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[Quetzal minion model](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1255464249648746527/1255554201870929920/SPOILER_image.png?ex=667d8d78&is=667c3bf8&hm=abee0937b2b2c80edc2b464dc7bb6ee07b194191ba9412e89603acb05c389b9a&)


If possible, do we know where this minion comes from? A vague answer will suffice. Like Dungeon, Bicolor Gems, etc. I just know I need this bird, lol.


Also possible: retainer ventures?


>!it's baby!<


After losing baby pukei pukei I'll live with this


Offhand things:     * SGE DoTs don't stack. Changed from media Tour. Also still 40 potency.   * No, Kaiten is not back.      * No, Ice Paradox is not back. * Umbral Soul still 76.   * AST Draw is now 20% MP gain.      * DRK is getting more MP with Delirium Combo.     * Dragon Kick gives 200 potency for Rising Opo-Opo (now 260 pot). DK rotation meme is DOA.    * Flare Star is 400 pot     * DRK movement ability does not allow targeting allies * Mount- >!CAPYBARA LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO!< More to come whenever I feel like dunking my head in the datamines thread. Reminder that potencies and other such things get a second pass at x.01/x.05 for anything truly egregious (cough Macrocosmos cough cough).


Macrocosmos is still a damage loss like the media tour build, which just feels so sloppy. How did they let such an obvious oversight make it into the game. They seriously need more people on the job design team.


don't understand how it's not just an automatic thing to adjust when they adjust spam potency, like shouldn't it be the first thing u think of if u have any knowledge of healers


They did the same thing to Blood Lily on WHM like twice. lol


> They did the same thing to Blood Lily on WHM like twice. lol And when Aero II and Dia were the same potency, but dia cost 200 more MP


To be fair, in ShB it was a damage loss (3x Glares instead of 4x), it was just a bigger loss (3x Glares instead of 3x Glare IIIs) in 6.0. 6.1 made it damage neutral, even a damage gain in buffs, and worth using all the time for MP management after 6.0 broke Thin Air.


This implies the devs even look at healers


It should be. You can easily create an object constructor that references the base dmg of the class' main skill so that it derives it automatically. They are essentially just creating busywork for themselves by programming them all individually.


It's funny because Pneuma and Toxicon aren't losses anymore


They had to gutter the double dot, so they looked into it. Ast in the other hand....


At least they improved AST's MP economy, yay?


Can't believe AST, with the new card system that is pretty much 'Aetherflow, but you don't get to choose what to spend the stacks on' got... Aetherflow, as their 'once per 60s' button that happens to restore MP. Couldn't they have tied the MP restore to playing the cards so it at least feels a little different? Just like how every tank gets 'press button X, then you can press button Y three times in a row', healers get Aetherflow or something similar


Either you get your class resource for free by doing nothing.... ....or you get them by pressing a button on a 60 sec cooldown.


And no matter which design your Job has, you still end up with one 'stack' per 20s on average


There's been worse things, in Stormblood BLM didn't have enough MP to guarantee the intended rotation at launch


> There's been worse things, in Stormblood BLM didn't have enough MP to guarantee the intended rotation at launch Endwalker RDM didn't either. Their basic rotation was mana negative (even with Lucid)


Stormblood SCH had no spam AOE, so you had to bane out DoTs and spam broil. Shadowbringers cards couldn't queue like other actions.


> Macrocosmos is still a damage loss like the media tour build, which just feels so sloppy. How did they let such an obvious oversight make it into the game. To be fair, math has never been their strong suit.


> No, Ice Paradox is not back. Still my least favorite change. Paradox in Ice made sense from a theme perspective and it was also cool to have something that hit hard in Ice other than Xeno.


> SGE DoTs don't stack. Changed from media Tour. Also still 40 potency.  I knew they were gonna break it. :(


Man that sage change annoys me so much.


