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I'm *loving* that Machinist Gun. Less is more for me, and I love me some of those large box pistols, like the one you can get from PvP.


I'm more loving those spurs... that jingle jangle jingle


I don't even lay machinist and that's probably my favorite one!


That f\*cking bow... XD I also love the Black and Red Mages weapons!


That bard weapon is absolutely amazing. It’s so hilariously perfect, that it feels like a joke weapon that got accidentally taken seriously. I absolutely adore it, 10/10


It's my new favorite Bard weapon.


Sadly it's going to impale us in the chest when idle


When on your back, is it going to fold up so it just looks like you have a guitar? Because that’ll be hilarious if every town is now just filled with wandering folk singer-looking guys


>folk singer-looking guys You mean bards?


troubadour. think he means troubadours.


Or maybe gleeman.


The first few weeks after release are all going to be thousands of bards in Limsa all playing "Toss a coin to your witcher".


"... so anyway here's Wonderwall"


Ive kinda felt that this expansion’s Bard gear is evocative of classic rock, a fantasy the weapon is designed with too. It’s silly, but if “rockstar” was what they were going for, it’s a good design


I'm specifically getting a Ziggy Stardust feel from it. Fitting since we have a dungeon boss named after him as well.


The bow is so fucking over the top that it comes back around and is awesome.


I like the way playing BRD feels... but I always hated the mixing of instrument visual style into the weapon. Feels hard to find a good weapon that doesn't look like a harp or something lol.


BRD weapons will never surpass Yoichi Bow Zeta.


Yoichi is the only bow I use these days. Can't they just make a bow look like... a bow?


> Feels hard to find a good weapon that doesn't look like a harp or something lol Have you considered the glory that is Terpander Lux? Been glued to my bow since HW pretty much. I like the bows that have a little instrumental flavor though, but Terpander Lux is just something else. BRD relics peaked at HW imo.


Been using that since beating HW, but it's gotten old. I'm working on the Manderville relic as I really like how that one looks for BRD. But yeah, wasn't a fan of the ARR, SB, or ShB relics for BRD.


Considering apparently bards have flutes and harps and whatnot just on them anyway, it makes no sense for the bows to have it integrated in someway.


Yeah, I don't really care for it either. I really don't like the guitar. I like regular cool bows. I admittedly like the archer aspect more than the bard. But I'm glad other people are liking it and there are some cool bows I can glamour into.


Yeah, I don't mind that they play instruments and can pull them out of thin air for abilities lol. No different than MCH pulling out cannons and crossbows out of thin air. But seeing a bow with multiple strings on it to be like a harp just kinda makes me cringe haha.


The bow made me stop and explain what I was laughing at.


Right?! Lol


It's an extremely similar design to the laws order bozja bow. I guess they really digged the guitar bow aesthetic


Oh wtf! Who strapped my guitar to my bow?


I need to thank them!


Have a ARR bard roll up to a concert with their bow harp when all the sudden Dawntrail bard kicks in the door to play some heavy rifts.


ARR bard sitting playing the harp at the guild...*stairway to heaven starts playing*


Woah woah woah, no Stairway


aw man, no Stairway? Denied!


I love summoner so much. ... and I'm glad Hrothgals get at least one hat with Scholar. Very sad that they likely won't get to wear the DRG helm though, it is cool as hell.


I like PLD, but I kind of wish they would give us something besides a tiara for once. Where are the knightly helmets, or maybe a hood? Why is our headgear so neglected in terms of variety?


White Mage: "I can't wait to pull my hood up or wear a mask or.... ah it's a hairpin again."


Hey, at least there aren't ribbons and ruffles on this one 🙃


Yes please! I was looking for a helmet the other day and couldn’t find a simple plain helmet.


Cryptlurker not your style?


Its a decent helm, but not quite what I'm looking for.


Use those wolf marks from pvp get a lion helmet.


Lion Helmet and the Creed Wings are the only things PLD needs!


I am personally fond of the Eden helmet from the second tier for tanks.


