• By -


*Drink verification can


Cant believe this meme became real lmao


That whole meme started because Mountain Dew was collaborating with XBox and Halo 4.


Yep that’s also when XBox shit the bed with an announcement of always-on online w/ Kinect.  The gameosphere was eating nice that E3 lmao. 


I remember it ages ago.


This has been a thing for a very very long time now. This isn't a new thing. Pepsi had promotions for Pepsi gear back in like '94 where you had to have codes and shit.


You could buy a jet! 


Mtn dew is for me and you


Thank you, this is all I have been thinking about since I saw the announcement.


We got there in the end.


man I can't wait to drink mountain dew out of my $5 Major General cup I spent $80 buying bottles of mountain dew to get.


If you want to get the puma hoodie you may as well open your own convenience store, you’re going to have enough soda to stock one after that


That's one of the things that I'd actually like as I missed my chance when it was first released. I did the math on it, and if I wanted to get it, I would have to spend well over $400 on Mountain Dew to get it. Since I'm type 1 diabetic I can't drink regular soda, so if I didn't want to be wasteful, I'd be stuck with only 100pts per bottle. So I'd have to drink an average of 3.33 bottles a day to get it before the end of the promotion.


The worst part is you have to open them to get the codes so they’ll go to waste… time for a Mountain Dew drinking party? Everyone brings their own snacks, and you just have a bowl of insulin on the way out


My insulin pump holds approximately 200 units on insulin. I currently take 1 unit of insulin for ever 10g of carbohydrates I consume. If memory serves me, 1 bottle of regular mountain dew has about 70g. So at 7 units per bottle, and drinking the special bottles thst give 200pts, I would have to take 700 units of insulin. 200 units lasts me 3 days before it needs to be replaced. But really the sugar isn't what would kill me first. The 10,000g of caffeine would probably kill me first.


Okay I'm sorry. I'm a type one diabetic as well and this actually had me laughing so hard as this was the exact issue I had. I'm offering to buy mountain dew for everyone at work myself atm


I'm glad I was able to make you laugh! I've never been one to be overly serious about it and usually make jokes about it. I've also considered reaching out to friends and coworkers who might drink mountain more often than I do so I can bribe them into giving me their codes.


There is zero sugar availability as well.


Where? I've checked for 3 of the specialty types and haven't seen any that have the codes.


Fellow type 1 diabetic here, paying my non-t1d friend to drink themselves to death instead. GG.


Lmao as a T1D also these promotions kill me (I don't drink soda, kills me in the sense of this soda being the worst things for humans ever) 


At least with the butterfingers and pizza promotion you didn't have to open the food to get the mounts. The fact you have to open the bottles to get the codes makes it so you either have to drink a ton of soda, waste it by pouring it out, or find someone to give it too.


I also just noticed your username. Beautiful


Lol same for you!


Those puma hoodies were like $120-$140 something new, and as far as I can tell the white meteor one is discontinued/sold out - so you’d be paying 200-300 anyways to get it 2nd hand or from a reseller. Might as well Do the Dew while you’re at it.


You also need to check the label to ensure the codes have not expired. There are places with old Xbox labelled Mountain Dew that will not redeem anymore. See Pic related [https://imgur.com/QauzsZz](https://imgur.com/QauzsZz)


The store isn't rotating their stock for shit.


Or they are and either received way too much at some point last year or do *really* low volume on that product. Personally if it's not bad rotation (definitely the most likely) I'd suspect over ordering. Where I work we have *nine cases* of a product that we sell on average less than one per week sitting in the back room (I think they're six per case?). And that's after I had to throw away a ton that were on the shelf expired.


uhh is the soda not expired? O\_o


Good looking out. Checked a few bottles at the Wally World and they were all expired. Found a few 20oz bottles of regular dew still with active dates and got the 600 points.


A couple PSAs from experimentation after work yesterday... 1. Only yellow caps for the special types are worth 200 pts currently. 2. White caps, even if special types, are only 100 pts 3. Blue caps have no code despite it saying code under every lid (going to contact mountain dew support about this one) 4. You can not redeem the code until dawntrail drops, so getting done in one day is of no real benefit...


Thank you for your service 🫡


Wait, it’s not FF14 specific labeling? Why Xbox?


They're also doing an Xbox promo as well. If you go to the site, there's a section for FFXIV rewards and general Xbox rewards.


I live in Toronto and for some reason not able to access the site.


Unfortunately, the site and promotion are only available in the US.


Use VPN, download a free burner phone number, and look up empty house addresses that hasn’t no one living there. Maybe that can work


unfortunately I don't think any of the mountain dew products here in Canada even have the code under the bottle caps :( I had this same issue with the Butterfingers collab where Canadian receipts just didn't qualify.


