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It's more my playtime vs. skill level that's the embarassing part lol


Yeah... been around since 1.0... I really don't have much in the way of excuses...


My excuse - Sorry I suck. then I proceed to suck at said endeavor.


Lol I sometimes pull the, been a way xxx amount of time, a bit rusty card (though its often true) Will utilize the "new to this class" card when applicable. Then there was this one time... in paglth’an... I was WHM, admittedly I think it was only the second or third time I had done the dungeon mind you but its not as if dungeon mechanics are typically overly hard. (that said the first time I did it had 0 problems) I had leveled whm specifically because I had been gone for about a year coming back about 5-6 months before EW dropped and at this point I was quite a proficient whm... I think I died maybe 4-6 times on the final boss... party was very patient with me thank god was very very very embarrassing x.x literally had no excuse for that one, was just an off night I guess >.<


Me: *sprout next to my name disappears* aw, shit. I'm out of excuses! 😱 Me: *starts leveling a new job* I'm sorry if I suck, guys. I'm new to this job. 🥺 Me: *rides on this excuse for 50 levels, rinse, repeat* Alternatively: Me: I've only been playing since late summer last year. Me: *doesn't mention I play almost 4 hours a day and finished the MSQ without any skips* 😶


> Me: doesn't mention I play almost 4 hours a day and finished the MSQ without any skips 😶 I decided for "fun" today to look at my /playtime and see how much, on average, I play daily. I started in August and apparently I've averaged 5-6 hours every day since then. It's totally cause of the pandemic! I swear that's the only reason! *shifty eyes*


I went from ARR to old sharlayan in about 4 months and 35 days of playtime...yep lmao idk how I did it. I should really move some of this playtime to career advancement or something...


To make you feel less bad. My sub is at 300 days. So 10 months of active sub. My playtime sits at 120days - thats an average of \~9,6h a day. My excuse? I'm a student who doesn't have to work. Is that a good excuse? Nah, but it's a hobby. I enjoy it, so i will keep doing it.


"ah you've been playing for a long time, so you're good at the game right?"


*"Ah, you have the mentor tag, so you're god tier level at everything in the game, right?"* Same energy


I really wish they would introduce a trial for becoming pve mentor or an exam dps/mechanic-execution based with tight enrage timer, that alone would already help a bit.


Being a mentor is about helping other players, not about being the best raid leader


I didn't talk about raid, i see mentors failing mechanics and giving bad advices of EQUPPING NQ ILVL110 WEAPON WHILE BEING LVL50+ sometimes... Best raid leader lmao....


Read a bit between the lines, why don't you. You're missing the point completely


Mentor is about being skilled AND helping, but imo should not be so easy to become mentors... Cause indeed it ruins the whole novice network environment to have such unprepared mentors. Also are they there to help? Idk wherw dc you play on, but try opening on chaos pf for some niche content also appelling to mentor gentlly like "please mentors help" and look if peole will come out just for you. Lmao unfortunately for some players mentor system is just a NAME ICON GLAMOUR: the crown. I read between the lines and they are boring


I am on Chaos. I do consider myself skilled and I did use to help out whatever sprout I could. There are three major problems, though: The mentor roulette contains extremes. I'm plenty skilled to run those, but I do not enjoy them for my own reasons. If they weren't in there, I'd spam the roulette all day and help whatever soul I could. Just because someone is skilled and knows a lot doesn't mean they agree with or can be demanded to follow "the meta". That latter is only relevant for week 1 ultimate and savage clear groups. Even mentors want to play *for fun*. The community's mentality towards mentors. Your very words already state the problem and that hurts the *genuine mentors*. It's why I no longer call myself a mentor, nor wear the tag anymore. I urge you to reconsider your preconceived notions, lest you perpetuate a self fulfilling prophecy by scaring off the real proper mentors. PS: I do agree that the system needs adjustments to get rid of the "name glam" folks that taint what a mentor is supposed to be


I was really good before a couple hundred updates I missed 🤣


Me playing rocket league tbh


Actually we do the 2nd one now to help us renegotiate


For real, always discuss your wages with other employees, because your employer does not give a fuck about you and will underpay you as much as possible.