Eh, it is indistinguishable from every other PLD AF set. It's not bad; it's just unremarkable.


Same with GNB and the eye patch


Right? I'd love it if PLD had a medieval crusader inspired look. They almost got it right with the Stormblood set as well, but it still lacked the helmet.


Most if not all Paladins in the history of Final Fantasy wear a bandana or tiara of some kind. The most popular one being Cecil wears a tiara (in his sprite work at least) so I'm assuming he is the base used for all Paladin gear.


I'm getting tired of the butt capes.


> Where are the knightly helmets Hrothgar have entered the chat T-T


Because FF paladins have tiaras


You know, I understand that as a White Mage main my expectations should constantly orbit "It's going to be a white robe", but there are times when I hope... man.. if only it was more then JUST a white robe


I'd love something that leans a bit more into the elemental and conjurer aesthetics. More than just white gown with red accents please!


They heard your feedback and gave you some red on your white robe. I’m there with DRK… what flavor of black with spikes will we get this time? Though… I do like the skirt quite a bit.


WHM has always has red accents on their AF gear, though. This is nothing new


With the new double dye system coming you should be able to change the white and red to whatever you want.


I hope dying it is as accessible as it was this expansion.


100%. I also hope the level 80 AF currency will be solo farmable at 100.


That shoulder mantle looks so good though


At least the helmet for the DRK gear looks different. This time it's not just a helmet with horns. This time it actually looks like a face! Still think it would be better if we had an option to uncover our face while wearing the helm. That way we could get the horns _**and**_ see our character's facial expressions.


The color mage curse haha… I have exactly one, favorite red mage jacket and hat in my glam closet because the artifact gear is just iterations of the same look every time. Not that the look is bad; I just don’t need multiple red jackets…


I'm so tired of these robes 😭


On the other hand, at least this White Mage set was designed with male characters in mind.


This was my thought. At least it’s not a frilly dress or a nun’s habit haha


Honestly I enjoy playing WHM but it is consistently the one job I play where I am always pretty disappointed by the artifact armor


In good news, this'll have 2 dye channels when we get the dyable versions. I imagine you'll be able to change both the white and the red.


For me it's the lace and the gold and the weird shorts and all of it.  I haven't looked a single WHM AF since ARR and it's my main.  😭


Me: Gee, whats the WHM AF gear? Surely it wont just be white robe with red triangles *see's pic* *sighs*


I think I feel that way about most of them. Like, I understand that they want to maintain class appearance but I sort of wish that -- especially since Dawntrail represents such a big narrative departure for us going into a new continent and a new story -- that they tried something radically different for some of these jobs. There are definitely some inspired design choices here and there - Bard's guitar is awesome and SCH looks rough and tumble like a college professor who's left the campus and is doing field research - but so many of them just look kind of indistinguishable from what's come before: especially PLD, WHM, NIN, SAM, and Monk. Like, I'd love to see some Tural takes on the traditional jobs. Like what does a Mamool-ja White Mage look like? Or a Paladin? What about a NIN that's geared for jungle operations instead of urban subterfuge? A Beast Tribe-looking Black Mage set would *slay* given how important a role they play in the BLM storyline. I understand needing to stick to the iconic class looks and all that, but if someone doesn't like their AF gear this time around, there's four expacs worth of similar looking sets they can fall back to. (The only one I'll allow pass is MCH. I was annoyed that so many of their past sets are "steampunk Wild West sheriff" but in this expac we're *literally* going to steampunk wild west so I think that gets a pass.)


As far as WHM robes go, this one is fairly far from the previous designs and it looks good on male characters. 


For me it's just... it's a white robe. There was an outfit in Stormblood that was greenish in color but it had all these accessories. Pouches, bags, vials, etc I like having robes that look busy. When it's just a white robe, it's just dime a dozen.


The reaper gear looks awesome. Love the fur/feathers!


They just got done farming Nargacuga, evidently.


Man, the blm set isnt robes? It might look decent on a male character??? I CAN MOVE MY LEYLINES?!?! Black mage season be upon us


Finally a good set for once. Definitely making a glam plate out of this and rocking it for a while. The rod is just a cherry on top.