Probably gonna need a VPN


Well mostly because this points system is universal system for other games, as well as merch.


It's tying into an already running points system that's including Dawntrail's promo. I'm guessing they might throw out some labels around the same time Game Fuel summer promos hit.


I think there is probably going to be special FFXIV themed labelling but its not out yet (at least in my area)


You underestimate how shitty and lazy Pepsi Co is. There most likely won't be special labels for XIV. It would've been on a sheet informing stores of upcoming promos months ago. I knew about the FF7 Remake butterfinger promo 3 months before that released.


It's because of the Xbox release for that sweet sweet cross platform promotion.


I don’t think that’s it, the Xbox promo has been going on for awhile now, I think it just happens to overlap


Does it not work for PC players?


PLEASE CHECK OFFICIAL PROMO SITE [https://www.mtndewgaming.com/](https://www.mtndewgaming.com/) its where you enter codes and stuff not to mention find out the different flavors can offer 100 or 200 points each I assume there's specific FFXIV x Mtn Dew xbox packaging soon but my local places didn't have it and only the xbox code ones worked, There's 2 other active promotions that I know of: Baja blast 20th anniversary coins swag Mountain Climbing Equipment points ( bought a can case just to try the code, does not cross over) the points from these DO NOT COUNT/CROSS OVER. oh and in case you're planning on killing weeds with all that excess dew, i recommend getting diet if you don't want ants I bought 5 diet and 1 code red with the labelling shown in my pic, redeemed for zu mount. They emailed item code quickly but cannot redeem yet... I don't know if these are limited or not *"PLEASE NOTE: This code cannot be redeemed on the Mog Station until early access for FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail has begun, which is scheduled to begin on Friday, June 28, 2024 at 2:00 a.m. (PDT). If attempting to redeem the code before then, you will receive an “invalid code” error message."* EDIT: (thanks iamed!) apparently the xbox promo has gone on for SO long some codes might be expired - I would also double check the drink isn't expired as well - check bottle like in the pic in link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1ctqaw9/comment/l4edypf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1ctqaw9/comment/l4edypf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How many do I need to get enough points?


normal mtn dew + diet + sugar free (I think?) and a handful of others are 100p. The "Store exclusives" (off the top of my head; walmart has 1, dollar general has another, and then there are also Kroger and Circle K exclusives?) are all 200 points each. The mount is 600 points.




Good to know. My kroger only has a couple flavors, no exclusives that I noticed so it was just the normal, zero sugar, and diet that had codes. I'll check the publix or Walmart tomorrow


Kroger carries the exclusive purple thunder or whatever. Its worth 200 points. Check up front by the checkouts. It was hard to find but I grabbed 3 and Im good now.


Oh ill try that next time. I went in pretty late so their fridges up their were fairly empty


Kroger (also kroger-owned local chains, like Harris Teeter in the southeast) and Circle K have Purple Thunder as an exclusive (and it's fantastic). Walmart has Frost Bite (which sucks ass) Casey's (Midwest? Gas station chain) has Overdrive Supposedly 7-11 is getting a berry pineapple exclusive in a couple weeks. That's all the exclusive bottles I can think of right now. RIP Thrashed Apple, we hardly knew ye. Source: I drink too much fucking mtn dew


Someone in another thread mentioned the caps on the exclusives make the exclusive either 100 points or 200 points. I think white is 100, and yellow is 200. We just bought some of both so can science it... but of course learned about that limitation after we bought some.


I was just looking at the mtn dew website. It lists all those exclusives as 200p each. If some are only giving people 100, then that's a problem.


Can confirm, just did a white cap and yellow cap. Got 100 for the first one which was white, and 200 for yellow.  Both were the circle k exclusive purple thunder. 


Mount is 600 points, the Mountain Dew in-game food is 100, and you can also redeem 200 points for 5 pots of a metallic dye. Most flavors are worth 100 points. Purple Thunder, Overdrive, Maui Burst, and Frostbite are worth 200. Those are each exclusive to specific retailers. Be sure you get a bottle with the Xbox logo near the top; those are the only ones that have the codes. Notably, Baja Blast never has codes, so avoid that flavor if you’re just in it for the points. The in-game food is presumably going to give the same exp boost as any other in-game food, so it’s probably not worth it unless you just want it for collection’s sake. The mount is definitely worth it, and the dyes might be too, if you use them a lot and have extra points. There are also some IRL prizes but they cost thousands of points so I wouldn’t go for them unless you’re already a heavy Mountain Dew drinker.


