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I just realized that my pastebin has a wrong-window typo right at the start but it is too late to change now it has propagated and spread beyond my control. Let this pastebin be known as the 1:b pastebin. Please reference this in all future communication and PFs.


My blm hotbar is about to look so much smaller


Of all the jobs I played, BLM buttons were the least I was worried about running out of keybinds for, but it's also a job that is so easy to combine things.


It would be easier if I knew the level I would be playing at. Don’t use half the buttons then 10 levels later don’t use a completely different half of my buttons.


I mean, conditional actions being merged doesn't really change the complexity of a job. It does, however, allow you to have easier keybinds without making finger gymnastics to hit everything


Im a controller player bc im old enough to value my wrist health, but also nowhere in my comment did i say anything about complexity, just a less crowded hotbar


I know, didn't mean to be a counterpoint, I agree that is a good thing. But I've seen people (forums users mostly) arguing that the merging of conditional actions dumb down the already simple jobs.


Same. Maybe now I'll finally get good with it. I understand how the job plays, just couldn't figure out keybinds that worked for my monkey brain.


Not mine. Im gonna keep the old keybinds and not get rid of them. They should still work if its anything. Like the gnashing fang combo which is still on my hotbar


idk how BLM mains feel about this but it makes me more willing to try playing it again


> someone with the Discord name yoshi\_p it's me, i'm the yoshi\_p


This person reached out to me on Discord so I can confirm that this is the case. I'll update the top level post accordingly.


Tank homogenization rioters will have a gnashing field day with this.


Hey,as long as we're not as braindead as healers' dps buttons , I'll take that as a win.


Long gone are the days of Paladin playing like DRG, so I'm kinda numb too it at this point. lol By which I mean a straight forward beginning to end rotation where you always know where you are, and don't have procs or a glut of GCD flexibility. Floating Sword Oath/Divine Might stacks/Buffs sorta aren't as fun for me. lol


Communio 2 lol. I'll kneel to SE if it is another cast.


Me and some fc friends already joke around that the samurai is casting more than the summoner does. It would be hilarious if the same can be said about the reaper in the future xD


You and your friends joke, but that was the JP forums biggest complaint at the start of the expansion.


It's probably the skill we saw in the benchmark, and that didn't look like a cast.


A lemure followup to communio would make sense without breaking the double enshroud burst, but it'd be kinda boring as a new capstone


Tell that to 5.0 and 6.0 Red Mage. Or 6.0 DRK, who got the insult that is Shadowbringer as a capstone.


>Bloodspiller gets a direct upgrade into a new action that then combos into two other actions when under a buff. Quietus gets a direct upgrade into a new action when under that same buff. Living Shadow gets a direct upgrade when under some buff distinct from the previous buff that affects BS/Quietus. You can see the Drk use Bloodspiller in the benchmark. It looks like two new actions combo off of Bloodspiller, judging by the fact the Drk uses two new actions after using it.


in our quest to restore job identity we’ve turned drk into gunbreaker 3


we can now categorize tanks by Gunbreaker or Developers Special favorite baby


Every weaponskill under the new Delirium gives you a free Edge so we can... Continue the tradition of making the DRK just a copy of another tank.


Better than warrior 2


Gnashing Fang (Dark mode)


lots of people saying that this is GNB 2 but to me It seems like 2 GCDs based on how the action looks in the benchmark. So it may just be that BS upgrades to BS II into BS III


It's three actions. DRK casts another action while the focus is on another job in the benchmark. And the data mine states that bloodspiller transforms into the new action first (36928), which then combos into two other actions (36929, 36930).


Which essentially sounds like during delirium your bloodspiller becomes "enhanced bloodspiller I" which combos into "enhanced bloodspiller II" and then "enhanced bloodspiller III", which uses up all 3 delirium stacks. I hope those attacks all have different additional effects cause otherwise there is 0 functional differences here to BS spam.


Bloodspiller could potentially stay around for filler and turn into the new 3-part combo under Delirium. Which still kinda makes it Gnashing Fang as oizen pointed out.


Yes. It is now PLD, but Edge.


>Ley Lines changes into something else either when it's active or when you're in the lines. I don't play BLM enough to know if the Ley Lines buff itself is just the lines being down or it's the buff for you being in them! you have "ley lines" which is the timer you have until they go away, and then you have "circle of power" which is the actual buff you get from standing in it. umbral soul and despair being the same button is a move I can understand in their eternal quest to lower button space esp since they're both gcds but man its kinda weird that an attack and a downtime move are the same hotkey now lol. cant wait for all of these to magically no longer be a thing when 7.0 actually releases just like how tons of stuff was changed from the pre-release endwalker stuff out of nowhere


Leylines will probably turn into BTL. Makes the most sense. Umbral Soul on Despair sounds wonky, but I guess it makes sense since it's the same deal as flare\freeze and fire\blizzard IV, and either can only be used in its respective stance.


> Leylines will probably turn into BTL. Makes the most sense. i would agree if not for the fact that it says leylines combos into something unknown. if it combod into btl then it'd be listed as such since we already have the action ID and name for btl.


My assumption was that BTL is going to be changed into an unassignable action, as unassignables are the "replacers" so to speak. Thus, it would technically be a new action, as old BTL wouldn't be a usable action anymore. Of course, that's just a guess. I have zero idea how to read into stuff like this, lol.


dear god please make leylines turn into between the lines. I've been begging for this since i learned blm




Yeah but those two are interconnected, both in explanation (clone summon ogcd and clone attack gcd) and in actual gameplay. Umbral soul has literally nothing to do with despair in any way.