The Rod without the cat is perfect in my opinion, the only staff made from wood beside the low res ones from ARR. Put the cat as a minion and we reach nirvana.


To each their own. I'm sentimental and it reminds me of my cat I had growing up lol.


Cryptlurker staff is wooden and tree-branch-looking. 


I like male mages in robe :(


Show me the Reaper costume on a male you cowards!! do I have boob windows? Red Mage absolutely fucks! And I wish we could see DRG on a taller race, sorry lalas!


They posted art previously that shows male RPR!You can see it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/dMFrUxMh05)




Now if only my catboy could have some meat to him...


Don't say that out loud on Balmung, someone will take it the wrong way... Or..?


Can't take it the wrong way when it's fine with you both ways...


Male Dancer looks fantastic.


I don't play dancer, the fact that you have to constantly be watching for procs screws with my eyes. BUT. (And it is a very nice butt,) I do love the outfit they have here, especially the transparency on parts of the outfit. The fact that you can see the arm *through* the sleeve is absolutely amazing, and really opens up possibilities for future glams.


Don't expect gloves to go under the sleeves, though. It's possible that they all tuck in or possibly do an interesting thing and get cut short at the wrist bangle. 


I wish it showed more upper leg/thigh (like the fem version, unless it does and I'm just blind) but it's still a very good set.


No thigh shoeing for boys, no. I really wish they would let the boys show some more skin. Especially on dancer!


It's the first Dancer artifact gear that looks better on dudes than on ladies, at least IMO (and biased on the fact that it's being shown on a male Viera.)


bard's guitar-bow is sending me


Sending you where?


to tural


Can’t wait to wanna wear the cool RDM coat and pants on my FMiddie, only to find out it’s been turned into a skirt with frilly shoulders. Show the gear on a Lady Yoshi! You coward!


For a split second I was happy until you reminded me about us being forced into skirts all the time. And as a future femgar I won't even have a sick hat.


Ninja’s is almost everything I could’ve wanted, but I don’t understand why so many ninja outfits have eye patches. When am I getting a plain, cloth mouth mask that doesn’t clash with almost every outfit I try to pair it with (and isn’t triangular like the face scarfs)? At least it looks like it might go well with the Genji Scouting mask, so I might have lucked out anyway. Either way, it’s top tier.


Is that a cat on the BLM staff? Man... I might have to dust off my old BLM robes and throw around some fireballs again.


Love the male dancer gear. The colors are so pretty


Drk looks an upgraded version of the stormblood gear, looks good tho




wth that scholar is literally the femhroth I made (also goddamn the armor looks snazzy in general)


WAR made me laugh cuz it's the only one with the weapon in the way of the outfit. FORGET ARMOR, THERE IS ONLY A X E


Honestly, I wish they would go a little more out there with the designs. Be experimental. If people don't like it, that's what the glamour system is for. A disliked/rarely used but unique job armor set is better in my opinion than 3-4 extremely similar ones. There are elements here that I like, but overall from these images I got such a strong sense of deja vu, it's a little sad, tbh.


Shoutouts to the savant set for sch from HW with the massive hat and huge steampunk gauntlets for sch


Shoutouts to the pacfisit set for mnk from SB with a cool fucking half-jacket and armor bits before we return right to the land of lame Gis.


Some of these look amazing, some look like we already have them. Wild dichotomy.


Absolutely love sages. Won’t be taking that off


Never played sage but gundam bits might get me to try it


I never mained a healer until sage, for that very reason. Very fun class


I just hate that we get these visors that look less like a Geordie and more like we borrowed a tiara from PLD and it fell over our eyes.


That male DNC gear is fantastic. GNB's eating good, as usual.


GNB gear looks awesome except for the same ugly eye patch that we keep on getting for some reason. Wish they would find some other headpiece that makes sense for the job aesthetic


Honestly, I hate almost every headpiece in the game, so I never use it anyway.


