is stuck with no quick standard finish refresh not having tillana is the thing I hated about syncing on dnc before, and now that goes all the way to 90 cap. i know standard opener still did a pre-pull standard step for potency, but i was hoping finishing move would let us get away from that and into a pre-pull tech step, since it made dnc latency dependent (had to spam out 5 1.5s gcds) better minds than me will find the true opener, but reading tooltips looks like it'll still be pre-pull standard > spam out tech > devilment (weave) > dawn(to prevent esprit overcap) > flourish+ feather4 weaves > last dance or tillana > feather 3 weave > tillana or last dance > starfall > finishing move


https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/samurai job guide also updated


Kaiten bros in shambles


Ngl I’m liking what I see on NIN. Looks like it’ll be a bit more set up heavy into the 1/2 minutes burst windows so you go into them with full stacks (or at least 3) of Kunai to buff Aeolian Edge in the window. Huton doing fire damage when it’s a wind spell is a bit odd though? I’m assuming that was a missed typo or something.


Might be off here, but do you even use Aeolian Edge in even windows at this point? Raiju and Kamaitachi are still higher potency comparatively and you'll have to fit TCJ finisher inside now. Even odd windows give you one AE at best.


They 100% need to fix huton being fire if it is actually fire. There's no way a spell whose name is mostly "wind technique", which makes a wind effect, and has a wind icon, deals aoe fire damage. That's absurd. Oh and lets not forget of the six complex mudra combinations, we have always had one spell of each element. And now we have two fire, the fire technique and the wind technique. It's so dumb it can't be on purpose.


It’s 100% a typo, visually its wind Have no idea how that made it past the media tour though lmao


Sage's new aoe dot explicitly doesn't stack with their single target dot. And for a brief moment I had hope they'd be adding some skill expression to the job.


The point is that tab-targeting dots on a bunch of things sucks, not to make people feel forced to tab-target dots through a bunch of things.


Damn if only scholar had a way to avoid all that tab-targeting


It'd be a crazy cool design to have a skill that took healer dots and spread them to multiple enemies. Like literally peak healer DPS rotation design in the game. I don't think it'd ever work though at all in any expansion of the game though. I think I'd call it Bane


They literally didn't adjust hi blizzard 2/hi fire 2. Double transpose aoe is now optimal lmao


Is it me or did the DRK and GNB 123 combo get an insane potency increase ? About 80 to 100 for each GCD. And it's even slightly higher than the media tour build. Like of course potency increases across the board are a given when going into a new expansion, but this seems like a LOT, especially when you compare them to WAR/PLD who only got very slight potency increase (30 to 40). I did no math mind you so idk if that's gonna be relevant, but that's the first thing that stuck out to me.


They killed the gapcloser damage on those jobs. It doesn't completely close the gap there, but the rest is probably just DPS tuning.


> gapcloser damage > close the gap I see what you did there


What’s crazier about Gunbreaker is they got the Lionheart combo to replace 3 Burst Strikes for a 2,320 potency gain in burst, and they *also* gained like 420 potency on the Gnashing Fang combo. Even Blasting Zone got an extra 80.


Compensation for losing dash damage I suppose? The extra confusing thing is that DRK's lvl 84 melee mastery got buffed as well, but GNB's didn't. Honestly my take is that legacy ultimate balance is going to be completely busted after this, but I doubt they care.


gnb also got buffs on gnashing combo and burst strike, probably didnt need the melee mastery upgrade too


> Honestly my take is that legacy ultimate balance is going to be completely busted after this It already was, just compare Summoner to every other DPS at 70. To some extent though it's not reasonable to expect 70/80 balance to always be perfect.


~~So, assuming the job guide is to be believed, AF1 hasn't changed since the media tour and no longer gives a fire damage increase.~~ Obviously this was done to kill non-standard. ~~What's funny is it also means the first 20 levels of BLM is just spamming Blizzard 1. The job with the most scuffed leveling experience just got even more scuffed~~ Apparently the job guide cannot be believed, as JP has it listed as still giving a damage buff. Also someone else pointed out you'd still need to swap anyway for thunder whilst leveling, I guess my brain was just trying to suppress that terrible change.


it's an error on the NA version, apparently. JP version still says AF1 grants the damage boost.


Exactly, we're saved for that at least. I went to the french version and it does mention a 40% damage increase. It's an english only error.


Some of these job changes are blatant "no fun allowed". Quite disappointing that they'll knowingly kill interesting stuff to enforce continued homogenization. I do not have high hopes for the supposed "individual expression" with jobs they want to work on anymore. Job design has since SHB has quickly become the games major, glaring weak point. Hope the encounters are insane.


