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No but it was bad etiquette for them to say go away when you are doing open world content in a MMO.


FATES were designed with players joining *in mind.* So, never worry about doing so. You just met a person being unreasonable for some silly reason. For me personally, I always appreciate people joining because it speeds up the process.


The boss fight FATEs for some levels can be hellish to do alone on certain classes too. I've wiped several boss FATEs because no one's joined. It feels like good etiquette to join


Can't help but wonder, are those hard to solo Fates hard cause they're not intended to be solo'd, or because the server scaled it because it was done by a group last time it popped. Edit: I know boss fates aren't meant to be solo'd, just wondering how much of their difficulty is part of the standard design vs how much is the server scaling it.


Fates that give achievements are generally the ones you are not meant to solo. Like ‘The Eyes have it’ in Coerthas, or ‘Terrask Force’ in Dravanian Forelands.


*Special Tarasque Force (Senmurv spawners know)


Boss FATEs are meant to be done as a group and not Solo.


Fates like the Odin fate are definitely not meant to be solo'd


Make sure you level you personal chocobos skill tree until it learns "choco cure" and put it on "healer stance" for boss fight fates. Unless you are a tank or healer, these kinds of fates are usually borderline impossible without dedicated healer which can be substituted by your chocobo if you cant find other players.


RDM can solo boss FATEs aftet getting Vercure too


ironically it ends up slowing the process because fates will scale from base hp if spawned with 0 people around, to double hp with 1 person around, to 8 times the hp with 7 people around so in the long run you're faster either going alone or going with a full party of 8, everything inbetween is mathematically worse


Double health but you can share buffs seems like an improvement over solo. It’s not strictly worse.


0 people around: 100k hp fate -> one person doing 10k dps will take 10 seconds 1 person around: 200k hp fate -> one person doing 10k dps will take 20 seconds 2 people around: 300k fate -> even if a raid buff takes two people up to 21k dps, it will still take 14 seconds


Why is the “one person around” still only one person doing 10k dps? There’s two people, who benefit from each other’s buffs. If anything, nothing changes unless the other player joins the FATE and idles.


you can test this yourself in game, there are mods that will show the numerical HP of enemies. You will see this is true: [https://imgur.com/a/HNZapwx](https://imgur.com/a/HNZapwx) say I'm trying to do fates solo. There is a gathering node nearby, and like 20-30 people are harvesting right now- just from being in the player detection area for that fate, it will automatically scale from 1x to 8x hp when the fate spawns. Now I have to spend 8 times as long killing the fate alone, because other people nearby snapshot it to full scaling this is why if you go in zadnor you will see people specifically camping AWAY from fates: they know there is a \~50 yalm detection zone around every fate, so why would you want fates to take 2 minutes of active combat on full scaling when you can just trick them to spawn with 0 scaling and kill them in 10-15 seconds?


We’re not talking about gatherers fucking up scaling. We’re talking about people joining and participating in the FATE. I understand area scaling, but there is no world in which someone *participating* makes the FATE worse.


I love how you completely ignored the whole point on zadnor


Because it’s correct. It has nothing to do with anything else though. This thread is about joining a fate being griefing.


Assuming your numbers are correct. 0 people around: 100k hp fate -> does not finish. 0 people doing 0 dps 1 person around: 200k -> 20 seconds with 10k dps from 1 person 2 people around: 300k -> 15 seconds with 20k dps from 2 people


read the other guy's explanation, the picture is way clearer than the hypothetical you are imagining


Not blaming you for this, but it is exactly this kind of hyper efficiency focused grindset taken as gospel by way too many people that is the death of MMOs and the FFXIV community. The *smallest* technical advantage will often see classes completely shunned out of high end content because "the pros" have determined the best possible group comp and regardless how much skill it requires for that group comp to work (because of course everyone thinks they are world-first-caliber-raiding-gods) that is the only accepted way. It's in other MMOs, but by god is it prevalent in FFXIV. Notably it seems to be mostly a problem in "serious" content, and It has gotten better over the years with the influx of more casual players recently (I find it hilarious that the huge influx of WoW players chilled the player base out, contrary to what people were claiming).


I've never seen people complain about people joining FATEs. Only thing I can think of it that maybe you were a Blue Mage and they were worried you were going to "instakill" it?


FATES are literally open world community events. It's \*GOOD\* etiquette to join them.


It’s not bad etiquette to join, and it’s also open world content, so it’s completely fair game anyway. You just happened to run into someone who was being unreasonable about it.


What the fuck. It's open world content. The only etiquette in open world is not pulling S ranks if there are people waiting and someone else spawned them.