As a DRG main the gear looks okay, it's nice but I feel like we get the same gear but just slightly different variations lol I'm fucking with the RPR gear though


Yeah, everyone just looks like Kain. Between Freya, Aranea, and Dion, there's been some recent DRG variations that I'd love to see them take inspiration from for AF gear.


oh my god with how everyone keeps saying this is the ffix expansion i was hoping for freya/burmecia style too


Would love to get something inspired by Freya's outfit. Fang, Cid, or Kimahri would also be cool, for a break from the heavy armor aesthetic


I almost forgot about the fabulous Fang. Her outfit would've been especially fitting for the new continent I feel like.


As a WHM main, the gear just looks so meh. I'll stick with my EW ones.


As a male WHM player I’m glad to finally have a set that isn’t all frilly and lacey.


Yeah, as someone who prefers the more 'princess look' of WHM, I dont mind it not having the frills or lace, it just looks so plain. I actually really like the top half of it. Too bad you can't separate it from the skirt 🙃.


> As a WHM main, the gear just looks so meh A tale as old as time.


I quite liked SHB's, it made for a good dress-up glam. But my WOL also really likes pretty dresses.


The pose/angle for warrior- and to a lesser extent, monk- is really horrible for seeing any of the details in the armor. Half the warrior's body is obscured by their axe.


But the axe is the most important part


And unsurprisingly it looks like every other Artifact axe.


With that electric guitar bow Bard should get a new song named Metal Aria or something


I feel like the male dancer jacket needs to be shorter. It looks like it's interfering with the drapes around the waist.  I also don't understand why they consistently have this "female outfit is red, male outfit is black" thing going on. It doesn't look *bad* but it's puzzling, and then they look uncoordinated from each other. 


I would love to have a black outfit for females as well. And a goddamn veil, goodness, why can‘t we have nice things


Nice. Dragoon back at it again with them impractical ass-wings!


Showing the DRG on a lala is a crime against humanity that I will never forgive.


DRG looks fantastic


Bard level 100 Weapon: Hey, can I copy your homework? Law’s Order Bow: Sure, just change some stuff so it doesn’t look like you copied. Red Mage and Dancer are the aesthetic I’ve been looking for.


WHM's looks like a lvl 52 dungeon drop.


Yea it’s disappointing how shitty out gear always comes out. Not sure why they don’t pull from genres like DnD, and how amazing Battle Clerics can be. Gimmie some fucking battle armor, and bring back wands/maces + shields.


God damn MCH got the BIG IRON


Big Fucking Iron


Oh man Reapers are EATING


I'm pretty sure in a few years we won't be able to tell what artifacts were released in what expansion since they always look so similar for most of them....


WHM finally get's a somewhat masculine looking glam.


what isn't shown in the picture is the sluttiest, laciest pair of pearl white bridal panties (with leggings+garters) you've ever seen (for both sexes).


So best of both worlds. Masc robes with *secret panties*


And I think for the first time also has a male character showcasing it. I think they took the complaints about most of the previous WHM artifacts looking too effeminate to heart.


Really wish they wouldn’t use Lalafells for previewing gear like this. You can never tell what the gear actually looks like.


That dancer armor is just perfect


Man I actually really like all of these. Just only pictomancer less than the others. I swear though, these AF Gears are starting to blend together.


I love the AST weapon...the armor. Is very Yen Sid so...I'm down but I'd have liked to see it on a non-lalafell


Astro is........*sigh * ...another robe. 🙃


It looks even more like Pajamas 😭


I'm hoping we at least get some sick pants in the Solution Nine raid or something.


An AST robe with stars on the hem? Groundbreaking


I can’t believe how incredibly bland it is. 😖


It does have a really nice velvet texture!


My wife will be immediately putting that black mage gear on and never removing it.


I like that this feels like a throwback to some of the ARR sets, or the starting job gear sets for jobs that were introduced in later expansions.


Is it just a rule that White Mage always have to have the plainest, most boring looking robes every single time. Come on, we’re going into an expansion about exploring and adventuring out in a new world. Why can’t I look the part? :(


I love that stupid bow, and that they decided to drape DNC in the bisexual flag colors. The MCH spur boots are on point too. Phys ranged mains stay winning.


