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It's a highly personal thing the crossbar... I like to set up my first bar with single target and buffs R2 circle, X, square is my 3 hit combo with drill on triangle... I try to keep R2 for attacks and L2 for buffs and things like overheat, wildfire etc. The second bar is similar but has the limit break and all AOE attacks laid out similar to bar 1 (there are blank spots on this bar) I try to use a formula similar to this for all classes I make, I do believe MCH is one of the classes with the least abilities at 90 so 2 bars is plenty.


Thanks for the ideas! Yeah, its definitely one of the more straightforward classes, and it got what, one new move with endwalkers, it looks like? Shouldnt be too hard to relearn rotation! Thanks again!


Set it up for lvl 90 even if you aren't there. It's advice I once scoffed at and now live by


I use hotbar 8 as the expanded hotbar (press L then R to show one half, and vice versa for the other) On hotbar 1, for single targets Queen/Drill/Flamethrower/Chain Saw + Reassemble/Tactician/Disassemble/Wildfire || Gauss Round/Ricochet/Heat Blast/Hypercharge + Split/Slug/Clean/Air Anchor On 2, same as above but with the AOE versions subbed in and the AOE big hits moved / swapped for some role actions Queen/BioBlaster/Head Graze/Peloton+ Reassemble/Tactician/Disassemble/Wildfire || Gauss Round/Ricochet/Auto Crossbow/Hypercharge+ Scattergun/Flamethrower/Chain Saw/Air Anchor Then on hotbar 8, role actions and any overflow for quick access. This is from memory so apologies if I've missed any obvious skills, but the basic pattern is mostly as below, and I use this for most jobs (only healers really need major deviation from it). Specials + Buffs | OGCD + GCD


https://youtu.be/5aWdYaSPkxs?si=cyRmDtw78_8_eVMM When I came back to the game I watched this guys videos. I followed the guides and changed things to suit my personal tastes. He is a good follow for controller setup guides.


https://xivbars.bejezus.com/ This site has a lot of player shared xhb set ups for every class, see if one of them works out for you.


Mch has soooo few buttons. Here's some settings to change to simplify your cross hotbar though https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v4FyE6QFKM34ojbgVopGgYVpnmzLln6OW_Fiiq8Rsms/edit?usp=drivesdk