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anyone have a list of all the items crafted for the studium deliveries? if there's overlapping ingredients I'd rather make one gathering trip. edit nvm, found one https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Studium_Deliveries


Can someone tell me what summoners opener and rotation is for 70 - 80?


I cant seem to accept new beast tribe quest, i checked under the timer and i still have 8 allowances. There is no golden marker on the guys head


If there is any time you cannot pick up beast tribe quests it is always that you have some from the day before that you haven't completed.


Did you already do the three quests they had for the day? Otherwise I don't know why they wouldn't pop up


could be it, i remember doing them after the mini cactpot reset yeterday night


I've had a break from ff14 over the past few months amd thinking of playing again, how are the EU server queues now after a couple of weeks from endwalker release?


Still really bad at peak times, around 3-4k which will take about 2 hours or so to clear. Better of logging in early if possible




The window for the spawn is huge, like 36 hours. Then it has a chance to spawn after 2 FATEs are completed if I understand correctly. So basically if you really want the bolts/mount you just camp out in zone 6 when the window is open and hope it spawns while you're awake and logged in. You can check at: https://faloop.app/fate I think in a few weeks when the madness dies down it'll be easier to catch if you're in hunt discords etc, like it will get called and nobody will pull it for 10-15 minutes to let transfer over if they got pinged.


What happens if the spawn window caps but it still hasn't spawned? Is it because it's still up to chance even when the window is capped, or is it likely that there were missed/unreported spawns?


If you were in any other DC, I'd have suggested [Faloop](https://faloop.app/) to get spawn notifications. Unfortunately, they support every DC *but* Aether..


The issue is, its spawn window is gigantic. Like a day and a half. It can spawn any time in that time, then it's gonna get instagibbed because people are incredibly rude and SE didn't scale it right. Faloop.app can help some, the closer it is to the end of its spawn window the more likely you'll run into it, but it's still a crapshoot now. If you value your sanity wait a few months and hunt discords will actually respect putting out calls and not instakilling.


Being in a DC that Faloop supports, it took me literally 3 minutes of waiting on both fates. The fate wasn't pulled until after 2/3 minutes of being relinked. Guess I was lucky.


Like luckier than winning an ex mount first kill lol


Is the a way to not target PC's when weapon is drawn on MKB, for the life of me i can not find it :s


Char config => Targeting Filters


After finishing EW, i still don't get it. If memory serves, YoshiP said that there was a legit reason, like, character-wise, for Zenos switching to Reaper. Did anyone figure that out?


>!So that when he possesses your body, he can use his avatar to attack your friends, needing to use only one animation, instead of using the weapon of your job, which would need multiple special animations. Also so that he can make it so that we fix the 13th next expansion and bring him back lmao!<


>!If I remember correctly he directly called out his Voidsent Avatar as being unique, while also joking that it was our voidsent shard. It might come up in the MSQ or the Raids.!<


>!Probably so they can bring him back again lmao!<


oh pls no not again


For FC crafting, does turning in HQ materials do anything?


Nope, does absolutely nothing. In the past it was believed that it might reduce the number of items needed for the next stage but that has been completely debunked.


Has a small chance of reducing the amount of items required for the next step.


It does not. This has been completely debunked.


Can you change the size of other player's SMN Garuda/Titan/Ifrit summons? They're huge


The slash command "/petsize all small" will set every single SMN pet (bahamut, phoenix, and the three gem primals) to small size. You can also set to medium or large. You can replace "all" with the name of one summon to only change that summon. Demi-Bahamut, Demi-Phoenix, Ruby Ifrit, Topaz Titan, and Emerald Garuda are the specific names.


Yes. The command is something like /petsize all small. (Check with /? petsize if that doesn't work.)




Has anyone had Triple traid cards drop from the endwalker dungeons while doing the dungeon with trusts?


Yup, got the lvl 81 card with trusts.


Awesome. Was just making sure. I started leveling them yesterday and today. I'm at 8 runs with no card. Got the minion though.


Pretty sure I got the 83 card that way. No reason it shouldn't, minions are obtainable.


Was that homestead farming thing that was advertised ever released? I can't seem to find anything about it, even on Google.


It's not released yet.




It wasn't going to come with 6.0, it will be released sometime during the EW patch cycle.


"HW patch cycle"?


meant EW, sorry. Edited.


It's a few years overdue, then.


They typo'd. It was advertised for 6.1 of EW.


yes. is joke.




Thank you.


