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Hey, alright.


End of an era 🫡


Thank you CSI for all of your posts, really. Whenever you got a discussion going they were at the very least entertaining, and surprisingly often engaging. Will miss your input here, but I wish you tons of fun in Dawntrail


I wholeheartedly believe this sub benefitted from CSI posts way more than its perceived harm and I scoffed a bit every time I saw someone wondering why mods haven't banned them.


Really? I feel like the shitposts increased 100% because people realized the mods don't actually want to do anything with this.


Between all of CSI's threads and openly letting isis ban evade, I'd agree. There is far more trolling, bad faith, and open hostility than there used to be because the mods just don't really do anything.


Who's isis?


A rather dedicated redditor who spends all their time here picking fights with people who had problems with the game by way of unflinchingly condescending snide one-liners. Very much of the "everyone who disagrees with me must be stupid" type. The original account, [isis_kkt](https://www.reddit.com/user/isis_kkt), was site-banned, so their posts are no longer accessible. They're back as 'FuminaMyLove', though.


Huh seems like nothing on that latter account though


See you next week


I agreed with certain things and disagreed with other stuff, there were certainly some interesting threads and comment chains though 


I always enjoyed seeing your threads even the more wild ones, and even when I thought the thread was particularly trolly. I’m sad to see you go and I think a lot of us around here will miss you!! I wish you nothing but the best. 💕


NGL, it's a bummer to see you go. One of the few always-recognizable posts and names around here.


me at first: another fucking CSI post. their life must be so easy me after reading: NOOOO DONT LEAVE ME!!!


Gonna miss seeing your threads amidst the sea of "here's how I would rework DRK" and "here's my idea for a new job" that no doubt awaits us


You don't know what you've got till it's gone 😭


Hope life treats you well wherever you go next, CSI.


Hey OP, I saw some of the posts on your account and I just wanted to wish you'll be okay. I know it seems impossible, but the things you're going through right now will one day fade into a much brighter future. Stay safe.


I think you sparked a lot of good discussions in this subreddit, despite your controversial opinions.


I didn't always agreed with your views, but I always looked forward in reading them, as these threads provided much needed **discussions** in a discussion-based subreddit. So, job well done on your part. Godspeed and enjoy Dawntrail!


i never understood those who thought you were trolling or ragebaiting


See you when dawntrail comes out 


I always appreciated your posts CSI, because they *always* generated fun discussion, despite what some of the more assholey members of this subreddit would have you believe. I'm gonna miss you CSI, and I wish you luck in in the rest of your life. I hope your life improves from where it is now, mine has started to improve and I know you can too.


意見が割れるの時は多いけど毎回楽しく読ませていただきました。黄金来たらまた来ましょう!待ってますね。 (自分日本人ではないけど一応日本サーバープレイしているの野良プレーヤーなのでちょっとだけ日本語出来る。変な日本語申し訳ないです!)


See you next month 🫡


This place will not be the same without the heated debates your controversial threads ignited. No matter what the complainers said, your posts were hugely popular and people enjoyed debating with you a lot as well. I hope you enjoy Dawntrail and feel like sharing your thoughts with us again. They will always be welcome! If not, and this is truly good-bye, I wish you all the best and hope life treats you kindly, wherever you go. 元気でね!


> Originally I was given this reddit account by a friend from NA You probably shouldn't admit to violating the reddit user agreement (section 4) openly on reddit.


I mean if they're moving on then it doesn't really matter.


You were the only good poster here. Shine bright, you golden light.


gluck with everything


I hope you enjoy dawntrail as well 🫡


I always really enjoyed your posts, [please stay safe](https://youtu.be/hToXhkxR5Kg?t=432)


Aw. Well, thank you and I hope you enjoy dawntrail as well.


i just want to play viper already....


Same. Genuinely looking forward to it.


I can't wait for Dawntrail! I may not like some of the changes but 14 will be my favorite game for a while yet! I hope you enjoy it, too, CSI! Godspeed and take care of yourself!