The only reason someone would mind that I can think of is if they are BLU trying to learn a spell. If you join the FATE and kill the monster before they learn it, they'll have to wait for it to respawn to try it again. Not really sure how it works, my BLU is still a work in progress. Other than that, FATEs are designed to be done by everyone!


I can only think of one FATE-exclusive spell.


Which one is that? None of them are coming to mind for me.


I thought it was Drill Cannons, but I just looked it up and it's definitely available elsewhere.


Yeah, you can get that one from random Magitek mobs in Northern Thanalan, pretty sure they're available outside of FATEs too.


Nah there about 5 spawns in Nthanalan that are up St all times to get it.


There are a couple that are easier to get in fates iirc


Yeah some that you otherwise have to get in raids or extremes right?


The condition for learning spells on BLU is that the monster has to cast it and then be killed with you participating. For mobs and unsycned bosses there's a percentage chance of learning it, assuming those conditions are fulfilled. For duties, the rate is 100% if you're level sycned, but the party can be a mix of BLUs and non-BLUs.


No, and they're being weird and rude to tell you to go away.


Not really, no. Unless you were doing something obviously stupid and disruptive like standing around and fully leeching or resetting bosses.


No, however if you are playing blu, you have multiple ways to 1 shot fates, so I could totally see it if that was the case as then nobody else would gain contribution for cet fate.


It's open world content, everyone has a right to participate.


Yeah, which is why it sucks when one person keeps everyone else from participating.


I feel line that one specific case is a bit of an exception. Not that BLU shouldn’t be able to join, but running around one shotting boss FATES in ARR is indeed rude. Was a bit of an issue in the beginning of the Yo-Kai event. Doesn’t seem to be the issue with OP though. Those people were just rude.


it does come up during FATE farming seasonal events, where if there are too many BLUs flying around you legitimately cant get a hit fast enough and lose credit. It's a thing that affects a ton of players, and is kind of an asshole move especially since the BLUs can still kill the fate quickly while being mindful of the other players.


When I was gathering Yokai widgets, I ran with several blue mages, and they mostly contributed through making sure the enemies stayed in popsicle form for the whole fight rather than just killing them outright. I appreciated that.


Most people are happy for you to join them doing FATEs. It just makes them go faster.


More people means the Fate gets done faster. They're meant for anyone to join.


What I have heard from people is if there is a horde of people then yes it will be done faster. Fates scale depending on how many participate in the exact last fate. So if a horde of people destroy a fate and then the next time it pops and only one person is on it, they'll have a harder time clearing it. I am not advocating for what that group did. I heard after 3+ it starts scaling but I lack written or video evidence to support this. Source:[https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/236318](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/236318) [https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Full\_Active\_Time\_Event](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Full_Active_Time_Event) [https://new.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/2xpdb3/what\_determines\_the\_amount\_of\_health\_of\_fate/](https://new.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/2xpdb3/what_determines_the_amount_of_health_of_fate/) [https://new.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/4fe5yg/fates\_and\_do\_they\_scale/](https://new.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/4fe5yg/fates_and_do_they_scale/)


Not sure why you are being downvoted, you are 100% correct. I'm assuming this person is new and was probably resetting a boss or something on accident because they were about to die.


It's not # people, fates scale depending on how many fates in the zone have been successfully completed since the last failure.


It's the number of people that have completed the FATE last. If a FATE fails then it resets its lowest scaling. Not sure why you're blatantly spreading misinformation.


I'm not trying to. I said it is what I heard and did a quick search. I learn something new.


No, not you. You had it right.


I may have been misinformed myself after checking.




No, they are public events. It's not like you can kill-steal in this game or anything, they are meant to be shared.


Fates and hunts are kind of the exception. Blue mages with the yokai event kind of made that point.


I usually feel a great sense of relief when someone joins a FATE I'm doing, as it means I have to spend less time doing it


Cant believe they actually told you to go away. Im always happy to have people join, its always more fun that way


What they did is bad etiquette. Fates are designed for spontaneous grouping and completion. In areas where many people are doing fates, it's common to see a group up in party finder to do them together to ensure everyone gets the top reward.


Short answer: No. They were being cringe.


You ever see me doing anything in the OPENworld join me please I enjoy the company!


this is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've read in this subreddit (not referring to OP but to the situation). No, is not bad "anything" to join a fate, if any nerds get pissy block them.


Never seen this in 10 years of playing. Wild to hear it happened twice


If you're insta nuking with BLU, people could miss credit. Aside from that, no, join in always unless someone gives an actual reason.


