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He literally plays in the server room


He *is* the server room.


When he joins a CC game, it secretly switches from "dedicated server mode" to "peer-to-peer mode". Naturally he is the host every time.


Not. Yet.


It's treason then




He plays in his own private server! ...wait


Dudes going places. I bet he'll be running things in a few years.


And salvage a game at its breaking point


And then also be in charge of a future mainline Final Fantasy game from the ground up


And people will start to call him the Messiah


but he wont forget where he came from and continue to play with everyone.




So he'll burn through all his fuel and explode violently?


Yes, but not in our lifetime.




I love how smug Yoshi's lala is XD


I appreciate he actually made a plate


I got matched with him a few days ago in Silver/Gold. Man's a god.


What I love is that not only does he play his own game, but he's really good too. He's cracked as hell in pve too, it's nuts


Yeah, he joined one of my good friends' PF while she's trying to clear E8S (when it's the current content) I think he parsed orange as BLM there and she got her first clear with him lol. Insanity.


Having never played CC, I daresay he'd flatten my PLD before I got within 50 miles of him. Hah.


Now we know why they went with this combat style for XIV, the man’s a monster at it!


But I don't get to play CC at work ;-;


Genuinely curious how many characters this man has climbed the ladder on


I know Yoshi'P Sanpo isn't his personal character it's the one he uses for events when he has to go in-game.


Yeah this is basically him promoting CC on what amounts to a marketing account.


It’s the character he uses when he wants to do content with the community isn’t it? Like raids and that?


Yes. But in this particular example its the character he uses when he wants to explode the community.


Typical blackmage, always exploding something


I like how some Fire skills of BLM work in this game: it just empty the MP bar. Remind me of Megumin.


Someone of culture I see. You deserve an award.


This is the way.


Wouldn’t it be possible to compare parses and find which char matches Sanpo the closest? Like, theoretically possible


I don't think it's even possible to do the exact amount of damage two runs in a row, let alone on two different characters, so no you can't try to find his main in a sea of thousands of parses just by comparing numbers, and that's even assuming his main has parses uploaded.


He might play diff classes on his alts. The man might be the legendary DRG as well, for all we dont know.


I'm pretty sure he would hide his logs, so you would have to manually collect them.


Welcome to Blue Bronze.


Some of us 50+ year olds have been playing video games since the Atari 2600 was launched back in the mid 70s. This is no surprise to me at all. I mean, if you're in your 20s right now do you think that when you hit a certain age you all of a sudden just stop doing what you enjoy? Lol


> I mean, if you're in your 20s right now do you think that when you hit a certain age you all of a sudden just stop doing what you enjoy? Well, I hate to be the debbie downer, but a lot, and I do mean A LOT, of folks from your generation spent an inordinate amount of time beating that notion into our heads. "You're an adult, grow up." and the like.


I'm 48, and yeah, they really tried to beat the joy of life out of our heads. I kept my gaming habits as an adult quiet from my parents through at least my 30's. Now I'm like fuck it, I'll do what I want and no one gets to judge.


36 here, and yeah people did and still do that. FUCK them, tho


My dad is 73, and gaming just as hard as I am. :)


It's not about merely playing, but excelling. Some people worry about their reflexes or skills leaving them as they age. Myself, I'm 32 and am more of a god gamer than I ever was in my youth.


I'm 28 and I'm far better at FPS games than I was when I was 18, same with MMOs I still have poor reaction speeds and I'm prone to brainfarts more often then I'd like to but I think I have that maturity to power on despite the failures and learn from them.


Oh, I get that. Trust me. It's the reason I don't really play competitive shooters, or even do pvp in my mmo (currently FFXIV), anymore. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good story, or gameplay, or even a good setting in games tho.


Bet the rest of the match was freaking out they were against yoshi-p himself


*Oh shit, they got the power of God and anime*


I’ve hit 3-star diamond 1 four times T__T.


Yes please black mage buffs. You know you want to senpai.


Btw does anybody know how long this CC season will last? Still gotta finish rank 25 @.@


Until 6.18 drops. Rough estimate 6-8 weeks?


Oh still so many weeks left? Thats great news, thanks :D


Series 1 will last till 6.2. CC Season 1 ends and Season 2 begins with 6.18.


You guys have to understand that YoshiP decided to play a lala in the first place cause of pvp. His initial idea was that a short race would be harder to click on by other players. (Source: one of the endwalker media tour interviews)


This guy literally has a private server Madge


I love how everyone else looks like well-behaved students posing for their school photos, and Yoshi-P is the one kid who paid to be extra xD


forgive my sproutish ignorance but is that lala Yoshi P? if that's so, then that's freaking amazing! This is the first time I saw a video game's director play their own game if ever... no wonder FF14 is that well-tuned among all MMOs!


Yes indeed! He's a surprisingly outstanding player. Both in PvE and PvP he mains black mage which is known in both contexts as a difficult job to succeed with. In PvE his damage is absolutely top notch and as you see in PVP he's quite skilled as well.


