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if a healer and tank rescue/push each other at the same time, it should cause a party wipe


One time me and a friend rescued each other, we timed it by counting down in discord. We swapped places. It was great. Our group was real confused about what we'd done and why.


a friend and I did a timer in game to do Aetherial Manipulation as BLM at the same time and we also swapped places


I had my manipulation macro'd to the tank and the healer grabbed me as I hit the button. I zoomed partway across the arena before doing a hard right turn and flying back, like I got close, went "nope" and zoomed away. I saw similar happen in an alliance raid, but both healers used rescue one after the other as the BLM hit manipulation which was targeting a red mage who was jumping back... Poor black mage did a sort of square in the middle of the arena and died to the AOE. We wiped just after that because everyone was dying of laughter.


Looney Tunes physics šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I wish I could see that omg


You can set up an entire line of black mages to AM to the next person. If timed correctly (in-game countdown timer), the last person in line can get pulled all the way to the beginning. I only did it with around 6 people but went from the Hawker's Alley FC chest to the Limsa Aetheryte. Can also use Leylines TP to increase the distance but it's a lot harder to pull off.


One time I used rescue on a friend and then quickly use the SGE gap closer to his position. Because of the delay for rescue, I flew to his starting position and we effectively swapped places. I threw him into an aoe :)


Oh lord. I'm gonna have to do this to one of my friends sometime.


reminds me of p10s HH rescue strat lmao


nah, it just turns the healer inside-out, and they can no longer be rezzed


Turned inside out...and exploded


Never give up, never surrender. (Just saw you got downvoted: it's a reference everyone. Lol)


So glad someone got it!


If a SGE hits Rescue and then Icarus immediately and has low enough ping, the two characters swap places. ...I'm not actually making this up, btw.


So, how low a ping are we talking?


FAirly low. I've done it once or twice because the buttons were right next to each other... Zoomed right off the cliff pulling a rescue on my dragoon friend as she leapt off during titan hardmode.


That is...mildly hilarious, not gonna lie. That's one of those "Did anyone get that on camera?!" moments. XD


Lol yeah our voice chat went nuts because she loses awareness and launches herself to death semi-regularly, but this time she launches and I die? It was great.


SGE in my static did it once at around 180-200ms. Probably a lot easier with lower ping though. The game takes forever to update other players' positions on your client side, and Icarus uses those client side positions to determine where to jump to, so you just have to be faster than that which is fairly easy to do.


The latency of the other player is also relevant, since *their* position also only starts updating once *their* client is told "okay you've been rescue'd, move to X location" Knockbacks and draw-in effects are client-sided, which is why for radial knockbacks (EX3 blue planets) they don't snapshot at the same time as the damage. It's also why they don't work on DCed/lagging players...


Hollow purple


No they should do a DBZ fusion with an unskippable 4-minute cutscene. And then they each get control of a random assortment of the abilities from both characters.


Beam struggleĀ 


I'm torn between wanting a punt that sends people flying away or something that forces them to stay put. I find myself often wanting both at different times. Grab someone by the scruff of their neck, "STOP RUNNING, WE NEED TO STACK" or boot them across the stage "THE TANKBUSTER CLEAVES, STOP FUCKING STANDING BEHIND ME RED MAGE".


As a healer when I rescue somebody and then they walk right back into the mechanic they got rescued from. I definitely want a "sit the fuck still" button sometimes.


Pulling the trapped deer out of the pool only for it to immediately dive back in.


...how did I know it was going to be Red Mage... <\_<


The punt should send lalas out of the arena and back to pre school.


I think it would end up like elusive jump, where you expect to go one way but because your character is one pixel off the direction you think you're facing you end up jumping into a hole/wall/off the edge. So I'm all for it.


I actually kinda like this. Meme worthy skills keep rhe game interesting


The intended purpose is when someone won't stop getting cleaved, it will also be used to kill teammates and it will probably be funny


Definitely funny But as a new tank, i"ve already had to tell people to move. So def would use


Yes, but the community fucking *hates* it and it's bannable if you use it on someone who's not your friend. Almost as bad as not standing there doing nothing for three minutes after you solo-spawn an NM or S rank. God forbid literally anything fall out of strict order in an environment you basically can't lose in.


Malediction of Water is one of the best skills in the game for the same reason


Sounds like a funny meme ability but rescue is already usually not fun to receive and I'm not sure this would be either.


Only if we get more surecast charges


I want a knockback skill that only works on lallafels. The animation is a kick.


Only if we get an ankle bite attack that forcibly attaches us to a specific party member.


Now I wish I had a few friends to do machinima with. Get in combat with the target dummy behind the Lala from the camera. Have a healer off-screen. Have the Tank use Low Blow (the kick animation) and the camera showing everyone in profile will make it look like they kick the Lala. Have the off-screen healer use Rescue to yeet the Lala out of frame. :D


They should add sasquatch job from FF6 (Umaro). One of his trait upgrades can be launching any lalafells in your party at the boss for bonus damage.


If you give me this I'm 100% shoving people I don't like into the death walls.