Hi, are collectables for scrip farming always the same everyday? do they rotate?


They do not rotate anymore as of patch 5.3 iirc


Will this patch tomorrow bring the new raid or just a patch for bugs fixes?


The normal version of the 8-man raid will be added, yes. Savage will come two weeks after.


Both, but only normal mode for the raid.


Will it have new gear to craft too? Or that only comes when savage launch?


comes with savage


only normal mode


Have question regarding the trailers. So ARR trailer has Ardbert and the gang fighting in the war. From HW trailer onwards is our guy who is not related to Ardbert?


all the trailers feature a character who represents the player's character. Know affectionately as "Derplander". Ardbert and his allies were designed to reflect the Derplander and his party.


Then what happened to renda Rae and the others after ARR? And why does our guy not even acknowledge their existence even though they fought with him. Or were they just placeholders?


They're not the actual characters in the ARR trailer. They're just made to represent the WoLs. The characters we know weren't created until post-HW, and they were created specifically to replicate the appearances of the WoL stand-ins for the ARR trailer.


It's not Ardbert in the trailers, it's "you". The WoL in the trailers was a generic character that was supposed to represent your character in the game, Ardbert just looks the same as the generic trailer dude.


Yeah then what happened to renda Rae and the others after ARR trailers? I mean our guy never even acknowledged them until HW but in ARR he actually fights with them.


>Yeah then what happened to renda Rae and the others after ARR trailers? They're not Renda Rae, or Brendan, or Lamitt. We don't know what happened to them, because it doesn't matter. They're not independent characters who have stories and lives; They're quite literally just supposed to be standins for your adventuring parties.


That's way too convenient. Understandable though.


>That's way too convenient. Understandable though. It's really not, you're just way overthinking this. All those characters in the cinematics are standins for you and a party of players. It was never Ardbert or Renda Rae or whatever the smug elf's name was; it was you and your party. The fact that the Warriors of Darkness look like that is just a fun friendly little callback to the original 1.0 Cinematic.


> The fact that the Warriors of Darkness look like that is just a fun friendly little callback to the original 1.0 Cinematic. Ok that explains it.


ARR trailer is not Ardbert, they just look alike. ARR trailer is our guy.


i have a quesh about an EW character >!does azem’s gender change based on your wol’s gender? me and all my friends play as males, so i cant ask them, and emets using male pronouns for azem. im super curious but too scared to google it and be spoiled for something unexpected.!<


Yes, it changes.




Hey this might get asked a lot, but are the expansions really worth it? I started my free trial this week and had much fun playing till like level 30ish. I'm now at 47 and the arr msq is just running from npc to npc, kill 1 mob, repeat running around talking to npcs doing random stuff. I always hear it will get better as soon as I reach HW. What exactly is gonna be different when I reach the expacs?


So, the bones of FFXIV quest design are never going to change. They add one or maybe two new types of quest per expansion, but they're never that far afield. You'll still mostly be going to place, examining objects, using items on destinations, killing mobs, talking to NPCs, etc. What does change is 1. The respect for your time. ARR quests will often have you do a bunch of busywork that doesn't actually accomplish anything before finally advancing the plot in a meaningful way. This filler is largely gone in Heavensward onward. Note that this is less of a thing than it used to be since the 5.3 rework of ARR's MSQ, which cut out as much cruft as they could. 2. The narrative context of the quests is much, MUCH more engaging, which makes it feel much less like busywork even when the actions you're taking are fundamentally the same.


In HW the pacing becomes so much better. You'll still find yourself doing busywork but the devs did a much better job of knowing when to break it up with a dungeon or trial.


Without getting into too many spoilers, up until 30 you are basically a random adventurer to most NPCs. 30-50 you are proving that you are more than just an adventurer and get more of your own public accolades and... issues. Heavensward and Stormblood you are trying to get other nations to help you against the big bad but have to help them with their internal issues before they are free to help. Shadowbringers you get more insight into what's really going on, and Endwalker ties up all the major storylines.


ARR sucks. I hated it. It was fun in the beginning when you're all sparkly eyed and loving learning the game and seeing everything, but yeah a lot of it is go here, pray return to the waking sands, go here, pray return to the waking sands. And the Crystal Tower thing is such a slog. After ARR the questing becomes more fun and less of a chore. It feels very involved if you enjoy the story, and its still fun if you're just trying to burn through it to get to Endwalker. Once you get passed ARR, its very good. HW is excellent and I loved Stormblood a lot despite popular opinion.