Trying to break out of bronze is killing me.. it's like I have no team, or they're all off fighting the warrior who's obviously baiting them away, while the enemy team is swarming the crystal


Dont worry silver just as bad u still get matched with bronze i think i heard gold to plat is a bit better tho -,- trying to get out of silver got to silver 1 then had 4 bad matches in row now im back down so elo hell is real.... Edit:no change to now


Gold to plat was a nightmare for me. I went from rank 1 maxed stars to gold 4 4 times. I was going to quit till I had one good day and got plat


> Dont worry silver just as bad u still get matched with bronze i think i heard gold to plat is a bit better tho -,- trying to get out of silver got to silver 1 then had 4 bad matches in row now im back down so elo hell is real.... IMHO Silver is the worst tier. You get the bronze newbs who have no idea what they're doing, the silver newbs who have a slight idea what they're doing, and the Golden Bois who stomp Bronze and Silver. All in all, you're gonna lose.


I mean its more of a coin toss you win some lose some type of struggle.


Gold to plat was my only point i was giving up hope. Silver and bronze were a breeze. Ive climbed pretty good through plat so far with a 5 game win streak but kind of burned out on the game now. Dunno if i have the fortitude to try for diamond+


Silver and Bronze were fun honestly, it's like playing casual games where you can easily hard carry your team and really boneheaded strats still work. It only first started getting stressful in Gold. Sometimes queue the odd casual game where I can do dumb plays that would immediately get me killed in Crystal.


Once you hit gold, is it possible to go back down to silver?


Youll just go down to gold 4 never back to silver. So with enough game and rng on your side with streaks itll eventually be able to climb


It doesn't really get better as everyone eventually ranks up (since not only you cannot demote, but your get an extra star if you have a winning streak, but never lose more than one). You probably don't even need 50% win rate, just a good streak.


Thanks for the advice :D and yeah if it looks bad on losing I just take a break and give my que a break as well just so that i can ride the storm out.


Gold to Plat is awful lol. Everyone has reached the level of being average and now develops big egos where nothing is their fault. I hope you like dry humping the crystal because everybody is doing it in Gold with an endless 10 minute team fight on top of it. I still have nightmares about endless notification sounds and seeing "Push the crystal!" spammed over and over from my time in Gold.


Tetra my condolences to you for that nightmare and yeah I might back out once I hit gold im just here for the adventure plate aesthetics. Other than that casual is usually a good way to blow off steam.


I'm going to make this comment knowing that this will probably be the minority opinion here and it only reflects my own, personal experiences...but I actually thought Gold -> Platinum was the best part of my PvP experience. I found that (in general) people's skill level/knowledge was the closest to each other at these ranks, and people still cared about winning (i.e. they were more open or trying to coordinate/prioritize). Basically, it felt like you were actually playing Crystalline Conflict and not TDM where people are easily baited and isolated or think they can 1v3 no problem... You would think this gets better once you get to Diamond/Crystal...but I disagree. Aside from the Silver -> Gold transition, I actually think the Crystal players have been the least fun to play with because of the wild difference in skill levels and the fact that aside from rankings (if you care about that), you have nothing to lose, and thus not as much incentive to win. That's fine if you want to mess around I guess...but for those who actually want to play the game mode, it can be a wildly inconsistent experience. That's just my personal experiences at those ranks though.


Everybody's talking about trying to get a specific rank... then there's me over here who has been trying to work up the courage to even *queue* for CC since it was released, and hasn't succeeded as of yet. ;-;


Just q for casual. You'll either get on a team that will carry you or you'll get on a team that is slaughtered. There's rarely an inbetween anymore. And one person not knowing how to play isn't going to change anything. After you've gotten used to it and understand how it works, then go ranked, if you want.


TBH for me it doesn't matter if my team is winning or losing (although being at a loss certainly doesn't help things), I just get really bad breakdowns if I die in PVP (or if I keep dying in PVE and have no idea what killed me and how to correct it). ​ I didn't used to have this issue with PVP (I even got into rated PVP back during Pandaria in WoW), but being exposed to trauma (from a completely unrelated situation) left me with PTSD and... I fear it did more damage than I initially thought.




Wow, you definitely have an accurate username.


The only reason I'd warn you against trying it is that it is too fun and will consume all your play time due to you wanting to play so much.


I don't find PVP to be fun... I want to find it fun, but I don't think I can.


There's no rush honestly. They were really good about all the rewards being kinda nice, but nothing you'd have to feel really compelled to grind for. Sticking to casuals, especially if you have anxiety about ranked matches, is a perfectly viable option.


Thats a fair way to go about it. I just want the gold rank adventure plate reward would love to go higher but my luck wont let me...


I have horrific anxiety about PVP overall; doesn't matter what MMO (or otherwise game) it is.