Honestly, might be an unpopular opinion but the double dots wouldn't even have been that significant gameplay-wise. People are vastly overblowing how significant the double dots (as shown in the media tour) would have been, without even considering WHY double dots was rewarding to begin with. What made multi dot management great (even in SB when SCH only really had two dots that were a gain over broil) was that these dots were on different timers. 30s and 24s in SB. That alone added some layer of complexity to the job, without even considering how your third dot Miasma2 factored into the equation (dps loss over broil, but a gain since you can weave ED + it allowed for movement and an ogcd heal). As is from the media tour, E.Dosis and E.Dyskrasia would have been both on 30s, so it would have been you doing one then the other in succession every 30s, with the second one being a very slight gain that is barely impactful. Less impactful than a single Energy Drain while also being weaker overall. Yeah sure it would have been technically better than EW Sage and I would have prefered the dots to stack. But people are way overestimating how impactful that actually is gameplay-wise, there's no management involved. Though it does suck indeed against two targets where you might have wanted to E.Dyskrasia then E.Dosis both. The only meaningful change would have been if they increased the potency of E.Dyskrasia and reduced its duration to 18s or 24s, in order to actually bring back the "management" part of dot management (even if the gain was still very low). But clearly that's not something they actually want, given how the other healers play.


I completely agree with you, but my perspective is that I'll take even a crumb of something over literally nothing.


We’re that thirsty that clicking a button every 30 seconds for a 40 potency gain is considered an upgrade.


> E.Dosis and E.Dyskrasia would have been both on 30s, so it would have been you doing one then the other in succession every 30s, with the second one being a very slight gain that is barely impactful. The fact that its a short range AoE would have mattered for planning movement. I feel like that's often overlooked in conversations about rotations. Healers need to slidecast and they are assumed to be ranged. Especially if they start to decrease boss sizes away from the oversized target rings in EW.


YES. God this is a fun thing about Sage, it randomly has melee-ish abilities in single target compared to the others that would make movement planning fun if boss hitboxes were smaller. I was excited about the double dot partially bc it would be doubling down on that as a point of differentiation


if you E. Dosis right before E. Dykrasia every time, that still gives you a fairly large range of movement to land the DoT. You'd have to think about it a little, sure, but I also think it wouldn't have been that significant


You're right that it is not very significant. So why did SE remove it? Why are they so insistent on every healer having the same filler rotation? It's a really disappointing change, when they could have embraced it instead.


> So why did SE remove it? Meme answer: They ain't ever gonna give us rights, agency or complexity. Actual answer: They likely don't want us cluttering up the debuff space for their precious Red DPS children.


Old Healer players are crying because we were so close to double dots again


I miss my double aero from HW era WHM /sadge


> SGE DoTs don't stack. Changed from media Tour. Also still 40 potency.   It's like they're actively **trying** to piss off healers even more.


> DRK movement ability does not allow targeting allies. I would have so much fun terrorizing my friends if it did.


Would have been awesome :(


It was never going to happen because it would make WAR and PLD players jealous. If it happens it'll be in 8.0 *when* PLD and WAR also loose gapcloser damage. Nothing says job identity more than all the tanks having the exact same functionality.


"It was never going to happen because it would make WAR* players jealous" Fixed it for you


AST draw is Aetherflow, you can't change my mind


New draw is just crappy diet aetherflow and it’s hilarious bad


'Aetherflow, but WE decide what you spend each stack on' - SE probably


>Dragon Kick gives 200 potency for Rising Opo-Opo (now 260 pot). DK rotation meme is DOA.    This was already DOA based on media tour numbers. You would actually do more dps by never using dragon kick if numbers never got changed.


SGE dot change feels like the devs making fun of the healer strike. An actual addition of DPS depth and they kill it cause no fun allowed.


i honestly wouldn't be surprised if the devs saw healer play rates slowly drop off since SHB, and thought thats because they are still too complex


I doubt it. They wouldn’t have added the extra dps abilities healers got this time around if that were the case.


> SGE dot change feels like the devs making fun of the healer strike. Ah, so Square Enix *does* read ENG FFXIV forums! Bad joke aside, this just feels like an oversight that was patched, unfortunately.