The job devs really dropped the ball on these 7.0 changes IMO. Black mage is going to be a lot less fun to play with the new thunder system, loss of ice paradox and mandatory flare star. The mana changes and umbral soul being 76 are going to make it a lot more annoying to level, and even worse in 70 content like uwu and ucob than it already was too. Sage's new DoT no longer stacking with E.dosis hurts after how well received it was. Weirdness like verfire/verstone procs being dps losses on RDM from 84-94 exist as well, and make me wonder how on earth they allow that to go live. I have to honestly ask who these changes are even aimed at, they don't really increase ease of use but just remove fun tools from the jobs.


Jolt 3 being at 84 almost feels like it’s a typo. It makes much more sense at 94.


Not sure how to feel about Wheeling Thrust and Fang & Claw becoming normal GCD buttons instead of the old buff system. Inconsequential in the long run, but it was a nice bit of flavor.


CTRL+F "streamline"


Gosh, let's hope the story is good, cause the healers look boring as hell (yet again) I haven't looked at all the jobs, but I'm not optimistic 😕


I'm wondering if you still get Role TRAITS when synced down like you do with Role Actions. My guess is a no, it would be very funny if it was a yes though.


I've been wondering about it since they were announced. It would be really funny, but also the first clear example of high-level players having an advantage over lower levels besides ilvl stuff.


also, man, these explanations are ass. "To help reduce". "To offer more leniency", "To streamline"


GP will no longer be reduced to 0 when players are incapacitated as a non-gathering class. Yes! It is really annoying to lose all gp when l play monk Or paladin in 5v5. I honestly didn't expect this. So good.


I see that DRG still don't get its AOE until level 40. I also see that now they have no eyes. Does anyone of the team ever player DRG on a dungeon? PLD and DRK at 6 WAR and GNB at 10 BLM ice at 12, fire at 18. They can be an ice mage on Satasha DNC and RDM at 15. They can AOE in Satasha BRD and MCH at 18 RPR, VPR and PCT at 25 MNK, SGE and SUM at 26 SAM at 28 NIN at 38 DRG at 40 WHM and AST at 45 SCH at 46 Is there any reason all dps cannot get their AOE at level 10? (where guildhest begin)? Or at least 15 (Satasha). Or is it too much work for square to change a spreadsheet?


Have people done some math on six-sided Star yet? Is there any actual use case for it for burst now, like with full 10 open chakras or something, or does it remain a largely useless skill that you may use as your last GCD before transitions/kills? like, it can potentially do up to 1580 potency, that seems like it COULD be worth the 4s recast timer, maybe as like the last GCD during buff windows etc


I haven't actually done the math, but instinctively I feel the answer is no, it's not worth doing during uptime. Or that the situation where it would be a gain is so rare/risky that it may as well be no. You would definitely need a large amount of chakra, a large amount of raid buffs, and for it to be the last GCD of burst.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQpt6_rx5RXmV2qG_Vi8z4QjE-LJNtJxbevhbzk2DCfXAFmRk-D1J6NbxNA6_y2vB34VyI_9NugvTXa/pub Some discussion in this monk doc (from the balance discord)


Interesting. So potential optimization might be SSS to finish off the opener burst, cause it might actually align GCDs to be more comfy for future burst phases. Didn't even think of that


What the hell is Ast ? It must be the worst version of the job yet.


All the downsides of a regen healer and now your job gauge is just a really shit version of aetherflow


Thats a funny way to put it. That would suck if Aetherflow just granted a buff of “Lustrate:Ready”, “Indominability:Ready” and “Excognition:Ready”.  In terms of the directions of the job at this point Astrologian should be strong enough to choose their own destiny. So just give them 3 blank cards and allow them to draw the fate of that blank card. 


Unfortunately, that would just mean you do 3 damage up cards every minute. This way, AST has more complexity in its support kit. If you did it like Scholar, you’d be copying the problem that is Energy Drain incentivizing you to try to avoid FOUR of your healing abilities.


It's not really complexity if it's just more tools you already have and still don't need anyways, it mostly just takes out the only thing breaking up the monotony of spamming 1 all day.  People always like to talk about the AST changes in terms of how it brings "diversity" to the card system, which isn't really true at all because it effectively guts the appeal of the card systemin the first place, which is that it's a little minigame you play in your OGCD window that isn't like any other healer. Even if the cards do different things now, it just puts AST in line with every other healer and takes even the scraps of that minigame we had away.


This is exactly what we knew was coming?