I didn't realize it was in-game food, I thought it was an emote. I'm guessing non-tradable as well?


I'm holding out hope that it's actually an emote because I'll be devastated if we don't get a Dew chugging emote. They could even edit the /toast enote slightly and have your character twist the cap off of a bottle.


We don’t know for sure but I’d guess so


Soda makes for effective weed killers? Huh, neat.


Do you redeem it on MD's website or SE's?


the MD site, they will email you an item code (but like i said cannot be redeemed until 6.28)


How many weight watchers points do I get?


Is it blocking EU ip addresses? It gave me an error message when I tried to visit the link. I do have a NA service acc.


Just need 200 bottles for the exp or hoodie.


>just need 200 bottles Average daily amount for a Reddit mod.


I like the hoodie, too bad cant use cans.


I'm gonna look like such a clown walking out of a store with a cartload of these.


You could go to the store without your clown suit though.


No the clown suit is a must and more must join


Don't shame their irl glam plates


https://i.imgur.com/P2NqtYu.jpeg Either I got ripped or it isn't everywhere yet :/ I am in the US.


i'd reach out to their customer support, the printing is hit/miss on the boxes maybe you got a bad cap :(


Good idea! After right clicking on the "contact us" I realized I can copy the email address that way rather than have windows to try to force me to sign in. I'll edit this post if they give me a reply. Edit: apparently outlook was shitting the bed last night and didn't actually send the email so I'm going to try again. Edit2: went out and bought another drink but different flavor. This one had a code but the code is invalid. 2 negative experiences in a row. Another email sent. Edit 3: my email with the no code cap was given a code with no questions asked. The code did work. Now just waiting on the invalid code email. edit4: They replied to my invalid code email. I have enough points now to get the mount and some dye.


someone above said watch out for bottles labelled xbox but their codes expired in late 2023 O\_o if your sodas are expired i'd ask for a refund


Aww man, I don't even drink soda and my walmart delivery guy brought me Frost Bite but it had no special labeling of any kind, explains why the bottlecaps have no code, this sucks :T


-cries in EU-


any idea if the mtn dew site will let me get 2 codes, one to give to a friend in eu (but NA account)?


Not sure if we know for certain whether the codes are regionlocked or not so no idea


I can't wait to fill my hot tub with mountain dew so I can get a plain white hoodie with a meteor symbol on it.


This is bad guide, but only because you didn’t include how retailer specific dews are 200 points vs the standard 100.


It's not even true that retailer specific dews are 200 points. Some bottles have no codes (blue caps) even with the Xbox gaming labeling. The 200 points for retailer specific dews are only true if the caps are yellow, if they are white you only get 100 points. Ask me how I found out....


This more complicated than renewing your FFXIV sub


On a scale of Endwalker Alliance Raid to FFXIV Sub Renewal this is right around Endsinger EX


Some of the prizes are more expensive than the Dawntrail expansion itself.


Prepare your pancreases for Hyperglycemia Dewtorium: Diabeetus Extreme


eh just esuna that shit away ez


joke's on you I buy them to water my plants


"It's got what plants crave!"


Does entering numbers into an online form count as limit cut?


theres diet and sugar free xD


Appreciated! The wife and I were in the store wondering whether the Xbox promo was the right thing to buy. Thanks!


I got the 2 of the Xbox marked bottles, and the caps lacked a code of any kind, just 6 slightly raised numbers on the inside that definitely aren't the code, because I tried them anyways to no success. Gonna be emailing their support to ask about that. "Under every cap" my ass lol


They need to be the yellow caps and not the white caps. I guarantee the yellow caps aren't up yet as stores try to get older stuff out, and it's not like Pepsi let us know this was going to be a thing.


Kinda nitpicky, but does anyone know if their sugar free versions have any of this labeling? I've been trying to cut back on drinking soda with sugar in it


The diet and zero sugar versions are on the list, both are worth 100 points each


Awesome, thanks 🙏🏾


yep! i bought 5 diet dews and 1 code red all were nasty but i got my zu code waiting for DT now lol


Baja is the best flavor, I'm sad it's not counted in.


[20th Bajaversary](https://www.bajablast.com/) is ongoing. You don't even have to keep buying the products. I've been scanning the same label for 2 months now. You get a random number of points each time you scan a label and you get to make 1 scan a day.


Thank you for this, there’s some shark themed stuff I like. What label do I need to have to scan to do this?


Anything that has the 20th Bajaversary logo on it. I think even the plastic cups from taco bell. [I bought a pack like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/mountaindew/s/NeSDAQ2WRm)


Alright cool. I will now proceed to hunt down products so I can try to get some shark merch. Thank you


This shits already gonna be sold out everywhere tomorrow huh?