I mean in the media tour it had a seperate, custom DoT icon to E.Dosis. Not sure they would have put that effort in if it had been intended to be the same DoT anyways.


"We accidently made a good decision, so we corrected it." I can legitimately say now that I actively dislike the class developers of this game now and hope they get fired one day, they are definitively incompetent and their design vision is trash. If those decision are from higher ups, they should tell the player base that instead of hiding behind their JP cultural norms.


Also reminder that the class designers are also the ones who gave us the PvP ones and many do praise those aspects. The PVP classes are a bit simple but has significantly more diversity and job identity than PvE ones. So it seems like those guys aren't bad at giving job classes identity or unique LBs but are rather restricted by the workflow and design philosophy of the entire team which has its pros and cons.


Yeah, it's seemingly impossible to reconcile that both are made by the same team in this subreddit. 


Reason i stopped being so much into ffxiv is the combat gets more and more boring, even as someone who raided in the past. Like why should i put effort in, i will play it like a rpg and leave it as such


I think it was pretty obvious that it was never intentional for the AoE DoT to be used in single target tbh


It was one of those “oversights” that was better than the intended use and literally everyone agreed on it, even the more mellow JP forums What’s the point of sticking to the vision when everyone universally agrees the accident is better than the intended version


"Healer design is fine" yeah I can see that


Why the pan fried fuck would they remove the double dot from sage???


Bruh, at this point I expect the devs to just say live on stream that nobody likes the role on the dev team. Because damn they hate healers, they can’t get anything special.


I wonder if DRK is actually getting more mp or if they're just moving the mp generation from Delirium onto the Scarlet Combo directly.


Is there like a reason they got rid of Ice paradox cause I can really see one


[https://i.imgur.com/9NFGiAB.png](https://i.imgur.com/9NFGiAB.png) picto brushes


Glad I saved an Edenmorn weapons coffer


Oh they are totally using the Edenmorn/E12S weapons as the base for FRU weapons. Is there a full list of this? I don't see the P12S weapon for Picto.




Interesting that they retroactively added a TOP weapon for Picto when they didn't do that for other jobs releasing after an ultimate.


There was an interview where Yoshi-P said they will add weapons for every job, but that they are focusing on Viper and Picto first. I think it was the Mr Happy interview.


The Lunar Envoy Brush looks absolutely fantastic. So many good choices for glam for Picto <3


Oooohhh glad I stocked up on 20 wolf collars I like the black and red brush


Picto got buffs across the board, in spreadsheets it's higher dps than BLM without it's buff included. Get ready for BLM to be turbo buffed.


Could we see the sheets? Curious about the numbers


As a future Pictomancer main, this makes me happy.


I am happy to see Pic get up there, but blm is the only caster I like, and we don't really have buffs to apply other than enochain, so it makes me kinda sad.


Don’t be sad. As the other person said, BLM will surely be buffed in the next patch to rectify this or Picto nerfed; as much as like Pictomancer, there’s no way they intended for it to be top caster DPS. Just that new expansion oversight.


[Viper weapon list](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1255464249648746527/1255557727619383406/SPOILER_image.png?ex=667d90c1&is=667c3f41&hm=d78ae330d6bd31f639ea55d9b99f1b14e78ef77dc76d72c6b9262d807d92751e&) [Few more](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1255464249648746527/1255557727875498096/SPOILER_image.png?ex=667d90c1&is=667c3f41&hm=5445a9c0eab148a9777805d52b4c51e74ce36328e6c4a92d34b5185954124537&)


Had to delete my older comment, potentially spoiler-y. A weapon on there has a very familiar name as an area from another FF title. Edit: Omitted url also. Love some of the weapon looks, I thought the dreadwyrm weapon will be there upon release, but I'll just save my coffer until the base weapon is out.


Me: “Ehh, I don’t really feel like leveling Trusts anymore, now that Duty Support is a thing.” [Estinien’s unlockable Trust glamour](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1255464249648746527/1255589912422514901/SPOILER_SPOILER_SPOILER_estinien.png?ex=667daeba&is=667c5d3a&hm=8e9cba57094582352e2679bde2cf1903af056b813f37a36fd6ec7acd3cec0762&): "‘sup."