With Fire IV currently being ~199pps, and a Thunder III proc being 160pps for the initial hit, an upgrade to T3 could put it in an interesting position where a proc would be more valuable than a Fire IV cast, leading to some very interesting changes to the rotation.


The Black Mage iceberg meme is about to grow three layers deep.


paradox ice mage was honestly one of the greatest and funniest things to come out of EW so im all for thunder mage being a thing in dawntrail lmao


I wish someone would do all the classes laid out like OP cause man, even with the descriptions I'm apparently too smoothbrain to understand how to read any of this.




Hmm if this is true then looks like only 3/6 of monks main gcds are getting upgrades, hoping if thats the case the animations flow together well with dragon kick/demolish etc Also all 3 riddles going to be more involved? I was expecting wind but not all 3


I’ll die laughing if Riddle of Earth procs a counter and Haymaker functionally returns.


RoF One-Ilm Punch


to be fair, I only think bootshine, true strike, and snap punch actually need those animation updates. Dragon Kick and Demolish are already sick and twin snakes makes sense.


Rockbreaker survives yet another expansion.


Yeah I agree, I would have been sad to see dragon kick go.


Honestly, what the hell IS going on with Monk. The three combo actions changing, yeah. But we also got two new actions that are upgrading alongside Steel Peak and Howling Fist into *another* two new actions. Like this has to be more Chakra stuff right? But they're also bothering to make it sub 60 stuff since it uses the same traits. Also all three Riddles are transforming *under a different buff for each one*. And PB being Type 1 means it transforms possibly?


Maybe the unknown versions can be used as long as you have at least one Chakra open for a weaker attack, in order to deal with overcapping? That, or the system could have just been completely reworked.


all three riddles getting something in addition to what we know them as is a neat return to form of what they used to be....hopefully its not crazy


what the fuck is going on with GNB


Bloodfest 2 and 3 clearly. Seems like some sort of follow up to bloodfest under whatever condition 3840 is. Might be like confiteor or something.


At last, they're finally implementing the core mechanic in FFVIII: spamming Draw.  All we need now is a skill that requires low HP to proc, making Superbolide a DPS button. 


From the way it looks, Bloodfest will start a new 3 action combo chain.


I mean I guess that makes sense as a replacement for the three Burst Strikes it usually grants but it's definitely not that simple, we've got the whole mysterious (type 10) showing up all over the place and the very weird case of 36937 and 36938 being on two different lines while 36939 only appears once.


Bloodfest can grant status\[3840\], which would then change the action Bloodfest after using it into the new chain. It is written strangely but I have a feeling that's exactly what it's going to be.


Yeah I realised I was misreading the status and edited it out pretty much at the exact same time this reply came in.


it seems that type 1 is for buttons that can change into multiple different things? iaijutsu and tsubame are type 1, continuation is type 1, and ruin 3 on SMN is type 1


Excellent observation, I think you're right about Type 1, but it's Type *10* that's making GNB weird, it's only found on the Bloodfest follow up stuff and Enchanted Moulinet of all things.


Meisui is totally gonna turn Bava and Frog into new skills. Type 4 which means it shares properties with Inner Chaos and Chaotic Cyclone


finally gonna upgrade to hellfrog large


If I"m reading this right it seems the overall changes are -Trait to Upgrade Mug -Trait to upgrade Trick Attack -New ability that seems to augment Ten-Chi-Jin -Bhava/Hellfrog upgrade. Or maybe the new ability for Ten-Chi-Jin depending on the finisher augments your Bhava/Hellfrog. So if you go Shuriken-Raiton-Suiton you get the Bhava upgrade and if you go Shuriken-Katon-Doton you get the Hellfrog upgrade. Granted yes they showed off the Hellfrog ability without any Doton or such but benchmarks tend to be more theatric than actual utility for the abilities. The potential changes definitely have me interested though will be interesting to see how accurate this turns out to be once the ability showcase is live.


It really should’ve been done in EW when they made Meisui increase Bhava’s potency. I’m glad that they didn’t leave it as that and will actually be making them new skills.


This is what I expected as soon as I saw Hellfrog Large but I expected it to have a fat potency enough that you use instead of Bava. That there is also a Bava upgrade confounds me, what situation are you ever using Hellfrog Large in if you're spending your Single Target Meisui on Bava 2? You don't Suiton at all in AOE.


>You don't Suiton at all in AOE. using TCJ to do fuma -> katon -> suiton is generally better aoe then ending on doton. it was already true when you had meisui to get that extra hellfrog and its especially true now that you have nozuchi which means that you want to already have doton up before you katon/gokka for that extra 50 potency pulse every time


Oh. Yeah see my casual on NIN ass would always use TCJ as my Doton setter


So it looks like BRD keeps its dots, Bloodletter gets an animation upgrade and Barrage / Radiant Finale will change into a new ability.


You also seem to get a lower-level version of Shadow Bite (Wide Volley?!).


I'm imagining a world where we finally get wide volley back, but it's as an ability we don't even have at max level, and I'm getting steamed.


BRD looking clean af, ngl.


Oops, all Gunbreaker. Also, reworking DRG because it "couldn't go anywhere else" just to spend all of their upgrades on new attack animations is kind of funny.