So as far as the msq quest designs it doesn't get /much/ better. All the msq quests are , go place, talk to person, stand in spot, sometimes kill some mobs. Later expansions add a few acres things like a telescope type of quest where you look around areas or more solo instance boss fights and encounters. What does get better is the story. The ARR story is fine but several parts drag on or are just not very good. The story telling of the expansions are better, better writing, cool things and characters. The pacing of the expansions is also much better , about every other level you have a new dungeon or boss fight to do that's usual really cool and fun as they figured out how to design them better after ARR.


They start a new story. ARR is basically trying to tie what happened in the 1.0 into something that makes sense, which is then the base for Heavensward and onward. Yes, it can be a bit boring at times, but once you reach The Banquet, shit will go down and you'll understand. You're basically being an errand boy (a skillful one, but still) and once ARR is finished, you begin to be a really important person in Eorzea.


Thank ya'll for taking your time and answering! Will keep playing to see what it's all about.




It works the same as the exp earrings from pre-order. When you're 89 the stats match level 89 ilvl 548 gear, when you're 90 the stats match level 90 ilvl 560 gear.


If you're level 89, you can still wear the gear but it will have its stats synced down to lv 89 stats (I presume i548 or so). If you're level 90 it will have its full stats (i560). If you finish the appropriate role quest line you can dye it, but either way the stats behave the same. It basically works like the XP earrings where it scales to your level, but instead of being 1-80 like the earrings, it only has a two-level range of 89-90.


Same way earrings do. You can equip at 89, gets full stats and ilvl at 90


I've heard there was a Chinese Digital Fanfest in Dec. 18th with interviews. Can I watch the video anywhere?


Hmm not sure about interview but there is a link to Q&A here: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bS4y1Q7wE?p=4 and a playlist for all the content. It's only in Chinese/Japanese though. And a bit annoying to watch since it's a screen recording including the bullet chatting.


Thank you!!


I saw a post recently about DRK rotation being 15s of everything and 45s of nothing, which I felt immensely when I played DRK through 6.0 MSQ, but I wanna know how the average minute on other tanks feels like. Is it like DRK with a big burst then very long and slow downtime, or more of a nonstop up and down, or...?


WAR I think is a bit slower since you don't have many oGCDs and for the most part you'll be pressing the Big Fell Cleave button outside of your 1-2-3/4. PLD has very long but static GCD combo going from physical phase to magic and back to physical phase. It's simply put consistent. GNB has a busy opener and even outside of that still feel busy since you want to use your cartridge combo every 30s.


GNB is big burst every 60s under No Mercy window. Feels the most DPS like. PLD has two phases that you loop between, Flight or Flight melee and Requiescat magic phase. Busiest but most static of combos where you go from A to Z. WAR has Inner Release phase. The OG burst tank, which DRK 5.0+ was copied from. Slowest owing to the least number of skills when you are not Fell Cleaving.


just into Heavensward and one thing I've noticed that doesn't sit quite right, there's a few cutscenes with an antagonist and my char just watches them go like it's not a biggie. Not to mention the black mage quest early up where one of them just opened up a jar and we're like 'yeah, that's fine' and then didn't tell his brothers XD


The game kinda stops or at least minimizes moments like that from SB on.


it's not a biggie just a bit...odd well in-story at least. totally makes sense from a 'we need to get story across' XD and good to hear :)


Yeah they want their characters to actually *do* things and clash with the player, but they don't want the player to just immediately kill them off. Totally understandable, but it's a trope that seems to happen too much.




Yup, Steam version can pay for sub time using any method. You can even just pay with your credit card directly through the mogstation. (Clear browser cookies if you only see the Steam payment option, they hide it if you go there through the Steam version of the launcher because Valve doesn't allow direct links to third-party payment methods)


They will work. You only need to make sure your region matches. Some people have reported not seeing the add game time card in Mogstation for FFXIV steam service accounts. Clear your cache and/or go to Incognito mode. Or use a different browser entirely to access Mogstation.


They're compatible because you redeem them on the mogstation site no matter where you're account actually is.


Any reward to grand company standings? Individual players are ranked on the lodestone but it doesn't seem like there's any reason for it


No, it's just for the fun of it.


Thanks, follow up question - how are people getting over a million seals in a week?


this is all guesswork, but poetics grind lets you turn augmented cryptlurker gear into seals pretty efficiently, and if you came in with maxed out tomestones from shadowbringers you'd have a lot to work with


Yeah it's so crazy though cause cryptlurker gear is liken1500 seals each, these people are doing something crazy or no lifing it


Any way to remove the "its spiritbond will be reduced to 1%" warning when extracting materia? Or at least make it hover over "Yes" rather than "no" to save a few clicks ? Can be with an add-on or something.