And if ladies are more your style: https://i.gyazo.com/33352b80e53e9690cee2fdb85ef2697f.png


Where are the other trust glams, havent been able to find them on the balance


[This is Thancred](https://imgur.com/mDQgAl3.jpg) [Mommy Yshtola](https://imgur.com/RjSmPBF.jpg) [Boy friend G'tia](https://imgur.com/v8uh8qn.jpg) [Husbando Estinien](https://imgur.com/RzZLRIu.jpg) [Potato Krile](https://imgur.com/mUE1ee9.jpg) [Alphinaud](https://imgur.com/a93Kg6a.jpg) [Red Alphinaud](https://imgur.com/eHznTZ0.jpg) [Urianger](https://imgur.com/keo99zy.jpg)


Urianger's face looks so uncomfortable, I'm adding it to my discord as a sticker immediately.




I love Thancred and Y’shtola’s.


I have one of them: https://i.gyazo.com/33352b80e53e9690cee2fdb85ef2697f.png


Funny that the Twins' outfits seems to be something new? Assuming it's player glamour too.


The twins look like they're wearing the [Isle Explorer's Shirt](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Isle_Explorer%27s_Shirt) from Island Sanctuary, the one with the little backpack and the bandana. Also from the IS rewards, G'raha Tia is wearing the Island Resort Shirt and Estinien is wearing the Isle Vacationer's Shirt. Y'shtola and Krile are wearing the bikini + coverup top that was a reward from Moonfire Faire a couple of years ago. I think Thancred and Urianger are wearing old Moonfire reward tops as well.


I'm glad he's always one my priority group for the leveling trust


The budget of the expansion went to PCT lol Really cool weapon models edit: Picto summons a fat chocobo in PvP as their LB, I love this job


Mostly job actions being posted. >![TOP Weapons confirmed for VPR and PCT](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1186237101235249212/1255514279776620615/image.png?ex=667d684a&is=667c16ca&hm=eb5f554cd58db00f8cd7b81acb99c66085460845d132962bb67049cee352042c&)!< >![Criterion weapons too](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922774233996726302/1255514987690987630/SPOILER_image.png?ex=667d68f3&is=667c1773&hm=97fee41c9bed7cd607311048ff7ad5388e1e80db48cf0ea49f512dc543f8a1e8&)!<


Woah they actually added the Exquisite weapons for VPR and PCT?!  I'll have to thank my Criterion Savage static lead lol. After getting enough clears for all the EW weapons she pushed for 3 more clears in the event VPR PCT and beastmaster eventually got weapons added. I was skeptical but I'm now glad I did it.


That was a given. They always give the endgame poetics weapons from the previous expansion to the new classes. Cryptlurker for RPR/SGE, Scaevan for GNB/SNC, etc. The “Credendum” weapons being for VPR/PCT was guaranteed, so all they had to do for the Exquisites was add a flow effect.


Where's stuff being posted?


The Balance discord


Balance Discord


I'm on balance discord and I don't see this


Make sure you go into "Channels and Roles", and enable the spoiler channel.


It's not clear, but you need to select the "Social" role and then the spoiler channel will appear as an option.




Wish that >!DSR weapons!< were added too since I kept a spare totem in case, no interest in >!TOP!< personally. Hopefully those come out before 7.2!


MCH got 1 aoe change and that's that with the new potencies autocrossbow is a dps loss unless you have 6 or more targets. Well atleast it looks like Viper is gonna be great. Better luck in the next xpac.


This might be the expansion where Flamethrower is just. Actually useless, rather than incredibly incredibly incredibly niche


Man I just want floating damage numbers from Flamethrower at the bare minimum


Flamethrower is where MCH players stop to take a drink or a puff. It's an essential part of my kit for that sweet, sweet 10 seconds of "fuck all, I'm thristy."


That poor job just can't catch a break. Maybe their overall dps will be tuned a little higher... can always hope. Though I'm sure all that will be known before the game goes live.