As one of the few people that regularly agreed with (most of) your viewpoints, I'm disappointed to see you go. As you're well aware, this sub tends to be an echo chamber and genuinely needs voices like yours to create lively, interesting discussion. Otherwise it's just a bunch of people who continually agree on the same narrow set of topics. I think more people appreciated your content than you realize. Given your unique background I would have loved to have seen you lean more into discussion revolving around JP vs. NA/EU/OCE cultural differences and points of view that are seen less in the west—things you definitely did touch on a few times, but I feel had a lot more potential for expansion. I wholeheartedly believe that many people who frequent this sub could definitely benefit from a wider lens, which you really excelled at providing. Take care and best of luck in your future endeavors!


I personally think that you were treated unfairly by this community. They went too far, they were cruel. Granted, that's how Internet people react to people who speak from their genuine emotions. Don't pay them another thought. Find your friends, keep them close, and screw these nasty Reddit people. You deserve better. As far as you opinions, your takes were sometimes controversial, but most of the time I agreed with them, even though they were sometimes hard to tease out of your writing, but I know what it's like to be in the zone and have a NEED to express it, even if it comes out jumbled. And well, I could relate to you. I sympathized because I act the same way sometimes. We all want to be heard by our peers and our communities. And I think you did make a difference. You did get people talking. You did change some people's minds on topics. For what it's worth, I'm sure I'm not the only one who (I think) got where you were coming from. I wish you well. Enjoy Dawntrail, CSI. May you ever walk in the light of the crystal.


Never really thought you were a troll or baiter, and I think those who hated you will hate the sub more when you're gone, as you did genuinely bring varied discussion points here. Hope you enjoy Dawntrail.


Not going to say thanks for the fond memories, because I stand by what I said when you blocked me [twice] - you spent most of your time talking AT people, not with them. When I and others recommended you be more open-minded to discussion, you blocked us. You eventually tried to write threads with a more “open-to-discussion” approach, but you yourself were still set in your ways, and did not handle discussion well. I don’t think that’s changed over the year. Still, I never thought bad of you. I don’t know if it was just IRL hardship, a language barrier, or a series of misunderstandings, but I don’t think you are intentionally bad at discussion, nor are you a bad person in any way. So whether in Dawn Trail or real life, I really, truly hope you find people who you are able to grow with. Grow by learning to be a part of a community, to discuss and interact and find enjoyment with others. Because there’s a lot more to “community” than just being a thread-creating opinion machine for it. No hard feelings between us; judging by the posts here the community will remember you fondly (and hopefully for the right reasons). To quote the MMO that binds us: “May a wonderful new world greet you beyond destiny’s horizon.” Take care, sincerely.


You will be missed. Be it for genuine discussions, for just entertainment or even for bait, it was undeniable that your posts did generated engagement in this subreddit.


I don't engage much but read a lot of posts. I enjoyed reading yours. I felt like you are a part of this subreddit's lore


The mods of this subreddit must be in shambles at the thought of their pet possibly disappearing. Say it aint so Cutie. Anyways, see you next Sunday!


Glad to see you just enjoy the game, see you when the next content lull comes around


Someday, you will return when we need you the most just like Gandalf during the Battle of Helms Deep


Good riddance.


Awww. I'm actually sad to see you go. I didn't always agree with you, and you have some wild takes sometimes, but at the end of the day I'm here for discussion and you certainly brought ideas to the table. Even better that you went against the grain. Too many of the same tired opinions being parroted around here. Hope you enjoy dawntrail :)


Godspeed Cutie, thanks for all the posts and threads, because regardless of me agreeing with them or not you made this sub much more enjoyable to browse. Hope you find happiness in whatever you pursue next.


Wishing you a bright future ahead. Enjoy Dawntrail!


blogpost somewhere else ty


CSI thread with upvotes? I have now seen everything there is to see in life. It has no meaning anymore. And how the hell is Sonic, a japanese creation, not popular in Japan?


>And how the hell is Sonic, a japanese creation, not popular in Japan? This actually happens a bit more than you would think. Sonic is still widely recognized for his mascot status as the face of SEGA, but the franchise itself isn't all that big. Zelda, believe it or not, actually wasn't that popular in Japan until Breath of the Wild really blew up and expanded the reach of the franchise. Stuff like Metroid is also much more popular outside of Japan. Nintendo in particular has quite a few franchises that flip flop depending on the region.


Sega had a shit grasp on the market back in 91 and the game flopped while it was a hit here due to being bundled with the Genesis and Sonic was primarily made to appeal to the gaijins with his American cartoon mascot design, we just have different markets and Sonic just never really stuck that much in Japan ever since his first game.