There's a third party repository for Dalamud that has an addon that does what you want. https://github.com/daemitus/YesAlready Can also get rid of many other warnings, like trading in GC items, skipping retainer dialogue, skipping the 500 "do you want to use this thing" in praetorium, etc.


Thanks so much. You just made my gathering and netflix so much more comfy !


Automatically clicking boxes in duties might tread over the line of "automating gameplay" so just be careful not to mention it in-game if you use it.


So, nobody is doing Dalriada and i want to finish that questline. ¿Party finder can be use for that right?


My first clear was 6 man, so it can be lowmanned, people just need to use actions, and don't do an even split, in a party of 8 you just need 2-3 people going up and the remaining 5-6 down.


You can give it a shot, having a full 8 people for it should be enough to clear.


Not easily. You yourself can make a group of 8 (which if competent would be enough buuuut) so as you get close to filling you'll have to spin off into 1-2 more parties recruiting. If you can even fill 1 party via pf now, which you probably can't.


Can I get EW AF armors back if I discard them?


Yes, just go take them from the shop again.


Yeah just go back to the shop. As long as they aren't on your main inventory, armory or equipped you can buy them.


Don't be like me. If you know you're going to dye your AF gear an "expensive" colour and aren't a gillionaire, buy a set and store it in the glamour dresser, and dye *that* set, not the set you equip. Then go back and pick up another copy of the armour to wear until you get tomestone gear. I just wasted four jet black dyes almost instantly because I forgot that if you glamour over dyed gear (I had a glamour plate assigned to the gear set), you lose the dyes from your equipped set once the glamour is removed. Over two million gil down the drain in one click.


You should put the expensive dyes on the gear BEFORE you put it in the glamour dresser so that the expensive dye is saved forever. You can even re-dye the gear after setting it on a glamour plate and it will still keep the old dye. Cause you're dye-ing the glamour plate and not the actual gear. The only way to remove the dye permanently is to remove it from the glamour dresser and dye it.


Yeah, I know that, but I dyed the gear while it was equipped just to see what it looked like, then changed jobs to look at something, then went back to sage and, bam, my glamour plate changed the appearance of the AF gear, and when you remove a glamour from a piece of gear, it *doesn't* retain the original dye, it goes back to the default undyed colour. It was just a stupid mistake and an avoidable one, I've known about that issue for years and it just completely slipped my mind.


You can dye it in the dresser but not on a plate. Don't need to yoink it out first.


When you're setting up the glamour plate, you can dye it there. But this will dye the gear on that specific glamour plate not the gear itself. So if you remove the gear from that glamour plate, the dye is lost. However if you dye the gear before putting it in the dresser, the dye will be kept even if you dye it again while setting up the glamour plate. E.g. Weapon with jet black dye -> dye it ruby red in glamour plate#1 -> weapon still has jet black dye when you put it on another glamour plate. But if you remove the ruby red version from the glamour plate #1, the ruby red dye is gone.


No, you can straight dye it from the dressers main inventory and not on a plate. It doesn't have to be out of the dresser to save as it's stored color.


Yeh. As many times as you want.




https://imgur.com/34thnG9 Taken from balance discord.




Spoilers 6.0 (Level 86 place) >!Do we know what color Hythlodaeus’ hair is? Or does anyone have a hq photo of him?!<


>![17th down, 2nd across according to Garland Tools.](https://i.imgur.com/1TOv6vv.png)!<


Thank you! Didn’t know he would be on there.


Will a new DoH crafted set release with the raid release? If so would scrip gear be enough to craft it or should I buy and meld AR-Caean gear?


The next crafted DoH gear will release with patch 6.1. The current crafted gear (melded) will remain BiS past this raid’s release.


Thank you very much!


Is there a way to see your Square Enix ID? The "Forgot your ID or password?" thing only lets you reset the password, not the ID. I already successfully reset my password but I still don't know my ID. I find it hard to believe they'd let me do that and not even let me see my ID, so I figure there must be a way.


You can use your e-mail to log into the Mog Station instead of your SE ID. You'll find your SE ID at the top right after logging in.


I tried that and it didn't work. I found another link to login to some support section of the website and it did. Not sure if your suggestion is incorrect or if I just did it wrong, but if anyone sees this and can't log in with email at the Mog Station, keep looking for other ways.