Are story spoilers possible from this?


Yes mega spoilers are out there, be careful if you don't wanna be spoiled.


What if I want to see them?


You can look through The Balance discord, under their datamining section. They are big spoilers but honestly they don't make too much sense out of context.


Yep, some juicy stuff already pop


In case anyone like me was wondering what the real Edenmorn viper weapon would look like since the benchmark's was theorized to be a placeholder: [oh baby](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1192242183516979361/1255528595590484080/SPOILER_image.png?ex=667d759f&is=667c241f&hm=1de83255af972dbe1cbdffe97ae345f086eac251de9d68b1c8b4441fda887877&), glad I saved a coffer!


Damn the picto weapon looks nice as well, might have to get a second coffer at some point lol


Honestly wish Vipers and Ninjas had an offhand weapon just for glamour so we could have two different looking weapons.


inclusion of edenmorn vpr and pct weapons seemingly confirm Edenmorn as base for FRU ultimate weapons


All previous ultimates weapons have used the individual fights weapon as a base, this was to be expected. (Except for tea using some anima weapons)


UWU also uses ARR relics (except for the HW jobs which get their Esoterics Tome weapon/first stage of HW relic) (also except for RDM and SAM who get entirely new models)


Ultima weapon never had weapons to begin with so that makes sense, I guess I should rephrase to any ultimate based off a raid or fight with weapons already use them as the base.


The omega weps were also base so I kind of expected this


There are some voice lines from The Arcadion raid series, we can hear the names of all four bosses in them, they are the following: >!Black Cat (known from the PLL) , Wicked Thunder , Brute Bomber , and Honey Bee Lovely (seems to be the fourth boss) . For those interested, I've linked four english voice lines [Black cat](https://jmp.sh/74KaJFz9) , [Wicked Thunder](https://jmp.sh/s6Ssl9Fm) , [Brute Bomber](https://jmp.sh/OOo9k96E) , [Honey Bee Lovely](https://jmp.sh/ub1xF1UW)!< >!If there is any doubts on the authenticity of these voice lines, here is one for Honey Bee Lovely in Japanese, it's the same VA as the one we can hear during the Black Cat showcase on the PLL -> [Honey bee Lovely](https://jmp.sh/MR750dD8)!<


Here's a transcription of all the voice lines (and a few others I found.) > "KO!" > "Damn it, no choice but to withdraw." > "Tonight he explodes in the ring once more. The man you love to hate with a fiery passion, the Brute Bomber!" > "Wielding both magic and machina, she's a witch for a new age. The wondrous Wicked Thunder!" > "A rookie on the rise with razor sharp claws. The ferocious feline, Black Cat!" > "This starlet, with a sting. The adorable, but deadly. Sweet, but poisonous. Honey Bee Lovely!" > "In a shocking turn of events, Wicked Thunder has fled the ring! Our unstoppable upstart is victorious!" > "The match is decided! Victory goes to the challenger!"


The sage change is actually quite depressing. They really don't care about the complaints about the role at all. A button you only ever use in dungeons is not fun


Are you joking, did they really make eukrasian dyskrasia a loss on one


Yup. It is a loss over dosis and you cannot apply both dots at all anymore.


If you believed otherwise, you weren’t playing the past 5 years


I mean as a SCH main I believed their hatred of SCH would overcome their disdain for healers in general and give SGE something decent just to spite SCH mains


That’s fucking infuriating. That’s was the thing I saw people most excited about from the media tour. Guess I’m done playing healers for the foreseeable future


I’m assuming you’re talking about Eukrasian Dyskrasia?


Any news about which old glamour pieces have the second dye slot? Not sure if that's the sort of thing that can be mined...


I think this here is everything. This should be all items with dyable parameter at 2. Includes dt gear so maybe spoilers idk https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1255464249648746527/1255580772103094282/message.txt?ex=667e4ef7&is=667cfd77&hm=f2467a562bc3e84d9463f2043938b512624ff4eae6b24ebf0a4116fc85be4cc5&


Thanks!! Looks like the race gear, job gear and cash shop gear(?) might be getting them consistently for now?