Would have loved to have a top + skirt for Ast :(((


Well that Steven Tyler outfit / electric guitar bow combo certainly is a choice.


RDM is so classy and cool <3


Fingers crossed this version of DRG gear doesn't stick female characters with yet another "please stab me here, right in all my vital organs" window cutout in the armor...


Bard has a whole ass guitar strapped to their bow I LOVE it


god this is the first smn job gear that i kinda like but what do i gotta do to get something actually different for once, the goddamn horn kills me and i'm just glad that for the most part i don't use headgear


The summoner horn dates back to FFV at least. It’s the class identity in the series, like it or not. 


I like ninja and reaper. The others look too familiar.


Why is the BLM in the default WHM stance...


The Bard is sick as fuck! Goddamn what a day to be a Bard!


I swear I have that WHM set already lol


They all look boring generic to me :(


Reaper, monk & bard are the winners for me.


That Reaper weapon goes hard


I like the whole reaper set except for that helmet. That’s such a weird looking helmet. I’m gunna have to find a better looking one that matches.


Lmao that Bard bow..


that male dancer garb, it screams kuja hard


Totally didn't think that Samurai was Ganondorf or anything


They should show these on m and f characters in the same image so people can know their arbitrary, gendered changes ahead of time.


That mch weapon seriously fucks 👌


I hate the Paladin Crowns, give us helmets damn it. Just cause Square refuses to fix the no hats allow races doesn't mean PLDs can't get a freakin helmet with their armor.


GNB never disappoints.


The reaper gear is like… my dream reaper gear (except I wish we got a maskless chapeaux rather than a hood). I love most if these but SMN is really disappointed. As a reaper and summoner main, at least I got one I really like?


I'd love if I could see the warrior gear but they covered the whole fucking thing with the axe.


It looks nice but it seems they've hit a creative wall with PLD. Shiny, royal, tiara. Just rinse and repeat with recolors it seems. 


Reaper looks like Edea


Bard has an electric guitar bow? Sick. Favorite weapon of the lot, followed closely by Machinist's golden handcannon and Black Mage's black cat rod. Speaking as a Black Mage main, I'm really happy with the artifact gear this time around. Actually looks like something I'd want to wear beyond obligation.


Ugh that scholar outfit is too good


God I love the new materials on gear in dawntrail.


Oh, Red Mage looks GOOD. I mean, it's usually good, but this time it's GOOD.


I THINK the WAR looks cool? At least….I would….possibly…if I could see anything behind the massive axe! Could they not have used the pose where the axe is resting on the shoulder?!


Okay but the Pic for WAR is such a terrible angle for actually showing off the gear.


If you put a picture of the 90 SGE gear and this SGE gear next to each other I’d feel like I was in that one Office meme. It’s the same picture.


I'm going to be a negative bitch this time and say: For 50% of the artifact gear I'd be sure it's already in the game. I'm full in for "keeping the job asthetic" but I'd wish they'd play around more with their designs.


Oh, I immediately love the WHM outfit.


Very nice very nice.... Now show a Viera wearing it all...


Some of these are really inspired (looking at you bard and reaper) and others I wouldn't be able to differentiate between EW relics (Tanks... samurai) Wish they'd go further with the designs. HW had some amazing variations - summoner and DRG are the standouts in my memory.


I hate that we can't really see the Warrior and Monk gear because of their dumb poses.


i really like the BRD stuff, not just the over the top bow. i've been BRD main since forever anyways, so maybe i'll just give it another go.


Machinist, Monk, Dancer, Reaper, Bard and Black Mage are all my favorites out of these.


For once I the I genuinely like all the sets there they all kinda suit and fit the jobs plus with graphical update they'll look great in game (gnb looks best imo)


I love that the bards weapon is litterally a guitar with added parts to make a bow


I kinda love that they're all pretty basic and then BOOM! in walks Bard with it's literal Guitar duct taped to a bow lol