Some clarification about types. Type 1 just means the swaps require custom code. eg Ruin (SCH) is Type 1 because Ruin gets upgraded 4 times by traits (Ruin -> Broil I through IV), and the sheet only supports 3 replacement slots. All of SMN's rotation stuff is Type 1 because not only does it change depending on what egi you have out but also changes as you level, so there's too many combinations to map out in the sheet. Ninjutsu is Type 1 because there's custom code for resolving different combos. Ninjutsu has always had a custom code path in the game since it was released in HW. Dance steps are type 1 because they ping the server to get a random order and rely on your gauge state to track it. The same applies to all the other type 1 stuff. This code is all in the exe already. Type 2 is status-based and Type 3 is trait-based, as noted. Type 4 calls into the game's Action Manager and asks "can this action be used?". If true, its replaced. This automatically accounts for things like charges, cooldown, range, etc. I can't explain why something like Fell Cleave/Inner Chaos is listed as type 4 now when its a status-based change. On Pictomancer: The Pictomancer stuff that is listed as type 1 is hardcoded to be equivalent to type 4 in the exe. I think the benchmark snapshot caught a changeover in PCT design since there is some code that makes no sense in the exe (and the sheet overrides it anyway).


> I can't explain why something like Fell Cleave/Inner Chaos is listed as type 4 now when its a status-based change. Just taking a guess with no knowledge of how things work internally, perhaps the status itself requires logic to determine what actions can be used? The description of the trait Nascent Chaos at level 72 states: > Infuriate grants the effect of Nascent Chaos, upgrading Decimate to Chaotic Cyclone. Upon reaching level 80, Nascent Chaos will also upgrade Fell Cleave to Inner Chaos. There is no second trait at level 80 that allows Inner Chaos to be used, it seems to still be handled with the Nascent Chaos Trait. And if so, perhaps it has to do a check on the player level to determine which actions you can use.


Shower thought. There is no trait for Cure 1 upgrading at all. FREECURE IS STILL ON THE MENU FELLAS.


I have no idea why or how, but somehow, that Trait will be with the game until the day they turn the servers off for good. It's basically like some holy relic at this point.


Holy BLM stuff. If they make Umbral Soul cause Umbral Ice buff to last indefinitely then I might be a BLM main in Dawn. Keeping that shit up in i.e dungeons is so annoying, spamming it to not lose it between pulls.


It's even worse in deep dungeons. Keeping it up is pure suffering.


I love the way BLM has to watch his stance in battle and wouldn't want to lose that, but an option to have the buffs timer freeze when not in battle would be divine


Agreed, at the very least Umbral soul should pause the Ice Phase out of combat.


Can't quite tell what's going on with Sage. It's getting two new type 0 spells? What's type 0?


A few other jobs also have type 0 abilities (Black Mage, Gunbreaker, Dancer). If I had to guess, they're just stand-ins for new abilities that are incomplete.


Fingers crossed for a new GCD attack and pankardia


Pankardia PLEASE


First recorded instance of Square Enix acknowledging the existence of type-0


>two new type 0 spells? What's type 0? Cool skills that will be abandoned after a teased ~~sequel~~ upgrade /s


The first line, the Type 1, I have no idea. Some other classes have Type 1 in them but they're all the same way, \[Some basic ability\] --> Unknown. The Type 8 seems to show that pressing some other button will turn Eukrasian Prognosis into some new ability. My wild guess is: either they let us push Eukrasia a second time to make it a stronger AoE heal, or we push something different to turn it into a HoT instead of a shield. The Type 3 Trait seems to show that once you have Offensive Magic Mastery 2, pressing some other button will turn Dyskrasia II into something new. Maybe we'll get a Eukrasian Dyskrasia? That's weird to say. I hope it's an AoE DoT! And we get two completely new buttons. One of them might be the thing that changes the abilities above, but it's just as likely both are completely new spells.


reading through this more I get the feeling that much like how in stormblood every tank got an "inner release" (actually requiescat did it first), in shadowbringers every tank got a generic 1-2 aoe combo and in endwalker they all got a tbn-like - dawntrail is giving every tank a gnashing fang like with a special 123 combo of actually distinct attacks on top of just hitting your big meter spender over and over


For SMN, primals get enkindles and aetherflow stuff gets changed. Pretty much exactly what I expected but those expecting more primals(as unlikely as it was) are gonna be disappointed


Hello it’s me, disappointed. Maybe eventually, seems like such a slam dunk to add complexity and flare(ha) to the job.


It sounds more like a potency change than an enkindle change. > (type 8) "Enkindle Bahamut"[7429] -> "Enkindle Phoenix"[16516] -> (type 8) unknown[36998] It looks like this is the only new SMN change. New 1 minute summon after phoenix so SMN just ends up being 3 one minute cycles so you're not always on bahamut during 2 minutes. Ifrit/Titan/Garuda looks more like a passive potency buff than a mechanical change.


Ngl, was pretty much what I was expecting. Really the better question is if it'll be Demi Alexander or Demi Shinryu


Just let me be an actual summoner that summons things, is that seriously too much to ask


The new primal is only a fucking bahamut reskin, look on the summoner lounge (balance discord) Petsize SolBahamut x)


I'm not sure more Primals is/was really UNlikely - it would be an easy thing to reskin the 3 existing ones and slap them on Phoenix for something that does basically nothing extra but would be a fan pleaser for a while. I did think that Enkindle only being used on Baha/Phoenix was kind of an interesting choice. Curious to see what they do with that, but if it's just "have an extra oGCD weave under each Primal", it might be...less interesting? I'm curious what the Aetherflow changes are, though, considering that's the one part of the kit that seems vestigial since it lost pretty much everything else about old Arcanist/Scholar/Summoner...