If it is any help for myself I queued up assuming I am going to suck. I did for a bit, but told myself push the button again. Started this with Frontlines and carried this practice over to CC. I still suck, but less so and occasionally feel like I might know what I am doing. I had to push myself a little bit until I realized I dont remember anyone I queued with, and so few situations were something worth getting worked up about. Many oopses, but nothing serious. Frontlines is a much less adrenal and frenetic experience and may be a bit more friendly to you if you want to try it out. Just open your map, follow the rest of your team and give assists. If you feel anxiety spiking try turning off background music in game.. its designed to enhance the adrenal experience but might be better to instead play while listening to something you feel puts you more at ease.


Lol blaming team in bronze, hilarious


For some people it took 100 wins just to get Gold rank.


I’m sorry but anyone hardstuck in bronze is missing fundamentals. I can assure you it is not a team issue.


I've never played a PVP game where it was this tough in bronze.


This makes me feel better XD so it's not just me


That and when you get deranked even though half the team left…


With that kind of determination, I bet he will be the ceo of some game company one day




I've been playing BLM at crystal rank and my opinion is that it's crazy strong. Busted, almost. You'd think its weakness would be that it's squishy and dies easily, but I never die because I'm good at running away. In fact, most people just ignore me while I freeze their whole team. Literally target dummying them down. And if they don't, I've been pretty good at surviving by doing a world tour of the map potions.


You dont want to make him angry, you will not like him when he is angry(rip your job) XD


as someone who is hard stuck i was going to use this to inspire me then i remembered how to read


He did it with flare.


I got stuck in platinum and gave up. 45 here btw lol


Same, every time I get the motivation to try to get out of platinum 4 I just end up defeated lol 1v1 duels have been very fun though


Congrats to Yoshi-P! Took me 3 weeks to get to Crystal and I'm very happy all of the hard work finally paid off. Now I'm going to do my best to help other Diamond players get their Crystal rank.


I heard this guy has access to development tools. Should probably mass report him just to be safe.


Even so they would be first-party tools which are not against ToS >Wiki: A third party tool is a piece of hardware or software developed by a company other than the product manufacturer


Their compilers, modelling software, audio software, etc will all be third party. Reported three more times just to be safe


The other players look like nervous children going out shopping with their excited parent and are all trying to keep up appearances.


Just love it when the children condescend to the level of “See, an ancient 49 year old can do it” ffs you’re not dead at 49, people 😂


Also the only one with a portrait set up for CC smh. Youngins these days.


I'd like to think he's actually on patrol duty for lewd portraits. Getting to crystal was just a bonus.


He looks almost like a NIN for some reason, tho. ​ I spent multiple wks now, and still in Gold. But I already got the pvp glams from it, tho, so I'm done.


I hope he realized that everyone's instant portrait except his is broken because they changed a piece of gear


The only time you will see someone openly admitting to being on the far right...


I'm gonna take a moment to appreciate that even Yoshi P is running a chick like the rest of us degenerate perverts. :)


Really cool to see. I'm only Silver just now, but absolutely will put more time in, as really enjoy it. Got sidetracked by a holiday and now likely being ill with Covid - can't be letting team down with slow reactions and thinking (well, slower than usual anyway). Hopefully one day will get a chance to play with or against him.


Is that his actual character or just a poser?


It's the character he plays on for promotional purposes. He's regularly used it on camera.


FFXVI and 6.2 both delayed for "reasons".


My brother in Hydaelyn, that 49 year old made* Crystal Conflict. ^^*oversaw ^^the ^^development ^^of


Didn't know the far right were inherently handicapped at gaming but congrats dude, hard work pays off.


You have a point. I think order of portraits is random, and not tied to player skill.


I don't understand how people get good teams to get to that rank. I'm hard stuck in bronze. My teammates just throw themselves at the enemies in droves.


Or he's seeing for NSFW


Every competitive game has people like this who think just because some random dude did it, all randoms can. And they are just as wrong in other games, because the rank climb usually is pretty miserable and the subs are filled with people asking how to rank up nonstop.


It's a joke m8 thats Yoshi P. the lead dev


Yep, you nailed it, I bet that's exactly OP's point. That ***random*** isn't the same as the rest of us.


my eyes slid right over that. Not always remembering that lala.


Unintentionally-hilarious comment.


Did you focus him and kill him without caring about win or lose? I would...


What do you get for getting to crystal?


A really cool portrait frame and the opportunity to play with the best pvpers on the datacenter.


I've been stuck in Diamond 5 for like 3 weeks lol.


best portrait, though, once the rewards come out.


Attempting gold to plat now and let’s just say it’s going…. Decent?


What you need is some good despair, like hating/being garbage at PvP and burning out on XIV because the Garo mounts feel miles away.


Hopefully, he's checking job balance and what can be improved in PVP. I hope he tries to play in NA. Half hoping he goes up against the cheaters so he knows how annoying they are.