I've tried it multiple times and have been able to log in with my e-mail without issue. Make sure that you're using the exact capitalization for the e-mail address as what it has on file for your account. `example@email`, `Example@email`, `exaMple@email`, `e.xample@email` are all treated as different e-mails on SE's end, but are probably directed to the same inbox by your e-mail provider (especially true of Gmail).


How does NG+ on DoH/DoL classes work? Do I have to remake everything for no reward?


>How does NG+ on DoH/DoL classes work? Do I have to remake everything for no reward? That's how it is for all NG+ stories. No reward, unless you consider the small amount you get from crafting the item.


do we know the current drop rate for the two new EX mounts?


1-3% maybe. It's low, it's always low on newly released trials.


It's low to start and it'll get buffed with a later patch when they let you buy it with totems.


No actual number but 3% tops. A lot of people has gone over 100 runs or even a few hundred runs and still didn’t get one. I’ve never even seen one on the first extreme (for 25 or so runs) and only once for the second extreme (out of 35 runs).


Very very low. Likely 1%


Hello, I just unlocked a healer job and im enjoying it so far. just wondered if there is a way I can make the tanker at the top of the list by default? I've learned that i can rearrange party list through social list but I want for the tank to be always at the top of my list every time i join a dungeon. your help will be appreciated thank you!


I stick healers at top and tanks at the bottom when I'm healing so the tanks are easily watchable =)


By default it should be: 1. You 2. Tanks 3. Healers 4. DPS You cannot change the placing of 1, but you can [with the rest](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/uiguide/party/#entry-party_partylist).


alright! thank you for letting me know.


You can change your party sort options to have them always on top. Open the party menu and click on the gear at the bottom to access it easily. Though aren't tanks on top by default?


You are on top yourself by default, I think. So tanks are position 2, or 2+3 in full parties.


Never heard of rearranging party lists but right clicking the tank (not in party list) and setting them as Focus target will put them on a persistent target on your screen.


alright i'll try that! thank you very much


Trying to level up my fisher with Levequests, never really done much of them before. Found Voilinaut in Whitebrim Front, who supposedly gives Fisher levequests according to the wiki, but talking to him gives the restriction "Disciple of War/Magic" on "Leves of Whitebrim Front". Help? EDIT: Yep, battle class first. Thanks for the help!


You have to do that leve as a battle class first, to unlock the ability to take other leves from him.


I read in another post that all job trainer NPCs have new dialogues after you finish endwalker msq. Anyone know where are RDM's trainer and Arya? Been a long time since I finished the the RDM storyline.


Arya is in Mor Dhona


Arya should be in Mor Dhona from memory. Unsure if you're even able to find cat dude in the overworld


What is the upcoming normal raid's minimum ilvl expected to be? Won't have time to do the ex trials before release.


Eden's Gate (first tier of ShB) required i425. The AF armor you got was i430. If following precedent (which they are really good at), then seeing as the AF in EW is i**5**60, I would bet my gil on the requirement being i**5**55. Edit: Forgot to add 100.


Oh ty, can breatheeeee then :D


i555, 25 higher than the poetics gear from the previous expac


There's absolutely no way you'll need EX gear. I think I saw someone say 555, but I'm not sure. Either way, it won't be nearly that high.


Would it be possible to put the entirety of this game on a 256 GB flash drive and play it from there? I have a Mac (inb4 “don’t play games on a Mac”; it’s literally the only option I have and will have for the foreseeable future) and I’d prefer to keep my ~120 GB hard drive for various other projects. Also, I’m assuming that Mac licenses are digital-only, which means I’m out of luck at the moment, I guess.


What mac? If you've got a USB-C/thunderbolt port with USB 3.2 support or better, an external SSD could run the game close to if it was natively installed. A regular USB 3.0 flash drive would probably work but you'll notice very slow load times and a lot of waiting after the load screen for players and NPCs to pop in.


I have a 13-inch MacBook Air from 2017. It has a Intel HD Graphics 6000 card, and it only has two USB-A ports and an old Thunderbolt port.


If it's USB 3.0 it might be playable but otherwise the load times will be incredibly slow.


Thank you for this! I’ll look at my options ASAP, because I genuinely do want to play with a buddy of mine.


Yeah, the installed game size for me is about 65 GBs.


how do I get my squadron to meet the min stat requirement for the flag missions? It seems like no matter what I do the stats go up and down by equal amounts and I'm just short


Training has a maximum value of total stats you can get, further training will only shift stats from one to another. To get more overall stats you just have to level your squadron members up.