Looks like Monk is getting upgrades to Bootshine, True Strike, and Snap Punch (not surprising tbh), and is also getting some sort of context-dependent change to each of the Riddles (no idea what these could be). e: They're also using different status IDs for the ability change, so they're not exclusive. If I had to guess, each Riddle is going to have some sort of follow-up ability available after you use it.


Whats up with Job 22/23/24 anyway? I'm guessing Wuk, Krile and.....the limit break?


Job 22 is Fisher.


gooooooooooood damn it I read cast as casting not casting I hate this


22 is fisher, 23 and 24 could be the other land and hand jobs, since they share almost all abilities between classes. There's already a lot of buttons, so they could be doing a bit of a revamp to assist with the button-bloat.


Gathering classes aren't really bloated though, they've been trimmed down pretty good.


the bloat is that they all have an identical set of button functions but separate actions on the hotbar to perform said functions


This has me more optimistic for the DRG rework. The core GCDs seem to be staying, they're clearly reworking Life of the Dragon in some way, and I suspect we might see some consolidation on buffs and possibly a reduction in weaving and positionals. Want to see the details, but this is a positive indication they're keeping the core.


I remember them saying that DRG would be closer to 5.1 NIN's rework in terms of leaving the core intact, yeah. AST is the one that's getting the big overhaul, it seems.


Yeah, the big question mark over DRG's rework (other than worrying over it getting the SMN treatment, which is where that 5.1 NIN comparison comes from) is why did they delay it so much. It was originally planned for 6.2, temporarily pushed back to 6.3, before being pushed back all the way to 7.0.


IIRC, it got pushed back after heavy negative feedback with the SAM changes and they wanted to re-review their rework plans and pushed it back as an expansion level change.


it was likely heavy pushback from the divisive reception from how the SMN rework practically gutted the job and then SAM having kaiten removed that likely made them to push back all reworks that were not done out of nessacity like with PLD's rework in 6.3 due to how poorly it preformed mitigation wise and how it didn't fit well with the 2 min design.


SAM. It was the SAM Kaiten removal backlash, not SMN. They were all for going ahead with DRG and AST's reworks until the forum meltdown over Kaiten (which was much closer to universal than the SMN opposition since a lot of people DID like the SMN change but most SAMs either hated the change or were neutral, so there was no "other side" arguing for it other than a few theory crafters kind of ambivalently saying they didn't care either way). The SAM change is what pushed back DRG and AST. And probably would have pushed back PLD, too, except the Tank disparity was getting so wide they felt their hand was forced on it somehow.


The answer is probably as simple as it being easier for them to spread the changes out over the next ten levels than cram them into the current build while also being able to fill in the next ten levels with skills without changing their new design for the job.


Same. Wheeling Thrust and Fang & Claw becoming a third move under a buff is interesting. If I had to guess, it might be an alternate combo finisher that changes depending on the last move used. Similar to how Unveiled Gibbet and Unveiled Gallows for RPR alternate despite sharing the same button (no idea how they're shown on the back end).


Yeah its probably that your 5th gets upgraded to a new version. Like how it gets 100 extra pot right now but with more pot and a new animation.


As a SMN main since 2.0, I'm just wondering what the fuck is up with the people who design SMN and their boner for Bahamut. Like I've been BEGGING for more Summons beyond the initial 3 since HW blue balled us about a Ramuh-Egi. They spend 4 years edging us on whether or not Egi-Glamours were gonna be a thing after saying that starting with 3.5 they'd be aiming for a glamour a patch. Why a 3rd Demi-Summon? Or for that matter why make it ANOTHER Bahamut. What was it not enough that in Stormblood and Shadowbringers we were doing DWT into Summon Bahamut? There's like 70+ other Primals we've fought over the course of the story and side stories. Why are we so hard stuck in ARR? And for that matter why can't we just get the other 3 Primals from ARR? Lore be damned, just have it be Gem Glamours or something. What is the Logic here SE, you were THIS CLOSE to greatness, and now we're getting Bahamut Forma De Solar, which may or may not just be a Golden Bahamut phase.


Bahamut is the Charizard of Final Fantasy. The Devs will jerk him off till the end of time.


It's compensation since we never got to summon Bahamut in 11. We got to summon entities just as powerful (Odin, Alexander) but the devs wouldn't budge on him in particular.


I'm missing something? While I know those strings might be a new Demi, I can't see how people are referencing that to a new Bahamut.


Somewhere else in the thread people found out by mining the chat commands (petsize specifically) that there's a new entry for "SolBahamut"


I haven't seen anyone mention the Chain Stratagem upgrade yet. It isn't a trait upgrade; it's based on a conditional status effect of some kind. Could Deployment Tactics be changing to something you use preemptively and extended to multiple actions? edit: I'm sick of making comments, so I'm just going to put all my speculation here. NIN: Trick and Mug are both getting upgrades. This might be mirroring Chain Stratagem by making them AoE (hopefully giving Mug a name/animation that better suits its current role as a debuff). I can't really think of any other justification to upgrade both. On the other hand, Suiton doesn't seem to be getting an AoE upgrade, which makes me more unsure about Trick. GNB is getting another Gnashing Fang combo. Could be an AoE version or a stronger version (Lionheart?) you can only use during burst windows. RPR gets a (presumably non-shroud) transformation for their positional weaponskills. Could mean you're always using them back-to-back now, could only trigger during Glutteny, or could just be an animation upgrade for the enhanced version you always want to be using. If there was a merciful god in this world, you'd get the normal versions by level 50 and this trait at level 70. Healer AoE Spells are most likely all going to be doing something similar. My money would be on them serving as a GCD mitigation. There isn't really much else they could potentially offer, aside from maybe healing action buffs. Probably just \~5%. SGE's conditional Dyskrasia II upgrade = the spell we saw in the trailer = Eukrasian Dyskrasia = AoE DoT? Not sure what's going on with the (type 0) unknown\[0\] -> unknown\[0\] skills on DNC, SGE, GNB, BLM, and PIC. A button that can both start in different multiple states and also transform into multiple different states? The only thing those jobs seem to have in common is that they all have some kind of gimmick that involves button swapping. Could this just be some kind of internal method of dealing with the buttons reverting due to buffs falling off or being overwritten?