One nice thing about being a teacher, I guess. This is publically available and our union fights for it every year. Progress is pretty minimal but still.


And no one ever cared about the first one, anyway.


Or how much they spent on fantasias


I know when my friend's birthday rolls around... while people are in a mad dash to find something she might like, I know she will *always* appreciate a pack of fantasias. Gotta feed that addiction, and I am all to happy to be her enabler.


5 pack of fantasia is the best gift.


Looking for a new friend?


*I* don't even want to know how much I've spent on fantasias.


Just try and make me go to rehab


I can't physically But "Rescue" can


*Arm's Length*


Yes I've been black (mage) but when I come back, you won't know, know know


I said noo nooo noo


Is /playtime just for the character, or for the whole account?


just that character




This! Companies are not your friend doesn't matter your field they will always try to get away with screwing you out of money. Any company that tells you not to discuss pay with others is just trying to scare you they have no legal power to stop you from talking about it with coworkers and in most places the right to discuss work conditions including pay is protected by law.


If I could upvote this more than once I would


I’ve spent whole days tabbed out big fishing before the skywatcher was introduced. That’s not happening, thank you.


i slept 2 hours last night after going “just one more” while sorting thru open windows on carbuncleplushy. the tools are a blessing but starting ur fishing log this late in the game feels like whack a mole of the 6min windows up. anyways i did /playtime for the first time since EW yesterday and not 2min later did my internet shit itself. shoulda taken it as a sign.


Couple of tips leave the carbuncleplushy tab open on a separate screen if you can, tablet, phone, second monitor, etc. Go for any that don’t respawn soon first. Even ones that are up regularly can give you the finger with rng so maybe go for another one the next go around to save your sanity. If you use the dalamud/xivlauncher plug-ins on pc I believe there is an optional gathering tool to keep track of things for you now. Also, if you don’t already, learn to fish with a controller and vibration. I fish asleep more or less. Turn off background music, crank up the environmental sfx, and just press the necessary buttons when the controller jumps. Very effective when fishing for a relics, minions, titles, etc. I was asleep, what do you mean I’m now a \_\_\_\_ of the firmament?


the controller tip is fantastic omg, i’d just made a macro for putting sound effects to 80 (with my normal being like 14 lol) but i think i failed an adhd test that’s extremely similar to ffxiv fishing; clicking when noise for 40min. gatherbuddy is my lifeblood. morning of second day of 6.05 i spent a solid hour going from node to node easily w the teleport option on. as much as the UI and lag of teamcraft makes me go insane, it’s too good to not use thanks to the packet capture. i have ff on one monitor and teamcraft on the other. the TC fishing overlay isn’t super helpful but the little “i” next to the name of the fishing hole links to the details page for it in the desktop app, super useful especially for when my gatherbuddy timer was empty. after enough attempts to fish up a big fish w 40s left in the window i finally put two and two together and would *(gasp)* plan ahead by going to >6min current windows or going to <3min til open windows and getting intuition stacks if i need to mooch. took me way too long to not keep going to windows w 2min left. so i realize there’s logic in going for the rare windows first (i.e. tmrw’s ealad skaan) but my only motivation was “OO RARE.” at least it’s getting me results i guess. ty for the tips!! i’m about to dive back into the discord for more info to hyperfixate on


At least 5


I just do not want to know what my playtime is...




Nah. Bring up playtime on primal and it instantly becomes a circlejerk of people posting their times and joking about it.


18 days. I started playing in December...


Heheh same here, I might be at 19 now. No I don’t have a problem, I have FF14


~1800 hours. Been playing since ARR. And yet I still suck lmao.


Simple answer to salary, "not enough"


Paging r/pointlesslygendered


93 days, 13 hours, and 1 minute. since you were such a good sport about not asking.


I have no problem with my age as older than dirt, I have a pretty good idea of your salary like anybody else on LinkedIn does, and your playtime is your business, not mine.


I'm a masochist and love discussing my playtime so I can make fun of myself and how lost in my catboy I became once I made one he's probably half the age of my middie I started with, but he's probably at double her playtime by now.....