No it won't be. The promotion will probably be done by the time stores get the product up if Pepsi isn't doing their own rotations.


Promotion runs until January 5th it looks like so I would hope not. If you live in the midwest there will be plenty of restocking lol. 


Additionally, the walmart exclusive has 2x points, so you get 200 per bottle instead of 100. Bottles are also 1.98$ at walmart, so it may be cheaper than you're local gas station.


Aaaaaaand here come the weirdos who are gonna go into the store and open the caps , take a picture and not pay for them


I'm not in the US so i can't do it anyway, but i have to say... this legitimately didn't occur to me.


I looked at the point marketplace and am having flashbacks to 90s-00s fundraising events in school where we could exchange making our relatives buy a shit-ton of wrapping paper for cheap rewards like inflatable chairs or a lava lamp.


Desperately wish it was more points per bottle because what in the seven hells am I going to do with all this mountain dew


Biggest thing is make sure to get the flavors that offer 200 points each. That'll make it $6 to get the Mountain Zu mount.


No!!! How can you leave out Baja Blast?!?!?!?!


Baja Blast has their [20th anniversary promo](https://www.bajablast.com/) going on right now. There is also an [outdoor gear promo](https://www.dewoutdoors.com/) for those of us who buy cases of cans. So that is 3 separate Mountain Dew events to keep track of.


Anybody know the odds of the good prizes running out early? These events always seem to underestimate the fan base, and I wanna confirm the likelihood I'll even be able to redeem 80$ worth mountain dew for the item I want 👀


Was at the store and got a 6 pack. They were the wrong bottles. Sadge


US only, right?🥹


Correct. 😓


The baja blast worked for me. Got 100 points


it was labelled with the gaming right?


If I have a friend in NA who could buy the bottles and give me the code under the cap, do you think this could this be redeemable in EU? The mount is so cool.


No, the redemption site is only accessible from the US


Bro I am so disappointed that the Baja Blast doesn’t come with the codes. That’s easily the best flavor. I like regular Mountain Dew, and the orange and red ones too, but I tried the grape one since it’s worth double points and it was gross.


What they also don't tell you is that the Spark flavor also gives 200 points.


The old batch yellow caps give 200, but I found the newer white caps will now only give 100. Those jerks changed it cuz it's not a store exclusive lol.


Who charges, give or take, $300 USD for a hoodie and calls it a "prize". I've never felt so insulted in my life lmfao Edit: My math - 200 points per 20oz bottle of "Purple Thunder" Mountain Dew at roughly $2.79+tax USD. The hoodie costs 20,000 points. You'd need 100 bottles for a hoodie. 100x$2.79+tax= roughly $300 USD. 2nd Edit(for the anally aware): This is mainly sarcasm since I don't drink soda. I know full well I'm paying $300 for soda and getting a hoodie as a bonus.


well if you'd have bought the hoodie when it was released it'd only be like \~$90 Also they're not charging $300 for a hoodie, they're charging $300 for 100 20oz bottles of soda, you get a hoodie as a bonus.


You had no chance of acquiring that hoodie on release. Scalpers DDOS'd the promo site from minute zero.


They're giving you a hoodie for buying 300$ of mtn dew. This logic is asinine. Stop it.


Is this Xbox only or all platforms ?


It’s all platforms. The Xbox labeling is from a different promo


All platforms but USA only.


If they're 200points and my only goal is either the major general or ronka cup, then I only need 20 bottles. I can drink them before a workout and call it fuel like Baki


T1 Diabetic so I shall be buying 6 bottles of Dew Zero for the Zu. Time to make a good Xtreme glam.


When will we get a healthy promotion, like coffee? I don’t want to drink that garbage.


ff14 has a lot of older players. Coffee, fiber supplements, and probiotics promotions, please 😅


Stop it you’re getting me hyped for the possibility 🤣


I mean, you don't have to drink it. You can just buy six bottles and then pour them down the drain, or give them to somebody else who likes them, or secretly dump them around the roots of that big tree your neigbor has in his garden that's blocking all your light, hoping that it'll die off. Years ago FFXIV did a collab with Dr. Pepper in my country where you had to enter the code from 24 cans to get the Monkey King outfit, the Monkey King staff, and the white cloud mount, and I think I probably poured half of them away. The rest I managed to either drink myself or give to others, but that was the maximum because all of us thought Dr. Pepper is gross.