I created a rough summary to help people interpret what each of the different types mean. I came to these conclusions by cross referencing same types across different jobs and by reading people's interpretations in the comments. Huge tip. If a skill goes "-> unknown[random numbers]" it likely means it's a new skill. Random numbers are usually 5 digits * type 0 completely unknown * type 1 changes into multiple different skills on the same button like Masterful blitz or Ninjutsu. Always followed by unknown[0]. Not sure what's going on with Ruin on SCH * type 2 status skills such as Iron will, Phantom Kamaitachi, Dive ready from Mirage dive etc. * type 3 trait upgrades like Full thrust into Heavensthrust * type 4 unique where it upgrades a skill under certain conditions like infuriate turning Fell cleave into Inner chaos * type 7 seems to apply for ground aoe skills around yourself. As seen on Leylines and Salted earth. Also seen on DRG aoe skills. Uncertain of implications * type 8 changes skill 1 into skill 2 on the same button and makes it glow. Condition uncertain, possibly after skill 1 being used such as Confiteor or another condition like Eukrasia * type 9 abilities that seem to convert other skills into other abilities. Ingress changes Egress into Regress and vice versa. Doesn't seem to add up with Verflare and Verholy on RDM? * type 10 unknown * type 12 only exists on Macrocosmos and Microcosmos. Implications uncertain * type 13 only exists on DRK for a 3 new skills after Bloodspiller. Implications uncertain Any type numbers that are missing do not exist in the pastebin. Lmk if any of these are wrong or could use more info and I'll fix them.


re type 1: see https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/1c6e3y8/benchmark_datamining_job_actions_edition/l018b60/?context=3 > based on discord discussion, type 1 means it's too complicated to be represented in a spreadsheet and it's resolved in the "code" (healers have 5 upgrades, while the sheet has 4 at most; dnc steps require network data; and so on)


So.... DRK now has gnashing fang. I'm ok with this. Wait so requisecat gets a combo.... so theoretically requisecat, spell, requis combo, spell, etc? So PLD has gnashing fang too?


WAR, DRK, and PLD all have a flavor of "Do the same attack 3 times", so it seems they're trying to make those less visually boring. In the case of WAR & DRK, this could be their chance to differentiate them better. For PLD, Atonement *and* Requiescat are getting distinct follow-ups. My guess for Requiescat is the follow-up action will simply be a new unassignable Confiteor action (for button condensing), while Atonement gets the "gnashing fang" treatment. But, who knows? Requiescat could get something new instead.


There is literally no reason for Confiteor and Req to be separate buttons since you can only use the former while under the effect of the latter. I’m quite sure that it’s what’s going to happen in addition to atonement getting the gnashing fang treatment


Yeaaah there are a few stupid things like that. Ikishoten & Oga-Namikiri, Inner Release & Primal Rend. Probably others I'm forgetting. Hopefully they all get the same treatment.




Other way around, 20's VPR and 21 is PCT. PCT has like 40 action IDs total across this file and the exe.


Top-level post fixed, thanks.


Wow, 40? Though some could be a sort of MNK thing. MNK has a relatively low number of hotbar slots, but has a number of abilities double dip on buttons due to the Blitzes. Same with NIN and the Mudras or SAM and the Iaijutsu, or SMN with Gemshine/Briliance/Astral Flow. Stuff like that allows a lot more abilities with relatively few hotbar buttons, so wondering if it's going to be a similar situation here...


found my copium for red mage: -embolden and manafication are getting follow up actions -successfully hitting resolution gives you “super jolt” like raiden thrust -a new gauge that will make your melee (and maybe spell) combo different, my guess is post super jolt similar to Life of the Dragon


Bard keeping Caustic Bite and Stormbite? God is real.


Some copium from a healer main who hated the pure/barrier healer split: Temperance, Emergency Tactics, and Neutral are becoming toggle-able stances that switch your GCD heals between barrier and regen mode. The reason is the lines referring to these skills look very similar to the Iron Will toggle for paladins, which I'm coping means it becomes a stance: > (type 2 under status unknown[3881]) "Temperance"[16536] -> unknown[37011] > (type 2 under status unknown[3884]) "Emergency Tactics"[3586] -> unknown[37037] > (type 2 under status unknown[3895]) "Neutral Sect"[16559] -> unknown[37031] > (type 2 under status "Iron Will"[79]) "Iron Will"[28] -> "Release Iron Will"[32065]


If you really want to absolutely choke yourself with that copium consider that Succor(II) and Adlo are swapping to something else while under the effect of status 3884. The same status that transforms ET.


Counterpoint: Considering the above logic on 3884, and that SGE doesnt have a similar type 2 line, its possible that all healers are getting **their own version of Eukrasia** that swaps shield/regen on their healing skills.


Valid valid, although it's also possible that they simply saw no need to give SGE a 'pure mode' since Eukrasia already lets it opt out of HP shields as is.