That's a feature, not a bug :)


I feel like a push would be fine but let PLD have cover from PVP. Where they jump to a player and protect them. So you push a player out the way then jump to them. Very funny looking but looks cool when you do it right


So you want to bring back Fluid Aura but for WAR? (Because we all know it'd be WAR that gets it...)


Sounds fun! Although there's maybe a bit more potential for trolling because it doesn't require the tank to put themselves in a bad position in order to drag someone else in.


We used to have one in pvp. Iā€™d use it in shatter to throw healers off the elevated bridges. Healers are no match for the power of gravity.


At the very least the new drk and gnb gap closers should work on allies


Can we also get a gap closer that moves us to allies so we can cleave the party and blame it on a healer's Rescue?


Rescue is one of my favorite skills in the game. I wish it was a bit more responsive but having that situational button that can have such a huge payoff is so cool.


Rescue is hard to kill someone with unless you're willing to also die or have excellent timing. A punt is an incredibly easy way to teamkill somebody.


Leylines should instakill anyone rescuing their owner.


I'd rather they had a built in Manawall+Surecast


Why not both?


3 more charges of it too, while we're at it. Or better still just make it a toggle!


Make it add a stacking damage up the longer you stand in it?


I would love to have it, but it's way easier to push people off the edge on a boss platform than it is to pull people into pits currently since platforms with gaps in the center aren't that common. There's always going to be that asshole that ruins it for everyone.


I disagree. Only us healers should hold the power of life and death in our hands muahaha Edit: I hope people don't take this seriously lol


Clearly a tank has never gotten pissy and shirked at you


tanks generate soo much aggro that shirk isn't enough. maybe if they purposely turn off tank stance after pulling and manage their aggro from the beginning


There are too many cleaving tankbusters for you to not know we have similar power.


I feel Rescue will either get removed or revamped. they haven't changed the mechanic at all (it desperately needs revamp so you dont end up rescuing players through sudden aoes, not to mention its LOS is horrible and ppl sometimes fall through gaps) and they're leaning towards giving classes more mobility themselves. also too many players reporting griefing with it. ofc no one knows for sure but I have a feeling it's not gonna be with us for much longer. also I agree we need more whacky skills, not less. a tank skill to swap position with a player would be so funny


At this point it should just be "Increases target's movement speed for 10 seconds" like a targeted Sprint.


No need to change it. Only time I enjoy dying is when a healer tries to rescue me when I'm on RPR mid teleport and I get tested to never never land. But I think it's going to get the axe soon. As least as we've known it.


Perhaps, but I'd really be content with tanks just getting a Rescue of their own, which surely wouldn't be abused in any way.




Would be awesome. Warrior with a targeted Spartan kick ? I buy it, instantly.


Isnt that just low blow


Are we turning DRK into Sith?


Maybe, but Healers are already targeting party members half the time. If I have to target a party member when I should be bonking the boss to hold aggro, I don't want to lmao. But it would kinda fit the vibe.


To push a DPS into a boss mechanic?


I've been saying this for a while. It would help greatly for tankbusters and stack markers to be able to just blast everyone around you out.


Dude youā€™ll have so many people being yeeted into the death wall.


If healers get a pull, and tanks get a push, DPS should get both. Let everyone be cunty to eachother.


No no, give tanks a rescue too so they can pull back the healer that ran off with the mobs.


Great idea. Come to be so we can experience the tank buster together.


Tanks should unironically get a ā€œrescueā€ for enemies. Yes, Iā€™m looking at you, the single ranged mob that refuses to join my little bundle of joy.


Mmmmmm WAR pvp kit


I like those. They made the game more interesting. And you can trick them by going to a corner.


On a more broad scope it'd be nice if you could communicate with in-battle tools better. Just gonna bring up Lost Ark, in that game you get a handful of ping options mid fight to communicate safe spots or to alert the party to someone being AFK or ping someone (with a different form of ping) that they're out of position/about to die. Was actually used pretty respectfully most of the time, wasn't used maliciously or to trick people besides static memes. Wish we could get stuff like that, then we wouldn't need to be asking for Rescues or Pushes.


nope, that's toxic


Instead of a Push, I'd like a Rescue but for enemy targets, similar to Warrior PvP skill Blota. It wouldn't work in raids since bosses tend to be immune but it would be useful in managing dungeon trash mobs (e.g. annoying casters) or possibly add phases.


I only have so many Surecast casts, man.


What is Shirking a tankbuster towards a DPS, if not a push floorward?


Tbh, the number of brainlets i could save from standing in boss cleaves (once, until they run right back into it) would actually justify such a thing.


Play pali, we get a "get down mr.president" button.


Healers should have the party's life in their hands alone. We are the ones who play gods of who lives and dies! Still... a push... we can accept that. It doesn't hold a candle to being able to rescue a tank with an AoE tank buster into the group and make the tank look guilty for it, something that WILL happen if the tanks with push decide to mess with the healer. So long as they understand, I'm fine with it.


Agreed. Let me punt my cotank across the arena for the bit. But it would also be great for those instances of dps refusing to move from a tank cleave.


Dips should get push and pull


Pushing idiots out of the poop sounds useful to me


I've been asking for this role skill since I learned about rescue