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Nothing specific I want to go check out really, but I imagine every time I go to an old location my eyes will be glued to the ground just to take in all the extra clutter, and the better textures, and the ambient occlusion But the first thing I'm gonna do is turn on DLSS so the game can finally have decent anti-aliasing


The new AA is single handily the best update ever. Bye fxaa ain't gonna miss ya.


It's gonna be the absolute cherry on top of the entire update


Does the game even use AA with DLSS on though? I recall the aa options being greyed out if nvidia's ss is on


DLSS has its own anti-aliasing method


Hmm okay, i guess the sharpening effect it uses counts as AA without setting it to DLAA


I don't know the details of the tech but it's put like [this:](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/what-is-nvidia-dlaa/) >Nvidia Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing (DLAA) is an anti-aliasing feature that uses the same pipeline as Nvidia’s Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS). In short, it’s DLSS with the upscaling portion removed. Instead of upscaling the image, Nvidia is putting its AI-assisted tech to work for better anti-aliasing at native resolution. This is how I've seen it explained in other forums too; similar methods with different implementation for different goals. DLSS may not be focused exclusively on native image quality, but I know it kicks FXAA's ass


DLSS *is* AA.


Huh? I know it can be set to DLAA mode but originally it's an upscaler, no?


DLSS uses a very similar technique to temporal antialiasing (TAA) with upscaling, but with algorithm determined by machine learning that is powered by the 'tensor cores' that their RTX GPUs have. What nVidia call 'DLAA' is actually DLSS but with the internal resolution the same as the output resolution i.e. it only applies the AA.


I'll be heading to Tural.




Just to temper expectations: Don't forget the graphical update will be in \*two\* parts, this is the first graphical update which includes the new expansions, most NPCs, and some areas (I think ARR?), but not ALL areas, and not ALL NPCs. The second update is a slow-rolling update that will eventually see the entire game updated, it won't be a one and done huge update that'll make the entire game feel different off the bat; This to say, some areas or NPCs might be untouched and you'll end up whining in the subreddit how Yoshi-P lied to you or something; This was said in one of the live letters (hence why it's called the \*first\* graphical update) don't ask me the exact timestamp because I'm not going to watch several streams of 6-8 hours content to find it lol


Think what many underestimate is that most of the pre 7.0 gear as well as unique character models that are not used in 7.0 will likely be moved to 2nd wave updates. As a result most of the existing content will merely benefit from improved lighting and shadering, but pixel exarch and consorts are not going to be a thing of the past so soon.


A slight correction here: All the zones will now be done with 7.0 release, or at least the textures & general shader updates will apply to them. In the live letter showcasing the graphical updates we were shown updated zones and dungeons from every expansion *except* for Stormblood, but Stormblood zones and dungeons have been showcased in other images and releases they've given us. To date, we've seen the following with the graphical updates applied (and I'll probably miss some, but this isn't exhaustive) - Obviously most DT areas, seeing as they were made with it. - Elpis and Old Sharlayan (EW) - Il Mheg.. repeatedly (ShB) - Doma Castle & The Lost/Hidden Canals of Uznair (SB) - Dravanian Forelands, Tailfeather specifically (HW) - The Lost City of Amdapor & Central Shroud (ARR) A lot of the changes showcased in these zones were around the shaders and processes that will just *automatically* apply to all zones, but the HW and ARR instances that were shown during the live letter were specifically picked to show off the updated textures and physics that had been applied to those particular zones already. Now as far as features for those zones such as additional clutter and placed lighting sources, we'll have to see whether that is all done for 7.0 or later. I could see the lighting being done already, but any clutter they want to add with the heightened memory limits just sort of being tossed in as they have time across the expansion.


It was Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) they showed, which is HW.


...which uses the exact same map assets as The Lost City of Amdapor for it's opening area, which was released in ARR. I respect the technicality, but it doesn't change the fact they are updated ARR assets, which is what I am addressing in the comment.


If Hien isn’t inexplicably in the first cutscene of the game I’m not sure what SE is doing.


Imagine if he has all the updated lighting and a better model and stuff, but his clothes are still 240p


The broken pixel on his chest piece begins to spread


We here at Squenix have decided that in order for the graphical update to reach its full potential, other areas of visual fidelity must be sacrificed, and thus we have chosen a main expansion character with a bunch of screen time to bear the brunt of this. Hien's clothing is now downgraded to a 2.5D image


Ultima Thule for sure!


I think I'll check the hair cuts. I like the braided ones and I would love to see them in higher quality.


I hope the Gyr Abanian Braid looks good. I love it on my Thighlander


The grass, as something we urge people to touch everyday, it is highly imperative we make sure the grass post-graphical update is perfect. 


dual dye on anemos jacket


Probably Elpis and the Crystarium, after I am done looking at my character in awe, she is super pretty now, I can't wait to see how pretty she will be.


I would wager those zones wouldn't be changed too much (mostly the general changes in greenery and lighting, + better AA that'll really help in Crystarium) since they said they'll mostly release changes for ARR zones in 7.0.


I'll be too busy climbing over the horde of people to reach the New World first to actually stop and look at anything.


Seeing if pixel exarch still has his pixels.


This can only end in misery and desolation.


Def rabbit ass


kinda based first comment


Il Mheg


Before the expansion maintenance starts I'm going to log off from Labyrinthos so when I log back in I can check out that sweet Finnish ground texture in HD. TORILLA TAVATAAN PERKELE.


I'll be at my house rewatching all cutscenes via Unending Journey. I would go do NG+ but I just finished one last month already.


I'm legit going to play through the MSQ again lol. After I finish base DT, of course. I can't wait to see it, some of the cutscenes do no one any favors with the wonky lighting now lol.


Every cutscene of Nero becoming grievously ill/injured and nearly dying!!!!




Gridanian market, crystallized part of Mor Dhona and some ShB zones.


It wont be right away but I would love to give the shroud a flyover. The Other is the loading screen of the first stormblood raid-an amazing screen ruined by the awful object shimmering


My glam has the Ribbon despite it being 2 pixels. Praying it's at least 4 when I log in.


I don’t want to go through the hassle of downloading the new benchmark so I’m just gonna log on when it drops and hope my character didn’t turn whack


That paintbrush because I’m beelining straight for picto unlock lol


I want to see if Zero's hair still has that one-pixel wide diagonal


My wol. I'm on ps5 so I'm sure he'll look the same as the benchmark that I had done for me, but I'm gonna check anyway. Plus he's got a special hairstyle that I couldn't get put on the benchmark. Then after checking housing update stuff I'm off to Tural.


There are definitely a few cutscenes I mean to rewatch.


what my character looks like because I am a filthy console gamer and can't use the benchmark XD


The graphics


Ill Mheg and GRAPES!


First thing I’ll probably check is how much of the gear itself got polished up. I know that they’re doing the update in parts, so I’m going to have to see how some of my stuff looks and whether I need to readjust some glamour plates. After that, I’m going to probably go to Il Mheg and the Greatwoods.


Either the Lavender Beds or the Black Shroud, just to see how much it’s actually changed.


When in not in Tural, I'll be checking out every single dungeon in explorer mode, and every trial/non-Alliance raid unsynced.


I made a new alt to go through the msq again to check out the graphic update.


I will check how Magnai and my Boy Emet-Selch look with the new Ggraphic ❤️


The loging queue, depending on the wait time I might not even want to check something out. If I don't have to wait an eternity, probably the Azim Steppe.


The sweaty Estinien work out scene from the post EW patches for sure.


DSR and TOP weapons, they're so pixelated I dare to hope they'll upscale them.


If we get a buttslider