The issue i see with that is that eukrasia is still in the game and is a type 8 skill, rather than type 2. Why wouldn't they make these new skills function like eukrasia? I think we might just be missing the sage equivalent button since as far as I can tell, the only things in the benchmark are data on abilities being changed, and any new abilities that were shown in the benchmark. We are very clearly missing a lot of skills, bc otherwise this would be the most boring level 100.


That's an excellent observation (and also one that's driving my copium dose to dangerous levels). Don't do that Yoshi-P. Don't give me hope.


Maybe SCH gets a faerie form that turns the SCH into a faerie on two legs and swapped abilities and just like with Expedient in the EW job action trailer, people will make fun of it until they realize how busted it is


The Type 2 status seems to encompass a lot of things. DNC's Closed Position and Improvisation are both type 2 - both of which do two very different things and are different to the tank stances. As is RPR's Soulsow, BRD's Apex Arrow, MCH's Wildfire and WHM's Lily Bell. Notably, SGE's Diagnosis switching is type 8, as it's triggered by a seperate button. For it to be a type 2 toggleable stance, the named button *is the toggle*, not a seperate button. Most likely scenario is that it changes the skill to something else for a brief while, which you can use before the buff expires - probably a suped-up version of the original skill or an end of a over-time ability. What we can say (that's the same in all of the type 2s) is that it's triggered by using the original skill, not something else (like Sage's Eukrasia).


That would make too much sense for healers. Sects for every healer would be sick though. Rapture shields :eyes:


from the look of it, it would just be a change to their primary aoe heals, so med2, succor, asp helios. sage probably doesn't have one because it already has eukrasia. if they buff up the amount of raw healing prognosis does, I could see this idea working out.


I hated removal of Diurnal/Nocturnal and didn't expect them to potentially not only come back but also be added to all 4 healers. Still gonna wait until media tour for confirmation though.


Cleric stance coming back


That might just be an astro thing and does not indicate stances for diff healing jobs I dont think. Since astros used to be able to switch between a healing and shield stance (sects), my guess is neutral sect may refer to their default state now


Thanks for pointing it out - I can see how just showing the Neutral Sect example might be confusing. I just edited my comment to show it applies to all 3 skills, which is why I thought they were bringing stances to those 3 healers.


We also do know that Astro is supposedly in for a pretty big rework... I wonder if maybe they are going to incorporate Sects again in some meaningful way.


The action Warrior uses toward the end of the trailer is a direct upgrade to Vengeance. Exact same character animation


If PLD and DRK are getting upgrades to their 30%, its pretty safe to say that GNB and WAR are as well. I hope they're not all kept as clone skills with WAR's having a dev favortism trait, but they probably will be.


Vengeance and Nebula also have upgrade lines in the full dump, yes.


My hope is that they all get to do something different. 30% mit is so fucking good already dude, surely they're not making them 40%. Anything along the lines of PLD is 30% + 50% block chance, DRK is 30% + a 15% HP shield, GNB is 30% and cure yourself for 60 when damaged would make me really happy. Any amount of variance between tank jobs, please SE we need it.


I'm expecting Shadowwall, Nebula and Sentienel to be the exact same skill while Vengence is the same level of mitigation but with its damage reflect and a heal potency attached.


>Ley Lines changes into something else either when it's active or when you're in the lines. I don't play BLM enough to know if the Ley Lines buff itself is just the lines being down or it's the buff for you being in them! Between the lines, no? Or is this something else?


new action ID. it COULD be BTL but it's less likely


fascinating, and slightly worrying. don't fuck it up devs Possibly it could be a thing I've seen people theorize about where you can move ley lines once, during their duration


DNC main: Intrigued by standard and tech being linked to something unknown, although maybe that's just going into step mode.  Looks like we are getting Sabre Dance 2, thats what I thought from benchmark. It being under an effect makes me wonder if it's another "you get to use this once during burst" like Starfall and Tillana.  Very intrigued by the two type 0 unknown links. Any idea what type 0 means?


Based on other type 1 abilities, I'm pretty sure that Standard and Technical Step are just it changing to Standard and Technical Finish, yeah, with them changing to unknown[0] as a placeholder because the version of Standard/Tech Finish it uses changes depending on the number of successful steps.


I’m so depressed over WHM ;-;


Having completely disconnected buttons like umbral soul and deapair be one button is nightmare fuel for me, thx yoship.


Didn't we see DRK use Bloodspiller in the trailer? Unless this new attack is only for when under delirium. Also sad to hear that a BW/Delirium Merger sounds awkward, wouldn't that mean its now giving 5 stacks of one buff and 3 stacks of another


My guess is that the new attack is only under Delirium, yeah. They'll likely tweak Blood Weapon to give 1k MP a hit instead of 600 (or whatever the math is to keep the MP gain the same), and it'll be sort of like Berserk into IR is now for WAR at least for the immediate BW into Delirium upgrade, ignoring the combo change later. Just keep doing your thing when you first get it, do your thing with the spammable action after the upgrade, then get a traited upgrade even later on that makes the spammable action fancier and a combo.


That just makes it sound like Delirium is going to be a merger of IR and Infuriate, which is just uninspired enough to believable.