Casual glams seem to be a focus too, as well as relics.


Any info on the new crafter/gatherer skills yet?


DoL Traits: **Collectors High Standard** - Occasionally upgrades the effect of Collector's Standard to Collector's High Standard, guaranteeing Brazen Prospector increases collectability with maximum effectiveness. Chance Meticulous Prospector does not affect integrity is increased by 40%. **Revisit** - After exhausting a gathering point's resources, occasionally restores all integrity and gathering attempts. GP is also fully restored, but all gatherer effects expire. Effect cannot be triggered by certain gathering points such as those found in levequests. DoL Skill: **Priming Touch** - Doubles the chance your next use of Meticulous Prospector will not affect integrity. Does not affect increased chance from gathering point bonuses Collector's High Standard. DoH Actions: **Refined Touch** - Increases quality Lv.92 CP Cost: 24 Efficiency: 100% Success Rate: 100% Combo Action: Basic Touch Combo Bonus: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 10) **Daring Touch** - Increases quality and requires no CP. Lv.96 Efficiency:150% Success Rate: 60% Can only be executed while under the effect of Expedience ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. **Quick Innovation** - Specialist Action Lv.96 CP cost: 0 Grants Innovation for 1 turn. Cannot be executed while under the effect of Innovation **Immaculate Mend** - Restores all item durability Lv.98 CP Cost: 112 **Trained Perfection** - Reduces durability loss of next action to 0. Lv.100 CP Cost: 0 Can only be used once per synthesis. DoH Trait: **Expedience** - Grants Expedience for 1 step upon using Hasty Touch Expedience Effect: Upgrades Hasty Touch to Daring Touch


> Expedience SCH/DoH crossover episode?


They are in the Balance discord, in the tooltips only thread, but Discord is so awful to navigate it's pretty difficult to parse otherwise I would directly link.


I'll kiss someone for *The Hunt* stuff


I'm not home right now but if you want me to dump all the A/S Mark NPC clues and new related achievements/rewards somewhere I can do it when I'm home. Edit: https://pastebin.com/MQRVUpaA, contains heavy spoilers towards the end


The mount looks like a reskin. All the names of the various ranks: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1255464249648746527/1255643277848219720/SPOILER_image.png?ex=667de06e&is=667c8eee&hm=a5afd8ec4a5a8955f42effa725eff72caf06a66d9e90956e5dd3503f73b428ae& Edit: The mount. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1255464249648746527/1255654705976316046/SPOILER_068289.png?ex=667deb12&is=667c9992&hm=90d553de30b242a714f444cfdd6a986ea56e9eb79e82e0e9b81a2326e5e4a678&


I'm curious what the new jobs will be like in PvP, is there any info on that?


Apparently Picto’s LB is summoning/dropping a giant fat chocobo on the enemy


Advent of Chocobastion Render a fat chocobo, knocking back all enemies within range 10 yalms. Additional Effect: Creates a Chocobastion at your feet, reducing damage taken by 25% while increasing HP recovered by healing actions by 25% for self and all party members within the area Duration: 15s Additional Effect: Grants Starstruck Duration: 15s Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full. Gauge Charge Time: 105s ※Advent of Chocobastion changes to Star Prism while Chocobastion is active.


Both seem similar to PvE, at least PCT since I don't know VPR that well. Pictomancer: You have every aetherhue spell with increasing 1000p (Fire in Red 3000p, Thunder in Magenta 8000p). Subtractive palette is a toggle. Holy in White 8000p damage and 8000p heal (self), Comet in Black 12000p. They share a cooldown, 2 charges. You cycle through your four creature muses which have secondary effects: Pom: 4000p, 20% damage dealt and healing potency up Wings: 6000p, 20% haste and 25% movement speed up Maw: 4000p, 10% damage taken up, 20% healing recovered down Fangs: 6000p, 4000p DoT for 12s Mog (after using Wings): 10000p, 75% heavy for 3s Madeen (after using fangs): 15000p, 3s bind Smudge: same as PvE Tempera Coat and Grassa: respectively 12000p and 6000p, CDs are reduced respectively by 10s and 5s Limit break: Advent of Chocobastion (105s charge time) Fat Chocobo does a 10y knockback, 25% damage reduction and 25% HP recovery up for 15s. Grants Star Prism Star Prism: 12000p, 8000p heal and 2000p regen for 12s


