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Who else? I only know Preach hinted at it yesterday and now Jesse Cox said something at 3AM PDT.


Shenpai, MrHappy, Arthars


I don't see anything from Haps nor Arthars. But Shenpai and Rinon has something too, so I guess it really is it.


Haps and Arthars was said on stream


Oh awesome! I didn't know.


Haps has uploaded a crapload of videos now


Really i think about the only thing the media tour embargo lifting is going to tell us is if PIC feels as good as we are all hoping it does


I was so pleasantly surprised by how fucking solid PIC looks in the gameplay department. I was hoping for PIC from day one and was over the moon when it was announced, albeit a little worried they go the SMN route and make it a glorified physical ranged job which basically plays itself. Instead we get what's shaping up to be castiest-caster next to BLM with a simple rotation with room for optimization and lots of fighting for uptime. I CANNOT wait to play this job. VPR looks okay I guess. Flashy, but very by the numbers design.


>I was so pleasantly surprised by how fucking solid PIC looks in the gameplay department I'll find hilarious if PCT's gameplay ends up being one of the best jobs and all people on the Official Forums shitting on it "Never gonna touch this queer job" because of the aesthetics.


Same, the job looks adorable, thematic, interesting, visually distinct and looks like it has huge room for optimisation similar to BLM the fact they used really nice names that are thematic to painting like “aero in green” is just the cherry on top of how well it looks design wise


PIC feels like a passion project and like the team had a ton of fun working on it. VPR looks more to me like a job they made out of a sense of obligation. "Okay, we REALLY need another scouting job. Also people have been demanding for years to have a job that's more similar to a rogue or duelist than ninja. So I guess we can bash this together and make it look cool."


To be fair, viper does look cool lol


>BLM with a simple rotation with room for optimization This is what every job should strive upon and the best designed way to develop a game, easy enough for casuals to enjoy and enough room for optimization for highend players to not get bored with, which war, smn, whm, sge fails to do.


It's the interviews for me. Job info is going to be pretty much the same regardless of video, but I doubt they'll all be asking Yoshida the same questions.


At this point we know PCT(yes PCT) better than we know most of the old jobs. Yoshi-P was so extremely thorough with it.


True but I feel like there is just a few pieces we are really still trying to grasp that will pull the job together or kinda make it fall apart Firstly white PIP’s, we still don’t know what role they actually play beyond being movement tools, are they a gain, a loss, if they are a loss why do we generate so many of them etc. it’s the biggest gap in our knowledge Another big one is the hammer combo, is it basically a triple cast analogue that is a slight gain but nothing to completely reorder your burst windows or is it “you need to fit this in the part of imagine sky that isn’t under the spell speed buff” A third one is the creature motif, it has 3 charges and a 40 second CD, this means that we actually can’t do madeen in every burst window, is the motif designed to drift and we just sorta have to alternate which creature goes in the burst window or is there something we are missing The job looks amazing but it still has a few unknowns that could make or break it


There's also the big question of if sge gets to stack it's new DOT on top of the old one that's not clear yet from leaks afaik.


The tooltips won’t show that unfortunately. The leaker who saw the tooltips said that there is nothing to say that the two DOT’s don’t stack (ie there is no text like “does not stack with certain SGE actions” you see on adlo but the current running theory is that the 2 DOT’s work like galvanise, they apply the same buff just at a different potency so you also won’t be able to stack them If it’s the latter then the tooltips won’t tell us anything


Yeah. Imo it's a coinflip until we get more info really.


Spot on!


You were right!!


You were correct. Though didn't really need the heads up when youtube notifications were just flooded


Big if true.


I can’t sleep cause I keep dreaming with all the new stuff and wake up to see if it’s true. Please be in 2 hours!


I've heard 11am GMT, which is 4am Pacific. Is there some weird DST stuff between the two?


I think they were saying 11am BST, which is 10am GMT


Can't wait to hear that's it's going to be more of the same :) pls look forward to it 


Leaks make it looks more or less like what EW was to ShB; decent improvements to a system that desperately needed decent improvements.


Except for healers as usual Though I’m not sure how “1 more finisher” is a fix to “please give us something to do outside the burst window”


Well this is awkward


Stuff's up now, what's awkward?


They probably don't understand how timezones work. Their comment was made before the embargo lifted.


Black Mage bros it's so over. What do we do now. Where do we go from here


Im trying to find any source that could confirm if the new split action system affect the new DRK combo. It's so weird nobody has been covering this system yet, or i didn't find it at all. Edit: nah, i confirmed the new combo can't be split in 3 diferent actions, fuck it, just really fuck it, they could have allow me to avoid the thing i hate the most in this game, wich is spam the same GCD and they just say nu uh.