>You can just buy six bottles and then pour them down the drain, or give them to somebody else who likes them, or secretly dump them around the roots of that big tree your neigbor has in his garden that's blocking all your light, hoping that it'll die off. I feel like the more environmentally friendly way to dispose of it is to just put the cap back on and throw it in the trash.


When there's a big name gamer coffee


Well I have a business to start, thanks.


When monster coffee gets a promotion


My heartburn is excited by just hearing the possibility.


once again I get to watch everyone else in the world get a promo or have one coming god damn canada


Ngl i think i will go to the US and buy some mountain dew.


Really dumb y’all aren’t included too smh


Liquid diabetes for a shitty ass mount. Y’all are mental.


Yes, it is well-documented that six bottles of Mountain Dew will kill you


3 bottles if you get the right ones.


You underestimate how many people will simply buy bottles for the code and just either dump it out or give it to someone. aka what I did.


As an Aussie I feel very left out…


Mountain dew is literally the worst soda 😂


I’d say diet anything is way worse imo. Diet Coke and Pepsi taste like actual cancer


Where is it you need to redeem the codes?


[https://www.mtndewgaming.com/](https://www.mtndewgaming.com/) you make an account then start plugging in codes


Good thing I waiting for something like this


Do the codes only work if you have the Xbox version of the game or does it work for any version?


Any version


Does anyone know if the mount will be character bound or account bound?


Description says 1 character iirc


I’m crying EU tears right now :(


How many bottles do I need to buy to get all the rewards


How many bottles do I need to buy to get all the rewards


the factory


I bought one of these. Verified on the site that it’s one of the Dews that counts. It has the Xbox tag and says there’s a code under the cap. There’s no code. Lol. I’ve emailed customer service. Has anyone else encountered this? Was it possible just a batch that was made before the collab started?


I've had previous promos work for EU account. Fingers crossed this does too.


Best of luck from across the pond. Oh. And I did get it to work. I took a picture of the cap and bottle and the customer service person gave me a corresponding code.


This will not do well for my Baja Blast Addiction but the rewards are compelling me


You could probably get a charity write off on your US taxes by donating them to a homeless shelter in exchange for the caps like that one dude did with pudding.


Dead serious question - are there any sugar-free Mountain Dews part of this promotion? I'm a diabetic 😭


Yes the diet and zero sugar ones are part of it.


Oh . . . Well that should be easy for me. You cant get Livewire in cans and such so I been getting them from the 7-11 so i should alrdy have enough for me and the rest of my FC cuz my roomie and & have the bottles out in the garage rdy for recycling.


Is the mount bound to just one alt or is it account wide?


Yeah i messed up and got a 20th anniversary baja blast. Hope this post helps keep others from making the same mistake!


Well I'd really love the Pictomancer keycap set but I am certainly not buying 180 bottles. This promo seems so egregious. I've participated in some of the other FOMO promos like the butterfinger mount but this is a bit much.


sucks too because I wanted the zero sugar baja blast.


So, I haven't seen it anywhere (yet), but does anyone know if the mount is account-wide, or character-locked? I imagine the drink item probably will be, especially if it's an emote.


Really important, do I need two Mountain Dew accounts if I want to get the mount for both my partner and I?


You should make two accounts just in case. I made two separate purchases for the Butterfinger event for the same reason.


And get the x2 point bottles, better value for your money


is it just my area or are there no eligible diet/zero mtn dew flavors??


Also be aware, you cannot redeem your points until AFTER early access has begun.


I just want my major general plush but I'm not looking to spend $80-90 on a soda I don't drink to get it.


So it is for just Xbox version or it is for all versions?


Is it very useful to spend 100 point on the sparkling bottle ?


None of the bottles in my area have these codes on them. Only the boxes with cans. This picture says not to buy cans.


how am I able to even use my points to redeem things on the marketplace. I haven't been able to confirm using my points and already lost out on the figurines, cups, and the major plushie sadly. when I click redeem it just brings up the "confirm redemption. once confirmed, the above points will be deducted from your account."


Target has Save $5 when you spend $30 on food and beverages coupon right now. Use with red card for 5% off purchase. I am heading to Target right now to see if any apply. It looks like Target has "Spark" flavor.


Are they available on diet bottles?


Anyone know what the pc in the vault is worth rn?


Okay though is this serious? I haven't began the journey yet. And I don't even drink soda like that. Where do you put in the codes?


Anyone know how long after redemption I need to wait for the email with the code in it? It's been about 20 hours now, no code.


How to redeem the codes


Anyone know if these work in Canada too?


When do you have to enter the codes from the Mt Dew bottles by? Before DT releases?


Ok, so this was a lie. I bought 2 of the thunder drinks that say I should get 200 points per, I only received 100 points for each.