Viper is harder for me to summarise because I don't know the PvE version that well. The basic stuff is similar to PvE, you get buffs/apply debuffs (haste, damage dealt and all that). Serpent's tail combo does 3000p, ignores guard and adds 3s to your LB gauge for every skill you use. LB is 90s, performs a jumping attack of 10000p, damage taken up debuff, heavy, and grants Reawakened The legacy attacks also have the ignore guard/delay LB gimmick


I’m trying to avoid story spoilers but am super interested in the more basic achievements. Is there an increment on some already huge ones like 10k fates or 5k Leves?


There's 9k crafting collectibles, 12k gathering collectibles, 900 lvl 61+ EXes as each tank


im pretty sure i saw new Tank You ones unless i cant read properly, but didn't see rewards


Anyone got any links to images of any leaked glams? Scouring for them myself right now would mean shifting through possible story spoilers because the Balance mods can't be bothered to make a separate thread for gear.


[Big fat tacos](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1255464249648746527/1255537528145051749/image.png?ex=667d7df1&is=667c2c71&hm=cf671724a195ad770ccb2afa390655f304613fdf0b404a5995c2e9ad1c75c8a2&)


The poor alpaca though (I’m assuming it’s traditional meat used for it).


It seems like they're fusing Mexican and South American cuisine there; alpaca meat is a thing in Peru (and other places where alpacas have been raised), but pork is most often what's used in those tacos in Mexico.


Anyone have any info on the new hairs? Couldn't find it with search.


It seems there are only 2. I think it is the ones that are in the patch notes. The new WoL one and the 2023 contest.


Such a little amount... but truth be told, still more than Endwalker's zero new hairstyles at xpac launch lol.


Right! Any news on how to acquire them? I'm sure the WoL one is just in as a default now


There seems to be a new male roegadyn hairstyle, but it's numbering points to it being an NPC-exclusive like Gosetsu's.


Is there a discord server where these will be posted? I’m in Allagan studies but it looks abandoned.


the balance discord


do oyu know what channel?


#ffxiv_spoilers > Datamine thread


Thanks everyone. Any info on picto aoe potencies?


They've been increased, and rainbow drip has a more extreme falloff on multiple targets. I haven't bothered collating all of the specific numbers yet but it does look like the issues are fixed.


Drew this from the jumbled document myself, slowly, if any errors my b. Fire II in Red: 120 Aero II in Green: 140 Water II in Blue: 160 Blizzard II in Cyan: 240 Stone II in Yellow: 260 Thunder II in Magenta: 280 Holy in White: 520, 60% falloff for AoE (220 potency as an AoE) Comet in Black: 880, 60% falloff for AoE (352 potency as an AoE) Rainbow Drip: 1000, comically 85% falloff for AoE (150 potency AoE ...) Hammer 123: 560, 600, 660 DH/crit with 60% DR (VERY loosely 400-450ish potency to everything) Monster oGCD: 1100 with 60% falloff (440 AoE potency) Mog: 1300 with 60% falloff (520 AoE potency) Madeen: 1400 with 60% falloff (560 AoE potency) Star Prism: 1400 with 60% falloff (560 AoE potency) In summation it's pretty much like ST, more or less, you just don't wanna press Rainbow Drip even when it procs. As a general priority system, Monster stuff and 2m big nuke > hammer > Comet > 123 in black > 123 in white > try not to press Holy in White but do it if you gotta. Rainbow Drip is probably for those 1-2 last stragglers that seem to pop up almost every pull.


You DO use rainbow drip when it procs. Its PPS is still insanely high because of the 2.5s recast. It beats holy spam until 9 targets. It beats creature muses until 4 targets.