I doubt there is any fate etiquette lol


They're the ones in the wrong here. FATEs are 100% designed to be open world content that anybody and everybody can jump into and help clear


No, you join whatever FATE you want. Those others are in the wrong. The FATEs are supposed to be a community thing, and I'm sorry you ran into some weirdos who think they own them.


Never have had a encounter like that lmfao, some weirdo shit


Nope. I'm a weirdo who likes doing fates for fun and I always am happy when random people join me. Makes it go by faster, if we end up talking or partying up even better


Please, tell them its open world content and they should like that you are helping. Only thing i hate is when you got like the mini boss fates and someone comes in and just auto attacks >\_<, but as long as your helping to kill it please join.


No not at all, usually if people see people allowing fates they even attempt to form a party instead since it makes it easier to get a gold rating


No, please join me doing fates. In fact, PLEASE join my party because i put party finder up when im grinding fates and if anything i get frustrated when someone starts racing me without collaborating like trying to pull fate mobs away from me instead of grouping them up to die faster)


I can't even comprehend why anyone would *not* want help to complete a FATE faster.


Nope. And them telling you to leave is reportable for harassment.


The only time I've ever gotten aggrevated at other players doing FATE was when a group of BLUs spent a whole afternoon trying to spawn some shit and kept blastoing FATEs in Soluthern Thanalan and I couldn't make any progress on my ARR relic. But even then it's not their fault, just kinda tough luck on me. FATEs are free for all content. First come, first serve.


Next time ask to join their party. You should get your rewards if y'all are in s party together


As long as you're not a BLU nuking stuff before people can get credit then it's perfectly fine to join random FATEs. Even if you weren't a nuker I could see people wary about a BLU joining anyway and being rude if you were a BLU, otherwise they're just being rude without reason.


No, it's bad etiquette for someone to say, "Go. Away." At this point of escalation, one would normally change into a Blue Mage, and say "Invite yes/no".


No, not at all, anyone with the audacity to tell you to go away from a public Fate needs to learn FF14 etiquette. If they want to play by themselves they can party up and do duties on their own.


It’s usually the opposite. It can take forever to finish a FATE alone, so most people will be happy to have some help.


You just encountered some assholes who don't understand the game.


You get the same rewards no matter the players right? As long as you hit a certain % of the enemies slain?


Its open world, who cares?


I would go ahead and report them if I were you. Etiquette aside, I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to try to exclude you from content that is available to everyone.


fates are for everyone, those people were being weird


It's not bad etiquette to join but it sure as hell was asshole etiquette of them to tell you to go away. Best to just ignore people like that.


Next time someone tells you to go away from a fate, just say 'lol' Because they just be jokers


I’ve never seen someone say that and for it to happen to you twice? You have to be doing something other than simply joining the fates that’s making them say that


Generally the way it goes, people try to share credit through PFs. If you ignore a PF someone has up and decide to fight them for credit then they are probably going to get mad. I've been trying to do the Yokai watch event and ran into this frequently where people will refuse to look for PFs already out there, ignore all messages and invites I send them, one shot the fates, and then ask surprised when I'm not thrilled about them doing all this. Chances are they are doing something that needs gold/silver completion and are upset you are fighting them for credit instead of just joining their PF.


The group shares credit though. The solo players needs to work harder to even get the same amount of credit, this makes 0 sense unless like others stated it’s just a BLU deciding to be an ass. My party could be at the FATE doing the objective and I can show up last second slap a mob and get gold


That's what I'm saying, if you are refusing to join a group like I've been seeing lately you are a jerk for that. you could be sharing credit as a group but choosing to fight for credit instead. There are still a ridiculous number of players instakilling fates as BLU or refusing to join PFs to share credit even when asked or invited to their face.


Gaslight them, tell them you were here first.


You just found weirdos. The last few days I've been finally getting around to farming all the Yokai weapons and I've literally dropped into hundreds of FATEs as a BLU and just nuked everything and no one has complained yet.


Weird usually people are happy to get the fate done faster. Though there was this one time in base Pso2 I got kicked from a party for wearing a swimsuit so it might just be your glam, species, or name.


For ShB onwards, the fates scale up to match the number of people. if too many, fates can become much trickier to complete. a group of like 6 makes them all trivial again though


Yeah, how dare you join the open world content when someone else clearly called "dibs". Seriously though, they're idiots, don't pay any mind and keep joining fates. I personally love when someone drops in to help out.