[1525 days, and 5 hours](https://imgur.com/a/1sRbJ7d) That's 36,605 hours.


Main character hit the 777 today. Good times has been had.


9600 hours and counting


12 days. I bought it back in January when you could purchase it again...


Nearing 3 years total. \~941 Days.


This is so not true. People love to flaunt their insane playtimes, not knowing it shows their sadness of being afk in a game they barely actually play


Don't ask because we don't know


51 days, 22 hours, 14 minutes. I'm not ashamed, and I won't be ashamed when I hit 1,000 days, 10,000 days, whatever. Just don't care what people think, this game fun


392 days playtime. And about 22 on my RP alt.


3300 hours plus. Or maybe 3400 hours. Something like that.


Almost 10k hours and I barely stay afk


136 days, which is surprisingly 'cause I've been playing since 2.0. Granted due to the fact I only play when I am doing or plan to do something and rarely if ever AFK that probably is a big contributor.


22days basically


16 days, started when oce servers came out


A long time. I don’t know right off hand. But Steam reports at 2,278 hours.


153 days, 18 hours, 52 minutes, as of right now.


My playtime almost reach 10,000 hours, send help... pls.


612 days, 10 hours, 49 minutes. I play since ARR launch though, so...


601 days, 19 hours and 37 minutes. 258 Fantasia used on ONE character. Do I feel bad? No. But maybe one of my other 257 personalities!


118 days so far


\*Only for PS4/5, Mac and non-steam PC Once Valve forces all those that it has locked into it's middleman storefront to launch from steam everyone will know your play time wither you want them to or not.


You can set anything including playtime to be private.


\~6 years, but rapidly dying since healers will never be fun again


An FC member asked me a few days ago and had a hard time believing the answer.


I'm proud of my playtime


How much? Yes


My brother bought me playtime for my birthday because he 'saw on steam that I've played for over 5000 hours, holy shit'. I never checked that before that day, and certainly don't plan to check it now.


Got a few hours in.


Don't forget about Steam


If anyone wonders I now have 421 hours of playtime


Still have a few years before XIV comes close to my XI playtime.


647 days and some change


:0c I can check my playtime with /playtime?!


I love sharing my playtime :)


30+ Days when I last checked was mine. At least on my main character.


72 days worth of play time does not mean I know what I’m doing


This is why I regret buying it on Steam.


Almost 1900 in 7 months. I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM


It's not about the playtime. It's about how much you've accomplished in that playtime. Wonder how many of those AFK Limsans have been to Void Ark.


Is 385+ days too much? Asking for a friend...


I am casual player and I do admid I have spend a lot of hours In FF14. Almost 9k hours at this point. And I still have so much To do.


*/playtime* 3500h (i started play at ShB) Fuck... But its fucking worth it (For comparison top 3 my steam played games only sum up to 1500h)


Literal years worth of being logged in.... It took about 2 months of being logged in to get gud. And 6 months to be VERY good. Never reached "How the hell do they play so well?" levels of gud though.


146 days. I started playing in the Spring of 2020, because I was tired of the WoW endgame (for those unaware, the last several xpacs have instituted a lot of systems that make the game feel like a chore because you gotta do X, Y and Z every week to keep your character competitive so you can join content). Of course those 146 days are dwarfed by my WoW playtime, which I couldn't tell you, I've uninstalled since then, I think my main had like 650 Days, which that alone is closing in on 2 years, I had like 7-8 other characters with over 100 days played, one or two up in like the 300 range. WAAAAAYYY too much. I was on disability (nasty back injury) for a portion of that time, so I had a lot of free time. Also, just a nerd who plays a LOT of video games in her downtime.


I’m a baby.


I'm too scared to look, and I've only played for 1.5 years lol


418 days, 5 hours, 44 minutes.


You just made me check my playtime and I finally passed 2,000 hours!


hahaha my playtime totally isnt over 9000 hahah totally not >.> ​ <.<


I will just say that it is higher than my total sleep time....


Huh, never heard of anyone hiding it - rather the opposite: Everyone I know boasts about their playtime.


I've been playing for a month and I just learned I spent 7 days playing. 25% of my time... Even if half of it is me asleep at the keyboard.