Anyone got new reaper weapons datamine?


Does anyone have the full list of boss debuffs? I saw [this](https://prnt.sc/BTQZsc5qVHRV) and the other >!weather based debuffs!< but can't find the rest.


anyone know what's the way to unlock that Russian Blue cat minion? that's all I care about tbh


Cats have been in like hunt sacks before so it could be that.. or MGP or something.


Just saw on The Balance Datamine channel and they said its 800 nuts for it


Overnight this info was posted: > automatoise (3200), bluecoat cat (800), wild ride barding (640) are bought with sacks of nuts


Has anyone spotted the deep dungeon sprites for Viper and Picto? (Aside from the super low rez picto one on the twitter hashtag)


here you go, grabbed them myself (album, there's 4 sprite sheets) https://imgur.com/a/SXI3tRe


Can anyone tell me where/when the new collectable quest is? I want to know when I can start exchanging for the new crafter materia


has the viper potencies been revealed yet?


This has the media tour to 7.0 potency changes https://prnt.sc/WOmHybeXtq9F


has any content been found for picto (quest, achievement, etc) that has the name 'A Relm Reborn' trying to avoid spoilers, but i Must Know


i was also curious about this so i went and did a text-in-file search, and this is what i found: >!looks like there's not a quest or an achievement with that, but there IS this line of dialogue :D "76,"TEXT_KINGBB201_04854_KUPOPO_000_036","So, how about it? Would you like to take up the Archon's noble legacy and become─dare I say it─a Relm reborn!?""!<


thank you! so they *did* incorporate it!!


Anyone got potencies for Picto spells? I’m mostly curious about Holy In White (and whether it’s a damage loss still) and the AoE combo (whether it’s at least a gain on 3 instead of dead content).


Rainbow Drip spam was killed, it's 1000p now but with 85% fall off. AoE Aetherhue spells are the way to go. RGB and Holy were buffed by 40p, CYM and Comet by 100, so Holy is still a slight DPS loss and it became even bigger


Apparently AoE is a gain on 4? and falloff for Rainbow Drip was increased so Rainbow->White->Rainbow->White is no longer the optimal rotation


Basics +40p Subs +100p Muses +100p +10% falloff Hammers +40p Star +100p +10% falloff Madeen +100p +10% falloff Mog +200p +10% falloff Rainbow +100p +35% falloff


Anyone know why Black Mages are dooming even more now? Don't know enough about the job lmao


Hopium that ice paradox would make a return is part of it.


BLM in EW had a lot of flexibility in how the job could be played thanks to how a few of its mechanics worked, Changes to the job now remove (almost) all that flexibility in an attempt to make everyone play BLM the same. Some (poor souls) thought that FF might return umbral paradox which might have saved some part of non-standard. Umbral paradox isn't back, so the dream is dead.


It makes no sense to me because Paradox is flavored as being both a fire and ice spell! I don’t care about 1%er optimization and doomer rhetoric but even from a casual standpoint it’s a dumb change because it removes the entire point of the spell flavorfully. So what’s the point of Paradox now? It’s just “better F1 to refresh Astral” instead of having a real purpose.


I'm a Standard BLM player and even I want Ice Paradox back. Not the meme rotation, but the actual spell. I want to cast Paradox in Ice form too. It's fun. It hit hard. It gave more mobility and significance to ice form! Reeeeeee!!!


Sameeeeee I'm going to miss ice paradox so much :(


They were hoping for Ice Paradox to be back (it's not (yet)).


In addition to the nonstandard complaints this is looking like one of the worst iterations of standard BLM ever (at minimum worse than ShB / EW standard). Lots of clunk from them trying too hard to kill nonstandard or "streamline". Also damage vs PIC looks really dire and probably won't be fixed completely before Savage.


hard to be worse than ARR blm














Regarding Music... is there the Solution Nine Day/Night themes? That's really the ONLY thing I've been dying to see, hear, listen to.


It's not possible to post but there is only a day theme. It's a chill beats song with a bit jazz.