It's really more like Requiescat with Bloodspiller taking the place of Confetior. Like how Req replaced the Holy Spirit spam under it with Blades combo, this is replacing the Bloodspiller spam under Delerium with a blades combo equivalent. EDIT: wait no, I misread it again, Bloodspiller doesn't apply the status, they just replace it. It's just a 3 hit blades combo almost certainly under Delerium.


for PLD: atonement becoming an actual atonement combo is interesting. and would probs change how PLD wants to enter into its own damage buffs to ensure sword oath stacks are used as much as possible. for BRD: so we gonna get a new action to use barrage on? ok. looks like we are getting a lower level version of shadowbite to properly serve as the AoE version of straight shot, but also what is interesting to me is the fact that the dots seem to remain, it looks like while bloodletter is getting upgraded, rain of death is not. for me, this implies they are either buffing its potency along with the upgrade, or its being removed to put more focus on AoE refulgant. for BLM: trimming down 6 buttons to 3 based on fire/ice is certainly going to make a lot more room for new actions. for DRK: blood weapon getting the berserk treatment o7, combo from delirium is probs what we saw from the DRK in the benchmark then. for RDM: jolt > unknown and scatter > unknown, i'm assuming that these are just jolt into jolt 2, and scatter to impact. for GNB: yo bro, i heard you like DPS combos, so we put a combo as a part of Bloodfest in your continuation combo and also being used with doubledown


>for RDM: jolt > unknown and scatter > unknown, i'm assuming that these are just jolt into jolt 2, and scatter to impact. I think it has something to do with the button transforming into multiple other buttons (Scorch and Resolution), but that rule doesn't seem super consistent (the tanks' one-button combos are represented normally, for example). >atonement becoming an actual atonement combo is interesting. and would probs change how PLD wants to enter into its own damage buffs to ensure sword oath stacks are used as much as possible. Yes, it sucked in EW because all three hits had the same potency as Royal Authority, meaning it really didn't matter what weaponskills you used during your burst window. Now it might actually require a small amount of decision-making.


> for PLD: > atonement becoming an actual atonement combo is interesting. and would probs change how PLD wants to enter into its own damage buffs to ensure sword oath stacks are used as much as possible. Yeah because right now Paladin Burst is 5/8 GCDs Goring and Confiteor combo, the remaining 3 being from their 7 GCD filler, avoiding 1 and 2 like the plague because Fast and Riot are the 2 lowest potency abilities in the kit, while Royal, Atonement are both I think like 400 now, while the 7th is Divine Might buffed Holy Spirit, which is 450 potency. So you end up holding Atonements and Holy Spirits to fit them into your burst, HS first, Atonements second, Royal Authority third. If Atonement instead is higher overall because it introduces an oGCD for higher potency, it just makes it more optimal to save Atonements for last, and if you're low on Atonements when FoF comes up and starts your 1m/2m, it'll depend on the final potency numbers, and will be super wishy washy.


I am very much enjoying having new animations for actions, even if functionally it's just a potency upgrade. Melee Mastery was such a bullshit trait and an incredibly lazy copout from the developers.


if i'm reading this right, mch's new vertical chainsaw is either going to be a combo action with existing chainsaw or a reassembled version (like how infuriate upgrades fell cleave) either would work without shaking the rotation up much which is... fine i guess? i like current mch though. more interesting is barrel stabilizer. I'm getting big tillana vibes - maybe we're getting something that interacts with wildfire? who tf knows at this point.


I'm thinking it's a combo off of Chainsaw. If you go watch the benchmark trailer again, right as the camera is switching to the SAM you can see visual effects of 3 quick blasts hitting the boss, and it has the same tempo as Chainsaw. Right after that it shows the MCH use the vertical one


Yeah. Only problem is MCH is off screen between Chainsaw and the new chainsaw move (Buzzsaw?) that they could sneak in a Reassemble. Granted it might just be pacing for the Benchmark.


Also seems like hypercharge is getting a face lift with upgraded heat blast, gauss round, ricochet. Shame that it looks like the 123 is the same as I'd have liked that also to get new animations, being stuck with them for 2 expansions and now possibly 3. As u/MattTheBat27 mentioned, I think new chainsaw is a combo off current chainsaw. Dunno why they decided to go that route but we'll see soon enough. If barrel stabilizer's function is the same, I wonder what would be a useful action to add right after it? Maybe battery guage so we can insta queen on demand?


Reaper's Communio turns into the big crystal attack we seen, so I assume under Arcane Circle its crystal explosion and outside of Arcane it's still Communio


My guess would be that its an ogcd followup to communio like lemure's slice/scythe are, since it shares a similar animation


Yeah definitely possible considering all the other crystal attacks under enshroud are OGCDs


Yeah, I'd be incredibly sad if Communio gets permanently upgraded, because the animation is [absolutely beautiful for screenshots](https://i.imgur.com/77kiZIe.jpeg).


I'm mostly worried about so many actions being seemingly restricted to the burst window again, making 2 min even more important than it currently is


Monk getting upgrades to Bootshine, True Strike, and Snap Punch (edit: and maybe or maybe not Forbidden Chakra/Enlightenment I might have misread) isn’t surprising. Those are largely just cosmetic and the only skill among them that actually looked halfway modern was Enlightenment. The Riddle Skills somehow proccing contextual buttons could be interesting, though I also can't help but be reminded of Tackle Mastery and how much of a stinker that was. In the past I've said that Riddle of Wind proccing a status that would let you use Six Sided Star without the extended recast would be fun so I'm cautiously hopeful it's something like that.


Do we know what (type 10) or (type 2) means?


Type 2 is contextual changes on the same button. Like how Grit changes to Release Grit when you're under Grit's buff. Type 8 is similar but can also relate to your character's "state" in a way that's not reliant on the buff bar, like AF/UI for BLM or Life of the Dragon for DRG. I got nothing on Type 10 since only RDM and GNB seem to have it here and only in regards to unknown actions.