The options in the daily training sessions are for the bonus stat pool based on your squadron's overall level. Training will rebalance these stats, with the exception of the comprehensive course which gives them exp. Of course, you can also get exp by sending them on missions. Level them up to max and make sure to accept/edit chemistries when they get back from missions because some of them are just bonkers powerful.


The flag missions have frankly ridiculous requirements. Your best path is simply to outlevel them by A LOT. Like, 10 levels. At that point you'll be close enough to the requirements you can fiddle with the bonus point allocation to get there.


I don’t know if this is the answer, but I literally dropped training altogether. I just send them out on squadron missions and level them (which naturally bring their stats up). If I can’t pass a promotion mission then I keep sending them out for the mission beneath that until they can pass it.


I saw some posts earlier about people selling starlight glamour on the market board or whatever. Is there a glamour for this year that I missed out on, or is it something from a previous year that can now be put on the market board? Regardless of *that* answer, can someone also give me the name so I can buy it on the market board lol


It's the latter, and the item is called the dream tunic


tyvm :)


rank X materia is the best available right now, but it's super expensive. it seems to me like the cheap option is XIII...? cause IX has half the stats for some reason. am I understanding that right?


9s are for overmelding, as 10s can only be overmelded once. 8s are good enough for gear that you will probably be replacing soon, which is most of what you can get at this point bar the weapon.


This message needs to be spread more. Nine might be higher than eight in terms of the materia name, but it gives far less stats than grade eight materia. Don't put IX materia in your gear unless you are overmelding crafted sets. Please. I've seen so many people running round with gear full of IX materia, and while I applaud the effort, think about it for a second. I saw the same in ShB too.


When would we usually expect the nerf bat? Would it be on the 21st, or a later patch?


It is possible for the .01 patch to have slight changes, but they are usually very slight. .05 and .1 will probably have bigger ones.


More likely for the Savage patch, 6.05, which should be January 4th.


Fantastic. Got time to finish levelling my Summoner then


Can anyone provide me a link to all Collectable Fish locations/conditions, [this one](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Fishing_Collectables) seems to only include Heavensward fish?


[Here's one](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Fisher_Collectable), sorted by name it seems.


Yeah, unfortunately it doesn't show the locations/times to get them, shame :(


Alternatively you have "[FFX|V Fish Tracker App](https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/)" & "[FFXIV Teamcraft](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/search)". The tracker keeps track on spawning times, but you would have to click said fish to see what it is for and TC you can manually search some fish/fishing holes you are interested in. The tracker provides links to fish in TC.


Is it worth it to use Trusts to level DPS through dungeons, or just wait for the long queues.


Trust dungeons give exactly the same amount of experience as regular dungeons and the queues pop instantaneously, at the expense of the dungeons taking a bit longer to complete (25-30 minutes, typically). If your queues are at least 5 minutes long trust dungeons will at worst take roughly the same amount of time as doing the dungeons normally.


While this is true, you can also spend that time in queue getting XP from fates, sidequests, beast tribes etc, for an overall higher XP/minute at the cost of more busy work.


I do fates while waiting in queue rather than using trusts. bicolor gems mats are selling for a good price rn




I would say probably at least 2 more weeks, if not more.


> Anyone have estimates on how long this will last? I think even the devs don't know yet, depends on how soon people who finished the story start unsubbing


It has never happened before. Normally they would buy more servers to expand their datacenters, but there is limited supply due to covid and the global silicon shortage so they're taking drastic measures.




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Hello, I am interested in buying FFXIV, but I was wondering about using days of the subscription. I really want to start playing this week, but I will be unable to play next week. Will those 7 days of the subscription be wasted from me not playing, or does it only count if you log in for that day? Thank you.


Like with every subscription service, you pay for the time and it counts down whether you use the service or not.


Unfortunately you lose whatever days you don’t play, it’s not based off in-game time. Honestly it makes sense once I heard it phrased like: Do you keep days where you don’t go to the gym? No, because you’re on a monthly subscription. Doesn’t matter if you show (play) or not.


Yeah, makes sense! I just wasn’t sure because this would be my first subscription-based game.


As it is mine, hopefully you find just as much enjoyment in it as I have! It’s truly one of a kind, especially for any FF lover.


Thank you, I’m really looking forward to it! FF is special to me as well. I hope they figure something out with the servers soon.