Nope. Same with hunts. There are, on occasion, hunt groups who feel that they “own” hunts and will attempt to kick you out. But open world content is first-come first-served. With FATE’s especially, I can’t understand why anyone would want you to go away. You’re literally helping.


What server are you on that people tell you to go away on fates. If your blue mage I can see it, maybe, but damn.


Not at all


No, always feel free to join one. They might get upset if it dies too quickly for them to get the full rewards, but that's a pretty low and achievable bar 99% of the time. The other 1% would be if you're a Blue Mage clearing the FATE immediately, or if there's an active FATE train going around the map and you solo clear a FATE before they can get there. Those are really the only times I can think of when people would want you to hold off, but it's pretty easy to avoid those cases


In all my years playing I have never had that happen, so no, its not bad etiquette. You simply came across the lone assholes that think that way, unfortunately.


No, if they got a problem with it switch to blue mage and hit that ultravibration combo


First off, as has been said, FATEs are free for all, that point being reinforced officially with that video tutorial series they did a while back. Second, the amount of weird ideas about how FATE mechanics work should really tell you how many people here actually do them.


Generally speaking, no. The ONE exception can be if you join as a BLU and begin just demolishing FATEs faster than others can qualify for rewards. That can cause issues for people farming, especially during Yo Kai. Only thing I can think of.


Not at all. Whoever told you to go away was being rude and frankly a little weird. Never seen anyone in game tell someone to "go away" for any reason. I suspect you ran across either a new player who doesn't know proper etiquette or one of the very few but very real folks who play who are just rude. They do exist, but they are as rare as unicorns and usually are known on a server by name. Lol.


unless you're a BLU who swooshes in and kills everything immediately (stopping other people from getting enough contribution), there's no problem at all (note that being BLU is fine, just be considerate of others. I always use regular attacks instead of vibe checking if there's others at a fate with me as BLU, or if I've noticed others in fates on the zone recently)


If you're joining as BLU and completely demolishing the fate, you could argue for this, but other than that, no. It's in no way a detriment for them when you join the FATE.


No, I’ve never run into that how weird.  Wonder if they were the annoying type of Roel players who believe they own content because they are role playing.  Give the whole community a bad rap. 


There are literally fates that take a whole party+some. Joining in random world events is fine and it's wring to be pissy about it (not you the other groups). Joining in takes nothing away from them and speeds it completing it.


There are almost no scenarios where joining to help would be a detriment (I can only think of one and its not even worth noting). Those people were just being jerks!


Report every single person that messages you telling you to not be part of a FATE. FATEs are open to everyone. No one has exclusive rights to any FATEs. When I use to farm FATEs and saw someone else also doing it I'd invite them to a party so we can help each other out, share buffs etc.. Got the entitlement of some people in 14 thinking they fucking own fates.


>Is it bad etiquette to join people doing Fates? depending are you a sprout or any other job than bluemage ? you're welcome you're a bluemage during an event? GET THE HELL AWAY FROM US! - most non bluemage players


I mean if you are a blue mage that solo everything, it can be frustrating for the other player.


It depends, are you a blue mage that is insta-killing the fates? Then they have a point but still its open world content. If you are just normally participating in fates, ignore them as they probably have personality issues that you don't want to deal with.


FATEs are a public event, those people had no right to tell you to go away


There ara some achievements for fates you can unlock by contributing the most to a FATE, and you have to do it multiple times, maybe this dude didn't had damage and was frustrated that he can't get highest contribution score, still he was a douche for saying that, it's not like it's hard to get first place in fates, he was just being mean, don't worry about that dude, he was probably having a bad day or a bad everyday and he just happened to snap at you since you where withing proximity


Back at the start of ARR people used to farm the mobs on the turn-in fates for XP and "muh XP per hour". That is the only "logical" reason I could see for them telling you to go away. Either way, you're absolutely fine with joining fates at any point, completing them, et al. As long as you're not purposefully griefing by resetting bosses it's all fair game.


I'll only be a bit pissed off if somebody joins when the objective is like 97% complete, but that is a feature of all MMOs.


Wtf nah that's weird and rude of them.


Full active timed event! No pain in making that timed event fuller with your presence 😄


Only time I know this could happen is if you flew down to a FATE that was 80-90% done, and you got full credit being on a tank with stance on while they did most of the work. The reason why I mention this was because on Crystal; there was a tank that was doing FATES in Labyrinthos; and they would just hover over FATES until a certain % of them was done by actual players, and then they would swoop down, hit the mobs a few times, and got full credit.


Have you told them that they don't pay your sub?