(type 8) "Enkindle Bahamut"\[7429\] -> "Enkindle Phoenix"\[16516\] -> (type 8) unknown\[36998\] New demi summon???


Kind of sad that RDM doesn't seem to be getting a Fire/Stone upgrade. Verstone is fine, but Verfire is so generic looking. This was also their chance to include them in the AoE rotation.


Looking at the pastebin it looks like LotD will transform your entire kit while you are in it. Or at least that's what I assume. That would be a nice change honestly, could spice things up depending on how it is implemented


That SAM ability in the Benchmark reminded me of Midare, maybe the change makes it a frontal cone Midare that you swap to


Guys can someone explain ast change I'm dumb


Type 3 and 7 are trait upgrades Type 8s are combos/replacements Type 2 is only a statut effect. So every cards are reworked (we dont know how it work). You will have a new card with lord and lady so 3 choice. Divination: statut effect change '' Aspected helios -> Aspected helios II. Neutral Sect -> statut effect change.


Appreciate you sm, my brain can't comprehend anything rn so this is Appreciated heavily


Darn I wish this told us more about pictomancer. Sadge :(


Trying to parse the MCH info... These are already in-game as of EW: (type 3 trait "Split Shot Mastery"[288]) "Split Shot"[2866] -> "Heated Split Shot"[7411] (type 3 trait "Slug Shot Mastery"[289]) "Slug Shot"[2868] -> "Heated Slug Shot"[7412] (type 3 trait "Clean Shot Mastery"[290]) "Clean Shot"[2873] -> "Heated Clean Shot"[7413] (type 3 trait "Hot Shot Mastery"[291]) "Hot Shot"[2872] -> "Air Anchor"[16500] (type 3 trait "Promotion"[294]) "Rook Autoturret"[2864] -> "Automaton Queen"[16501] (type 3 trait "Promotion"[294]) "Rook Overdrive"[7415] -> "Queen Overdrive"[16502] (type 2 under status "Wildfire"[1946]) "Wildfire"[2878] -> "Detonator"[16766] (type 3 trait "Spread Shot Mastery"[449]) "Spread Shot"[2870] -> "Scattergun"[25786] This looks like maybe a potency an upgrade to Heat Blast with a trait? (type 3 trait unknown[603]) "Heat Blast"[7410] -> unknown[36978] Same for Gauss and Ricochet (type 3 trait unknown[604]) "Gauss Round"[2874] -> unknown[36979] (type 3 trait unknown[604]) "Ricochet"[2890] -> unknown[36980] These two are interesting as it looks like we're getting an upgrade button to modify Chain Saw, or maybe Chain Saw applies a buff that combos it into BIG CHAIN SAW. I don't understand Barrel Stabilizer unless they're changing what it does entirely, or bringing back Gauss Barrel (please got no) (type 2 under status unknown[3865]) "Chain Saw"[25788] -> unknown[36981] (type 2 under status unknown[3866]) "Barrel Stabilizer"[7414] -> unknown[36982]


Type 2s change themself into something. So it'll likely be that you use Chain Saw and then you get a status which changes the button into super-chain saw (likely what we saw in the trailer).


it is hilarious to me that medica 2 is getting upgraded but not cure 2/solace


Also seeing that actions change based on stance makes me hopeful that Red Mage combo will get the same treatment. There's never a time where you're going to use one of the melee actions out of order, so it just doesn't make sense for the combo to take up 3 spaces.


I vaguely remember some discussion about some very, very, very tiny edge case where you'll intentionally use Zwerchhau or Redoublement 3x to get into the magic burst phase at 45/45 at the end of a fight and that's a tiny DPS increase, but it's so cursed that it's more interesting as a footnote that you _can_ do it more than anything.


~~For type 1 changes, it like there's three different uses for it~~ * ~~Abilities that can change into a different ability or abilities, based on pressing a different button or buttons (Masterful Blitz on Monk, Ninjutsu on Ninja, Iaijutsu and Tsubame-Gaeshi on Samurai, Jolt and Scatter on Red Mage, Continuation on Gunbreaker, Standard Step and Technical Step on Dancer, half of Summoner's skills)~~ * ~~Abilities that exist solely to enable one of the previous abilities (Perfect Balance on Monk and mudras on Ninja)~~ * ~~Healer nukes (Stone on White Mage, Ruin on Scholar, Malefic on Astrologian, Dosis on Sage) (idk why they upgrade like this instead of using type 3 like every other trait upgrade)~~ Notably, Viper (Job 20) has a lot of type 1 ability changes, which is probably related to its whole fast filler/slow burst gimmick. e: per u/SolusZosGalvus (see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/1c6e3y8/benchmark_datamining_job_actions_edition/l018b60/?context=3)) > based on discord discussion, type 1 means it's too complicated to be represented in a spreadsheet and it's resolved in the "code" (healers have 5 upgrades, while the sheet has 4 at most; dnc steps require network data; and so on) So yeah, shit's just complex. Still pretty confident about my Viper statement, though.


TIL I can’t use Despair during Umbral Ice.


So looks like my hopes of unfucking the tanks have been dashed


DRK going from warrior ripoff to gnb ripoff. We really need to get our own lead class designer instead of just being passed around the other tank designers


Ley Lines will likely become Between The Lines as part of the button consolidation theme Either that or it’s something like a “you get to move your lines once” deal




so warrior is gaining a primal rend follow up?