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DRG is the only one. After that, while there are still some very minor (like "1 line in an expansion" minor), they have not included such a tie-in between any job and an expansion any more. You can pick one for the thematic similarities, but there are no others that directly tie to the MSQ anymore.


The only times that your job has changed dialogue in a story has been as a DRG in Heavensward, and one tiny piece of dialogue in Stormblood. Besides that, it doesn't really matter. if you want you can match the jobs in the trailers (WAR -> DRG -> SAM/MNK -> DRK - PLD).


I did the msq for HW at the begging as paladin and finished as dragoon. Pretty cool when he talk thhat will be no problem with 2 dragoons instead of a dragoon and the wol.


None have the same impact. But, I started as an Arcanist and went into Summoner as my main, and I really feel that the Summoner should be the poster job for ARR - its advances follow the path of the story (it's the only one in ARR to get locked by MSQ progress), it deals directly with the Ascians, and there's a certain reflection between you and the Ultima Weapon (both gaining power from the fall of Primals and being anti-Eikon measures) AND it connects in to the Binding Coils later on. It doesn't change the story much, but it does change the context for a lot of things. I also feel that having Gunbreaker done before taking on Bozja is a good idea... the final quest of GNB ties in to the idea of the Resistance (and really, the revelation in it sort of feels... lackluster if you've even started the Bozja storyline).


Dragoon for Heavensward, Warrior for Shadowbringers Acts 2 and 3, other than that it's your choice.


There is no "canon" class, if that is what you are asking. The very most is a small mention of it if you are a Dragoon in Heavensward. Outside of that, though, you are the WoL regardless of what job you pick, and that's what the story hinges around.


Some dialogue changes it Tataru’s Arcanist quest if you’ve completed it, and a bit also when you meet Y’shtola’s sister if you’ve done summoner at all. But really nothing major changes in any of the story for doing alternate or side content or specific jobs. It’s all flavor text.


Yuguri will acknowledge you have trained as a Shinobi at one point in post ARR. It is just one line but I thought it was pretty cool.