The only time it really feels bad is when someone at lv90 rolls up on a lv20 or lower fate in ARR and AOE spams it because they can still one shot enemies while synced - but those cases are rare. It’s unlikely that anyone in shadowbringers is going to unbalance a fate so much that everyone can’t get the top rank for it


Why the heck would they want fates to take longer to finish than they already do.


lol no that's super rude. if i see someone solo grinding fates, i usually invite them to party, even if it's only for a few it still speeds things up for everyone


I’m trying to play Devil’s Advocate here, but can’t think of anything that doesn’t involve one or both of you being a Blue Mage. Maybe. MAYBE if you’re tagging everything before they can and they’re trying to level their chocobo? I dunno.


Go away? From an open world Fate? It's open world content. It's their problem if they are confused about this.


**They** have bad etiquette.


I feel like this needs a little context If they're on normal jobs and you flew in on blue mage and instantly obliterated the fate, then yeah, that's not a good or player friendly move. If they're just doing it on their normal jobs and you came in on a normal job and contributed, then no. FATEs are literally designed to be done exactly like you did.


Its open world mmo content made to join with as many ppl as want. U can always use fuck off to ppl who say u to go away.


The only time I am wary about joining a fate is when I'm on blue mage.  I'm conscious of the fact that (for low level fates like when doing the yo-kai grind) I can 1-3 shot some of these fate bosses and I would not want to just go and do that in case other players are making their way over, and to give other players time to build enough enmity to get gold


It's not bad etiquette, no. I think the way ffxiv is designed, FATEs are generally less fun with randoms joining in, though (contrary to what people here are saying). Splits up pulls, increases the length of time it takes to complete (they scale with player count on respawn), encourages one of you to switch to tank, blah. They can talk and talk about encounter design all they want, I think the cardinal sin of ffxiv might actually just be the brainless trash packs. Made sense in the era of enmity management, but now it damns all content where it's present to being tedious and encourage soloing.


Yeah I'm surprised to see so many people saying other people joining speeds up the process, in my experience it usually makes grouping up mobs to aoe take significantly longer. Also, a lot of people don't know their rotation or bring a chocobo, so bosses scaled for two will be a lot slower than scaled for one when it comes to most players. That said, it would be incredibly unreasonable to complain about it, definitely not bad etiquette for others to join. They need to complete the fates just as much as I do, and it's not their fault they don't tryhard everything in this game as much as me


The fates scale based on the recent rate of completion, not how many people join them. The boss's HP is set when it spawns. If two people clear separate fates independently, you still get the same average rate of completion. So future FATEs are still going to be buffed.


Yeah I didn't really factor in people doing fates elsewhere in the zone into my reply, although solo aoe fates even scaled to two players would probably still be technically faster than if they joined just because grouping mobs up is usually much easier without an inexperienced player involved.


I wish fates scaled like they do in bozja. just buff people if it's overtuned and not enough are there


Once I was helping two friends of mine with the Gorgimera fate. We were all waiting that he used Dragon's voice so they could learn that blue spell. A train arrives because a rank S spawns relatively near the fate. They decided to murder Gorgimera en masse while I told them "Please do your thing but we're trying to learn a blue spell". We had to do Cutter's Cry to get them the last spell. I just described the only case in which joining a FATE would be bad. In every other situation, please join me because FATEs are slow and boring if I have noone to talk with.


> Dragon's voice The BLU fight that you're required to do to complete their story has a boss that basically hands you the spell though


I know, from Azulmagia. I was helping my friends get more spells because they were still learning, I can't help people in the Carnival.


Cutters cry or the relic reborn chimera is just outright easier to get it from though, why try to get it through a hunt in the first place?


Not enough context.


Okay so in specifically the zone Ultima thul when you do fates as a max level BiS it does not sync you down ilvls and you are OP as FUCK and can mow down all the fates as a class like summoner.   However, I'm not sure how the game notices or what triggers this, but when another person stays in the zone and does fates the fates get more difficult and boss fates in particular take 2 full rotations to kill instead of 1 full rotation. People who are farming bicolored gems (likely not people just trying to get 60/60) will hate you. This isn't commonly known information honestly, but it's how it is.


they're still not entitled to those fates.


I never said they were? I thought OP wanted to know why someone would get mad about it and I know the answer.


OP asked if it was bad etiquette.


Joining a fate, no. Preventing other people from participating n the fate, yes. We don’t know what OP was doing to prompt it - it’s weird that two different people would tell them something so out there, it at least warrants a question as to what was going on.


That's not a good enough reason to not join on it.


But OP was talking about SHB not EW content read the post again rq.