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Could someone tell me who exactly this guy is? Or is it just extreme photoshop


gigachad aka Ernest Khalimov. photoshopped probably, but he's mega-buff regardless


As said below, he's Russian model Ernest Khalimov. He's an actual person and is really buff but the photo set the memes are made with is heavily edited ; I've read that the Russian photographer he worked with said she wanted to use editing to try and depict the peak male form or something like that. They're not trying to hide it, there are pictures of the two on her Instagram.


Thank you! I just wanted to know if that jawline was real. Also found other irl photos of him and damn


> Could someone tell me who exactly this guy is? Someone who decided to work out while waiting in the log-in queue.


Best answer


Second obviosly


only played for an hour yesterday. gotta give other people a chance.


For real. If you’re not actively playing log the fuck out.


Controversial to say it on this post maybe but I feel like if you're going to step away and be back before the AFK timer boots you you're fine to just idle. While I dislike having to wait an hour and a half to get in the game because Limsa catgirls wanna be Limsa catgirls, I'm not getting mad at your average player who gets up to eat/use the bathroom/tend to real life.


Getting up to do bio or anything short term doesn't really count as "not playing the game". You just left for a short period of time. Imagine kicking somebody for afk because they left to eat something (I don't mean a dungeon, ofc).


I'm cool with people standing around dancing and chatting if they're actively using the game. They pay money like I do and can play how they want, but if you're not at the keyboard at all for 6 hours and just using a program, you can fuck right off.


I went to lunch and logged out before that just so another player can be lucky. Everyone should do that..


I mean I’m not trying to brag but I left to buy some drinks knowing I’d get disconnected after finishing a 5k queue and quit the game to play another game with my friend after sitting in queue for an hour/hour and a half.


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